Introduction to Chinese Match

Want to know the compatibility between you and your partner? Fill in your details in our Chinese zodiac compatibility calculator and see for yourself your compatibility score.

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Our Chinese love match calculator works on the principle of matching the characteristics and behaviour traits between you and your partner by using the age-old methods of Chinese zodiac sign compatibility. Moreover, it also presents you with the most accurate results and turns out to be the best Chinese zodiac matchmaking calculator.

Finding the perfect match for yourself has become a great task nowadays. With people not willing to compromise and wanting everything to be fairytale-like and perfect, it sure is a dream for many to meet someone that will be the right fit into their lives. As the outside world is becoming more and more ruthless, people have started developing a great desire to be with someone who’d love them. Moreover, to comfort and soothe them after a very long, tiring and exhausting day.

Therefore, dating has become one of the most important aspects of people’s lives now. However, finding the right one for you still remains a difficult task. If you end up with someone who is not the one for you, then your life can turn from being bad to worse, as it might add to the already prevailing stress. But, on the other hand, if you are with someone who is right for you, cheers you up, and most importantly, does not get in the way of your mental and emotional growth, congratulations, my friend, you found the one.

In earlier times, the match of two people was sealed only after a detailed analysis of their zodiac signs or kundlis. The method used for this Chinese love match calculator includes a love compatibility calculator by date of birth of the two individuals. This was done to know the compatibility between the two individuals, as marriage was seen as an alliance not just between two people but families and also a lifelong institution. Therefore, it was not seen as auspicious for it to be broken. Thus, a priest or zodiac expert was called to give the natives an insight into what the future would look like for them if they continued with the relationship. Let us first understand what these Chinese zodiacs are and how they are different from the English zodiac signs.

Chinese Zodiac Signs

The Chinese zodiacs are classifications based on the lunar calendar. They are divided into groups that are represented by 12 animals. Each animal is attributed with a year, and the cycle repeats after its completion every 12 years. Though these zodiacs originated in China, they are known to be quite influential in many South Asian and also East Asian countries. Some people even find them more accurate than the ongoing English Zodiacs.

The Chinese Zodiacs have a lot of stories attributed to their origin. One of the most popular of these is the Great Race story. It dates back to when China was under the rule of the Jade Emperor. As per his rules, he stated that each year would be represented by the animals in order they reached him after crossing a river. The cat and the rat were not good at swimming, so they planned to cross the river by getting on the back of the ox. Ox was kind enough to let the two ride it. However, when they were about to reach it, the rat pushed the cat into the river and jumped off the ox’s back. He then ran directly towards the Jade emperor and became the first in order of the Chinese zodiac.

The ox, thus, came second. Then, in third place, we have the tiger who told the emperor that the river currents were pushing him downwards, so he got a little late. Finally, the fourth position was taken by the rabbit, who jumped from one stone to the other in order to cross the river. He further adds that at first, he was so tired that he could not finish the race, but he later stuck himself to a wooden stick which helped him get to the shore. The next in order is the flying dragon on number 5. He explained to the king that he had to bring water to a neighbouring village as they were in desperate need of it.

Moreover, while coming back, he saw the rabbit stuck on the log and gave him a blow of air to help him reach the shore. Next, the Jade emperor heard thumping sounds and saw the horse arrive. However, before it could reach the king, the snake on its back jumped off and took the sixth spot. The horse is, thus, seventh in order of the Chinese zodiac signs. Next came the goat, monkey and rooster. They showcased the prime example of teamwork as the rooster found a raft, and the goat and monkey pulled it. The Jade Emperor was very happy to see the combined efforts of the three animals and decided to place the goat in the eighth position, the monkey in the ninth spot and, thus, the rooster in the tenth spot.

After this came the dog. The Jade emperor expected it to be the first as it is the best swimmer, but the dog explained that it got late because it got distracted playing in the water and hence was late. Therefore, he was positioned in the eleventh spot. Lastly comes the pig; it stated that it got hungry and thus ate something; after eating, the pig was feeling lazy and therefore slept. This was the reason for the pi to be late and was positioned at the twelfth in order. Additionally, the cat never got to finish the race as it drowned. This is one reason why cats always chase rats, according to folklore.

How Does The Chinese Match Calculator Work?

Our calculator uses the ancient method of Chinese Zodiac matchmaking. Let us have a look at the steps in order to use the calculator. These are as follows:

  • First, you will have to select your and your partner’s Chinese zodiac sign.
  • Then you just click submit and relax.
  • Our Chinese astrology compatibility calculator will determine your Chinese zodiac horoscope individually and then check for similarities and differences between you two based on the principles of Chinese zodiac horoscope compatibility.
  • Thus, it will check for you and your partner’s Chinese zodiac compatibility. After a complete and detailed analysis, our Chinese astrology compatibility calculator will present you with your score.

It will present you with your accurate Chinese compatibility score as per Chinese zodiac compatibility methods. As our calculator does not work on the principle of assumptions or guesswork, the results are very accurate and reliable. This is also because the calculator takes under consideration your sign and follows the tried and tested method of matchmaking through Chinese name compatibility.

Chinese Zodiac Horoscope Compatibility

The Chinese Zodiac Sign Compatibility varies from one sign to another. As some signs are highly compatible with others, some might only have some refined options. According to old Chinese traditions, Chinese name compatibility depends on the time difference between the zodiacs. The best matches are known to be at least four years apart. However, on the other hand, the worst matches are the ones with a difference of six years. Let us see the Chinese love compatibility chart. These Chinese zodiac sign compatibility are as follows:

  • Rat

The rats are known to be very smart, charming and also very persuasive. They would require someone who would be very patient with them. So, according to traditions, the Rat Chinese zodiac is most compatible with four other zodiac signs. One of them includes themselves, and the other three are Ox, Dragon and Monkey. These four zodiacs are the best match for the natives of the Rat zodiac sign. Moreover, the natives are known to be not compatible with natives of the rooster and horse zodiac.

  • Ox

The ox is known to be very patient and kind. Moreover, they also possess qualities like being stubborn and also conservative in nature. Therefore, they would be compatible with people who are very smart, hard-working and also very practical in nature. So, according to Chinese traditions, the most compatible zodiacs for Ox include rat, snake and also rooster as these signs have a practical approach in life and also come around to be very understanding in nature. However, on the other hand, the natives of the Ox zodiac are not so compatible with the natives of the tiger, dragon, horse and sheep zodiac, according to the Chinese zodiac compatibility chart.

  • Tiger

The natives of the tiger zodiac are known to be very emotional and intense in nature. Moreover, they also come around to be authoritative and courageous in nature. Therefore, they would need a partner who would love and care for them. Thus, according to the Chinese zodiac, the perfect and most compatible zodiac for tigers includes dragon, horse and pig. These zodiacs will give the tigers what they desire the most, and that includes them being very energetic and loving. Moreover, on the other hand, the zodiacs that they are most incompatible with include four signs, out of which one is themself. The other three are ox, snake and monkey.

  • Rabbit

The natives of the Rabbit zodiac are known to be compassionate and sincere. Moreover, they also come around to be very popular and love being the centre of attention. Therefore they would require someone who would not be overshadowed by their fame and personality. So, according to the Chinese zodiac, the best match for the natives of the rabbit zodiac include sheep, monkey, dog and pig. Furthermore, these zodiacs have the quality of them being very shy and peace-loving, which makes the ideal match for rabbits. Moreover, on the other hand, the natives of the rabbit zodiac are the least compatible with the natives of the snake and rooster zodiac.

  • Dragon

The natives of the Dragon zodiac come around to be very warm-hearted and fearless. Moreover, they also come around to be highly energetic and fearless. The perfect partner for the natives of the dragon zodiac will include them possessing qualities like being understanding and tolerable. So, according to Chinese zodiacs, the best match for dragons include roosters, rats and monkeys. Their ability to be highly sensitive to others' feelings makes them the perfect match for the dragon zodiac. Moreover, on the other hand, the zodiac signs who are known to be the least compatible with dragons include ox, sheep and dog.

  • Snake

The native of snake zodiacs is known to be very charming, generous and smart. But moreover, they also come around to be very introverted. Thus, the ideal partner for them would include people that would possess good communication skills and also will be very sensitive towards the feelings of their partner. So, according to Chinese zodiacs, the most compatible zodiac with snakes include dragons and roosters. This is because these two zodiacs are known for being good listeners and, moreover, possess good communication skills. Furthermore, they will always take into consideration the feelings of their significant other, and this makes them the ideal match for snakes according to Chinese zodiac horoscope compatibility. Moreover, on the other hand, the zodiacs known to be least compatible with snakes include tiger, rabbit snake, sheep and also pig.

  • Horse

The natives of the horse zodiac are known to be very energetic in nature and possess a love for travelling. Moreover, they will also come around to be very impatient and possess a deep love for being independent. Thus, the ideal partner for the natives of the Horse zodiac will be someone who is open-minded and possesses the quality of patience. So, according to the Chinese zodiac, the best and most ideal match for horse natives will be tiger, sheep and rabbit. These signs are known to be very patient and, thus, will be the most outstanding partners for horse signs. Moreover, the signs that are least compatible with the horse Chinese zodiac include rat, ox, rooster and horse itself.

  • Sheep

The natives of the sheep zodiac are known to be very peace-loving, kind and also very shy. Moreover, the natives also come around to be very mannered and concerned about the perception that other people hold. Therefore, the ideal partner for the natives of the sheep zodiac will include someone very similar to them in terms of behaviour traits and personality characteristics. So, according to the Chinese zodiac, the most ideal and perfect match for Sheep zodiac natives will include the natives of horse, rabbit and pig zodiac signs. This is because the natives of these zodiacs show similar traits to the natives of the sheep zodiac and thus will be their ideal partners. Moreover, the zodiac signs that are not compatible with the natives of the sheep zodiac include the natives of ox, tiger and dog zodiac signs.

  • Monkey

The natives of the monkey zodiac are known to be very fun, energetic and active. They would require someone to match the level of energy and activeness that they possess. Thus, according to the Chinese zodiac, the most ideal and perfect match for the natives of the monkey zodiac includes the natives of the ox and rabbit zodiac signs. These zodiacs will genuinely possess all the qualities that the natives of the monkey zodiac will look forward to being in their partner. Moreover, the natives of the money zodiac will not at all be compatible with the natives of the tiger and pig zodiac signs.

  • Rooster

The natives of the rooster zodiac are known to be very hard-working and practical in nature. Moreover, they also possess qualities like being highly observant and independent in nature. Thus the ideal partner for the natives of the rooster zodiac will be the people who possess qualities like being practical and also having a sense of independence. So, according to the Chinese zodiac, the most ideal and perfect match of the natives of the rooster zodiac will be with the natives of the ox and snake zodiac. The natives of these zodiacs will not be overshadowed by the natives of the rooster zodiac and thus will be the perfect match for them. Moreover, the zodiac signs that are not-at-all compatible with the natives of the rooster zodiac include rat, rabbit, horse, dog, and the rooster zodiac sign itself.

  • Dog

The natives of the dog zodiac sign are known to be very patient, generous and kind. Moreover, they also come around to be very diligent and faithful. By possessing these qualities, the native of the dog zodiac will expect their partners to be loyal and faithful too. So, according to the Chinese zodiac sign, the natives of the dog zodiac are the most compatible with the fellows of the rabbit zodiac sign. This is because the rabbits are known to be the most faithful and loyal zodiacs out there and thus are the best match for the natives of the dog zodiac. Moreover, the natives of the dog zodiac are not at all compatible with the natives of the dragon, sheep and rooster zodiac signs.

  • Pig

The natives of the pig zodiac sign are known to be very loving, honest and tolerant. However, they also come around to be very materialistic in nature. This quality of theirs makes them desirable for a partner who will be able to provide for them and also will not be annoyed by them. So, according to the Chinese zodiac sign, the most ideal and perfect match for the natives of the pig zodiac sign include the fellows of tiger, rabbit and sheep zodiac signs. These zodiacs are known to be very patient and loving. This is what makes them the ideal match for the natives of the pig zodiac sign. Moreover, the natives of the pig zodiac are not-at-all compatible with the natives of the snake and monkey zodiac signs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the compatibility between two people can be calculated using their birth dates and zodiac signs.
The most compatible zodiac signs for the natives of the tiger zodiac include the natives of dragon, horse and pig zodiac natives.
The natives of the rabbit zodiac are the most compatible with the natives of the sheep, monkey, dog and pig zodiac signs.
The natives of the snake zodiac are the most compatible with the natives of the dragon and rooster zodiac signs.
The year 2023 is known to be the most unlucky for the natives of the tiger zodiac sign.
The natives of Ox, Snake and Tiger zodiac signs are known to get lucky in the year 2022.
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