What Is Dasha?

A Dasha is a pattern of experiences or events that recur over periods of time. The smallest unit of time in a Dasha is Bhukti. Planetary phases called Dasha bhukti indicate the planets governing at the time. The positive or negative impacts of the planet's journey are visible during the Dasha bhukti period. This Free Dasha Calculator/ Mahadasha calculator will calculate dasha based on the date of birth, and you will get your dasha bhukti predictions in just a click!

Dasa Bhukti Calculator: Check Effect & Remedies

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About Dasha Bhukti Calculator

Dasha Bhukti calculator is a calculator that helps an individual know about the ongoing dasha and mahadasha in their life. In some sense, the Dasha Bhukti calculator can also be known as the Mahadasha Calculator.

The Dasha Bhukti calculator helps an individual a lot. The reason for this is that by knowing the ongoing Mahadasha in one’s life, a person can know the cause of their problems. A negative or unfavourable ongoing mahadasha can result in negative outcomes. These can be solved byusinge remedies related to the mahadasha.

How Does Dasha Bhukti Calculator Work?

If you want to use the Dasa bhukti Calculator, follow the steps below. The steps are as follows:

  • In order to get your results, you’ll need to fill in some details in the calculator.
  • These details include your name, gender, place of birth, time of birth, and date of birth.
  • Once you have entered these details in the calculator, all you need to do is click submit.
  • The maraka dasa calculator will calculate dasha based on date of birth after checking the planetary positions in your kundli you with your dasha bhukti calculation results.
  • The results will include your ongoing Dasha, ongoing Bhukti and the past and upcoming Dasha in your life. It will also provide you with the time frame for the same.

Dasha Bhukti Calculator: Significance

In the natal chart, the Moon signs, houses, yogas, and Drishti aspects significantly impact Dasha and Bhukti. During the era of Dasha and Bhukti of the ascendant's lord—the nakshatra ruler—one can better understand oneself, the environment, and character. This is one of the factors contributing to the first planetary Mahadasa's importance in the development of a person's physical and mental characteristics.

A person's life is shown based on the houses that the Dasha and Bhukti planets from the ascendant and natal moon signify aspect or transit. Positively situated planets—planets in their native sign, exalted, or with directional power (kendras)—assist the native in reaching high heights in life and bring out their natural talents.

In addition, the Mahadasha and Antardasha calculator is ideal for dasha prediction by date of birth and will provide details on other Dashas as per your details. This present dasha calculator will help you in every way possible regarding the dasha in your kundli.

Dasha Bhukti Calculator: About Mahadasha & Antardasha

The 120 years of the Mahadasha period are divided among nine planets. Depending on the overall planetary basis of each Mahadasha, your life will be affected differently. There are several factors at play when drawing inferences about what will happen. We must consider other aspects depending on where that planet is positioned in the horoscope.

There are nine Mahadasha periods, and then there are nine Antardasha periods. The following secondary planet of the related Antardasha has an equal say in what this Dasha will deliver, in addition to the first and primary planets. A Mahadasha Calculator or an Antardasha Calculator is ideal to calculate dasa bhukti of an individual.

In addition, a Pratyantar Dasha Calculator will calculate the sub-sub periods of Mahadasha and Antardasha. Below are the types of Mahadasha and how they affect an individual’s life.

PlanetsMahadashaPlanet Represents
Sun (Surya)6 yearsFame, renown, power, and aggression
Venus (Shukra)20 yearsPassion, love, and contentment
Saturn (Shani)19 yearsDiligence and wisdom
Moon (Chandra)10 yearsAttractive nature and restlessness
Jupiter (Guru)16 yearsIntellect, prosperity, and spirituality
Mars (Mangal)7 yearsPhysical embodiment
Mercury (Budh)17 yearsWisdom and insight
Rahu (North Node)18 yearsConfusion and mischief
Ketu (South Node)7 yearsMoney, profession, and stability

Effects of Different Mahadasha

Mahadasha significantly impacts your life since it affects your horoscope and future course of events. The Mahadasha rules over each and every action you take, what you will enter next, and the circumstances of your current existence.

You will receive good or bad impacts and results during each Mahadasha, depending on your past actions. The fruits are linked to your former lives as well. The effects of different Mahadashar are as follows:

Surya Mahadasha

Great things come from the Sun Mahadasha. It instantly uplifts your status in your job and increases your company's income. The Sun is favourable if you wish to pursue politics as your career. You can achieve great success by taking on administrative positions.

Shukra Mahadasha

You will likely find a life partner who is stunning and desirable. Additionally, you can attract a lot of interest from the other sex and maintain your attractiveness for a very long period. Venus stands for relationships, art, and affluence. You'll have a lot of influence over your destiny, making you well-known or a popular figure.

Shani Mahadasha

The effects of the Saturn Mahadasha might significantly strengthen your character throughout the years to come. It has the power to bring you great fortune, success, and a lot of financial rewards. During this Mahadasha, your social standing will rise, and you may go from poverty to luxury.

Chandra Mahadasha

The ten-year Moon Mahadasha is when the moon has the most significant impact on your horoscope. A person could have increased interest in art during this period (Dasha). You'll notice a liking to follow a spiritual path in your thinking. Additionally, your knowledge, intelligence, and creativity will all increase.

Guru Mahadasha

Your words and job will become highly straightforward. Your life will all of a sudden become peaceful. You'll be naturally inclined to extend forgiveness, and changing your environment will become less complicated. Your ideas will become purer, and you'll have a far better understanding of religion and spirituality.

Ketu Mahadasha

If you are in the seven-year Ketu Mahadasha, there is a reasonable probability that you won't be eager to live a married life. Even if you are married, you would feel quite distant from your partner and have a strong desire to change your way of life. You may also have a severe loss of happiness, which might finally result in a very miserable existence.

Rahu Mahadasha

The 18-year Rahu Mahadasha cycle brings out the best and the worst in your fate, whether they pertain to your personal life or not. Poor placement can cause agony, failure, and other challenges in your life. If properly positioned, you can observe success and accomplishments. Most people do not favour this dasha, but those who do will experience huge success.

Mangal Mahadasha

Mars stands for ego, athleticism, and tremendous energy. It's referred to as the God of battle. Therefore, there is a reasonable probability that you will get interested in these subjects during this period. All good athletes and soldiers would have an assertive and optimistic Mars during their crucial and rewarding career moves.

Budh Mahadasha

During this time, a youngster can significantly improve in academics. Your mind will be filled with many thoughts that have the potential to produce beautiful outcomes and launch a rise in your business or profession. During this time in your life, enormous possibilities will knock on your door. You can have a strong desire to improve your knowledge, learn something new, or put in a lot of effort to advance professionally during budh mahadasha.

Disclaimer: These are general predictions and are subject to change based on the planetary positions in a kundli of individuals. To get more in-depth predictions, consult our astrologers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dasha is a large pattern of experiences in life that are likely to occur across sizable periods and is a major planetary phase. A Vimshottari Dasha Calculator helps calculate dasha in your Kundli.
The smallest unit of time inside the Dasha is Bhukti, the minor planetary period. Bhukti might also be referred to as the Antardasha planet.
Mahadasha significantly impacts your life since it affects your horoscope and future course of events. The Mahadasha dictates every action you take, what you will enter next, and the circumstances of your current existence.
The Moon signs, the houses, the yogas, and the Drishti aspects in the natal chart significantly impact Dasha and Bhuktis.
Markesh Dasha is a terrible Dasha which poses several threatening elements in the individual’s kundli. A Markesh Dasha Calculator or a Maraka Dasha Calculator is used to find out this Dasha.
Though every mahadasha has its pros and cons, Jupiter or Brihaspati Mahadasha is considered to be one of the best Mahadasha in one’s life. This Mahadasha is said to bring luck, prosperity and wealth into the lives of an individual.