Om Mantra - Finding Peace

Do you ever wonder why most mantras start with the Om chant or why the OM word is often preferred in meditation? We have been chanting OM since childhood, but until now, we have been unaware of why the word is pronounced or its benefits. Continue reading to know more about the Om pranava mantra!

Types Of Om Mantra

Placing the word Om at the beginning of every mantra tends to help the individual’s soul connect with the lord. Let us have a look at some Om mantras. These mantras are as follows:

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Om Mantra For Worshipping

The term ‘AUM’ is said to hold sacred importance in Hinduism. Almost all mantras tend to start with the term Om. Below are some Aum mantras that help people attain their desires and get rid of problems. These are as follows:

Shiv Mantra

|| ॐ नमः शिवाय ||
Om Namah Shivay

Shiv Om Mantra Benefits: The Om namah shivaya mantra benefits include providing peace of mind to a person. It can also come around to help a person attain the blessings of Lord Shiva.

Om Pavitro Mantra

|| ॐ अपवित्रः पवित्रो वा सर्वावस्थां गतो पि वा।
यः स्मरेत् पुण्डरीकाक्षं स बाह्याभ्यन्तरः शुचिः ||
Om Apavitrah Pavitro Vaa Sarva-Avasthaam Gato Pi Vaa,
Yah Smaret-Punnddariikaakssam Sa Baahya-Abhyantarah Shucih ||

Om Pavitro Mantra Benefits: Chanting the Om Pavitro mantra helps a person attain the blessings of Lord Shiva and receive salvation.

Om Dyauha Shanti

|| ॐ द्यौः शान्तिरन्तरिक्षं शान्तिः
पृथिवी शान्तिरापः शान्तिरोषधयः शान्तिः |
वनस्पतयः शान्तिर्विश्वेदेवाः शान्तिर्ब्रह्म शान्तिः
सर्वं शान्तिः शान्तिरेव शान्तिः सा मा शान्तिरेधि |
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ||
Om Dyauh Shaantir-Antarikssam Shaantih
Prthivii Shaantir-Aapah Shaantir-Ossadhayah Shaantih,
Vanaspatayah Shaantir-Vishvedevaah Shaantir-Brahma Shaantih
Sarvam Shaantih Shaantir-Eva Shaantih Saa Maa Shaantir-Edhi,
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih

Dyauh Om Mantra Benefits: Chanting this Om shanti mantra can bring peace and calmness to a person's life. Along with this, the Om Shanti SHanti mantra helps to reduce stress.

Om Mantra For Meditation

There are many significances and benefits associated with chanting the A’U’M vibrations. The Om mantra meaning sound, is said to be born with the universe, so it is considered to be the sound of the universe and the Gods themselves. Chanting the Om mantra connects the individual’s mind with their soul and body to get them aligned.

AUM Mantra

Let’s discuss the benefits of meditative mind Om mantra chants and their significance. The AUM (ॐ) is widely used as a form of meditation by individuals through yoga or chanting.

It is believed that the vibrations from the Om Mantra connect an individual's body, mind, and soul, providing them with inner peace and a calm mind. Moreover, a reference from the Upanishads and Puranas also mentions the significance of the Om mantra in meditation.

Benefits Of Chanting Om Mantra

Let us look at all the benefits of chanting the Om mantra. These benefits of chantingOm 108 times are as follows:

  • Chanting the Om mantra loudly tends to clarify an individual's surroundings and environment. The vibrations from the Om chanting are known to increase an individual's concentration and focus.
  • Om meditation benefits include individuals getting a glow on their skin, which is the result of the positive vibrations produced by chanting the Om mantra.
  • Om chanting healing includes the individual having normal blood pressure levels along with inner healing, which helps people attain peace of mind.
  • Chanting the meditative mind Om mantra tends to clean an individual's aura and relax them. Chanting this mantra also tends to help individuals bond with themselves and connect them with the universe and God himself.
  • ChantingOm mantra in english is known to strengthen an individual's vocal cords and also helps with heart-related disease. Regular chanting of the Om mantra tends to bring an individual closer to God, aiding their spiritual journey and making them more spiritually inclined.
  • Om mantra chanting also benefits the thyroid gland. It helps reduce stress and anxiety levels in an individual and is known as a beneficial activity during a panic or anxiety attack. Moreover, it helps reduce the chances of such attacks.
  • Chanting this mantra tends to clear an individual's mind, which helps the individual have better sleep. This mantra also helps reduce the production of toxins in an individual's body.

Om is known as Omkar and Pranav in Vedic texts. It is believed that Pranav tends to refer to the one who breathes through one's Prana and is also referred to as the Sustainer of life. Moreover, Omkar refers to the beginning. Om chanting tends to increase an individual's concentration and focus. Astrologers, meditation teachers, yoga teachers, and practitioners have made these statements and claims.

Significance of Om Mantra

We are well aware of the fact that ninety per cent of the mantras start with OM. It is not only a good suffix but also has significant importance. Om mantra benefits are unnumbered. The Hari Om mantra is considered auspicious in every ritual since the mantras and the rituals are deemed incomplete without the Om mantra jaap. The mantra is also used in meditation to help you achieve a better meditative state. The Om mantra meditation yields fruitful results when the individual chants with devotion. Most of the Om mantras are dedicated to Lord Shiva, and it is also believed that cosmic energies are aligned with the word.

As per the astrologers, Aum chanting benefits can be felt quickly by the devotees if they chant it with a dedicated heart. Not only does the vibration help in the individual's mental growth, but the Om mantra is also used in pranayams. As you might have heard, people doing pranayam chant the Om mantra. They begin the pranayam with the Om chant and end it with the same. It increases the effects of the pranayama. Om pranayama benefits are uncountable. It not only cleanses out the mind and soul but also helps the devotees with boosted immunity.

The single chanting of the Om mantra tends to have astrological and meditation benefits. One of the major astrological benefits is that the mantra tends to connect the individual with the Almighty. This is because it is believed that the vibrations made by the pronunciation of the Om mantra tend to be the sound that was born in the universe. Thus, its vibrations are pure and holy, which tend to connect the individual directly with God.

Om Mantra Chant Practice

The chanting of these mantras comes around as one of the most important things to attain the benefits of these mantras. However, there is a certain set of rules and guidelines that an individual must follow to get the best results. Let us now have a look at these guidelines. These are as follows:

  • One of the most important things while chanting a mantra is having a clear mind. Individuals should keep a clear and calm mind before and while chanting a mantra.
  • The individuals should also eliminate negative or ill thoughts and start chanting the mantra. It is believed that the powers of these mantras are best seen when the natives have a clean and positive mind.
  • Natives are also advised to wear comfortable clothes so they can focus on chanting the mantras without getting distracted or feeling discomfort.
  • The main and most important part of chanting a mantra is its pronunciation. Thus, individuals must always ensure that the words in a mantra are pronounced accurately and very well.
  • Individuals chanting a mantra should remember to chant these mantras the advised number of times.
  • One thing that an individual should keep in mind is that the mantra is to be chanted as a form of worship, and one should not think about the benefits or gains that the individual will get from chanting the mantra.
  • The individual's voice should be ample enough to allow the vibrations produced by chanting the mantra to create a protective shield around the individual.

Before chanting the mantra, take into consideration the guidelines mentioned above. First, you start by making the “Oo” sound and try to stretch it halfway while inhaling. Next, you need to produce the “Mmm” sound by getting your lips closer. Remember that the Mmm sound should be stretched as much as possible while the individual exhales.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Om mantra tends to have a lot of power. It tends to affect an individual’s life positively when chanted regularly. The Om mantra tends to help individuals connect themselves with God. Moreover, the mantra does not come around to be dangerous or have any negative effect.
The power of a mantra lies in its chanting. Two very important things that individuals should keep in mind are that they must pronounce the mantra clearly and loudly in order to gain maximum benefits.
Sit in a comfortable position with crossed legs on the floor. Have a clear mind filled with positive thoughts while and before chanting the Om mantra. Start by making the “Oo” sound and trying to stretch it while inhaling. Then, by getting your lips closer, make the “Mmm” sound and stretch it as much as possible while exhaling.
There are no negative side effects of Om Mantra chanting. However, there are many positive effects that will help improve an individual’s life. These include monitoring an individual's blood pressure levels, calming the mind, and relaxing. Moreover, the chanting of the Om mantra also tends to reduce the possibilities of anxiety and panic attacks.
Over 90% of mantras tend to start with Om. However, some of the most common ones are the Om namah shivay mantra - Shiv mantra. Om bhur bhuva swaha mantra - Gayatri mantra. Om tryambakam yajamahe mantra - Maha Mritunjay mantra. Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya mantra - Vishnu mantra
When pronounced and chanted correctly, the Om mantra has a frequency of 432 Hz. However, to achieve this frequency, an individual must remember to chant the Om mantra correctly.