The Sacred Diwali Puja Mantra Chants

Many great devotees of Goddess Laxmi chant essential mantras during Diwali, the festival of lights. Adding these mantras to the ritual enhances peace, prosperity and wealth. Here are 10 powerful Diwali Pujan mantra chants to make your Diwali more meaningful.

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Govatsa Dwadashi Mantra

Govatsa Dwadashi marks the start of Diwali festivities and is dedicated to the worship of cows, symbolising abundance and nurturing. Below are the key Diwali Pujan mantra chants recited on this day:

  • Arghya Mantra

This mantra is recited while offering Arghya (water or other sacred items) to the cow or deity during Govatsa Dwadashi, symbolising purification and devotion.

क्षीरोदार्नवसंभूते सुरासुरनमस्कृते।
सर्वदेवमये मातर्गृहाण्घ्यं नमो नमः॥

Kshirodarnavasambhute Surasuranamaskrite।
Sarvadevamaye Matargrihanarghyam Namo Namah॥

Meaning: At the time of churning of the ocean, the sound arising from the milky ocean and the divine form of mother who was greeted by the demons, salutations to you again and again. Please accept this Arghya given by me.

  • Nivedan Mantra

The Nivedan Mantra is chanted while offering food to the cows or deity. This symbolises gratitude and thankfulness for prosperity and getting God’s blessings.

सुरभि त्वं जगन्मातरदेवी विष्णुपदे स्थिता।
सर्वदेवमये ग्रसं मया दत्तमिदं ग्रसा॥

Surabhi Tvam Jaganmatardevi Vishnupade Sthita।
Sarvadevamaye Grasam Maya Dattamidam Grasa॥

Meaning: Hey Jagdambe! O heavenly goddess! O Mother of all Gods! Please accept this food given by me.

  • Prarthana Mantra

This is a prayer mantra where devotees ask for protection, good health, and prosperity. This Diwali pujan mantra is recited at the end of the Govatsa Dwadashi puja to express devotion and thankfulness.

सर्वदेवमये देवि सर्वदेवैरलंकृते।
मातरमाभिलाषितं सफलं कुरु नंदिनी॥

Sarvadevamaye Devi Sarvadevairalankrite।
Matarmamabhilashitam Saphalam Kuru Nandini॥

Meaning: O mother decorated by all the gods! Nandini! Fulfill my wish.

Yamadeep Mantra

During Diwali, it is a ritual to light a lamp dedicated to Lord Yama, the god of death. The Yamadeep Mantra is chanted to ensure the protection of family members and avoid untimely death.

मृत्युना पाषादण्डभ्यं कालेन श्यामया सहः।
त्रयोदश्यां दीपदानत्सुर्यजः प्रियतम मम॥

Mrityuna Pashadandabhyam Kalen Shyamaya Saha।
Trayodashyam Dipadanatsuryajah Priyatam Mama॥

Meaning: On Trayodashi, I offer this lamp to the son of Surya, i.e. Lord Yama. May He free me from the noose of death and bless me.

Abhyang Snan Mantra

The Abhyang Snan ritual is performed on Narak Chaturdashi (Choti Diwali), where devotees take a holy bath to purify their body and soul. The mantra associated with this ritual is recited while performing the bath, aiming to remove negative energies.

सीतालोष्टासमायुक्ता सकान्तकदलन्विता।
हर पापमपामार्ग भ्रम्यमानः पुनः पुनः॥

Sitaloshtasamayukta Sakantakadalanvita।
Hara Papamapamarga Bhramyamanah Punah Punah॥

Meaning: Soil of the ploughed land, full of thorns and leaves, O Apamarga, please remove my sins.

Narak Chaturdashi Deepdan Mantra

Lighting lamps or Deepdan is also a significant ritual during Narak Chaturdashi. The mantra chanted at this time symbolises the removal of darkness, negativity, and ignorance while inviting wisdom and light into one's life.

दत्तो दीपश्चतुर्दश्याम नरकाप्रीतये मया।
चतुर्वर्तिसामयुक्तः सर्वपापनुत्तये॥

Datto Dipashchaturdashyam Narakapritaye Maya।
Chaturvartisamayuktah Sarvapapapanuttaye॥

Meaning: Today, on the day of Chaturdashi, I offer a four-mouthed lamp to please the Deity of Hell and for the destruction of all sins.

Lakshmi Mantra

On the night of Diwali, the Lakshmi Mantra is the main Deepawali poojan mantra for worshipping Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Chanting this mantra during Lakshmi Puja brings blessings for wealth, happiness, and peace in the home.

ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं लक्ष्म्यै नमः॥

Om Hreem Shreem Lakshmyai Namah॥

Meaning: I pray to Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and Prosperity.

Bali Namaskar Mantra

This mantra is chanted in honour of King Bali during Diwali. It symbolises the acknowledgement of sacrifice, prosperity, and divine order. It is believed to gather prosperity and ensure a good harvest.

बलिराजा नमस्तुभ्यं दैत्यदानववंदिता।
इन्द्रशत्रोअमरते विष्णुसन्निध्यदो भव॥
बलिमुद्दिश्य दीयन्ते दानानि कुरुनन्दना।
यानि तन्यक्षान्याहुर्मयैवं सम्प्रदर्शितम्॥

Baliraja Namastubhyam Daityadanavavandita।
Indrashatroamararate Vishnusannidhyado Bhava॥
Balimuddishya Diyante Danani Kurunandana।
Yani Tanyakshayanyahurmayaivam Sampradarshitam॥

Meaning: O Baliraj worshiped by demons and devils, salutations to you. O Indrashatro, O Amararete, you are the one who gives the company of Vishnu.

Oh Kurunandan, the donations given for the purpose of sacrifice are received by Akshay. I have demonstrated it this way.

Gau Mantra

The Gau Mantra is dedicated to the sacred cow and is often chanted during Govatsa Dwadashi and other rituals. This mantra seeks blessings for well-being and good fortune, particularly in homes where cows are highly regarded.

गोवर्धन धराधर गोकुलत्राणकारक।
बहुबाहुकृतच्छया गावं कोटिप्रदो भव॥

Govardhana Dharadhara Gokulatranakaraka।
Bahubahukritachchaya Gavam Kotiprado Bhava॥

Meaning: Govardhan, who holds the earth! You are the protector of Gokul. Lord Shri Krishna lifted you in his arms. You provide me crores of cows.

Yama Dwitiya Mantra

Chanted on Yama Dwitiya, this Deepavali puja mantra symbolises the bond between siblings, particularly the prayers for a brother's long life and well-being. This mantra is essential to the rituals performed on Bhai Dooj.

एह्येहि मार्तण्डजा पाशहस्ता यमान्तकलोकधर्मरेषा।
भ्रातृद्वितीयकृतदेवपूजं गृहाणा चार्घ्यं भगवन्नमोस्तु ते॥

Ehyehi Martandaja Pashahasta Yamantakalokadharamaresha।
Bhratridwitiyakritadevapujam Grihana Charghyam Bhagawannamostu Te॥

Meaning: O Martandaja - born from the Sun, O Pashahasta - the one holding the rope’s end in his hand, O Yama, O Antak, O Lokdhar, O Amaresh, accept the worship of God and the Arghya performed in Bhatradvitiya. O Lord, salutations to you.

Margapali Mantra

The Margapali Mantra is recited for safe travel and divine protection during any journey. It is often used by those beginning new ventures or looking for guidance on both wealth and spiritual paths.

मार्गपाली नमस्तेस्तु सर्वलोकसुखप्रदे।
विधेयैः पुत्रदारद्यैः पुनरेहि व्रतस्य मे॥

Margapali Namastestu Sarvalokasukhaprade।
Vidheyaih Putradaradyaih Punarehi Vratasya Me॥

Meaning: O Margapaali who gives happiness to all living beings, I salute you. You have been supported by your son, wife etc. May you come once again for my work.

Benefits Of Chanting Diwali Puja Mantras

Chanting the Diwali pooja mantra during your Deepavali celebrations can bring numerous spiritual and personal benefits. Here are some key advantages of incorporating these sacred verses into your Diwali puja:

  • Deepens spiritual connection: Reciting the Deepawali poojan mantra helps you develop a stronger bond with God, enhancing your spiritual experience.
  • Purifies the atmosphere: The vibrations of Diwali Puja Mantra cleanse your surroundings, creating a positive environment for worship.
  • Attracts prosperity:Certain Deepavali puja mantra, especially those dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, are believed to invite wealth and abundance.
  • Promotes inner peace: The rhythmic chanting of Diwali Pujan mantra can cause a meditative state, promoting peace and mental clarity.

Ideal Setup For Chanting Diwali Mantras

The environment plays a crucial role in enhancing the power of the Diwali Pooja mantra and welcoming Goddess Laxmi during the festival. To create the ideal setting for reciting the Deepavali Puja mantra, consider these essential steps:

  • Clean The Puja Space: Clean and purify your space thoroughly before beginning the Diwali Puja. Wear clean, traditional clothes.
  • Set Up An Altar: Decorate an altar with images or statues of deities you worship, such as Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi.
  • Light Lamps: Light diyas and incense to create a sacred atmosphere. It symbolises the victory of light over darkness and brings positive energy.
  • Offerings:Arrange offerings of fruits, sweets, and flowers for the dieties. This signifies a warm welcome and devotion towards them.
  • Chant Mantras: Maintain a calm and focused mindset during Diwali Puja mantra chanting. It is advisable to chant the Diwali Pooja Mantra 108 times using a mala (rosary).

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Deepavali Puja mantra chants are 10 important mantras that great gurus suggest reciting during all Diwali festivities and preparations. Everyone must include them in their celebration.
The Diwali Pooja mantra is significant for pleasing the deities, mainly Laxmi and Ganesha. This promotes good health, peace and wealth. Chant the 10 essential Diwali Pooja mantra before, during and upto a week after Diwali as per their meanings and significance.
Close your eyes, join hands, take a deep breath, maintain focus and start chanting the Deepavali puja mantra. It is ideal to chant the mantra 108 times facing the deities.
The main Deepawali Poojan mantra is the Laxmi Mantra. On the night of Diwali during Laxmi Pujan, chant the mantra - “Om Hreem Shreem Lakshmyai Namah॥.” (ॐ ह्रीं श्रीं लक्ष्म्यै नमः॥) 108 times.
Clean the Puja space after cleaning the whole house during Diwali. Set up an altar and place the idol you worship on it. Wear traditional clothes and light. Next, offer flowers, fruits, rice and water. Finally, chant the Diwali Pujan mantra.
Yama Dwitiya Mantra is the Diwali Puja Mantra chanted on Bhai Dooj, the ritual that celebrates siblings’ bond. Chant this mantra to please Lord Yama and protect brothers' well-being.
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