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Monthly Tarot Predictions for November 2024 

By October 29, 2024No Comments
Monthly Tarot Predictions for November 2024 

Just two months more, and 2024 will come to an end, giving away closures and new beginnings. But here is the catch: a lot can happen in two months. Maybe the wheel of time will turn in November and fulfil every wish on your bucket list. Our monthly tarot predictions below have answers for all your maybes. 

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Monthly Tarot Predictions for All Zodiac Signs: 

Let’s begin this monthly tarot reading with a big spoiler: November promises abundance and prosperity for everyone. Some will get rich in love, while others will enjoy the richness of health. Find out what kind of richness and prosperity awaits for your zodiac sign. 

1. Aries Monthly Tarot Horoscope (March 21- April 19) 

Tarot Card of the Month: Six of Cups 

Whenever the Six of Cups appears in horoscopes tarot reading, nostalgia, comfort, and warmth follow around. For Aries, November is about getting hit by the waves of nostalgia. 

So, don’t act shocked if someone from your past crosses paths with you this month. However, not every wave of nostalgia is happy or pleasant! Past financial mistakes can still cause regret and suffering. 

  • Tip from the universe: Reconnect with your roots 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I honour my past and make a wondrous future 
  • Key areas to focus on: Financial decisions and love life decisions 

2. Taurus Monthly Tarot Horoscope (April 20- May 20) 

Tarot Card of the Month: The Hermit 

Last month, the people around you witnessed your most competitive side. It looks like the spell of last month’s energies is over, and you will find your calm and gentle side again. So, your monthly tarot predictions hint meditation and introspection might become common. 

As you take time to introspect everything, you will likely find a solution to every problem, especially your finances. However, this period of solitude might create problems in your relationships. Your loved ones or partner might feel rejected or ignored. 

  • Tip from the universe: Give yourself a time for self-reflection 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I deserve privacy and solitude 
  • Key areas to focus on: Introspection in love 

3. Gemini Monthly Tarot Horoscope (May 21- June 21) 

Tarot Card of the Month: King of Wands 

Geminis, through the monthly tarot spread, the Universe hints to you to be bold and confident for the second time. Like a true King, November is the time to take the lead in all your life aspects. This month, an offer of a respected position at the workplace might boost your confidence.

But here is a little twist! How quickly you will enjoy financial freedom depends on your boldness and courage. Asking for a raise at work or making risky financial investments will make you the ‘King of Finances’. 

  • Tip from the universe: Let your passion lead the way 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I inspire others to create my vision 
  • Key areas to focus on: Career decisions 

4. Cancer Monthly Tarot Horoscope (June 22- July 22) 

Tarot Card of the Month: The Moon 

For you Cancerians, November’s abundance comes in a much darker sense, bringing confusion, illusions, and emotional ups and downs. The effect will be so strong that even your intuitions cannot help.

But the monthly tarot predictions wants you to be cautious! Your doubts and confusion might bother your partner, creating distance between you two. But all’s well that ends well; a financial boost at the end of the month will balance everything.  

  • Tip from the universe: Use your intuitions to tackle challenges 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I know that I will find my way 
  • Key areas to focus on: Personal relationships 

5. Leo Monthly Tarot Horoscope (July 23- August 22) 

Tarot Card of the Month: Knight of Cups 

Like the Knight of Prince Charming tarot card, your charm and elegance will be irresistible this November. Single Leos might expect a love proposal from someone ideal, charming and attractive just like them.

Luckily, charm works wonders at work and makes you appear as a confident and promising employee. Unfortunately, this charm of yours cannot stop health problems. Your monthly tarot reading predicts leg pain, stress or addiction issues.  

  • Tip from the universe: Don’t get so lost in your dreams 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I turn my passions into actions 
  • Key areas to focus on: Health issues, career responsibilities 

6. Virgo Monthly Tarot Horoscope (August 23- September 22) 

Tarot Card of the Month: Three of Pentacles 

Note down your success mantra for November: Teamwork makes the dream work. Virgos, the appearance of the Three of Pentacles in your monthly tarot predictions indicates a month of progress, bringing you closer to your plans.

With this, doing projects, executing plans in teams or collaborating with others might become the new normal for you. But watch out! Teamwork and collaboration might not work financially and could lead to potential losses. 

  • Tip from the universe: Open up to new possibilities and teamwork 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I am open to working with others 
  • Key areas to focus on: Finances and professional relationships 

7. Libra Monthly Tarot Horoscope (September 23- October 23) 

Tarot Card of the Month: Six of Wands 

Success, recognition and rewards will follow you around this whole month. Per your tarot cards prediction, a career achievement or reward will make the start of your month great. Seeing everything going well in your career, you might consider your love life seriously.

Moving in with your partner or buying a home could be your first step. But beware! One wrong purchase or investment could fade away all the excitement and joy.

  • Tip from the universe: Celebrate all your victories and achievements 
  • Tarot Affirmation: Success and victory are my greatest friends 
  • Key areas to focus on: Love life and work projects 

8. Scorpio Monthly Tarot Horoscope (October 24- November 22) 

Tarot Card of the Month:  Two of Pentacles 

Happy birthday, month, Scorpios! Last month, you handled all the responsibilities like a true boss. But as November approaches, your energy is likely to go downhill. Judging how good a multitasker you are, the Universe will send multiple responsibilities your way.

It could be handling work, love life together, or your financial bills. Don’t worry, though! Your birthday month will end on a positive note. Luckily, the Universe will grant one of your wishes at the end of November. 

  • Tip from the universe: Try to balance different aspects of life 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I easily manage my life 
  • Key areas to focus on: Work responsibilities and financial bills 

8. Sagittarius Monthly Tarot Horoscope (November 23- December 21) 

Tarot Card of the Month: Ten of Pentacles 

Sagittarius, no one could ever deny your love for adventures and spontaneity. But pay attention, as November is bringing a touch of stability and foundation to your life. So, as per your love tarot spread commitment and stability in love relationships might become a reality.

This period of stability might turn last month’s challenges into rewards. You can expect financial rewards, family inheritance, and career recognition to come your way. 

  • Tip from the universe: Focus on building a legacy for yourself 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I attract abundance into all areas of my life 
  • Key areas to focus on: Love and wealth 

10. Capricorn Monthly Tarot Horoscope (December 22- January 19) 

Tarot Card of the Month: Eight of Swords 

Capricorns, the energies of the Eight of Swords in your monthly tarot predictions will make the ‘unusual usual’. So, don’t be surprised if it makes the fearless, confident and determined you helpless and trapped. These unusual energies will first start controlling your love life, making your partner controlling and possessive. 

You might feel like you have no sense of power, especially in your career and finances. Beware! Amidst all of this, mental health problems such as anxiety, panic or stress might surface. 

  • Tip from the universe: Release all the toxicity and negative patterns 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I can change my own circumstances 
  • Key areas to focus on: Mental health and love life 

11. Aquarius Monthly Tarot Horoscope (January 20- February 18) 

Tarot Card of the Month: Four of Wands 

Aquarius, the month of November calls for celebration, enjoyment and joy! This means your social life will be highly active, with engagements, parties or weddings to attend. Financially, your stability looks bright, so you might consider making a big purchase at the end of this month, such as a home.

But not every aspect of your life will be that enjoyable. Your tarot horoscope for November 2024 predicts workplace conflicts, arguments or controversies. 

  • Tip from the universe: Celebrate your accomplishments 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I live out my beliefs in all my acts 
  • Key areas to focus on: Workplace relations and financial decisions 

12. Pisces Monthly Tarot Horoscope (February 19- March 20) 

Tarot Card of the Month: Queen of Pentacles 

Pisces, it looks like you are soaking up all the abundance and prosperity November brings for everyone! You will given the chance to become a ‘queen or master of finances’. So, money offers, good investment returns or salary increments might be on the cards.

But here is the catch: consider long-term investment instead of wasting your money on an impulsive purchase. At last, females trying to start a family must be a little more patient. 

  • Tip from the universe: Be practical, calm and supportive 
  • Tarot Affirmation: I am creating a supportive environment for myself and others 
  • Key areas to focus on: Family relationships and investments 

Disclaimer: These are general predictions and are subject to change from person to person. To get more in-depth predictions, consult our astrologers.

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Kasak Shirotriya

About Kasak Shirotriya

Creating content that hooks you from the very start is what I do best. When off-duty, you can find me binging the latest Netflix crime documentary, glued to the edge of my seat!