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City Of Indraprastha In Mahabharat And Role Of Lord Krishna

By September 12, 2024No Comments
Indraprastha in Mahabharat

Did you know the capital city of India, Delhi, was once named Indraprastha, the city of Lord Indra? If you are familiar with the story of Mahabharat, you might know about the capital city of the Pandavas, Indraprastha. Also, this city was once a barren forest, but it turned into a magnificent city. So, let’s start by exploring the city of Indraprastha and its beauty. 


Who Built Indraprastha? 

In the Hindu epic Mahabharat, Lord Vishwakarma built the beautiful and majestic city of Indraprastha. It is famous for its beauty and majesty, including beautiful gardens and magnificent palaces. The city of Indraprastha stunned visitors with its illusions and hidden treasures.

Moreover, people believe that the design and architecture of the Indraprastham palace symbolize the strength and power of the Pandava brothers. Lord Krishna guided the construction of Indraprastha for the Pandava brothers’ wife, Draupadi. Overall, this city was a centre of fascination and dignity during the Pandavas’ authority. 

Fascinating Story Behind the Construction of Indraprastha 

The construction story of the city of Indraprastha starts even before the Kurukshetra war. Once, the Pandava brothers were called to Hastinapur by Dhritarashtra, the father of Kauravas, who handed over the land of Khandavprastha to Yudhishtir. In such a situation, Yudhishtir thought it would be good for them to leave Hastinapur, as staying in the same city could lead to a war between the Pandavas and Kauravas.  

However, the land given to the Pandava brothers by Dhritarashtra was barren and had no habitation. Lord Indra cursed the forested land. Asuras, Rakshas, and Nagas inhabited the land of Khandavaprastha, led by a king named Takṣaka. 

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Burning of Khandavaprastha Forest

Below is the story of how Lord Agni, along with Arjun and Krishna, successfully set the Khandava forest on fire to build the city of Indraprastha. 

Role of Arjun and Krishna in helping Agni 

Continuing the story, after Dhritarashtra handed over the land of Khandavaprastha to Pandava’s brother, they left Hastinapur. They could only see a waste and barren forest when they reached there. As the Pandava brothers had nowhere to stay, they went to a jungle with the guidance of Lord Krishna. 

Moreover, during their stay in the jungle, Krishna and Arjun met Agni, the God of fire who wanted to burn the forest to satisfy his hunger. Upon hearing this, Krishna and Arjun realised that burning down the forest would be beneficial. This could let them get rid of Asuras, Rakshas and Nagas who were residing there. But every time Agni tries to set the forest on fire, Lord Indra waters the flame, causing it to rain. This is because Lord Indra was the protecting deity (Deva) of Khandava forest. 

How did Agni finally set the forest on fire? 

Despite Agni’s continuous efforts to set the Khandavaprastha on fire, he consistently failed because of Lord Indra. In the end, Agni seeks help from Krishna and Arjun to set a fire in the Khandava Forest. Finally, Agni burns down the forest with the help of Arjun and Krishna by disguising himself as Brahmana. 

Moreover, seeing the fire, Lord Indra creates rain to stop it, but Arjun and Krishna fire arrows at the rain. This makes Lord Indra furious, injuring Arjuna with his bolt (Vajra). But, Arjun and Krishna together defeated all Devas, Rakshas and Asuras in the fierce battle and were successful in burning down the forest. 

The Role of Lord Krishna in the Construction of Indraprastha 

After clearing the Khandava forest, they were ready to build the city of Indraprastha. Lord Krishna, accompanying Pandava’s brother throughout the journey, urged Lord Vishwa Karma to construct and design Indraprastha. With Krishna’s help, Lord Krishna designed and built the city of Indraprastha. Lord Krishna chose the construction site near the banks of River Yamuna, where the Pandavas had been living in exile. 

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How Did the City of Pandavas Look After Its Construction? 

The city looked so beautiful and mesmerising that nobody could believe it was a barren land that had turned into a city from heaven. Indraprastha Mahabharata had high walls made of white marble and precious stones. It also had a magnificent palace, garden, streams, and parks. 

Moreover, the temples and public buildings were beautifully carved. The streets were wide and lined with trees and crystal lamps. The city had beautiful gardens, parks, and orchards that smelled sweet. Overall, Indraprastha was a wonderful city that showed Lord Vishwakarma’s great skill and Lord Krishna’s ideas. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. What is Indraprastha in Mahabharata?

Indraprastha was the barren forest Khandvaparasth, which Dhritarashtra gave to Yudhistra. Later, with Krishna’s help, the Pandavas made it into a beautiful city.

2. Where is Indraprastha?

Indraprastha has now become the capital of India, Delhi. The city has a rich historical significance and is renowned for its modern infrastructure and political importance.

3. Who built the city of Indraprastha?

Lord Vishwakarma, the architect believed to have created the Universe, constructed the magnificent city of Indraprastha.

4. Who constructed the palace of illusions in Mahabharata for Pandavas?

The Palace of Illusion was constructed by Asura, the architect Mayasura, which was named Maha Sabha. Also, when the Khandvaprastha forest was being buried, Mayasura was spared from being burned. So, as a token of gratitude, he built the palace for the Pandavas.

5. How did the city of Pandavas Indraprastha look after its construction?

Indraprastha was described as a magnificent city with grand palaces, beautiful gardens, and exceptional architecture. It was said to symbolise the power and strength of the Pandavas.

6. Why was the city of Pandavas named Indraprastha?

Lord Indra cursed the Khandvaprastha forest, but he later removed the curse for the welfare of all the people living in the city. Hence, they named the city after the Lord in his honour.

Also Read: Mahabharata: Why Lord Krishna Choose Arjun?

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Sonali Prasad

About Sonali Prasad

As a content writer, I am fueled by a passion and a sense of purpose to pour my thoughts, experiences, and creative ideas into compelling stories. I am here to not only entertain but also educate and engage the readers.