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Aspects of Rahu in 12th House

By January 10, 2023October 28th, 2023No Comments
Rahu in 12th House

Rahu is a planet that is known to be one of the most inauspicious planets in astrology. However, this is not completely true. The natal chart or the birth chart of an individual is made up using 12 houses and 9 planets. The position of each planet is these houses tends to signify its auspicious and inauspicious outcomes. If a planet is positioned in its favourable or friendly house, then it gives beneficial and lucky outcomes to the individual.

However, if it is positioned in an enemy or unfavourable house, then it tends to give inauspicious outcomes to the individual. Are you wondering about the results of Rahu in 12th house? Is it always inauspicious? Read the entire InstaAstro vlog to know each aspect of the 12th house placed in Rahu. But firstly, let’s understand the story behind Rahu and 12th house separately so that the amalgamation becomes easy to understand.

The Story Behind the Origination of Rahu

The story is set in the verses of the puranic text when all the gods were churning “ShivSagar” to extract Amrit, the drink of immortality, from it. After they successfully extracted the Amrit, all the gods sat in one line to get a small portion to drink. But out of everybody else’s notice RahuKetu, a Danava, also sat there in disguise to drink the Amrit.

Suddenly Lord Vishnu noticed this and immediately cut off RahuKetu’s head, but till then, he drank a few drops of Amrit and became immortal. So even after his head and body were separated, he remained immortal. So, eventually, his head was known to be Rahu, and his body was Ketu. Both the planets, as per the Vedic astrology, are known to create malefic in human life on Earth. 

origination of Rahu

What does the 12th House represent in astrology?

Being the last house of astrology, this house tends to exit most of the positivity and auspiciousness from our lives. Moreover, the house is associated with misery, sorrow and destruction. However, it could also lead to expenses like education, insurance policy, expensive housing, etc. Also, this house resonates with the energies of imagination and creativity, the two of the most common traits found in these two. 

12th house represent in astrology

Also Read: Rahu In The 7th House

Effects Of Rahu in 12th House, as per astrology

Rahu in 12th house could either mean good or bad, but what makes the difference? So, as we all know, the 12th house is also the house for the planet Jupiter or Brihaspati. But do you know that additional support from stern Mercury is also needed to satisfy the combination of Rahu and Jupiter? So, if either of the planets is afflicted, the results could be highly damaging. Let’s read in detail about how it affects the natives’ life.

Rahu in 12th house

Positive Aspects of Rahu in 12th House

Firstly let’s talk about what good could happen if you have Rahu in 12th house in Navamsa chart. If all three planets are in excellent condition, you will have particular chances of going or settling abroad. Otherwise, you could find foreign connections and get some financial assistance. Moreover, the additional existence of Mercury will let you think outside the box. Be it any profession or field, you will see immense success and prosperity. So, these two are the most popular aspects of a cheerful Rahu in 12th house.

Positive Aspects of Rahu in 12th house

Negative Aspects of Rahu in 12th House

Now let’s find out what bad could happen to you if either of the planets (Jupiter or Mercury) is afflicted. First, the most visible effect is that it will drain all your hard-earned money. Also, these expenses will be less beneficial, like the money could be spent on hospital bills, debt, or some legal cases.

Secondly, this affliction could also affect your married life. Arguments and fights regularly. So much so that you might think of ending that relationship on your behalf; moreover, this will severely affect your health. Majorly, you are going to suffer from liver-related problems. In severe cases, you could also face lower sex desire and issues like infertility, miscarriage or other reproductive problems in both males and females.

Now, let’s find out what could be done if you need to improve the positioning of Mercury to nullify these bad effects of Rahu in 12th house.

Empty Pocket

Remedies For Ill Effects Of Rahu in 12th House

Astrology gives you a solution for everything. For such complete proof remedies related to any astrological need, contact InstaAstro astrologers. They are experienced and dedicated to helping you. So now, let’s find out some rahu in 12th house remedies. 

  1. To soothe the afflicted Rahu in your 12th house, you could put a handful of Saunf inside a cotton cloth near the right side of your pillow.
  2. The second easy remedy would be to place a red bulb in the southeast corner of your house.
  3. Also, if you have a weak Mercury, then make sure you eat at least one of your meals near the cooking slab.
  4. Make sure you donate food to poor and needy people.

Also Read: Rahu: The Story Behind This Feared Planet of Astrology


In the above blog, we learned all about Rahu in 12th house. Also, we read about how the allocation of Mercury could affect the overall equation. Moreover, in the end, we also saw some easy and simple remedies that could be done at home. For more such content, you can visit InstaAstro’s official website. You can also find genuine and authentic products like meditative beads, gemstones, rudraksha, and much more here. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

1. What does rahu in 12th house for Taurus ascendant do?

Rahu for the Taurus zodiac means a lot of diseases and expenses. So there could be a lot of debt and illness to degrade your health.

2. Which colour is beneficial for treating rahu in 12th house?

Silver is the most beneficial metal or colour for treating a malefic of rahu in 12th house. Therefore, anything made out of silver or plated with silver should be kept in touch with you.

3. Which zodiac has the most disadvantages of rahu in 12th house?

Scorpio is the most debilitating zodiac under the influence of rahu in 12th house. It becomes very weak and the incurred losses affect it immensely.

4. Which planet is 12th house astrology resident?

The 12th house is also known as the house of Jupiter as per Vedic and modern astrology.

5. What is the suitable colour for Mercury?

Mercury’s lucky colour is green, representing harmony and calm in our hearts and lives.

6. What does rahu in 12th house for Scorpio ascendant mean?

Scorpio becomes very weak if it has rahu in 12th house.

Also Read: Effects Of Rahu And Moon Conjunction In Different Houses

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Shivani Negi Aswal

About Shivani Negi Aswal

A mathematics enthusiast who also loves to write. She also scribbles words into poems or something her heart tells her to write. Lives to watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S and eat a lot of chocolates.