The Mahabharata War teaches us lessons in value and virtue. Some great warriors fought with courage. Do you know about the forgotten advisor of the Mahabharata, Vidur? Let’s discuss Vidur in Mahabharata, his birth, his pieces of advice, Niti, and many more aspects that show the path of righteousness in our lives.
Who is Vidur in Mahabharata?
Vidura is the son of sage Vyasa and the maiden Parishrami. He was the half-brother of Dhritarashtra. Mandavya Rishi cursed Yama, saying that he would be the son of a maid in his next life. He was born in the mortal world as Vidur or Vidura. Krishna called him Dharamaraja. His wife’s name was Sulabha. He had many sons.
The Mahabharata does not mention any of their names. Vidur was the wise advisor of the Pandavas and Kauravas, who protested against the game of dice. He gave them wise advice during the Kurukshetra war. Vidur in Mahabharata later became the prime minister of the Hastinapur Kingdom.
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How was Vidura Born?
Vidur was Yama, The God of Death, before becoming the maid’s son. How he was born in the mortal world surprises us. Let’s know the reason that compelled him to take the birth of a wise advisor.
Mandavya Muni’s Curse
Mandavya Rishi cursed Vidur in Mahabharata to take the birth of a Sudra. Yama impaled him. Sage Mandavya was not given a valid reason for this.
Vidur’s Early Life
Yama took the birth of a low-caste child to the Sage Vyasa and Parishrami. The maiden, Parishrami, gave birth to him through Niyoga. ( Hindu practice of ancient India for the widows to produce a child with another individual). She was not scared of the Niyoga process compared to Ambika and Ambalika, the queens of Vichitravirya. In the process, Ambika got scared and closed both her eyes. She gave birth to King Dhitarashtra, who was blind. Ambalika was frightened. She did not close her eyes. She gave birth to Pandu. He was an albino. Vidur’s mother was unafraid. This made him become the wise man in the court of Hastinapur.
Vidur was a wise person. He was excellent in Nitishastra. His brothers enjoyed privileges in the kingdom. Vidhur was not given any of them. He had a low status. His grandchildren, the Kauravas and the Pandavas, admired and respected him for his powerful advice. Krishna admired Vidur for his wise sayings. Duryodhana was annoyed by this and planned to burn them alive.
Vidur in Mahabharata: The Game of Dice
We know the Game of Dice led to bloodshed in the Mahabharata War. Vidura warned the Kauravas several times to stop humiliating Draupadi. He told Yudhisthira not to play the game of dice. Yudhisthir did not listen to him at any cost. The angry Duryodhana told Vidura he was ungrateful. Vidur’s half-brother, Dhritarashtra, wanted to stop his son from insulting his brother. He remembered that Vidur had told him a blind king could not rule.
This prevented him from holding his tongue against Duryodhan. Vidur, seeing this, sided with the Pandavas in the Kurukshetra war. He had no enmity with Duryodhana, Dhritarashra, or any Kauravas in the Kingdom. Vidur, in Mahabharata, told Krishna that he would not participate in the battle.
The Bond of Krishna and Vidur in Mahabharata
Vidur was Lord Krishna’s devotee. They shared a bond of devotion and purity. Lord Krishna visited Hastinapur to meet the Pandavas before the Kurukshetra. The Kaurava, Duryodhana, requested him to come to his palace. Krishna refused and went to Vidura’s chamber. The Lord believed he was different from others in the Kingdom.
Duryodhan thought of impressing Krishna by inviting him to his palace. Lord Kishna was already aware of his evil intentions. This was why he stayed in Vidur’s chamber and ate with contentment what he offered to him. He was the one who realised Krishna. He knew the Lord was Vishnu, who came to bring Dharma.
Vidur broke his bow and arrow and told Krishna he would not go against the Kauravas before the war. He did this for his grandchildren. Vidur loved his brother Dhritarashtra. He called them his family. This was why Vidur thought not to take such actions against his beloved family.
Vidur in Mahabharata: His Advice and Niti
Lord Krishna encouraged Vidur to take advice. Let us know this quickly! He wanted to tell everyone that the war would only bring troubles to everyone’s life. Duryodhana was annoyed by this. He told Vidur that he was born to a low-caste mother. The person said that he had been betraying Kauravas, who fed him. According to Mahabharata, if Vidur fought with Kauravas, the Pandavas would have failed. This did not happen. Vidur resigned from his post as Prime Minister. He broke his bow and arrow, which had been gifted to him by Lord Krishna.
The Vidur Niti
Vidur made his Niti, which suggested how a leader should be. He said that a leader should not only be good in the art of war. The leader needs to show compassion and act wisely. Vidur, in Mahabharata, stated suggestions about leaders. These were:
- He should wish prosperity for everyone. A particular group should not hope for prosperity.
- The person should help those in distress and the needies. A needy individual’s suffering should not be avoided.
- He should show compassion to everyone.
- The leader should treat his followers fairly. He should ethically follow his principles.
- Serving the poor needs to be a priority.
- He should teach the importance of knowledge and learning.
- People with bad intentions should not accompany the person.
- Wealth should always be well-utilised by him. He should understand the value of virtue.
- A leader should point to ministers in his court who know the value of virtue.
The person should promote profit and virtue. Good work done by people can earn significant profits.
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The Death Of Vidur
After the Mahabharata war, Vidur in Mahabharata resumed his position as a Prime Minister in the Kingdom. Yudhistir told him to do it after he became the King on the throne. Many years passed away, the queens Gandhari, Kunti and Dhritarashtra decided to live in a forest. Along with them came Sanjaya, Dhritrashtra’s advisor and charioteer. Yudhisthira remained and kept ruling his Kingdom.
After some years, Yudhisthira visited his family in the forest where they went. He found Vidura was dead. He came close to Vidur’s body. Vidur’s spirit went inside his body. Yudhisthira realised that he and Yama were the same. He left his body in the woods as ordered by a heavenly voice.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Who is the forgotten Hero of Mahabharata?
2. How powerful was Vidur in Mahabharata?
3. Was Vidura a good warrior?
4. Why did Vidura not fight?
5. Was Vidur Intelligent?
6. Who did Vidura Marry?
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