Mangal Mantra - Attracting Positivity

Do you know chanting Mangal Mantra can do wonders for you? Mangal (Mars), due to his fiery nature, has a lot of power and energy, which he uses to protect the righteous and destroy evil forces. However, his influence could also be challenging if not balanced properly. Therefore, chanting the Mangal mantra is believed to appease Mangal and seek his blessings.

Mangal Mantra Types

There are various types of Mangal mantras that are chanted to invite the positive energies of the planet Mars. Each mantra carries its own significance and can be practised for specific intentions and blessings. Explore below the different types of Mangal mantras and their general descriptions. For your easy reading, we have written all the Mangal Beej mantra in english as well as Hindi.

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  • Mangal Beej Mantra

The Mangal Beej Mantra holds great significance in Vedic astrology and is chanted to appease the planet Mars (Mangal). It is believed to bring courage, strength, and protection from negative influences. The mantra is chanted 108 times, preferably in the morning, facing the east direction. The Mangal Beej Mantra is:

“ॐ क्रां क्रीं क्रौं सः भौमाय नमः।”

"Om Kraam Kreem Kraum Sah Bhaumaya Namaha"

Meaning: I bow to Lord Mars, who is represented by the sound "Kraam, Kreem, Kraum."

Benefits: By chanting the Mangal Grah Beej mantra, one can experience the benefits of Mars' positive energy, such as enhanced willpower, confidence, and being an influencer. It helps in overcoming barriers, resolving conflicts, and successfully achieving goals. The mantra is also believed to promote physical well-being and protect against accidents or injuries. Get the mangal beej mantra benefits by chanting daily, balancing Mars’s energy and coordinating its planetary influences in one's life.

  • Mangal Dev Mantra/ Mangal Grah Mantra

The Mangal Dev mantra, also known as the Shubh Mangal mantra, is a powerful prayer to Lord Mangal, the planet associated with courage and strength. Chanting this mantra is believed to bring beneficial results in Mars-related matters and remove the harmful effects of Mars in one's birth chart (Mangal Dosh). The mantra is usually chanted 108 times, preferably on Tuesdays, facing the east or north direction. It is also recommended to wear Red-shaded clothes to enhance the auspiciousness. The Dev Mangal mantra in English and Hindi is:

“धरणीगर्भसम्भुतम विद्युत्कांति सम्प्रभम् |
कुमाराम शक्तिहस्तम् च तम मंगलम प्रणाम्यम्ः |
ॐ मंगलाय नमः ||”

Dharaniigarbhasambhutam vidyutkanti samaprabham
Kumaaram shaktihastam ca tam mangalam pranamaamyaham
Om mangalaaya namah

Meaning: “I bow down to that auspicious Mangal, Who is born of the Earth's womb, shining like lightning, Who is youthful and holds a spear of power. I offer my salutations to that Mangal.”

Benefits: The Mangal Dev mantra is said to bring forth the positive qualities associated with Mars, such as courage, strength, and determination. The mantra can help reduce the malefic effects of a weak or negative Mars in the horoscope and promote harmony, success, and overall well-being. Regular chanting of the mantra with devotion and sincerity blesses individuals with protection and self-confidence, along with bringing beneficial changes in various parts of life.

  • Rinmochan Mangal Mantra

The Rinmochan Mangal Mantra, also known as the Mangal mantra for debt, is a powerful mantra dedicated to Lord Mangal and is chanted to seek a way out from debts and money-related problems. This mantra holds significance in relieving individuals from the burdens of loans and debts, bringing financial stability and prosperity. It is recommended that the mantra be chanted for a specific count, such as 108 times or multiples of 108, on Tuesdays, facing the east or north direction. The Rinmochan Mangal Mantra is:

मंगलो भूमि पुत्रश्च ऋणार्थ दान प्रधा,
स्थिरासनोमहा काया सर्व कर्म विरोधक।

लोहितो, लोहितक्षश्च समागानं कृपाकारा,
धरथ्मजा कुजो, भौमो, भूतिधो, भूमिनंदना।

अंगारको यमाश्चैव सर्वरोगापहारका,
वृष्ते कर्ता अपार्थ च सर्व काम फल प्रधा।

येथानि कुजा नामानि नित्यं य श्रद्धया पडेथ,
ऋणं न जायथेथस्य दानं सीग्रामवापुनुयथ।

दारणि गर्भ संभूतम्, विद्युत् कंथि सम प्रभम्,
कुमारम् शक्ति हस्तमचमंगलम् प्रणमाम्यहम्।

स्तोत्रं अंगारकसयेथपदानीयं सदा नृभि,
न थेषं भौमजा पीड़ा स्वल्पपि भवति क्वचिथ।

अंगारक महा भगवन् बक्त वत्सलम्,
थ्वं नमामि ममसेषाम् ऋणमासु विनाशय।

रूण रोगाधि दारिद्र्यम ये चान्ये ह्यपमृत्युवे,
भय क्लेसा मनस्तप नास्यान्तु मम सर्वधा।

अथि वक्र दुराराध्य भोग मुक्ता जित्थमना,
तुष्टो दधासि साम्राज्य रुष्टो हरसि तथ क्षणथ।

विरिंचि सकरा विष्णुनाम मनुष्याणां थू का कथा,
तेनथ्वं सर्व सातवेण ग्रहं राजो महा बला।

पुत्रं देहि दानं देहि थ्वमास्मि शरणगथा,
ऋण दारिद्र्य दुखेन शत्रुनाम च भयथ तथा।

येभिर द्वादसभि श्लोकै य स्तौथि च दारासुथम,
महथीम श्रीयामपनोति ह्यपरो दानधो युवा।

"Mangalo bhoomi puthrascha runahartha dana pradha,
Sthirasanomaha kaya sarva karma virodhaka.

Lohitho, lohithakshascha Samagaanam krupakara,
Dharathmaja kujo, bhoumo, bhoothidho, bhoominandana.

Angarako yamaschaiva sarvarogapaharka,
Vrushte kartha aapahartha cha sarva kama phala pradha.

Yethani kuja namani nithyam ya sradhaya padeth,
Runam na jayathethasya danam seegramavapunuyath.

Darani garbha sambhootham, vidhyut kanthi sama prabham,
Kumaram shakthi hasthamchamangalam pranamamyaham.

Sthothram angarakasyethathpadaneeyam sada nrubhi,
Na thesham bhoumaja peeda swalpapi bhavathi kwachith.

Angaraka maha bhaga Bhagawan baktha vathsalam,
Thwam namami mamasesham runamasu vinasaya.

Runa rogadhi daridryam ye chanye hyapamruthyuve,
Bhaya klesa manasthapa nasyanthu mama sarvadha.

Athi vakra duraradhya bhoga muktha jithathmana,
Thushto dadhasi samrajyam rushto harasi thath kshanath.

Virinchi sakra vishnunaam manushyanam thu kaa katha,
Thenathwam sarva sathvena graham rajo maha bala.

Puthran dehi danam dehi thwamasmi saranagatha,
Runa daridrya dukhena shathrunaam cha bhayath thatha.

Yebhir dwadasabhi slokai ya sthouthi cha darasutham,
Mahatheem sriyamapnothi hyaparo danadho yuva.

Meaning: The meaning of this mantra states that we seek the blessings of Lord Mangal in order to free us from debt and other struggles of life. We also pray to the Lord Mangal to bestow us with good times and shower us with his blessings. We come into his shelter and give ourselves to him. We pray that there will be no suffering or debt in our lives.

Benefits: By chanting this mantra with devotion and sincerity, individuals can seek relief from financial struggles, attract abundance, and overcome obstacles related to debts. It is believed to create a positive, energetic shift, promoting financial well-being and stability. Regular practice of the Rinmochan Mangal Mantra can help remove financial burdens and open doors to new opportunities for prosperity and abundance.

  • Mangal Gayatri Mantra

The Mangal Gayatri Mantra is a sacred chant dedicated to Lord Mangal, the planet associated with courage, strength, and determination. Chanting the Mangal Gayatri Mantra is believed to seek the blessings and divine energy of Lord Mangal for enhanced courage, protection, and overall well-being. It is recommended to chant the Mangal Gayatri Mantra for a specific count, such as 108 times or multiples of 108, preferably during the morning hours. Facing the east or north direction while chanting enhances the spiritual connection. The Mangal Gayatri Mantra is:

“ॐ भगवते मङ्गलाय धीमहि,
तन्नो मङ्गल प्रचोदयात्॥”

"Om Bhagavate Mangalaya Dheemahi,
Tanno Mangal Prachodayat"

Meaning: "Om, let us meditate upon the divine Mangal. May Mangal inspire and guide us."

Benefits: Regular practice of this mantra is believed to give an individual strength, courage, and protection, helping individuals overcome challenges and obstacles in life. It also promotes positive energies, balances the influences of Mangal in the birth chart, and encourages peace in relationships. Chanting the Mangal Gayatri Mantra with devotion and sincerity can lead to inner growth, self-confidence, and a sense of inner peace.

Mangal Mantra: Significance and Practice

To understand the deeper significance and learn the proper practice of the Mangal mantra, continue reading below.

  • Significance of Mangal Mantra:

The Mangal mantra, also known as the Mars mantra, holds a significant place in Hindu mythology and Vedic traditions. It is chanted to seek the blessings and beneficial influence of the planet Mars, known as Mangal in Sanskrit. The word "Mangal" itself means auspicious or beneficial.

Reciting the Mangal mantra is believed to bring various positive effects into one's life. It is said to provide courage, boost self-confidence, and provide protection against the challenges of life. The mantra also helps in improving overall physical and mental well-being.

Additionally, the Mangal mantra is believed to remove Mangal Dosh, the malefic effects of a weak or afflicted Mars in an individual's birth chart. It is believed that chanting this mantra with sincerity and devotion can help balance the energies associated with Mars, thereby bringing harmony and positive outcomes in different aspects of life.

In addition to its individual impacts, the chanting of the Mangal mantra is believed to have a positive impact on society as well. It is said to bring unity, reduce conflicts, and promote mutual understanding among individuals and communities. The powerful vibrations generated through the recitation of this mantra are believed to create a pleasant and helping environment, encouraging peace and collective well-being.

  • Mangal Mantra Chant Practice:

The practice of chanting the Mangal mantra holds a special place in Vedic traditions and is believed to harness the positive energies associated with the planet Mars. The chanting of this mantra is considered a powerful spiritual practice that can bring about change and benefits in various aspects of life.

  • To begin the Mangal mantra chant practice, it is advisable to find a calm and quiet space where you can focus without distractions.
  • Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to centre yourself.
  • Chanting the mantras or practising the Mangal mantra jaap can be done using a mala (prayer beads) or simply by repeating it mentally or aloud.
  • The recommended practice is to chant the mantra 108 times, which is considered a sacred number in Hindu traditions. This repetition helps to deepen the connection with the divine energies of Mars.
  • It is beneficial to maintain a regular chanting practice, preferably during the early morning hours or during Mars-related planetary hours.
  • Facing the east or north direction while chanting is also believed to enhance the effectiveness of the practice.
  • As you chant the Mangal mantra, it is important to recite the words with sincerity, devotion, and focus.
  • Allow the vibrations of the mantra to come within you, creating a balanced connection with the energies of Mars.
  • Visualise the positive qualities associated with Mars, such as courage and strength.

Apart from the regular chanting practice, you can also have other spiritual practices to enhance the effects of the Mangal mantra. This can include offering red flowers or lighting a ghee lamp before an image or idol of Lord Mars.

You may also engage in acts of charity or service, as these actions can further align your intentions with the positive energies of Mars. It is important to approach the practice of chanting the Mangal mantra with an open heart, dedication and faith. Through regular and sincere practice, the Mangal mantra can bring various benefits to your life.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Overall, the benefits of chanting Mangal Mantras include improved physical and mental health, increased courage and confidence, enhanced success and prosperity in life. It also removes Mangal dosh’s malefic effects and ill situations in Mangal dasha.
In English, 'Mangal' refers to the planet Mars, which is associated with qualities like energy, strength, courage, passion, and determination. It is also considered the planet of holiness and protection.
The 'Om Ang Angarkaya Namah' mantra is considered powerful for Mars. It is chanted to seek the blessings and favourable influence of the planet Mars, promoting strength, courage, and protection.
The Mars Beej mantra, 'Om Kraam Kreem Kraum Sah Bhaumaya Namaha,' is believed to have the effects of promoting courage, strength, vitality, and protection while reducing the malefic influence of Mars.
When Mangal is strong in one's birth chart, it can bring qualities such as courage, determination, leadership, and physical energy. It can also indicate success in goals related to competitiveness, sports, and military professions.
There is no fixed number of times to chant the Mangal Mantra. However, most Mangal mantra usually get chanted 108 times.
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