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The Death Of Ghatotkacha: His Ultimate Sacrifice

By September 28, 2024No Comments
The Death Of Ghatotkacha_ His Ultimate Sacrifice (2)

It was the 13th day of the Kurukshetra war when Ghatotkacha, the son of Bhima, died, who was killed by Karna. At the request of his brother, Duryodhana, Karna killed Ghatotkcha with his divine weapon. But how did the war start, and what evoked Ghatotkacha to destroy the Kauravas armies? Scroll down to know the story of the death of Ghatotkacha. 


Who was Ghatotkacha? 

Ghatotkacha was the son of Pandava’s second brother, Bhima and his demoness wife, Himdimba. He was born half human and half demon. He was a significant part of the Kurukshetra war as he had incredible powers and strength to fight the battle. As Bhima’s son, he was loyal to the Pandavas and defeated the Kauravas. 

Moreover, he had a pot-shaped head, which made him known as Ghatotkach. His rakshasa background gave him fiery red eyes and the power to grow into a giant demon. He could also disappear and become invisible, making him a mighty warrior in the Mahabharat. Now, let’s move ahead to learn about Ghatotkacha death. 

Also Read: City Of Indraprastha In Mahabharat And Role Of Lord Krishna 

The 13th Day of Kurukshetra War: The Death Of Ghatotkacha 

Before we proceed to the ghatotkacha story, let’s first understand how the battle started and what caused the Kauravas to attack the Pandavas and their armies. 

1. Arjun’s Attempt to take revenge

On the 13th day after Abhimanyu’s death, Arjun came to know that the main evildoer in killing his son was Jayadratha. He was responsible for Abhimanyu’s death and used a boon from Shiva to stop the Pandava brothers and their armies from entering the Chakravyuh. Due to Jayadratha’s actions, multiple Kaurava warriors overpowered Abhimanyu, who fought alone fearlessly. 

Moreover, Arjuna was all set to take revenge for losing his son in such a painful manner. To this, Arjun, out of rage and anger, vowed to kill Jayadratha. He further added that he would kill himself by jumping into the fire if he wasn’t able to kill Jayadratha before sunset. 

2. Conspiracy Of Krishna to Save Arjun and Kill Jayadratha 

Shakuni, Jayadratha’s maternal uncle, hid him in the crowd of Kaurava army to protect him. As sunset approached, Arjun searched for Jayadratha but couldn’t find him. This frustrated and upset him about being unable to kill Jayadratha, and he was all set to jump into the fire. 

To this, Lord Krishna interfered and created a false sunset by holding up his Sudarshana Chakra against the sun, creating the illusion of sunset. But Shakuni thought that the Sun had set and called out Jayadratha, who was hiding among the Kauravas armies.

As a result, Krishna told Arjun that the sun hadn’t fully set, and he still had time to fulfil his vow. Arjuna shot a divine arrow at Jayadratha that beheaded him, and his head landed in the lap of his father, Vridhakshatra.

How was Ghatotkacha killed by Karna? 

This is the scenario where the death of Ghatotkacha takes place after Jayadratha is killed. 

1. The havoc created by Ghatotkacha on the battlefield 

After Jayadratha’s death, it was almost dark, but his death angered Duryodhana, and thus, he began to kill Pandava’s armies. This is how the battle extended throughout the night, which was to end by sunset. While the battle took place, Ghatotkacha appeared on the battlefield to fight against the Kauravas and help the Pandava brothers. Also, as he was a demon, his powers magnified at night, which became an advantage for the Pandavas. 

Moreover, Ghatotkacha, with his extraordinary powers and abilities, created havoc on the Kaurava army. Using his immense strength and magical skills, he started destruction upon the Kaurava forces, causing great disruption and devastation.

Additionally, Ghatotkacha’s presence on the battlefield was a tough challenge to the Kauravas. His severe attack led to significant losses for their army. Ghatotkacha’s strategic tricks and supernatural powers proved to turn the battle in favour of the Pandavas.

2. Karna killed Ghatotkacha with his Shakti Astra

Kauravas tried to defeat and kill Ghatotkacha, but they failed each time they hit him with their arrow. Also, Ghatotkacha was so giant that he had already killed half of the Kaurava armies. Duryodhana feared he would be killed as he saw his powers and size grow. He appealed to Karna to kill Ghatotkach with his divine, powerful weapon (Vasavi Shakti), which Lord Indradev had given him as a boon. 

Moreover, Karna hesitated to use his Vasavi Shakti Astra to kill Ghatotkacha because he could only use it once. Karna wanted to save the use of this powerful weapon for Arjun. However, due to Duryodhana’s request and fear of Ghatotkacha’s growing strength, Karna used the Shakti Astra to defeat and kill Ghatotkacha Mahabharata in the Kurukshetra war.

Moreover, even on the verge of death, Ghatotkacha used his magical powers to grow gigantic. As he fell, his massive form crushed a significant portion of the Kaurava army. This helped the Pandavas in the battle and turned the tide of the war in their favour.

Also Read: Love Story Of Arjun And Subhadra: Why Krishna Helped Them?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

1. How did Ghatotkacha died?

Karna, one of the Kaurava brothers, killed Ghatotkacha with his powerful and divine weapon, Vasavi Shakti Astra. This missile can only be used once, and it was given to Karna by Indra Dev.

2. Who was Ghatotkacha son?

According to the scriptures, Ghatotkacha son name was Barbarika. He was born to Princess Maurvi, daughter of Daitya Moora.

3. Why did Ghatotkacha help Pandavas on the battlefield?

Ghatotkacha was the son of Bhima, one of the Pandava brothers, and a loyal son to his father. Due to this relationship, Ghatotkacha defeated the Kauravas in the field, killing almost 2 Aukshohinis, nearly 4.2 lakh Kaurava armies.

4. Why was Shree Krishna happy when Ghatotkacha died?

While all the Pandavas were grieving over the Ghatothkach vadh, Shree Krishna was happy. This is because Karna used his Shakti Astra to kill Ghatotkacha, meaning Karna no longer had a powerful weapon against Arjun.

5. Why was Ghatotkacha so powerful?

Ghatotkacha was powerful because he was the son of Bhima, one of the Pandava brothers, and the demoness Hidimbi. His powerful lineage inherited his strength and abilities, making him half-human, half-demon.

6. On which day of the Kurukshetra war did Ghatotkacha died?

The death of Ghatotkacha took place on the 13th day of the Kurukshetra war when he came to the battlefield to defeat the kaurava brothers and their armies.

Also Read: The Story Of Barbarika: The Hero Who Didn’t Fight The War!

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Sonali Prasad

About Sonali Prasad

As a content writer, I am fueled by a passion and a sense of purpose to pour my thoughts, experiences, and creative ideas into compelling stories. I am here to not only entertain but also educate and engage the readers.