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Why You Should Sit On The Floor While Eating

By August 27, 2024No Comments
Cultural Significance Sitting on the Floor while Eating

Nowadays, we have meals on a chair, but most Indians talk about having meals while sitting on the floor, which can lead to good health. Also, the household elders tell us different directions, positions and benefits of eating on the floor. Are you curious about why you sit on the floor while eating? Let’s learn about this in depth.

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Origin of Eating on the Floor

In the early days, noblemen and ordinary people loved to eat while sitting on the floor. It was said that eating on the floor can be beneficial if one follows Ayurvedic principles. These comprise Sattva ( purity), Rajas ( activities) and Tamas (darkness), which help a person digest his food correctly.

Also, some other cultures prefer to eat on the floor because they think sitting on the floor while eating will keep diseases at Bay! Okinawa people, Koreans, and the Chinese have relied on eating while sitting on the floors, as their ancestors followed this same practice.

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Importance of Eating on the Floor

Sitting on the floor while having food is of great importance. Some of these are:

In Indian Culture: Sitting on the Floor and Eating

Indians believe in sitting on the floor while eating meals, which promotes a healthy lifestyle. The new generation eats their meals sitting on a chair, which can harm health. Our elders have always advised us to eat on the floor because it improves blood flow.

It also enhances family bonding, as everyone sits in the same position to have the food. It’s also vital, as the Indian people believe it makes a person humble. Elders tell us that when we sit on the floor to have our meals, we follow the concept of yoga. One also considers it significant for psychological reasons.

Scientific Importance: Sitting Cross-legged and Eating

Sitting cross-legged is helpful as it circulates blood in our body. Eating on the floor is vital as the nerves of our body send signals to our brains about an empty and full stomach. Hence, we eat gradually and avoid having too much food.

Moreover, it’s believed that sitting cross-legged improves digestion by activating the abdomen muscles. Body exercises can help us decrease fat and lose weight when we stand up and sit down. They also help one get rid of weakness and fatigue.

The Sukhasana yoga position is related to the cross-legged position, which can help maintain postures. Also, studies claim that people who practice sitting on the floor while eating can have a long life expectancy.

Benefits of Sitting on the Floor While Eating

Sitting on the floor can be highly beneficial when one is having his meals. This leads to better physical and mental health. These are:

  • The cross-legged position, called the palthi posture, is related to padmasana and Sukhasana yoga postures. These postures give one flexibility and relieve joint pains.
  • Also, this position is beneficial for the secretion of abdominal acids during digestion.
  • Sitting in the cross-legged position helps one quit overeating to lose weight.
  • It helps us properly absorb nutrients and vitamins such as vitamin B12 and Vitamin D.
  • Moreover, it keeps our spinal pain away and relieves us from high blood pressure.
  • Sitting in a cross-legged posture helps us in relaxation.
  • It also aids emotional factors as it makes us grounded when we sit down to have our meals. 

Other Benefits of Eating on the Floor

Are you eager to know about other benefits besides health-related ones, such as sitting posture while eating? Let’s quickly know about these:

  • Humans connect with Mother Earth, where Muladhara (Root Chakra) is our support base.
  • This helps balance the energy flow through our body. 
  • It helps us to pay attention to what we are eating.
  • It also helps us make a good bond with our family.
  • This positively fosters communication in both ways- with self and others.

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Vastu Shastra: Correct Direction to Eat

The Vastu Shastra tells one the correct directions for eating his food, as health and directions are linked. When one eats in the east direction, his health is said to improve, and he’s said to improve his digestion process.

Also, one should not intake food in the south direction, according to vastu, because this direction is said to bring Yamaraj ( God of death). So, one should avoid eating food in this direction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why do people sit on the floor and eat?

People sit on the floor while eating because it helps them change their lifestyle. They accept a healthy life and leave behind bad habits.

2. Why is it important to sit down while eating?

It is essential to sit down while eating because food stays in the stomach for a longer time.

3. Why do Indian people like to sit down and eat?

Indians prefer to sit cross-legged while eating because it helps them maintain a healthy lifestyle. Besides, sitting down and eating is rooted in their culture.

4. What is the healthiest position to sit on the floor?

The healthiest sitting position is sitting on the floor with your legs crossed. This position allows you to move freely without effort and can improve your flexibility.

5. What is the difference between Sukhasana and Padmasana?

Sukhasana and Padmasana are yoga positions related to cross-legged posture. The difference between them is that the Sukhasana position involves resting the feet on the floor, while the Padmasana position involves placing the feet on top.

6. Which cultures sit on the floor to eat?

Indian, Korean, Okinawan and Chinese people prefer to sit on the floor while eating, and other cultures also like to have meals on the floor.

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Gargi Bagchi

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