Meaning of Yamagandam

If you are wondering what Yamagandam is, then here's your answer: similar to the Rahu Kalam period, Yamagandam timings are inauspicious hours in a day when you should avoid all promising tasks. According to Vedic Astrology, Yamaganda was the son of Guru or the planet Jupiter.

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About Yamagandam Calculator

The Yamagandam Kaal is also called Death Time, and it is widely accepted that any activity commenced during this period results in failure or death. To know the Yamagandam timings of a day, feed in the details in the FREE Yamagandam Calculator, and receive accurate results!

Yamagandam times are unlucky hours of the day when you should avoid starting any new projects. Yamagandam meaning: It is popularly believed that everything that started during the Yamagandam Kaal, also known as Death Time, ends in failure or death. Our free online calculator is here to provide you with the exact time frame of Yamagandam Kaal.

Yamagandam significance is determined by dividing the day's hours beginning at sunrise and ending at sunset into Eight segments, with each segment denoting 'Yama,' the son of the planet Sun for one and a half hours. It is typically advised against beginning any new activities during this Yama Gandam time since it is said that doing so will result in the death of the job that already began (meaning failure). Many traditional astrologers would even advise against making crucial decisions or carrying out essential duties at this time. InstaAstro helps readers understand what Yamagandam is, how to calculate it, and how to remedy it. You can delve into depth about this or yourself through your Kundli.

The time of Death or Yamagandam is believed to be one of the most inauspicious periods of time, at par with the Rahu Kalam periods.

It is said that any activity performed during these times will end in failure, disappointment, or worse, death. The meaning of this can also be perceived as the death of the task, wherein all promising activities fail, and the person faces dejection. It is believed that this period is not meant for significant tasks such as crucial business meetings, important exams, life-changing events, and decisions regarding finances or careers.

These periods are based on the sunrise and sunset timings, and it is advised by astrologers not to indulge in any favourable activity.

The InstaAstro FREE Yamagandam today or Yama Kandam Calculator takes in the date of a day and gives out the inauspicious Yamagandam timings of that day.

How Does Yamagandam Calculator Work?

Mentioned below are some steps that will help you in using the Yamagandam Calculator.

  • In order to use the Yamagandam Calculator, all you need to do is fill in some details in the calculator.
  • These details include your name, place of birth, time of birth, date of birth, along with your gender.
  • After you have entered all the details in the calculator, all you need to do is click submit.
  • The calculator will present you with your Yamagandam timings.

Who is Yama?

As a member of an early group of Rigvedic Hindu deities, Yama or Yamarja is a god of death, morality, the south, and the afterlife, mainly associated with Hindu and Buddhist religions. His name may be translated to mean 'twin' in Sanskrit. Indications of his popularity in early Hinduism include the Kalasha and, earlier, the Nuristani peoples' devotion to him as a significant deity.

According to Hinduism, Yama is the child of Vishvakarma's daughter Sanjana and the sun deity Surya. Sraddhadeva Manu and his older sister Yami have a sibling named Yama. According to the Vedas, the first mortal to pass away was Yama. He has come to be called the Lord of Pitru, as his kingdom comprises the dead.

Lord Yama is characterised as having a magnificent aspect, being green or black, and sporting blood-red eyes and attire. He rides a buffalo and bears a noose and a mace, which may be decorated with a skull. The crow and the pigeon serve as his messengers, while his two four-eyed hounds protect the entrance to his realm. In addition, Yama has made its way into Buddhist mythology in Tibet, China, and Japan, where he plays a similar but less significant function as the protector of the afterlife.

Yamagandam Timings

In India, it is customary to determine the most auspicious time to carry out any new management or personal activity initiatives. People often avoid the period of Yama Gandam while looking for a pleasant moment using Vedic astrology's Panchang and Hora beliefs. Our Yamagandam Calculator presents you with Yamagandam timings today, tomorrow and also of the previous day.

How are the Yamagandam timings calculated?

Suppose you want to know the timings of Yamagandam today. So, to acquire accurate timings, you have to divide the hours of the day into eight divisions, where one and a half hours, or ninety minutes, are allotted to Yama.

Here is the list of timings allocated for Yama Gandam:

  • Sunday: The fifth section of eight divisions.
  • Monday: The fourth section of eight divisions.
  • Tuesday: The third section of eight divisions.
  • Wednesday: The second section of eight divisions.
  • Thursday: The first section of eight divisions.
  • Friday: The seventh section of eight divisions.
  • Saturday: The sixth section of eight divisions.

To make things easier, the Yamagandam period on Sunday is between 12:00 PM and 1:30 PM, and on Monday, it is between 10:30 AM and 12:00 PM. On Tuesday, it is between 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM, and on Wednesday, it is between 7:30 AM and 9:00 AM. On Thursday, it is observed between 6:00 AM and 7:30 AM; on Friday, it is between 3:00 PM and 4:30 PM. Lastly, on Saturday, it is between 1:30 PM and 3:00 PM.


A form of Hindu Calendar is the Panchang in Hindu Astrology, also known as Indian Vedic Astrology. It is an astrological notebook that provides astrologers with valuable astrological data. It is consulted to determine and choose a good and promising time for significant occasions, rituals, or acts. It is also used to identify and, if necessary, look forward to identifying astrologically favourable days and periods for that individual. Panchang is used to compare the present positions of the planets with the positions of the planets in that individual's astrological chart. Synchronising our activities with favourable circumstances is an age-old strategy that can help us overcome hurdles and improve our chances of success.

The Panchang's Five Components

  1. Din, often known as the weekday
  2. Lunar Day, or Tithi
  3. The constellation, or the Nakshatra
  4. Yoga
  5. Karan

The Yamagandam segment of the day:

It is important to note that each day is divided into eight segments.

Sunday: The fifth segment.

Monday: The fourth segment.

Tuesday: The third segment.

Wednesday: The second segment.

Thursday: The first segment.

Friday: The seventh segment.

Saturday: The sixth segment.

Estimated Yamagandam Timings

Sunday: 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM

Monday: 10:30 AM to12:00 PM

Tuesday: 9:00 AM to10:30 AM

Wednesday: 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM

Thursday: 6:00 AM to 7:30 AM

Friday: 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Saturday: 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM

Things to avoid in the 90 minutes of Yamagandam

  • The Yamangam effects on a person or their duties are often negative. Astrologers thus advise against engaging in any auspicious actions during this time.
  • The wisest course of action would be to stay home at this time. It would be ideal if you held off on any financial investments or alterations to your financial situation during this period.
  • If you avoided starting any new businesses, it would be pretty advantageous.
  • It will assist if you refrain from engaging in worthwhile activities during the unlucky 90 minutes of the day.
  • Astrologically speaking, Yamagandam and Gulika are contradictory to one another. So, during the Gulika period, one should engage in all essential and fortunate activities.

What are some remedies for Yamagandam period?

  • Although it is urged by learned people to avoid all crucial tasks, you can observe some unavoidable circumstances through the help of proper remedies. For example, you have an essential exam on Monday during the Yamaganda Kaal, which is inevitable. Therefore, to successfully pass your exam, you must undertake some remedies.
  • You must read or recite the Shiva Strotam to protect yourself against harm.
  • It would profit you greatly if you also offer puja and seek blessings from the deities before starting your task.
  • You can also offer food items to the needy.

Precautions to observe during Yamagandam

  • Recite the Shiva Stotram and offer food to the poor.
  • One can take a few precautions during the Yamagandam to prevent ill luck from striking, including avoiding travel during the specified period and starting travel earlier than the Yamaganda Kalam.
  • During the Yamagandam, avoid beginning any financial endeavours since they might be financially disastrous.
  • Assuming Yamangandam will offer a way to stop a piece of writing you dislike might be disastrous.
  • Therefore, before beginning the task, do not expect that everything will go your way at this moment. Since Yamagandam Kaala is intended to end or 'cause the death' of your thoughts, there is a strong likelihood that your plans won't work out.
  • Avoiding the unlucky moment to start your task is one of several strategies for planning your road to success.
  • Before beginning your profession, become familiar with Yamagandam and Rahu Kal. You may write your success tale by putting in the necessary effort at a favourable period.

What is the Gulika period?

Gulika Period or Gulika Kal tends to be a period of approximately 1.5 hours. This period is observed every day. The Gulika period is known to be attributed to Gulikan, who is the son of Saturn. Moreover, it is also believed that an individual should not perform any negative or inauspicious activity during this period. There are also old beliefs about the Gulika period. According to these beliefs, whatever activity takes place during the Gulika period comes to repeat itself. Thus, the performing of any activity must be avoided during this time.

Significance of the Gulika Period

Gulika Kalam is a period that Shani governs because he is Saturn's son. Twice, once during the day and once at night, it rises. It is thought that karma would reap the rewards during this period as the Gulika timing repeats itself. Conversely, favourable events during this time result in more favourable outcomes. However, a person's choice will determine whether or not any auspicious rites are performed during Gulika Kalam. We should not repeat them. We should avoid unlucky events like funerals. However, a person's choice will determine whether or not any auspicious rites are performed during Gulika Kalam. However, it comes down to personal preference.

Like the Rahu Kal and the Yamagandam, the Gulika Kal is a mahurat or a period of the day.

What is Rahu Kaal?

We all know about Planet Rahu. It is regarded as a malefic and ill planet in astrology. People fear Rahu as this planet is mostly known for its negative and inauspicious effects on an individual’s life. Rahu kaal is the period during which Rahu is the most powerful period for Rahu. In this period, the planet Rahu is known to be the most powerful. This period is considered to be inauspicious in astrology.

Avoid engaging in auspicious activities like marriage ceremonies, engagement, Graha Pravesh, any stock or share purchase, gold purchase, home or automobile purchase, or beginning a new company or trade at this time. No new work, business, assignment, or project - academic or otherwise, is to be started during Rahu Kaal; work that has been begun may be continued.

Who is Rahu?

In Vedic Astrology, Rahu, the Moon's North Node, is also considered a planet. Although it is not a planet, according to astronomy, astrology treats it as one because of its significant influence on people's lives. The planet Moon's south node is Ketu, the dragon's tail. They do not exist as celestial bodies like the Sun, Moon, or other planets, which have visible bodies, shapes, and masses. Rahu is a planet that loves material things and makes illusions. He is materialistic, craves to absorb everything in the world, and is never happy with what he has.

Rahu does not rule any houses or rashis in the horoscope. The houses and rashis are ruled by just seven physically present planets. Very few astrologers think nodes also reside in houses and signs. When analysing the horoscope, we should remember that these nodes are significant because they respond to the houses and signs in which they are located and when they are conjoined with any planet in that specific house or sign. Rahu can take up to 18 months to transition between zodiac signs. Rahu's Mahadasha cycle lasts for 18 years as well. Rahu will provide positive effects if he is housed in the optimistic areas of the horoscope.

What is the similarity between Rahu Kaal and Yamagandam?

Both Rahu Kaal and Yamagandam are considered inauspicious periods during the day to start any work. While one brings ruin to the plan, the other leads to it being incomplete. During both these unfavourable periods, it is advised that we should start no sacred or auspicious work as it ends in ruin and leads to distress and unhappiness among the doers. When starting a business, Rahu Kaal alone applies.

One thing to remember is that Rahu Kaal and Yamagandam are unlucky for beginning new endeavours, like buying a house or starting the construction of one. Rahu Kaal is a period when tasks that began during the lucky time can be continued.

The same is true for ordinary chores that were begun during a lucky period and may always be carried out during Rahu Kaal. Work or travel, for instance, can begin before Rahu Kaal, continue through Rahu Kaal, and be finished after Rahu Kaal without any concerns. During Rahu Kaal, avoid starting a new business or signing new contracts.


Everything we do ultimately boils down to the choices we make. Taking note of the pre-existing knowledge about the day and its segments and periods can be highly useful for those who wish to start our tasks on a positive note. Yamagandam, like Rahu Kal, is determined as a time unsuitable for any auspicious activity. In India, it is customary to determine the most auspicious time to carry out any new management or personal activity initiatives. Taking a few precautions is not too big an ask to ensure that our tasks are carried out well and successfully. All one needs to remember is that the 90-minute period is not to be used for anything we hold in high regard. Some may be confused between the Gulika, Rahu Kal, and Yamagandam, and we hope that is clear now. InstaAstro wishes to help readers better understand the periods of the day and how they can become more efficient through this article. Check out your Kundli here to better understand your life's favourable and unfavourable phases.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Yamagandam timings of a day are calculated keeping in mind the sunrise and sunset. For example, suppose the day starts at 6 AM and ends at 6 PM. This establishes twelve hours between them, and when divided into eight sections, each division or segment gets allotted one and a half hours. Thus, this is how the day is divided while calculating the Yama Kandam timings.
The Gulika Kaal is also known as the blossoming time, and it is believed that any task performed during this period will face success and positivity.
According to Vedic Astrology, Yamagandam is a period believed to be inauspicious. There are three parts to the Yamagandam period: the Pre-Yamagandam period, the Yamagandam period, and the Post-Yamagandam period. Half an hour before the Yamagandam period is the Pre-Yamagandam period, and half an hour after the Yamagandam period is the Post-Yamagandam period.
It is advised most that one should avoid any promising task during this particular time of the day. If you have to perform an unavoidable activity, you must engage in proper remedies before undertaking the task.
One should avoid starting new things during this period. So, do not start or do a pooja or anushthan during this period. Although, ongoing poojas can be continued without hesitation.
To check the Yamagandam timings of a day, just put a particular date into our tool and acquire accurate results with just a click.
Yamagandam and Rahu Kalam are inauspicious periods of the day when you should avoid all promising tasks or activities at all costs. Rahu kaal tends to ruin the plan and affects the outcomes of the task performed during this day. However, on the other hand, Yamagandam tends to make tasks incomplete.
It is typically advised against beginning any new activities during this Yamagandam time since it is said that doing so will result in the death of the job that already began (meaning failure).
The day is divided into eight segments, 1 of which is the Yamagandam.
The day is divided into segments of 90 minutes each, starting from sunrise and ending at sunset.
We should avoid auspicious activities like beginning a new venture during the Yamagandam.
No, however, they are both inauspicious periods.
A6. Acts or deeds during the Gulika period are repeated and favourable for performing auspicious tasks.