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Lord Brahma and Ashok Sundari: Why Are They Not Worshipped?

By September 21, 2024No Comments
Lord Brahma

Lord Brahma is the creator of our universe. Hindus associate him with the creation of all living beings. He is among the superior of the three Lords. We worship Lord Vishnu and Shiva. Do you know why Brahma is not worshipped? Let us know the reasons for this and other fascinating facts.


Lord Brahma: Why Brahma is not Worshipped?

Brahma, the creator, is the Supreme God among the Trimurti ( Vishnu and Shiva). He is mentioned in Hindu creation Legends and Vedas. Puranas says he has four heads, four hands, and golden hair. His children are the Manasputra. Brahma created them from his mind. He sits on a Lotus with his Vahan, the Swan.

Hindu mythology states that Brahma was born from the navel of Lord Vishnu. Some say he is born from a golden egg. It had the two other of them- Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma was an important God until the 7th century. After that, he lost his significance. Lord Shiva and Vishnu replaced him. Let’s discuss why Brahma is not worshipped.

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Why Brahma is not Worshipped?

Brahma is an important Lord of this Universe. He is the Creator who created all living beings. Brahma has given blessings and boons to his creations. He is kind and loving to his creations. People do not worship him. Let’s find out why.

1. Vishnu and Brahma Fight

According to Shiva Purana, Prajapati Daksh once washed his father’s feet ( Lord Brahma). Lord Vishnu entered the house of Prajapati Daksh. He went to welcome him inside warmly. His father, Lord Brahma, got angry after seeing this. After this, we get to know how Vishnu looked at the angry face of Brahma. He noticed the angry Brahma. The surprised Daksh asked his father about it. Brahma went to Vishnu and said he was the most powerful among the three Lords.  This annoyed Vishnu. He told him that Brahma was born from his navel. Brahma did not listen to this and continued to call himself superior. Lord Vishnu, frustratingly, called Shiva. Shiva came there on his calling. Now, let’s discuss why Brahma is not worshipped.

2. Brahma Vishnu Mahesh Story

Brahma Vishnu asked Shiva who was the most potent among them. Shiva, listening to them, made a Lingam of fire. It went upwards in the sky and downwards in the sea. He said to both of them to find that. Brahma took the form of a swan to find that. Vishnu took the form of a boar and started seeing it. Vishnu understood that Shiva wanted to explain it to them. Brahma, knowing the plan, planned a trick to win. He told Ketaki ( a flower) to tell Shiva that he had reached the upper end of the lingam. Ketaki, listening to Brahma, said this to Lord Shiva. Shiva knew it was a lie of Brahma. He cursed him that anyone would not pray to him. He cursed the flower Ketaki. This flower is not used in any Puja. This is why Brahma is not worshipped.

Other Reasons Why Brahma Is Not Worshipped

Other instances, apart from the story of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, explain why Hindus do not worship Brahma.

1. The Story of Shatrupa and Brahma

Lord Brahma’s daughter, Shatrupa, was very enchanting and beautiful. She is also Saraswati. She had 100 beautiful forms. This attracted Brahma to her beauty. Her father irritated her. She told him that he was his father. He should pursue her wherever she went. Shiva said the same thing to Brahma. The Lord was not willing to listen to him. He developed five heads to pursue her.

His daughter, seeing this, developed into a cow. Brahma became a bull and continued to pursue her. She took the form of another female animal. Brahma did not stop following her. Looking at this, Shiva cursed and beheaded his fifth head. This is why Brahma is not worshipped.

2. Story of Maharishi Bhrigu and Brahma

Maharishi Brhigu was performing Yagna on the banks of the Saraswati River. Other sages asked Maharishi to give Pradhanta to a God. The great sage Bhrigu said he would test it and decide. He went to Brahma and showed him utter disrespect. By this, Bhrigu was testing Lord Brahma. Brahma got angry because Bhrigu was his son. Brahma decided to punish him at that moment. Bhrigu’s mother, Saraswati, protected him from the punishment. In an angry form, the displeased Sage cursed Brahma. This is why Brahma is not worshipped.

An instance states that Bhrigu invited him to the yagna. Brahma did not listen to him; he was listening to the music played by his wife, Saraswati. He went from there, cursing him. 

3. Daityas Worshipped Brahma

According to Bhavushya Purana, Daityas have started worshipping Lord Brahma for getting boons. They worshipped him to become great and to overpower the Gods. At that time, Vishnu appeared on the earth as Buddha. He said that the daityas should stop worshipping Lord Brahma.

Why Did Maa Sarawati Curse Lord Brahma?

One day, Brahma was meditating. Some petals of the Lotus flower fell into the ground. Where the petals fell, they transformed into small lakes. He named that place Pushkar. Lord Brahma decided to perform a Yagna at that place with his wife. He called Narad Muni to call his wife for the Yagna. Saraswati accepted his invitation. She said she would come with Devi Lakshmi, Parvati, and Indrani.

They failed to arrive at the right time. This angered Lord Brahma. He approached Goddess Gayatri for the yagna and married her. After Saraswati arrived, she found Devi Gayatri sitting close to Brahma. Annoyed at Brahma, she cursed him. Cursing him, she said that nobody would offer worship to Brahma.  After this, Lord Shiva arrived and asked Maa Saraswati to stop being angry. Listening to him, she calmed down, saying Pushkar would be the place of his worship. She used to sit near the temple place for her love. The devotees of the place say Maa Saraswati blesses newly married women for their long lives. Saraswati curses this temple; if married men enter this temple, they can cause troubles in their married lives. This is the reason Brahma is not worshipped.

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Why is Ashok Sundari not worshipped?

Ashok Sundari, Anvi, is the daughter of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. She was born from the tree of Kalpavriksha, the tree of desires. She is the Devi who blesses beauty and luxury.

Ashok Sundari was cursed. Let’s know why. Lord Shiva beheaded Ganesha. Lord Shiva was unaware that Ganesha was his son, who Parvati produced. He orders Ganesha to let him in where Parvati was bathing. The little boy did not allow it. His mother firmly told him not to allow anyone inside. He said th same to Lord Shiva. Not listening to this, Shiva angrily beheaded him.

A heartbroken Parvati came out to see Ganesh. She saw that Ashok Sundari was hiding beside a salt sack. Parvati cursed her that she would be part of this salt. She cursed her for her act of cowardice. As a result, she became a part of salt. Today, the food we eat is tasteless without salt. Why Brahma is not worshipped is similar to this story.

After they found an elephant’s head for Ganesha, Lord Shiva and Parvati brought life into their children’s bodies and Ashok Sundari. They came to life. Sundari looked beautiful coming into her divine form. She became a source of happiness and joy for all. The Puranas do not mention many things about her. The people of western India- Gujrat and South India worship her.

Frequently Answered Questions (FAQs)

1. Why Brahma is not worshipped?

Shiva was angry at Brahma for his evil deeds. He punished him by taking his Trishul and beheading him.

2. Why is Brahma the least worshipped in Trimurti?

Lord Brahma does not have many devotees. This is the reason he is rarely worshipped.

3. Why does not anyone pray to Lord Brahma?

He lied to Shiva about being the most powerful in Trimurti. This is why devotees do not pray to him.

4. Why did Saraswati curse Brahma?

Saraswati curse Brahma because he was performing Yagna with Gaytri- the person he married. This angered Sarawati to curse Brahma.

5. Which God is more significant than Brahma?

People say Lord Shiva is the most prominent of all. Others say Lord Vishnu is important.

6. Why are men not allowed in Brahma temple, Pushkar?

People say that Saraswati cursed Brahma. If men visit the temple, they can bring trouble to their married lives.

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Gargi Bagchi

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