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Saturn Retrograde 2024: Effects on the Zodiac Signs

By May 30, 2024May 31st, 2024No Comments
Saturn Retrograde 2024_

The Saturn Retrograde 2024 effects are approaching soon. It can have good effects as well as bad effects. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s move ahead and see which zodiac signs have been affected. 

Saturn Retrograde 2024 starts on June 30, 2024, at 12:35 AM and ends on November 15, 2024, at 07:51 PM, and the duration is 139 days. Now, let’s move ahead with the zodiac signs that are affected by the phase.

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Saturn Retrograde 2024 Effects on Each Zodiac

Have you been thinking about Saturn Retrograde? The Saturn Retrograde meaning the planet Saturn is moving backwards in its orbit from the perspective of Earth, and it is believed that it will influence our life as per the karmic deeds we have done.

Also Read: Hidden Secrets of Saturn Retrograde in Vedic Astrology

1. Aries (Mar 21 -Apr 19)

Patience is the key for you during this phase as it will focus on your career as well as your long-term goals. Things may become difficult initially in the career, but later on, it will take the route towards growth.

2. Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

Taurus people with the Saturn Retrograde 2024 effects will be unstable in their growth. It can be personal, educational or professional. But, later in time, you will see that progress is taking place slowly. 

3. Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21)

Gemini folks will get impacted a little more with their partnership, whether it is personal or professional. Things can be a bit challenging, but as time passes, the issues will be resolved but will require more effort, communication and commitment.

4. Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22)

The Saturn Retrograde 2024 effects for Cancer will affect your health and will influence your work, which can be very stressful. It is suggested to maintain a routine and take care of your well-being. 

5. Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

The effects of the phase on the Leo zodiac sign will increase your creativity and self-expression for you. This can initially become a bit stressful, but you will get the hang of it later on. You will become more romantic during this time.

6. Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22)

The Saturn Retrograde will affect Virgo’s life a lot and will influence the home, family, love and emotional security. This time can be a bit challenging, but soon, things will take place, and it will have a positive influence on your life. 

7. Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 23)

Although, everything seems to be okay for the Libra during the phase but it can effect the communication, learning and short distance for sometime and the positive changes can be seen by the end of the phase.

8. Scorpio (Oct 24 – Nov 22)

The Saturn Retrograde 2024 effects on the Scorpio zodiac sign will be challenging in terms of finances, self-worth and the values of Scorpios. Things seem to be doing better later on, but it will require a lot of effort.

9. Sagittarius (Nov 23 – Dec 21)

The phase of Saturn’s Retrograde may make you feel like it is affecting and making things challenging for you related to your identity, self-expression and personal goals, but this will take a bit more effort from you to be the same as earlier.

10. Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

The phase will be beyond imagination for the Capricorn as the planet Saturn is their ruling planet and the retrograde could bring strong emotions and motivations of self-discipline, responsibility and long term planning.

11. Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius zodiac sign will influence the spiritual growth and behind-the-scenes of work. This will also make you more aware of your emotions and desires in the subconscious mind. 

12. Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

For the Pisces zodiac sign, the Saturn retrograde 2024 effects will bring challenges to your social connections and the bond with your groups. This can be hurtful for you, but as time passes, you will be able to handle the challenges. 

Also Read: How Does Uranus Retrograde In Taurus Affect Your Zodiac Sign?

Remedies for Saturn Retrograde Ill Effects

  • Chant Shani Beej Mantra.
  • Light a Diya under the Peepal tree and use mustard oil every Saturday.
  • Recite Hanuman Chalisa.
  • Upon Visiting the Shani temple, do not come in front of Lord Shani or look into his eyes.
  • Donate shoes and slippers to the needy.
  • Once in three months, leave your slipper outside the temple. 

Important Dates of Saturn Retrograde

Start Date and Time

End Date and Time

Number of Days

June 30, 2024, at 12:35 AM November 15, 2024, at 07:51 PM 139
July 13, 2025, at 09:36 AM November 28, 2025, at 09:20 AM 138
July 27, 2026, at 01:25 AM December 11, 2026, at 05:00 AM 138
August 9, 2027, at 11:33 PM December 24, 2027, at 08:16 AM 137
August 23, 2028, at 03:46 AM January 5, 2029, at 06:07 PM 136
August 23, 2028, at 03:46 AM January 5, 2029, at 06:07 PM 136
September 6, 2029, at 02:04 PM January 19, 2030, at 09:22 AM 135
September 21, 2030, at 02:58 AM February 2, 2031, at 07:54 AM 135
October 5, 2031, at 04:18 PM February 16, 2032, at 12:29 PM 134

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How long will the Saturn Retrograde will be there?

Saturn Retrograde 2024 duration is for 139 days.

2. Can the remedies help with the ill effects of the retrograde?

Yes, these are the general remedies and will help everyone lower the effects but if you want to follow personalized remedies, you can connect with an experienced astrologer.

3. Does the Saturn Retrograde take place every year for the same duration?

No, the Retrograde takes place for different durations and at different times every year.

4. What is the significance of Saturn Retrograde as per astrology?

The Saturn Retrograde takes place and takes positive as well as negative influence on your life according to your past life Karma and gives you an opportunity to cleanse it.

5. Does the Saturn Retrograde only affect career?

No, the phase affects each and every part of your life, including career, relationships, family, education, travel and health.

6. When your ruling planet is Saturn during the Saturn Retrograde 2024 effects?

The zodiac sign with the ruling planet, Saturn, is Capricorn, and this makes their rules and regulations of doing something more strong.

Also Read: Mercury Retrograde 2024 Dates, Effects And Significance

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About Rakhi

Hi! I love reading and writing and I am always passionate about writing my thoughts and share them with all the reader.