Bhava Chart and Astrology

Astrological Houses are known as Bhavas in Vedic astrology. The relevance and effect of each of the Bhavas on various celestial bodies varies. These celestial bodies—planets, asteroids, ascendants, and luminaries—impact a person's life in various ways. Use the InstaAstro FREE Online Bhava Calculator to get precise answers if you want to discover how the planets affect the Bhavas.

Bhava Chart: Check Effect & Remedies

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About Bhava Chart Calculator

As we already know, Bhavas are the Astrological Houses, and each Bhava has a different impact or influence on a particular celestial body. On the other hand, the planets, constellations, and their combinations have their influence on the different areas of an individual’s life. If you wish to know the influences of planets in relation to the Bhavas, then use the InstaAstro FREE Online Bhava Calculator, also known as bhava bala calculator, to get accurate results!

Since Bhavas are the Houses in Astrology, the compatibility between them is highly crucial. Every Bhava has a governing planet which influences the House in different ways. If the ruling planet is placed in the Bhava, it rules over any other compatible Bhava, and its impact will be highly beneficial. Likewise, if the ruling planet's placement is inconsistent, its influence will nullify or be malefic.

Through the calculation of a Bhava Lagna or Bhava Chart, you can understand the influence of planets and if their placement is favourable or not.

To get your Bhava Lagna, enter the necessary details, such as your name, date, place and time of birth, and the time zone during your birth, in our FREE Jyotish Bhava Calculator.

How Does Bhava Chart Calculator Work?

In order to use the Bhava strength calculator, all you need to do is follow the below-mentioned steps. These steps are as follows:

  • Bhava Chart Calculator tends to present an individual with future predictions for the individual based on their Bhava chart. However, to do so, all you need to do is fill in some details in the calculator.
  • These details include your date of birth, time of birth, name, place of birth and also your gender.
  • Once you have entered all these details in the calculator, all you need to do is click submit.
  • The chalit chart calculator will then present you with your results.

Points to remember while making predictions through Bhava Chart

  • The Bhava Lagna Chart or Bhava Chalit Chart determines any planet's influence or effect over a particular house in any Dasha.
  • The placement of celestial bodies is quite significant while understanding life and its results. For example, if a planet is positioned in the First House under the Rashi Chart, it is believed to give good results. On the other hand, if the same planet is placed in the Twelfth House under the Bhava Chart, it will present the results of the Twelfth House.
  • Thus, we can say that the planetary changing of positions under the Bhava Chart presents with results of the House it is placed in.
  • The Bhava Chart consists of points; the closer the planet is to any particular point, the more varying results it gives for that House.
  • There are three points: the Bhava Prarambh Bindu or House Starting Point, the Bhava Madhya Bindu or House Middle Point, and the Bhava Anta Bindu or House Ending Point. The results are different for each of these positions.
    • The Bhava Prarambh Bindu: If any planet is closer to this point, it is believed to give the outcome of the previous House.
    • The Bhava Madhya Bindu: When any planet is closer to this point, it gives the most beneficial results for the placement House.
    • The Bhava Anta Bindu: As said above, if a planet is close to the House Ending Point, it will give results of the next House.
  • Another thing to keep in mind is if the planets are closer to the Starting or Ending Points, the outcomes will be mixed.

Bhava Chart

Astrologers have always emphasised the significance of Bhava and have successfully employed the Bhava chart for both mundane and horary astrology. But nowadays, the Rasi and other divisional charts are used instead of the Bhava chart. According to astrological principles, the Rasi chart should always be used while studying the Bhava chart. We should always use the Rasi chart to see aspects and Papakartari of any house. Raja Yogas must be seen because they are based on planets concerning Rasi or Bhava charts. The conjunction is always visible from the Rasi chart.

Still, occasionally there may be a Bhava relationship between two or more planets in the same Bhava but with distinct Rasis. It indicates that while the planets are in a single Bhava, their two Rasis have combined. It has been observed that persons born in higher latitudes have their lordships modified in the Bhava chart, and we cannot disregard this as it is an astronomical reality. Therefore, lordships are to be taken from the Bhava charts.

Rashi Chart

A Graha is the ruler of each Rashi. We consider the planet's position in Rashi while interpreting a chart. The position of Graha and Rashi's dominance over them is pretty significant. Anyone familiar with astrology's fundamentals knows that the Rashis are the twelve portions of 30 degrees each that make up the 360-degree Zodiac. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Saggitarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are the Rashis to these signs. Any birth chart's core framework consists of these Rashis.


The birth chart's Lagna or Ascendant is its crucial component. It is so because the Lagna is where the chart's planet’s dwellings are given. For instance, in a Rashi chart, if the Lagna is in Taurus, the second House is Gemini, the third House is Cancer, and so on. It is predicated on the notion that the first House starts at the same degree as the Lagna Rashi.


In a horoscope, the position of the Lagnesha concerning the Lagna is a crucial factor to take into account. The Lagnesha will drain that House or Bhava and affect the person whose Natal Chart or Bhava Chart is being studied. It is also examined to determine the strength of the Lagnesha. Problems might also arise from the Lagnesha's ailment or any aspect of its frailty, and the Lagna can also reveal a person's life pattern. Therefore, it is favourable if the Lagna Lord is in benefic yogas. It is examined to determine if Lagna's degree falls inside any Gandanta degrees.

Lagna Bhava In Different Houses

Lagna Bhava in Different Houses may significantly affect Bhava Chart predictions. The term 'ascendant lord,' also known as 'Lagnesha,' is very significant when studying horoscopes. It is the ruler of the Ascendant that was rising when you were born. Your physical characteristics, including your exterior self, size, and quirks, are determined by the planet that rules your rising sign. Their location indicates your holistic health and general well-being in your natal chart. While it strengthens the home where it is placed, houses or Bhava 6, 8, and 12 are likely to experience serious health problems.

Lagnesh in the First House

You feel an upsurge of excitement and are full of energy and vigour when the Ascendant or Lagnesha is in the First House. You become clever and deliberate in your movements due to your location. You decide after doing your research. It is a good position for overall expression and assisting you in achieving your goals. However, if the Ascendant Lord in the first House is malefic, it might seriously affect your health from the time of your birth through your childhood and into your older years.

Lagnesh in the Second House

Everyone in your family loves you, and your friends will look to you for support through trying times since the Ascendant Lord is in your second House. Thanks to the Ascendant Lord in the second House, you are blessed with the gift of gab. An excellent appetite and good taste buds are given when the Ascendant Lord is powerfully situated in this House. However, if you have the reverse condition, you cannot have a strong sense of taste and may have unhealthy eating habits.

Lagnesh in the Third House

With the Ascendant Lord in your third House, you always have plenty of energy. Your level of vital energy boosts your bravery and fortitude. It dramatically increases your love of travel and enjoyment of sports and outdoor activities. You can be a well-known musician, accomplished painter, or brilliant mathematician. You could be skilled at acting as a mediator if the Ascendant Lord is in the third House. The third House may make you careless and prone to mishaps and injuries regarding your health.

Lagnesh in the Fourth House

Your home is where your heart is when the Ascendant Lord is in the fourth House. You associate the words 'home' and 'happy' with your family, indicating a close relationship with them. As a result, your mother turns into a significant source of delight for you. Although the Lagnesh in this House makes you emotional and sensitive, if the Ascendant Lord in the fourth House is affected, you might lose control of your emotions.

Lagnesh in the Fifth House

Thanks to the Ascendant Lord in the fifth House, you clearly feel destiny and your life's purpose. You'll show generosity and engage in generous service to others. You may be a professional artist, writer, or actor because this position is creatively advantageous. You are spiritually inclined and maybe an expert in occult or spiritual matters if the Ascendant Lord is in this position.

Lagnesh in the Sixth House

If you are in a favourable situation, you will have a robust immune system and be able to ward off illnesses readily. You value cleanliness, and you can be interested in health-related issues. However, if your Ascendant is affected, you might have a fragile genetic composition and a propensity to become sick quickly, which could shorten your lifespan. You could have serious health problems.

Lagnesh in the Seventh House

It is more about how you interact with others in public and society. You have a stronger focus on your profession and are skilled at managing people. You are skilled at communicating clearly and making an impression on other people. It makes sense, given your social success and ability to gain respect and prestige in society.

Lagnesh in the Eighth House

Thanks to the ascendant ruler in the ninth House, you have a keen sense of investigation and exceptional research skills. Those around you may find you enigmatic and difficult to understand. If this House is appropriately placed, it can make you highly energetic and active. You may also have psychic abilities, profound insight, and a potent mesmerising aura.

Lagnesh in the Ninth House

You are very spiritual or intellectual in character, or you have strong moral principles. You have a kind heart, are practising positive karma, and are compassionate. You become more interested in religion and higher learning due to this internship, and you are more inclined to go overseas for further studies. You develop into a remarkable teacher or Guru with Lagnesh in the ninth House, and your priceless contributions to life and society make you highly well-known for many years.

Lagnesh in the Tenth House

You can advance in your job, leave a lasting impression on society, and land a respectable position with a strong Ascendant lord in this House. You radiate good vibes and are aware of how you look in public. The desire for a lucrative job may precede your health if your Ascendant has a malefic ruler in the tenth House.

Lagnesh in the Eleventh House

The Ascendant Lord's placement in the eleventh House provides you tremendous strength to realise your aspirations. With the Lagnesh in the eleventh House, the House of Abundance, you can satisfy your desire for more without having a sense of scarcity. You become pretty ambitious because of this placement and tend to value money and earnings.

Lagnesh in the Twelfth House

You may experience tremendous weakness and prolonged tiredness since the Ascendant Lord is in your twelfth House, which denotes inadequate vitality and scattered energy. It could also portend a catastrophe or loss. International travel, the afterlife, and otherworldly encounters are associated with the Twelfth House. As a result, if the Ascendant Lord in the Twelfth House is strong, you may migrate overseas for better job possibilities or to further your education.

Making The Bhava Chalit Chart Calculation

There are several ways to calculate the same item in Vedic astrology, as most of its ideas exist. The chart for the Bhava Chalit or Bhava Lagna is not an exception. There are two schools of thought on calculating this chart using the Equal House Method.

  • Choosing the Lagna degree to represent the Bhav Madhya or center of the House
  • Applying the Lagna degree as the starting point of a house

The first approach is the more often used one. The Lagna degree is used as the Bhav or House's midpoint. We redraw the homes with the start of the House 15 degrees before the Lagna degree and the end of the House 15 degrees after the Lagna degree since each House has a 30-degree span. We then make the Lagna degree the centre of each House. When we do this, we'll observe that certain planets could migrate to the House before or after. The birth location's latitude and longitude are used to compute the degree span of each home using a different technique known as the unequal house method. Some astrologers have found great favour with this technique.

How is the Bhava Chart read?

When studying a planet's placement in a house, we should use the Bhava Chart. Astrologers often identify favourable positions in the Rashi chart and foretell unique events. When examining the Bhava Chalit chart, the planet may have shifted to a different house or Bhava. It would change or render meaningless the placement's interpretation. Numerous charts have favourable or unfavourable Yogas. However, these postings have little impact on the person's day-to-day activities. While this is frequently cited as a justification to refute astrology's laws, they could be inaccurate predictions.

The Three Points

The Bhava Prarambh Bindu, also known as the House Starting Point, the Bhava Madhya Bindu, also known as the House Middle Point, and the Bhava Anta Bindu, also known as the House Ending Point, are the three points. Each of these settings yields a distinct set of outcomes.

  1. The Bhava Prarambh Bindu: It is thought that any planet closer to this point would predict the results of the preceding House.
  2. The Bhava Madhya Bindu: Any planet produces the best outcomes for the placement House when it is nearer this position.
  3. The Bhava Anta Bindu: As previously stated, a planet will produce results for the following House if it is close to the House Ending Point.

Rashi Chart vs. Bhava Chalit (Lagna) Chart

The commencement of the first House, also known as the Lagna Rashi, is often taken at the beginning of the ascending sign to generate a Rashi (Lagna) chart. The rising ascendant degree continues in the exact location as in the rising Lagna Rashi.

If the rising degree is considered the first House's beginning point, we might determine the first House by counting backwards from that point by 30 ranges. Planets will be positioned in different houses using this house cusp counting approach than on the Rashi chart (D1). Since it displays planets in bhavas or houses, this form of alignment of the planets to the houses is known as a Chalit chart, also known as a Bhava Chalit chart or Bhava Lagna Chart.

Bhava Chart Uses

The Bhava Chalit Chart’s primary usage is to discover a planet’s impact or influence over a particular House when in a Dasha. When placed in the First House, one can expect a positive result or outcome, but if the same planet is in the Twelfth House, it may welcome unfavourable outcomes. In a Bhava chart, the planet’s position in a particular House determines the outcome.

The Bhava chart is analysed while determining a planet’s House of placement or stay. Several astrologers believe that by reading a planet’s placement in the Rashi chart, one can predict positive events. However, a planet is not stagnant and may move to a different House. This placement may anticipate a negative impact with regard to the House. Only after careful analysis of the Bhava Chalit Chart can an event be predicted or known. It is advisable to refer to the native’s chart before making any forecasts.

The Bhava Chart is the best way to determine which planet is in which House and its impact on the said House. For example, if a native has Mercury in their 4th House, then the results will vary from the results determined after Mercury’s transit into the 5th House.


So, even though a person's overall astrological profile is represented by their Rashi chart, an astrologer is encouraged to use both the Lagna and the Bhava Chalit charts or Bhava Bala Chart to acquire a more in-depth understanding of the profile. The Lagna will provide specifics of the planet's true power. The Bhava Chalit Chart thoroughly represents the planet's actual position. InstaAstro provides you with a free online Bhava Calculator, and you can read more through your Kundli.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Bhava Calculator is used to determine the positioning of planets in the Houses and what impact they have on the life of the native. Promising placements of planets give out promising results, and unfavourable placements give out adverse outcomes.
The InstaAstro Free Online Bhava Chart vs Lagna Chart Calculator is programmed to give out the best results so that you know which areas of your life and personality are affected by which planets. Therefore, you can trust the InstaAstro Bhava Calculator's accuracy because the results will be genuine!
Getting in touch with a professional to know how to alleviate the influence of planetary bodies and live the best life possible is
So, even though a person's overall astrological profile is represented by their Rashi chart, the Bhava Chalit Chart thoroughly represents the planet's actual position.
Yes, a Bhava Sandhi chart is important. A Bhava Calculator will help you know how to read Bhava Chart.
Bhava Param Bindu thought that any planet closer to this point would predict the results of the preceding House. Moreover, any planet produces the best outcomes for the placement House when it is nearer the Bhava Madhya Bindu position.