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Bathing After A Funeral: Astrological and Scientific Reasons

By September 24, 2024No Comments
Bathing After A Funeral_ Astrological and Scientific Reasons

You might have surely heard about the elderly people telling you to take a bath after a funeral, right? But have you tried to find out why it is so? What is the reason behind it? Bathing after a funeral is an old practice followed in Hinduism, which is a belief in purifying and cleaning one’s mind, body, and soul. So, let’s gather detailed information and uncover the exact reason behind it.


Funerals or Cremations in Hinduism 

In Hinduism, family members perform a religious ritual called Anthyeshti or Antim Sanskar when someone dies. They typically complete this ritual within 24 hours of the person’s death. It is a way to liberate the soul from the world and transition it to the next life. The male members of the family bury the body and allow the soul to find peace and moksha.

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Why do Hindus take bath after funeral? 

In Hinduism, bathing after a funeral is a common and well-known practice. After the people who participated in the funeral ceremony at the crematorium (Shamshan Ghat) return home, they should quickly take a bath and change into fresh clothes. So, now let us discuss its spiritual and scientific reasons.

Spiritual Reasons behind bathing after a funeral 

  • The first reason is that it allows the body to purify from all the negative energies that can be present in the Shamshan Ghat. 
  • Water is one of the purest substances. Therefore, cleaning one’s body with water by taking a shower after funeral can detoxify one’s mind and body. 
  • Lastly, taking a bath and washing clothes after funeral is a way to bring your life back on track to a routine after weeping and suffering. This helps calm and console your emotions and state of mind. 

Astrological Reasons behind bathing after a funeral 

  • Astrology believes that funerals attract and bring the negative energies of Rahu and Ketu. These energies can bring conflicts and chaos to your life. Therefore, taking a bath is the best way to get rid of harmful energies. 
  • It is essential to take a bath after the funeral ceremony, as it prevents the mourners (families and close ones of the person who died) from ancestral pitra dosha. 
  • At the time of their death, individuals with a negative Saturn in their chart believe it impacts the energies during their funeral, potentially affecting the mourners.

Scientific reasons behind bathing after a funeral 

  • The bathing ceremony after the last rites is essential when it comes to hygiene and protection from harmful diseases and infections. 
  • After the person dies, their body starts to decay and decompose. Thus, it releases bacteria and other microbes that break down a body after death. 
  • In earlier days, there were no resources like proper medications and hospitals, so people used to add neem leaves and take baths to remove all the germs and bacteria from the body after coming from a funeral. 

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Hindu Rituals after the Funeral or Antyesti 

Here are some post funeral rituals that are perfomed after the body has been buried. Bathing after a funeral is performed, and then all these rituals continue. 

1. Niravapanjali: Immersion of Ashes 

This Hindu ritual is also called the Asthi Visarjan ritual, in which the ash of the dead person is collected in a pot covered with red cloth and immersed in the river. This ceremony symbolises letting go of the soul of the deceased person. 

2. Tarpan: Offerings of water and sesame seeds to ancestors

The family members perform the tarpan near the rivers or ghat, offering water and sesame seeds. People perform this to satisfy the unfulfilled desires of the dead person so that their soul is at peace.

3. Rasam Pagri: Tying a turban (pagri) on his head

The Rasam Pagri ceremony is performed on the fourth day after the funeral. The family only performs the ritual when the oldest male member dies. This is a way to pass on the responsibility of the dead person to their elder son. 

4. Terahvin: 13th Day of Death 

Terahvin, also known as Pind Sammelan, occurs on the 13th day after a person’s death. This ritual marks the end of the mourning period and helps the departed’s soul move on to the afterlife. It is also a way to honour the departed and seek blessings for their soul’s journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. What is a Funeral called in Hinduism?

Hindus commonly use the word Antyesti or Antim Sanskaar for funerals in Hinduism. It is an important ritual where after the person dies within 24 hours, they are taken to Shamshan ghat, and their body is buried.

2. How is a funeral performed?

In Hinduism, the body is taken to the cremation ground and buried while the priest chants mantras and prayers. Later, after the cremation, the ashes are collected and immersed in a river.

3. Does astrology have a reason behind bathing after a funeral?

Astrology says that taking a bath after a funeral is necessary as it attracts negative energy from planet rahu and ketu, which can greatly affect your overall life.

4. Why Hindu take bath after funeral?

Hindus believe that taking a bath after the funeral releases all the evil energies attracted during the funeral. In a shamshan ghat, other bodies are being buried, and thus their energies can affect your life due to their sudden or unusual death.

5. Should you wash your clothes after a funeral?

Yes, washing the clothes you wore during the funeral rituals is very important as you might have come in close contact with the dead body during the ceremony. However, some people also throw away their clothes.

6. What are the post rituals after funeral?

Some post-rituals performed to honour the departed soul are immersion of ashes, Tarpan, Rasam Pagri, and Terahvin or Pind Sammelan.

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Sonali Prasad

About Sonali Prasad

As a content writer, I am fueled by a passion and a sense of purpose to pour my thoughts, experiences, and creative ideas into compelling stories. I am here to not only entertain but also educate and engage the readers.