Overview of Summer Love Calculator

As the complexities of the world grow, people find it difficult to figure out certain things. However, as the concept of ‘The Perfect Life’ prevails, everyone wants to achieve this. One aspect in which people seem to have conflicting opinions is about their dating life.

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Enter your and your partner’s details and check for yourself if you are in a serious relationship or just having a summer fling

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Finding the perfect partner for you is quite a task, and some people even turn to astrology for help. No matter what your relationship type might be, either casual or serious, astrology, especially zodiac sign based, can help you find your ideal partner. Who will be my ideal partner? If you also are wondering about this question, worry not. Fill in your details in our Summer Love Calculator and get the answers you have been waiting for.

Not everyone is the same. People tend to differ in terms of opinions, life choices, skills and a lot of other factors as well. However, one thing that remains constant for everyone is the need and desire to have that special someone that one can confide in or just be vulnerable to. Moreover, sometimes the need is just to have someone to talk to or can also be for sexual pleasure and desire. The need of being loved is now seen to be much greater than anything else. The difference in this comes when one has to choose between a serious relationship or just a fling. The term commitment is seen to be scary or just impossible to implement for some people. Thus, they refrain from getting into a serious relationship. However, for some people, the sole meaning of a relationship is on the basis of love, care and commitment. With the common and increased use of terms like casual dating, friends with benefits and flings, people have opened borders associated with the term dating and relationship. They have now made it quite flexible according to their needs. If someone just wants to date for a short while, they can opt or choose to be in a casual relationship or, to put it in a filmy manner, and they can have a hot summer love. People with commitment issues are often seen to indulge themselves in friends-with-benefits relationship types. Some people are seekers of true love. Being old-school romantics by heart, these people go to great lengths to find their ideal match with whom they can spend the rest of their life. To them, the most crucial and important aspects of a relationship involve love and compatibility. Concepts of soulmate compatibility astrology is one of the most common methods used by people to check the compatibility between them and their partner. It is not uncommon to see people in different forms of relationships. However, before getting to any conclusion, let us first see what is the actual difference between these different forms of relationships.

Forms Of Relationships And Their Meaning

With the fast-moving world, people need comfort in any and every form and aspect of life. One such aspect affected by the comfort-seeking approach of people is their dating life. In earlier times, the sole purpose of a relationship was for the two people who are dating to get married. But now, as the times have changed, the meaning of relationships has evolved; moreover, different relationship type have erupted. Some of these include flings, casual dating, or the age-old committed partnership. A serious relationship is when two people commit themselves to each other with the ultimate motive of getting married. The basis of this relationship is formed by love, care and respect that both the partners have for each other. Fling relationships are relationships which are meant for short-term. Moreover, the promise of commitment by both the partners in a fling relationship is not present. Thus we can say that fling relationship meaning in English, is a short-term relationship.

Casual relationships are known to be slightly longer than flings. The sole purpose of a fling is to fulfil an individual's sexual desires; however, in a casual relationship, both the partners impose slightly more importance than flings. There are also chances for casual relationships to turn into serious, committed relationships. Let us talk more on the topic of fling vs casual relationship to help understand the difference between them. The very first and foremost common thing between the two relationship type is that the true essence of love is missing in some way or the other. These forms of relationships are meant to satisfy certain human needs and pleasures rather than being a way to look for your future partner. The only and sole difference between the two is the time-frame. Flings are known to be for a very-short period of time. However, casual relationships can go on for a long term. When we talk about commitment, both these relationship types do not include it.

Meaning Of Summer Love

The term summer love is just another fancy way of naming flings. A fling is ideally a short-term relationship between two people. It involves much less complexity and responsibility than a serious relationship. The term summer love is attributed to flings as being a season its meaning becomes symbolic to seasonal relationships. It also signifies the relationships that are like seasons short and changing. Well, though it is not love, ideally, but it is called so to give it a catchy outlook. Some things that are different in a summer love relationship or fling than a serious relationship include the following aspects.

  • - As the idea of commitment is not present, the boundaries are flexible and opportunities to meet new people and explore one’s horizons are open.
  • - The complexities of a serious relationship are not present, thus it does not become that stressful.
  • - The responsibilities are also a lot lesser than those of a serious relationship
  • - It gives one the freedom to walk away from the relationship and your fling partner at any point.
  • - It does not restrict you to only be in one relationship at a time, you are free to be in multiple relationships as per your preference.
  • - It works on the principle of ‘No strings attached’.

10 Signs of A Fling Relationship

Want to know if you are in a fling relationship? Or just curious to know What are signs of a fling? Well, here we present to you the 10 most common and crucial signs to look out for.

  • - As the famous saying goes, ‘Eyes Never Lie’; if your partner happens to avoid eye contact with you, then this can be a sign that either they do not want you to know their feelings or are not bothered about you.
  • - If your partner does not pay attention to you and is always on his/ her phone, then this, too, can be a sign of it being a fling.
  • - If the plans you make are always put on hold by them or are mostly cancelled because they are busy. This seems like an excuse not to meet up and can also be considered as one of the signs of a fling.
  • - If you have a feeling that you are the one always initiating conversations, and they seem not-so-bothered by this is also a sign of a fling relationship.
  • - Another sign to look out for includes if they seem to be quite invisible throughout the day and are quite active at night.
  • - Most importantly, if they only initiate the conversation about sexual desire and stuff and are not concerned about anything else. This is the first thing you should look out for.
  • - Also, if all your dates or time spent together happens in the house or in your bedroom, then this relationship might not mean anything more than that to your partner and can be a sign of a fling.
  • - If they refer to you as your friend and also no one in their circle knows about you is also a very common thing that people having flings do.
  • - One of the most important things to look out for is if they still have an active dating profile.
  • - Moreover, if they do not include you in your social media photos or do not acknowledge you publicly, then it is a big red flag. Therefore, it becomes a sign of a fling relationship rather than a serious one.

How Does The Summer Love Calculator Work?

Let us know the steps to use the calculator. These are as follows:

  • All you need to do is fill in your details. These will include your name, date of birth, place of birth and also your time of birth.
  • Also, you would need to choose the relationship type you are looking for; after this, click submit and just relax.
  • The calculator will determine your zodiac sign and analyse your characteristics based on your zodiac sign.
  • Once the calculator finds your zodiac and characteristics, it will furthermore check for compatibility between you and other zodiac signs.
  • Therefore after running hundreds of checks, the calculator will then present you with your results.
  • Finally, it will determine the ideal zodiac sign for you to date based on your preference.

When we talk about accuracy, our calculator proves to be highly accurate. This is because the calculator does not work on the principle of assumptions or random selection. You can find out whether your partner is your soulmate or a casual fling. Instead, it digs deep to find the most compatible match based on your zodiac characteristic. This leaves no chances for errors making our calculator highly accurate.

Zodiac Sign That Prefer Summer Love Relationships

As we know zodiacs tell us a lot about ourselves. They help us determine the characteristics and personality traits of a person and also give us insights into people’s future by giving us a peek at what the future holds for a person. Moreover, zodiac signs are also used for things such as a soulmate compatibility test. Additionally, Zodiac signs can also ideally determine your relationship type by analysing your characteristics. Some of the zodiacs are known to be highly interested in casual dating rather than committing themselves to one specific partner. If you are also curious to know which all zodiac signs choose to be in a casual relationship or prefer fling than getting involved in a serious relationship? Listed below are the zodiacs that are more interested in flings and casual relationships.

  1. Aries

The natives of this zodiac come around to be very happy-go-lucky in nature. When we talk about the ideal relationship type for the native then it sure has to be flings or casual dating. This is because the native lacks the essence of commitment and also possesses trust issues. One of the reason for this can be the native getting hurt in the past and is now scared of giving love another chance. Thus casual dating becomes the most ideal type for the native.

  1. Gemini

The natives of this zodiac come around to be very serious and sensitive in nature. When we talk about the ideal relationship type for the native then it sure has to be flings or casual dating. This is because the native is scared of commitment and also possesses trust issues. One of the reason for this can be that the native is scared of getting hurt and thus has built a wall surrounding his/ her feelings. Thus casual dating becomes the most ideal type for the native.

  1. Leo

The natives of this zodiac come around to be very sentimental in nature. They also possess a very analytical and logical approach towards life. When we talk about the ideal relationship type for the native then it sure has to be flings or casual dating. This is because the native lacks the essence of commitment and also possesses trust issues. One of the reason for this can be that the native does not find people similar to their nature. Thus casual dating becomes the most ideal type for the native.

  1. Libra

The natives of this zodiac come around to be very sensitive and caring in nature. When we talk about the ideal relationship type for the native then it sure has to be flings or casual dating. This is not because the native lacks the essence of commitment or has any trust issues, but because they are very afraid of getting hurt. As the native is afraid, they thus solve this problem by not allowing themselves to get attached with anyone. Thus casual dating becomes the most ideal type for the native.

  1. Sagittarius

The natives of this zodiac come around to be very practical in nature. When we talk about the ideal relationship type for the native then it sure has to be flings or casual dating. This is because the native does not want any disturbance or distraction in their life. They believe their prime focus is building their career and thus resolve to not indulge in anything that might distract them from their ultimate goal. Thus casual dating becomes the most ideal type for the native.

  1. Aquarius

The natives of this zodiac come around to be very sensible in nature. When we talk about the ideal relationship type for the native then it sure has to be flings or casual dating. This is because the native does not want to commit to everyone. They want to wait for the right person, so they believe in having flings until they find the perfect one for them. Thus casual dating becomes the most ideal type for the native.


So if you are confused about the ideal type of relationship for you, then you must use InstaAstro’s Summer Love Calculator. This calculator will tell you accurately about the most suitable type of relationship for you. Moreover, if you are facing any issues in your relationship, then you can consult India’s Best Astrologers on InstaAstro’s website. The astrologers there will provide you with beneficial solutions and answers to all your problems and questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Summer is associated with relationships that are ideally called flings. As summer is a season, and seasons change over a short period of time, the association of the term summer love represents a relationship that will be for a short period of time.
It is not uncommon to see a summer romance turn into a serious relationship. People tend to change and sometimes develop feelings for their fling partners. Thus, we can say that there is quite a chance for a summer romance relationship to last.
According to some surveys, most breakups happen in the season of spring. Moreover, some people have even noticed that most of the breakups do happen right before the holiday season, which means in the month of November and December.
As there is no patent to this term, there is no specific person we can trace who introduced the term ‘Summer Love’. However, the term ‘Summer Love’ was first seen in the year 1987 and has become a huge buzz after that time. With its recurring use in articles and advertisements, this term has held a lot of interest toward it.
Summer love relationships are meant to be for a short period of time. As the name suggests, ‘Summer’ it is ideally meant to be of the time frame associated with this season. Thus, they ideally range from the period of 1-3 months but are subject to the partners and can vary. Thus, it can also be shorter or might even go for a long period of time.
Summer flirt refers to the relationship between two people for the sole purpose of attaining sexual pleasure. There are no commitments or attachments in this relationship type, and thus is known to be stress-free for both partners.
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