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Monthly Tarot Predictions For March 2023

By February 21, 2023December 6th, 2023No Comments

InstaAstro brings you March Monthly tarot Predictions to decide how your month will be. Tarot Swati, our team astrologer has shared her insights with us. A lot could be revealed with the help of tarot cards. These cards usually bring hidden feelings or emotions to the surface. 

With these predictions, you can know what is best for you. But first, look at the card and what it signifies about your upcoming month.

Monthly Tarot Card Predictions for march 2023 are as follows:-

Tarot Card of the Week: Justice
Element: Fire
Sun Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Monthly Tarot reading for the fire element zodiacs predicts the “Justice” card in their monthly tarot spread. The card picturises an empress sitting on a throne between two pillars. These two pillars represent a balance between law and structure.

She is holding a sword firmly in one hand, which means she has a decisive mind. Moreover, the sword’s double-edged blade tells us the consequences of our actions. But, on the other hand, she holds a scale which defines her impartial nature. Here, her crown depicts clear and calm thoughts in her mind.

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Similarly, the card predicts that this is one of the best times to indulge in legal action as you have your mindset on track. Then, you can decide ideally what should be done to win over your opponent.

Your karmic impressions will determine whether you will lose or win the battle. So, no matter what, be true to yourself. Thus, you must also be cautious because only good karma may result in a favourable outcome. Your position might get at risk if you commit any misconduct.

Tarot Card of the Week: Queen of Swords
Element: Earth
Sun Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

The March month horoscopes tarot reading states that the card for the earth element zodiacs is “Queen of Swords”. This card depicts the Queen sitting on a stone throne decorated with a cherub, representing the softer side of her heart. Moreover, the butterflies are a symbol of transformation with time.

She is facing the future with one hand she is holding a sword, in search of knowing the truth. Her other hand remains open as if she is about to receive something from mother nature. The foreground is also filled with clouds and blown off by the winds, which means constant changes of heart.

With respect to this card, the upcoming month will also allow you to trust your inner self. Because only you will be able to fight out the tough situation and turn them around in your favour. This will also bring a new perspective to your life.

God also helps those who help themselves. So, no matter how the situation might seem, you can crack it up if you step in with a calm mind. This upcoming month will also give you the opportunities and inner strength to rise and shine. You will turn out to be the best version of yourself.

Tarot Card of the Week: Strength
Element: Air
Sun Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

The March tarot reading shows that the Air element zodiacs will have the “Strength” card as their lucky card. This tarot card has a picture of a woman and a lion. She gently strokes the back and jaw of the lion, a symbol of ferociousness and wild passion.

But with her calm and loving energy, she has tamed that wild beast. Moreover, with pure love and a clear mind, you could also take down your inner wild beasts. The lady is wearing a white robe representing a pure spirit. Her flowering headband is a symbol of mother nature. Moreover, the infinity sign over her head is the infinite wisdom and courage within her.

This March monthly tarot predictions will tell you a lot about yourself. You will find that what you have been looking outside exists inside you. Also, you will learn how to control your desires and emotions. You might find it challenging at first, but with time you can tame those wild imaginations within you. Things might not go as planned, but you will be okay with it because that’s how life (nature) works. It gives you unpredicted stuff at the least expected time.

Tarot Card of the Week: Six of Swords
Element: Water
Sun Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pieces

As per the tarot card predictions in tarot card reading, the water element-based zodiacs will get “Six of Swords” as their monthly card. The card depicts a woman and her son sitting in a boat. Their body language predicts sadness and significant loss. The child is sitting very close to her mother, seeking comfort.

The boat also has six swords stuck to its bottom, representing that they are still carrying baggage from their past. Moreover, the water is turbulent and restless in the foreground, while the left side is calm and peaceful. This tells us that they are leaving that scarring past and moving in search of a quiet and peaceful future.

This card is all about accepting that transformation in our lives. This month will do the same to you; you will have enough time to heal yourself from any past difficulty. It’s time for you to relax and rewind your energies. Take your time with things.

Moreover, enjoy this transformation that is changing you from within. The battle has been won, and it’s time to enjoy victory over everything in the past joyfully. You are indeed moving towards a more comforting and soothing future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s):

Where could I find free monthly love tarot reading?

InstaAstro brings you these free monthly love, Tarot, career, numerology and finance predictions for you to decide what next step you should take. Moreover, there are weekly editions for all these predictions, making it easier for you to decide week-wise.

What does love tarot card spread mean?

tarot card spread is an arrangement of tarot cards to predict future-related events. You need a specialised tarot card reader or could do it yourself if you efficiently read. Being a tarot card reader, you should know to be honest with yourself.

Is Tarot reading beneficial?

Tarot reading has been an ancient part of astrological readings and predictions. Tarot cards are known to bring dark, intense truths to the surface. You could learn, be fully aware of what’s happening within, and move forward.

How many types of Tarot cards are there?

There are a total of 78 cards and a further division into arcana. Major arcana has 22 cards, and minor arcana has 56 cards in its suit. These cards are decided based on how they analyse your future, i.e. called an Arcana.

Can I do my Tarot reading? Is it safe?

Yes, Tarot is about knowing your past, present and prospects. While doing it for yourself, you need to make sure you do it calmly and composedly. Moreover, you must be honest with yourself; you can only achieve the most accurate results.

What is the best time to do a tarot card reading?

Usually, mornings are the best time to do tarot reading. At this time, you are in complete sync with your inner self and nature. Moreover, the positivity is almost double what you experience throughout the day.

Also Read: Monthly Career Horoscope For March 2023

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Shivani Negi Aswal

About Shivani Negi Aswal

A mathematics enthusiast who also loves to write. She also scribbles words into poems or something her heart tells her to write. Lives to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S and eat a lot of chocolates.