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Why Do Brahmins Avoid Eating Non-Veg Foods?

By October 7, 2024No Comments
Why Do Brahmins Avoid Eating Non-Veg Foods

We know that Brahmins never hurt any living creatures. Our Sanatan Dharma has always promoted vegetarian food. Astrology states that Brahmins consume vegetarian products. Can Brahmins eat non-veg? Are there any astrological reasons behind eating veg food? Let us find the answers to these questions!


Brahmins And Non Veg Foods

Brahmins are vegetarians from ancient times. In the early times, Brahmins performed Yagnas along with Kshatriyas. It was a ritual to sacrifice animals in the Yagnas. The Kshatriyas helped the Brahmins financially. The Sudras cooked and served the meat to other people as Prasad. 

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1. Bhagavad Gita on Non-Veg Food

Our sacred book, Bhagavad Gita, tells us to consume vegetarian foods and follow nonviolence. It is against the killing of any living creature. Lord Krishna tells Arjuna not to kill or hurt any living being. Krishna tells us to treat the animals with love and respect.

2. The Vedas About Non-Veg Food

The Vedas in the Bhagavad Gita state that meat should not be consumed. Instead, it says we should eat grains, oats, fruits, and vegetables. We can also consume dairy products. The Vedas say every living creature in this world has its purpose of existence, which is why humans should not kill other animals.

The purpose of eating is not only satisfaction. We must eat a vegetarian diet to purify our souls and body. People should not eat non-vegetarian food only because of its delicious taste. The meat on our plate looks good when served, but we fail to understand how much torture the innocent animal has gone through.

The person who kills animals never enters the heavenly place of Gods. If we are involved in buying and selling the meat of the animal that has been killed, we are equally responsible for killing the creature.  It says the four varnas in Hinduism should avoid the killing of living beings. This pollutes the beautiful nature.

3. The Benefits of Eating Veg Food

The principle of Satvik food states that we should not harm any living being in this world. It tells us to practice eating Sattvik Bhojan ( veg food), which includes fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products. The reason behind this is to attain spiritual growth. This enhances mental sharpness and improves our physical health. Bhagavad Gita does not forbid us to eat non-veg. It says to lessen the violence against animals. It states that the food we consume is our personal choice.

Astrological Importance- Why Don’t Brahmins Eat Non Veg?

Astrologically, eating vegetarian meals is essential. This tells us to give up the consumption of non-veg products.

1. Why Should We Not Eat Non Veg?

Astrologers suggest we should eat veg foods. They say there are three types of foods: Rajasic, Tamasic, and Sattvik. Rajasic food is sour and spicy. If we eat non-veg foods, we can become prone to diseases. Tamasic food is left out and has a foul smell.

This deteriorates our process of digestion. The non-veg foods depict a weak planet in our birth chart. The satvik food is fresh and can be digested easily. These foods make us spiritual. This is the reason Brahmins follow a vegetarian diet.

2. Influence of Non-Veg Food on Planets

The nature of the planet Mars is hot. It can negatively influence our birth chart if the moon is weak. This will make us take in more non-vegetarian meals. People with strong Jupiter in their birth chart eat more vegetarian foods. They eat the food because Jupiter is a Brahmin, and he blesses us if we follow a vegetarian diet.

The Lal Kitab of Astrology tells us ways and remedies to prevent the ill effects of planets. If we drink alcohol along with non-veg food items, our karmic debts multiply, and we fail to get good fortune. The book states that eating vegetarian foods can help us get rid of the sufferings of our past.

The foods make our soul pure, help us calm down, and give positive outcomes to our deeds. This is the reason why a Brahmin does not eat non-veg meals. We can improve our health if we give up eating tamasic foods and choose veg food.

3. Is Eating Meat A Sin?

Astrology says animals are here on earth to practice spiritual practices. If we kill them, we are not allowing them to attain the next life or moksha. This is a sin. The spiritual deeds of the Brahmins have given them a higher position in society. This is why Brahmins do not eat non-veg.

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Astrological Health Benefits of Eating Veg Foods

Brahmins are aware of several astrological benefits of practising a vegetarian diet. We should also follow the same rules to improve our health. We can get fine health if we stop to eat non-veg. The astrological benefits of consuming veg foods are:

  • The people who practice eating veg foods have a low risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.
  • We have a low risk of type 2 diabetes if we avoid the consumption of animal products.
  • Eating vegetarian meals can help us control our weight. The vegetarian diet is low in calories and fat.
  • A diet including whole grains and vegetables is easy to digest. It reduces the risk of gastric problems.
  • You can have a lower cancer risk if you follow a veg dietary routine.
  • Veg meals provide us with the necessary nutrients and antioxidants. These are vital for good health.
  • The vegetarian food has a good impact on our environment. A healthy environment can improve our health.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can Brahmins eat non veg?

Brahmins did not eat non-veg food products in ancient times. They said the areas of temples where non-veg food was eaten became Apavitram.

2. Where is it written that Brahmins should not eat non-veg?

Bhagavad Gita tells us to lessen causing harm to other creatures. It does not entirely forbid us to eat non-veg food items.

3. Did Brahmins ever eat meat?

The Brahmins mostly ate meat before Gautama Buddha condemned meat-eating practices. Sudras did not stop eating flesh.

4. Can humans survive without eating meat?

Eating flesh or meat is not important for survival. Vegetarian diets can provide essential nutrients for good health.

5. Do Buddhists eat non-veg food items?

Buddhists do not eat non-veg food. Gautama Buddha refrained from eating flesh and was against eating non-veg food.

6. What are the disadvantages of eating meat?

The consumption of meat makes us prone to cancers, cardiac diseases, diabetes, gastric problems, etc. Our body weight becomes uncontrolled if we eat meat.

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Gargi Bagchi

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