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Weekly Tarot Predictions: 3rd September to 9th September 2023 

By September 2, 2023September 8th, 2023No Comments

Welcome to the world of weekly tarot predictions by Tarot Swati. Wouldn’t it be great if we could predict our own future? Well, but the reality is that we can’t. This is where the magic of weekly tarot spread takes centre stage! With the wisdom of tarot cards, you can save yourself from making mistakes or wasting your precious time over something invaluable. How? The tarot cards act as guidance for the upcoming week and prepare for the events bound to happen in the future. So, what are you waiting for? It is time to shuffle the cards and see what challenges or surprises in your love life, career, health and finances await you in the near future. 

Weekly Tarot Predictions for the upcoming week 

The upcoming period of September 3 to September 9 has hidden lots of secret messages for you. With the help of Tarot Swati’s weekly tarot reading, we will decode these messages one by one for you. Let’s begin! 

1. Tarot Card of the Week: The Lovers 

Element: Fire 

Sun Sign: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius 

First on the list of weekly tarot predictions is this Fire element. If you are someone looking for a stable relationship, then this week might serve you well. Yes, you read that right. Your weekly love tarot reading suggests that you might feel courageous enough to confess your true feelings to someone you love. Moreover, for those who are in committed relationships, this week hints towards a positive and blissful period. The Lovers tarot card is not just about romantic relationships. Instead, it also talks about other relationships, such as with family, friends or even colleagues. So, with this week’s positive energy around, you may become a bit more expressive towards your connections, including the social ones.

Financially, your horoscopes tarot reading hints at two things. First, you need to analyse your current financial situation and then think of making investments accordingly. Investing your money without proper analysis or research might create some financial hurdles for you this week. Jumping to another factor, The Lovers tarot card blesses you with lots of financial opportunities this week. However, choosing only those opportunities that will serve you in the long term could be a game change for you as per your tarot cards prediction. 

the lover

2. Tarot Card of the Week: Page of Wands

Element: Earth 

Sun Sign: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn

The overall energy for the weekly tarot predictions for the Earth element revolves around the Page of Wands tarot card. It says that this upcoming week, your mind will be filled with lots of exciting and interesting ideas. These ideas cover all the major aspects of your life, such as love, career, finances or even health. However, there is a little twist. Your weekly tarot reading predicts that you might not be able to execute these plans due to the lack of resources or even time. In this case, all you have to do is to accumulate knowledge or resources as you can, says your horoscopes tarot reading. Doing this might prepare you for the challenges coming your way. 

When it comes to your weekly love tarot reading, the ‘Page of Wands’ tarot card blesses you with clarity in your relationships. By knowing the current stage of your relationship, you will be able to put effort and time into your connections accordingly. Financially, the opportunities you will come across this week might not be as per your calibre or expectations. So, your weekly tarot spread guides you to be a little bit patient, as these opportunities are not the final call. So, grabbing onto these opportunities and thinking that you might not get that lucky in the future is not the right thing to do this week.

page of wand

3. Tarot Card of the Week: Wheel of Fortune 

Element: Air 

Sun Sign: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius 

For the Air element, the upcoming week seems to be promising when it comes to opportunities and positive energies in your life. Your weekly tarot predictions say that your karmic deeds will take centre stage and will bless you with opportunities based on that. However, at the same time, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card hints towards new beginnings, fresh starts or the beginning of a new journey. If we relate this prediction to your career, your luck is about to shine this week. So, if you are looking for new job opportunities or for a change in your role or position, this week will not disappoint you. 

Moving on to the other important factors that need your attention this week, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card asks you to be careful about your health. For quite some time, your health has taken a back seat since your work has been your utmost priority. But the dynamics are about to change this week, says your weekly tarot spread. It says that you will be more focused towards creating a work-life balance. The new phase that is about to knock at your doorstep may tag along some health issues for you. Because you may feel pressured while starting a new chapter in your life, ultimately inviting stress and worries. 

4. Tarot Card of the Week: Death

Element: Water

Sun Sign: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces 

Last on the list of weekly tarot predictions is the Water element. What do the stars have in store for you this week? Let’s find out! As per your tarot cards prediction, the overall energy of this upcoming week revolves around transformation, change and transition. This week is the time when you will uncover lots of hidden things about yourself. This could be related to your love relationships. The Death tarot card puts an end to competition or rivalry among your personal or professional relationships in the near future.

Though the Death tarot card may sound a bit scary, in the world of horoscopes tarot reading signifies the end of your pain or misery. Health-wise, people who are suffering from any health issues might find relief or effective solutions. Moreover, your weekly love tarot reading guides you to let go of the people or relationships that no longer make you happy or are affecting your mental peace. However, this prediction also suggests you leave a bad habit of yours that is stopping you from moving forward. 



Well, that’s a wrap on our weekly tarot predictions by Tarot Swati. Remember that with the wisdom of tarot cards, you can face any upcoming challenge with boldness and courage. All you have to do is take a leap of faith and remember that the universe is always working in your favour. We will come back next week with more helpful insights about your life, be it love or career. Until then, don’t forget to follow InstaAstro for more information about your daily, weekly and monthly horoscope. 

Also Read: Weekly Financial Predictions: 3rd September to 9th September 2023 

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Kasak Shirotriya

About Kasak Shirotriya

A content writer passionate about creating informative, entertaining and engaging content that captivates the readers from the first sentence to the last. When not tapping away at laptop, you can find me binging sitcoms on Netflix.