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Pets and Astrology

In today's world, as the number of online friends grows, the number of offline and in-person people contact has decreased. As a result, people find themselves very lonely. Sometimes to fill this loneliness that people feel deep inside them, they adopt a furry friend.

Check Calculator

Fill in your details and check for yourself your ideal pet.

  • Choose your Zodiac Sign
  • Aries
  • Taurus
  • Gemini
  • Cancer
  • Leo
  • Virgo
  • Libra
  • Scorpio
  • Sagittarius
  • Capricorn
  • Aquarius
  • Pisces
  • Select Lunar Eclipse Date*
  • Ram
  • Bull
  • Twins
  • Crab
  • Lion
  • Maiden
  • Sun
  • Scorpion
  • Archer
  • Goat
  • Crocodile
  • Fish

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he love and affection these voiceless creatures give us are sometimes even more than what we could get from a person. However, choosing your pet can also come around to be quite a task. Well, worry not; InstaAstro is here to help you with this decision. Use our pet compatibility calculator to find out your pet compatibility by zodiac sign.

With the growing connectivity in the world, people are now losing real-life touch or contact. The prime focus in everyone's life has become work and money. Moreover, people tend to forget that there is life beyond these aspects as well. But, when they come home to an empty house with no one to welcome them, it finally hits them. The dark clouds of loneliness surround them, and thus the need to have someone by their side is increased. However, sometimes people find it difficult to have another person in their life. In such a case, the very first and only option that comes to the mind of people includes them adopting a pet. These animals might be voiceless, but they do know how to express their feelings.

When we talk about pets, the first thing that comes to our mind is a dog wagging its tail or a cat sitting on the sofa. However, apart from these two, there are a lot of other animals we have seen people keeping as pets. Finding the right pet is as hard as finding the right partner. There are a lot of aspects that one needs to look into before choosing a pet. Some of them include introspecting one's own pockets and checking if they will be able to provide for the animal they are adopting, second, comes the fact that one will be able to take proper care of that animal; third and most important is that one will they be able to welcome it? To some people, these pets might just be just animals, but to their owners, they are a part of their family, and it will not be wrong to call them the most important part of their family as well. As they are such an important aspect of people's life, some people even take sessions of pet astrology compatibility by astrologers to help them choose the right pet for them.

These voiceless creatures provide us with a lot of life lessons to learn. They educate us on how to express love and feelings without even saying a word. Moreover, they teach us selfless love, compassion and care. Every animal has its way of showing affection, these include different practices, but one thing that remains common is the purity of emotion they show. Someone has rightly said, 'it is humans who fake emotions, animals only show the true ones'.

If you are planning to get a pet but are confused as to which one to get. Worry not, just enter your details in our calculator and then sit back and relax. Our calculator will provide you with the pets that you can get based on your zodiac sign.

How Does The Calculator Work ?

All you need to do is enter a few of your details in the calculator. These will include your name, date of birth, time of birth and also place of birth. Once you enter these details all you gotta do is wait for a little while. Our calculator will analyse your zodiac sign and will figure out the best pet match for you. Moreover, the calculator works on the principles of animal compatibility astrology, thus there are no assumptions made, only facts are stated. This is what makes our calculator provide you with the best of results and thus give you the best and most accurate results.

Importance Of Having A Pet

It might not be noticeable but, our pets play a very important role in our life. After we bring them home, they slowly and gradually become a part of not just the house but our life. The love tends to deepen more and more and there are no limits set for it. Let us look at some of the things that happen when we get a pet.

  • The feeling of loneliness disappears
  • We feel loved and moreover we start loving unconditionally
  • They provide us with emotional support
  • Sometimes they even become the motivation behind people’s success
  • They incline you towards fitness
  • They provide you with the stability you need
  • They make you realise and show you the actual meaning of the term love, care and support

Pet Compatibility Based On Zodiac Signs

Well, let us now have a look at what animal matches your zodiac sign and why it is the best and the most perfect companion for you.

  • Aries

The natives of the Aries Zodiac come around to be very eager and competitive in nature. They are also known to possess qualities like being highly dynamic and also come around to be quite quick with their decisions. Moreover, the natives are also very energetic and therefore, do not get tired easily. Thus for them, the ideal and perfect type of pet is a Dog. Dogs are known to be quite playful and cheerful. Therefore, having a dog as a pet for the Aries zodiac native will give them someone who matches their energy and enthusiasm by their side. Moreover, the dog breeds that are known to be highly energetic are the most recommended for the natives of the Aries zodiac sign.

  • Taurus

The natives of the Taurus Zodiac come around to be very strong and creative in nature. They are also known to possess qualities like being highly influential. The natives also possess a great desire for sexual pleasures. Moreover, the natives are also very lazy. They love their comfort the most and, therefore, do not like getting disturbed a lot. For the natives, their personal space matters the most. Thus for them, the most ideal and perfect type of pet is a Cat. Cats are known to be quite playful, but at the same time, they also love their personal space. Therefore, having a cat as a pet for the Taurus zodiac native will have them someone who matches their vibe and persona by their side. Moreover, the owners and the cat will enjoy their personal space and will not intrude in each other's space.

  • Gemini

The natives of the Gemini Zodiac come around to be very versatile and kind in nature. They are also known to possess qualities like being highly curious. They will love to research on the topics that interest them. Also, the natives come around to be quite expressive about their thoughts and ideologies. Moreover, the natives are also very talkative and always prefer someone's company rather than being alone. Therefore, they come around to be sociable creatures. Thus for them, the most ideal and perfect type of pet is a Parrot. Parrots are known to be quite playful and cheerful and are also known for their amazing speaking skills. Therefore, having a parrot as a pet for the Gemini zodiac native will give them someone who will always be by their side and will never let them feel alone.

  • Cancer

The natives of the Cancer Zodiac come around to be very sentimental and compassionate in nature. They also possess great intuition power. Therefore, any and every decision they make is almost never wrong. The natives of the Cancer zodiac are also known to be quite protective of their near and dear ones. Moreover, the natives are also very homely and, therefore, prefer to be at home than going outdoors. Also, the natives are very playful and cheerful in nature. Thus for them, the most ideal and perfect type of pet is a Rabbit. Rabbits are known to be quite playful and cheerful. Having a rabbit as a pet for the Cancer zodiac native will give them someone who is exactly like them, as they both prefer being at home or in closed spaces. Moreover, having a rabbit as a pet will provide the native with the much-needed support and love that they long for.

  • Leo

The natives of the Leo Zodiac come around to be very dramatic and fiery in nature. They are also known to possess qualities like being highly self-obsessed and also come around to be social and outgoing people. Moreover, the natives are also very energetic and, therefore, do not get tired easily. Thus for them, the most ideal and perfect type of pet is a Cat. Cats are known to be quite playful and cheerful. Having a cat as a pet for the Leo zodiac native, the natives of this zodiac will identify with the fierce side or nature of the cat more than anything else. Moreover, the natives are also known to call Cats as their spirit animals.

  • Virgo

The natives of the Virgo Zodiac come around to be very loyal and gentle in nature. The natives are known to be a part of the top most sensitive people one can ever know. The natives are known to have a highly practical and analytical approach to life. If the native ever finds them in a battle between their heart and mind, there is a very high possibility for the native to choose their mind over their heart. Moreover, the natives possess a deep sense of love for their personal time and, therefore, do not like anyone's intrusion. Thus for them, the most ideal and perfect type of pet is a Hamster. Hamsters are known to be quite silent and reserved animals. Having a Hamster as a pet for the Virgo zodiac native provides the native with someone who will, just like their preference, will not be too clingy or intrude in their personal time. Moreover, hamsters do not require a lot of care, and thus this will provide the native with ample time for themselves.

  • Libra

The natives of the Libra Zodiac come around to be very social and gracious in nature. The natives of the Libra zodiac are among the most caring people; also, they have a high sense of concern for other people's feelings and emotions. They are also known to possess qualities like being highly diplomatic and also come around to be justice-loving. Moreover, the natives have a very romantic approach in life. They come around to be the true and are old believers of Old-school love. Thus for them, the most ideal and perfect type of pet is a Bird. Birds are known to be quite sensitive and soft animals. As the natives are very sensitive and caring, they are the right people to have birds as pets because they will be able to care for them. Moreover, the bird types that are the most recommended for the natives of the Libra zodiac sign include Lovebirds and Budgerigar.

  • Scorpio

The natives of the Scorpio Zodiac come around to be very passionate and stubborn in nature. They are also known to possess qualities like being highly resourceful and also come around to be quite brave. Moreover, the natives believe in the phrase 'moving forward'; thus, they are always looking forward towards the future rather than overthinking the past. Therefore for them, the most ideal and perfect type of pet is Reptile or Lizard. Reptiles or Lizards are most famous for their ability to shed their skin. Therefore, having a Reptile or Lizard as a pet for the Scorpio zodiac native will make the native relate with their pet as they see the shedding of the skin as a sign of moving forward towards the future and leaving behind the past. Moreover, the most ideal form of reptile for the natives of the Scorpio zodiac includes animals like Chameleons and Skinks.

  • Sagittarius

The natives of the Sagittarius Zodiac come around to be very extroverted and optimistic in nature. They are also known to possess qualities like being highly generous and also come around to be quite funny. Moreover, the natives are also very energetic and possess a deep sense of love for outdoor activities. Thus for them, the most ideal and perfect type of pet is a Dog. Dogs are known to be quite playful and cheerful and, as we all know, love the outdoors. Therefore, having a dog as a pet for the Sagittarius zodiac native will give them someone who matches their energy and enthusiasm by their side. Moreover, the dog breeds that are known to be highly energetic and enjoy outdoor activities the most are recommended for the natives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign.

  • Capricorn

The natives of the Capricorn Zodiac come around to be very serious and disciplined in nature. They are the most hard-working zodiac sign out of all the twelve. They are also known to possess qualities like being highly independent and also come around to be quite materialistic. Moreover, the natives are also very balanced and, therefore, want everything perfect and according to themselves. Thus for them, the most ideal and perfect type of pet is a Hamster. Hamsters are known to be quite playful and sensitive animals, also, just like the Capricorn zodiac natives, hamsters as pets will not be clingy and also will not intrude in Capricorn's daily life routine. As they are supposed to live in a cage, these animals will be the perfect pet for the natives of the Capricorn zodiac sign.

  • Aquarius

The natives of the Aquarius Zodiac come around to be very imaginative and creative in nature. They are also known to possess qualities like being highly uncompromising and also come around to be quite stubborn with their decisions. Moreover, the natives are also very fun-loving and quirky. Thus for them, the most ideal and perfect type of pet is a Piglet. Piglets are known to be quite playful and cheerful. Having a Piglet as a pet for the Aquarius zodiac native will remind the native to not miss out on the fun in life and also live a little. It will take the native out of their serious and deep phase and cheer them up.

  • Pisces

The natives of the Pisces Zodiac come around to be very sensitive and affectionate in nature. The natives of the Pisces zodiac are the most sensitive zodiac out of all the twelve. They are also known to possess qualities like being highly empathetic and also come around to be quite wise. They are also known to possess great artistic abilities. Thus for them, the most ideal and perfect type of pet is a Fish. Fishes are known to bring luck and change and also help in emotional balance. Therefore, having a fish as a pet for the Pisces zodiac native will help them get much-needed emotional stability. Moreover, the fishes most recommended for the natives of the Pisces zodiac sign include Goldfish, Angelfish and Common molly.

Frequently Asked Questions

To know the ideal pet for you, enter your details in our calculator and get the answer to your question.
Zodiac Signs that are the most compatible with dogs include Aries and Sagittarius.
The 6th house in the Navamsa chart represents the connection between owner and pets according to Vedic Astrology.
Pisces with fish and Virgos with Hamsters are the best match.
Yes, your zodiac sign can help you to determine your ideal type of pet. This form of astrology is known as animal compatibility astrology.
Taurus and Leo zodiac have Cats as their ideal pet.