Get Rid Of Challenges By Surya Mantra

Keep the Sun - the head of all planets, happy and avoid all life problems! Devotees chant the Surya Mantra to please Lord Surya and keep the Sun’s position favourable in their Kundli. Ahead, read all Surya Mantra in English with meaning, benefits and more.

Surya Mantra Types

There are different Surya mantra for different purposes. Each Surya Mantra is equally powerful and is indicated below. Based on your desires, practice different mantras on Lord Sun.

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  • Surya Beej Mantra

Surya Beej Mantra contains powerful sounds called Beej sounds dedicated to the Lord Sun so that our prayers reach him with the utmost passion. This Mantra assures that his favours are being received in full strength.

Chant the Surya Beej Mantra at Sunrise 4000 times in a duration of 40 days, facing the Surya Yantra.

|| ॐ हरं ह्रीं ह्रीं सः सूर्याय नमः ||
Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah

Meaning: Chanting the Om hreem Suryaya Namaha benefits the natives in all aspects of life, be it health, career, money or family. It is also believed to be helpful in fast recovery from eye ailments, enhancing eyesight. Use this mantra when suffering from any mental illness.

  • Surya Dev Mantra

Known to cure all mental and physical ailments, this particular Surya Dev Mantra has been helpful in eradicating all kinds of negative experiences that a person may witness. It is one of the most powerful ways to impress Surya Dev.

Chant the Surya Dev Mantra stated below 3, 7, 9, 108, or 1008 times a day as per your capacities facing the East direction during the Sunrise.

|| नमः सूर्याय शान्ताय सर्वरोग निवारिणे,
आयुरारोग्य मैश्वर्याम देहि देवः जगतपते ||

Namah Suryaya Shantaya Sarvaroga Nivaarine,
Ayurarogya Maisvairyam Dehi Devah Jagatpate

Meaning: Dear Lord Sun, you are the ultimate healer and cure to all my problems. Please bless us with good health and prosperity.

Benefits: Chanting Surya Dev Mantra gives immense willpower and fearlessness to face any hurdle in life, no matter how big it is. This Mantra helps make your heart strong and prepares you to overcome any problem.

  • Surya Namaskar Mantra

Surya Namaskar Mantra is used during the famous poses of the Surya Namaskar Yoga exercise. There are 12 asanas or poses that represent the complete cycle of the Sun, where the Sun's magnetic poles swap places every 12 and a half quarter years. Therefore, it helps us connect with the Sun's activities and receive his blessings.

Chant the 12 Surya mantras mentioned below during Sunrise, each of them 12 times facing the Sun ( the East ). For your ease, we have also mentioned the Surya Namaskar mantra in English.

  1. औं मित्राय नमः।
  2. Aum Mitraya Namah

    Meaning: Pray to the one who is friendly with everyone.

  1. औं रवायरे नमः।
  2. Aum Ravayre Namah

    Meaning: Pray to the one who shines and radiates.

  1. औं सूर्याय नमः।
  2. Aum Suryaya Namah

    Meaning: Pray to the one who eliminates darkness and brings action.

  1. औं भानवे नमः।
  2. Aum Bhanave Namah

    Meaning: Pray to the one who is the brightest.

  1. औं खगाय नमः ।
  2. Aum Khagaya Namah

    Meaning: Pray to the one who impacts everything and travels in the sky.

  1. औं पुष्णे नमः।
  2. Aum Pushne Namah

    Meaning: Pray to the one who provides nourishment like a mother nurtures a kid.

  1. औं हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः।
  2. Aum Hiranyagarbhaya Namah

    Meaning: Pray to the one who is the source of the creation of the universe and golden in color.

  1. औं मरीचये नमः।
  2. Aum Marichaye Namah

    Meaning: Pray to the one who can help us differentiate between what is real and unreal.

  1. औं आदित्यय नमः।
  2. Aum Adityaya Namah

    Meaning: Pray to the son of Goddess Aditi, who represents abundance.

  1. औं सावित्रे नमः।
  2. Aum Savitre Namah

    Meaning: Pray to the one who blesses us with creative energy and kindness.

  1. औं अर्काय नमः।
  2. Aum Arkaya Namah

    Meaning: Pray to the one who is the light to all things and the one and only healer.

  1. ॐ भास्कराय नमः।
  2. Aum Bhaskaraya Namah

    Meaning: Pray to the one who offers wisdom and teaches us harmony.

Overall Benefits: The 12 Surya mantras connect our mind and soul and make them walk together in unity, which promotes focus during the 12 Surya Namaskar asanas or poses. Moreover, devotees also practice it with Surya Arghya (water offering to the Sun) during the Chhath Puja.

  • Surya Gayatri Mantra

Surya Gayatri mantra is yet another powerful mantra devotees practice daily. It is quite helpful for those who have a weak Sun in their horoscope. In fact, chanting this Surya Mantra is one of the effective practices during a Solar Eclipse. Also, chant this Mantra between 12th April and 23rd April for auspicious results.

Recite the Surya Gayatri Mantra 108 times during Sunrise facing the East direction. For your ease, we have mentioned Surya Gayatri Mantra lyrics in English as well.

There are three important Surya Gayatri Mantras. They are as follows:

  1. Suryanarayan Mantra ( a Surya Gayatri Mantra)

    || ॐ भास्कराय विद्महे महादुत्यथिकराय धीमहि तनः सूर्य प्रचोदयात् ||

    Om Bhaskaray Vidmahe Mahadutyathikaraya Dheemahi Tanah Surya Prachodayat
  2. Meaning: Let us pray to Lord Sun, the Bhaskara and think about the creator of the day, the Divakara and ask him to illuminate us with abundant intelligence.

  1. || ॐ आदित्यय विद्महे मार्तण्डाय धीमहि तनः सूर्य प्रचोदयात् ||

    Om Adityaya Vidmahe Martanday Dheemahi Tanah Surya Prachodayat
  2. Meaning: Let us focus our mind on the son of Goddess Aditi, the Sun so that he blesses us with great intellect.

  1. || ૐ सप्त तुरंग विधमन्हे सहस्र किर्नाय धीमहि तन्नो रवि प्रचोदयत ||

    Om Sapt Turangay Vidhmahe Sahasra Kirnay Dheemahi Tanno Ravi Prachodayat
  2. Meaning: Pray to Lord Surya, who is represented riding a chariot of seven horses like running the seven days of the week and whose numerous light rays touch Mother Earth.

  • Aditya Hrudhayam Mantra

Aditya Hrudhayam Mantra is a healing Mantra. The word "Hrudhayam" means "healer".Through this Surydev Mantra, you can deal and heal with all your mental and physical discomforts.

Chant the Aditya Hrudhayam Mantra 108 times facing East during Sunrise.

|| आदित्यहृदयस्य गुणः शत्रुनाशः
जयवाहं जपेन्नित्यं अक्षय परं शिवम् ||

Aditya Hrudhaya Punyam Sarva Shatru Vinashanam
Jayaavaham Japenithyam Akshayam Paramam Shivam

Meaning: Pray to Lord Sun, whose sacred heart has the power to destroy all enemies. Pray to Aditya (the Sun God), who is forever victorious and supreme.

Benefits: Aditya Hrudhayam Mantra benefits you by keeping away anger issues and ego clashes. It internally makes you spiritual, letting you gain self-confidence and avoid all negative emotions that keep you up at night.

Surya Mantra Chant Practice

The complete Surya Mantra benefits are only assured when performed with full belief and trust in divine power. This is made sure by properly following certain things stated below.

  • Set Your Intention Right: First, every word you utter or pronounce in the Mantra must be understood because only then can it be felt.
  • Timing: As Lord Sun is associated with Sundays and rises in the East, begin chanting the Surya Mantras from a Sunday facing East until advised otherwise.
  • Offerings: Take a bath and be ready 1 hour before Sunrise with offerings like a bunch of fresh flowers and lighting the incense stick to maintain the flow of positive energy.
  • Right Counting: Make a note of the number of times a specific Surya Mantra needs to be chanted using a Mala (Rosary bead).

Significance of Surya Mantra

Surya Mantras have been considered highly effective mantras since ancient times. It is not just associated with Sundays or pleasing him for its weak position; it is quite popular during festivals like Chhath puja, Samba Dashami, Ratha Saptami and Pongal. Moreover, some people also find a friend in Lord Sun, calling him the “Arka and Mitra”.

Also called "Pratyaksha Daivam", meaning someone you can see every day and pray to, with Surya Mantra, you attract Lord Surya's abundant favours. You also enhance your discipline, focus and peace of mind. This single mantra alone has the potential to keep away health issues, ensure the proper functioning of body organs and encourage goodness.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Surya Dev mantra chants are a bunch of mantras dedicated to the ultimate source of power - the Sun. Lord Sun is responsible for the life on Earth, and therefore, pleasing him promises overall well-being, right from profession to personal life.
There are various Surya Mantras that have almost the same significance and benefits. Each of these Mantras has its specific counts for chanting. They are usually 3, 7, 9, 108, or 1008 times a day, depending on the Surya Dev Mantra that you have chosen to recite.
'Om Ghrini Surya Namah' is another Surya Mantra believed to work against the negative impacts of occult activities and protect you from evil eyes. It also provides immense benefits in terms of health, wealth, goodness, and recognition in society.
Surya Beej Mantra is a powerful Surya mantra for getting your desired job. It is as follows - 'Om Hroom Hreem Hroum Sa Surya Namah'. Chant this Mantra 4000 times for 21 days or 108 times for 21 days to get the preferred results or clear an interview scheduled shortly.
While Surya Mantra must be chanted during Sunrise facing it, there is no harm in chanting it at night. In fact, it is considered auspicious to chant the Surya Dev Mantra before going to sleep while imagining yourself surrounded by a white gold light with closed eyes.
Surya Arghya Mantra is a list of 12 Surya mantras chanted during Surya Namaskar poses. These mantras are also practised by devotees in Chatt Puja for both Bhor ka Arghya and Surya Sandhya Arghya.