Attract Peace With Shanti Path Mantra

The Shanti Path Mantra, also known as the 'Om Shanti Mantra,' is a powerful Sanskrit prayer (pooja) for peace and stability. This ancient mantra is often recited during times of stress, uncertainty, or change - including death and mourning rituals.

Read The Shant Path Mantra Here

The Shanti Paath Mantra, an ancient verse, is deeply rooted in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, serving as a gateway for inner peace and universal harmony.

The Shanti Mantra lyrics are as follows -

ॐ द्यौ: शान्तिरन्तरिक्षँ शान्ति:,
पृथ्वी शान्तिराप: शान्तिरोषधय: शान्ति:।
वनस्पतय: शान्तिर्विश्वे देवा: शान्तिर्ब्रह्म शान्ति:,
सर्वँ शान्ति:, शान्तिरेव शान्ति:, सा मा शान्तिरेधि॥
ॐ शान्ति: शान्ति: शान्ति:॥

Om Dyauh Shanti Rantariksham Shantih
Prithvi Shantirapah Shantih
Oshadhayah Shantih Vanaspatayah Shantih
Vishvedevaah Shantih Brahma Shantih
Sarvam Shantih Shantireva Shantih
Saamaa Shantiredhih
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!

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May peace radiate there in the whole sky as well as in the vast, beautiful space everywhere.

May peace rule all over this earth, in water and in all herbs, trees and creepers.
May peace flow over the whole universe.
May peace be in the Supreme Being Brahman.
And may there always exist peace and peace alone.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti to us and all beings!

Significance Of Chanting “Shanti” Thrice

The repetition of “Shanti” thrice after Om at the end of the Shanti Path – “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti”, emphasises the deep desire for peace in every way. The Om Shanti mantra addresses three levels of peace in our existence:

  • Adhi-Daivikam: This talks about the challenges created by God, such as natural disasters like floods, body diseases, accidents, etc. Saying Shanti for the first time purifies and refreshes the body.
  • Adhi-Bhautikam: The second saying of “Shanti” addresses Adhi-Bhautikam, i.e. problems created by the world, such as family arguments, conflict with neighbours or deep pain experienced after someone’s death.
  • Adhyatmikam:This is about eliminating disturbances to inner feelings and thoughts (spiritual existence) that cause discomfort. This is addressed when Shanti is pronounced, for the third time, touching a person’s soul.

Benefits of Chanting Shanti Paath Mantra

The Shanti Path lyrics, when chanted, give you peace in so many situations. The benefits of this Shanti mantra are listed below.

  • Moments of Grief or Loss: After a death in family, a Shanti Path Puja is held. Here, the Om Shanti mantra is chanted to pray for the departed soul and ask god to offer the energy to the family to deal with the discomfort and mental pain.
  • Times of Anxiety and Fear: Chanting the Shanti Path lyrics benefits during anxieties and fear. It is the best practice when you are stressed and is believed to fill your mind with positive thoughts.
  • Before Important Life Events:Chanting the Shanti Mantra lyrics is also effective before stepping into an important life event, like giving an important speech, going for your dream interview, etc.
  • As Part Of Daily Meditation Practices: Adding the Shanti Path lyrics at the start or end of your meditation process is also considered a great practice. It calms the mind and lets you settle into mindful silence.

Ideal Setup For Chanting Shanti Path Mantra

To follow the Shanti Path effectively and gain its advantages, one must create an ideal environment. Consider the below steps to follow the Shanti Path mantra successfully.

  1. Choose an Ideal Time: The Shanti Path lyrics are ideal for chanting during or after any yoga class, meditation, or religious ritual. It is especially performed between the 3rd and 11th day after the cremation of the departed soul.
  2. Choose an Ideal Direction:The North, East, or North-East direction is usually ideal for chanting the Shanti Path mantra. These directions will enhance the experience.
  3. Sit in an Ideal position: Relax your body by a few deep breaths, keep your spine straight and sit in a cross-legged position on a clean ground or a yoga mat.
  4. Ensure Focus and Devotion:Maintain full focus while you are chanting with deep breaths. Ensure that you understand the meaning of each word in the Shanti mantra lyrics.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Shanti Path Mantra is a prayer chanted for establishing peace and prosperity. The core part of the Shanti Path lyrics is “Om Shanti Shanti Shanti,” and the mantra ends with this.
Shanti Path is performed for various reasons. For example, to resolve issues in family, to eliminate stress, to build calm before an important event and to deal with discomfort of the mind and body.
The end of the Shanti Path lyrics includes chanting Shanti thrice, indicating prayers for the problems created by God ( natural calamities), challenges of the world ( arguments and conflicts) and disturbance to inner feelings.
Shanti Path mantra is the peace-restoring mantra chanted after the death of a person. Various rituals are performed during the next 13 days and between the 3rd and 11th day, Om Shanti mantra is recited to pray for the departed soul and to give strength to the family.
To chant the Om Shanti mantra, sit in a relaxed cross-legged position with your spine straight. Choose a quiet place. Now, taking small, deep breaths, recite the mantra with full focus.
The North, East or Northeast direction can be chosen for adding more positivity to the Shanti Path lyrics. While the ideal time is usually the start or end of any meditation practice, puja or religious ritual.