Significance of Mayan Match

There are a number of ways to figure out the compatibility between two people. One of the most prominent still remains the Mayan Sign Calculator.

Check Calculator

Enter your details and find out the compatibility between you and your partner based on the ancient method of Mayan calendar signs compatibility.

  • Choose your Zodiac Sign
  • Jaguar
  • Fox
  • Snake
  • Squirrel
  • Bat
  • Scorpion
  • Deer
  • Owl
  • Peacock
  • Jaguar
  • Monkey
  • Falcon
  • Select Lunar Eclipse Date*
  • Jaguar
  • Fox
  • Snake
  • Squirrel
  • Bat
  • Scorpion
  • Deer
  • Owl
  • Peacock
  • Jaguar
  • Monkey
  • Falcon

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The Maya people used this method to check whether the two individuals who were to tie the knot, in a simple sense, get married, were compatible or not. The Mayan horoscope signs are divided into 20 categories, and thus, based on their characteristics, compatibility is calculated. Our Mayan Signs Compatibility Calculator works by matching the characteristics of two individuals and thus provides you with the results. As there are no assumptions, only facts, the results presented to you are highly accurate and, therefore, reliable.

Mayan Match Calculator

Do you also want to know the compatibility between you and your partner? Well, there are a lot of ways of doing so. With the fast-growing world, people today pose a lot of importance, wanting everything perfect. This criteria does not only include things and life but also includes people. With the concept of not compromising being extremely popular, everyone desires to be with someone who will be the right fit for them. Even after being in a relationship, people still use different methods to assure them that the one they are with is their ideal match. Assurance, either from people or just a test score, provides people with a deep sense of relief and thus makes them more stable.

Moreover, with the coming of new technology and tests, some of the most reliable sources to determine a couple’s compatibility still find their roots in ancient methods. One such method is the use of Mayan zodiac signs dates. It is known to be highly accurate, holding its roots in the ancient method of yearly calculations done on the basis of the Mayan calendar. To have a better understanding of this, let us first learn about the Maya people and their calendar form.

The 20 Mayan Signs

The indigenous group of the Maya people are known to be the residents in regions of Mesoamerica. However, with the passage of time, they have shifted their residence and now are most commonly found in regions of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, and Honduras. The Mayan civilisation is also known to be the most dominant civilisation that ever existed in Mesoamerica. Just like every culture has its own rights and rituals, the Maya culture comes as no exception to this. Moreover, the Mayans were also known to be quite ahead of their time. They developed a calendar system that contained 20-day signs and 13 galactic numbers. Moreover, the number of days in their year is just 260. The 20-day signs in the Mayan calendar are based on the date, time and place of birth of the native. As the Mayans associated each day with a sign and also with a part of the world, these day signs tell us about the characteristics of the people according to these 20-day signs.

The 20 Mayan astrology signs and Mayan zodiac signs meaning include the following:

  • - Wind, also known as IQ
  • - House, also known as AK´AB´AL
  • - Lizard, also known as KAT
  • - Crocodile, also known as IMOX
  • - Serpent, also known as KAAN
  • - Death, also known as KEME
  • - Deer, also known as KIEJ
  • - Rabbit, also known as Q´ANIL
  • - Water, also known as TOOJ
  • - Dog, also known as T´ZI
  • - Monkey, also known as B´AATZ
  • - Grass, also known as EE
  • - Reed, also known as AAJ
  • - Jaguar, also known as I´X
  • - Eagle, also known as TZ´IKIN
  • - Vulture, also known as AJMAC
  • - Earth, also known as NOJ
  • - Flint, also known as TIJAAX
  • - Rain, also known as KAWOQ
  • - Flower, also known as AJPUU

How Does The Mayan Match Calculator Work?

Our Mayan astrology calculator free works by matching the common and even different characteristics possessed by you and your partner. Let us have a look at how to use the calculator. TGhis is as follows:

  • You just need to fill in the names, place of birth and also the time of birth.
  • Then all you've got to do is just wait.
  • Our Mayan astrology calculator will find out your and your partner's Mayan sign and then analyse the compatibility based on the characteristics and personality traits that you and your partner possess.

So the results are based on first-hand information and not on any assumptions or myths. This is the reason why our calculator will provide you with the best results and the most accurate ones you can find as well.

Mayan Zodiac Sign Compatibility

As we know, there are 20-day signs. Let us now see the most ideal and compatible match for each sign. These compatible signs, according to Mayan zodiac compatibility, are as follows:

  • IMOX

The IMOX is also known as the crocodile sign. It is known to represent new beginnings and leadership. Moreover, they also are known to put their comfort before anything. Also, they are not social at all and would prefer their company to anyone else's. The natives are also very materialistic in nature and thus have a fine eye for luxurious items. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the IMOX day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Imox, B'atz', Ajmaq, and Kame day signs according to Mayan astrology compatibility.

  • IQ/ Iq'

The IQ is also known as the Wind sign. It is known to represent communication and intelligence. Moreover, they also are known to be quite devoted towards the fields of their interests. This makes the natives dig deep into research work, and they can also take this as their profession. Also, the natives will do whatever their mind says, and if they do not follow the commands of their mind, they might face depression. The natives are also very authoritative in nature and also come around to be quite dominant. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the IQ day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Iq', E, No'j, and Kej day signs.

  • AK´AB´AL/ Aq'ab'al

The AK'AB'AL is also known as the house sign. It is known to represent optimism and hard work. Moreover, they also are known to be highly respected by others and also come around to be very good friends. The natives will be the ones people will ring up the first when in need. Also, they are risk-takers, and if a task seems impossible to others, the native will take great delight in doing it. The natives are also very materialistic in nature and thus have a fine eye for luxurious items. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the AK'AB'AL day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Aq'ab'al, Aj, Tijax, and Q'anil day signs.

  • KAT/K'at

The KAT is also known as the Lizard sign. It is known to represent freedom and entertainment. Moreover, they also are known to be quite honest and hardworking. Also, the natives are highly energetic. They are filled with energy, and you will never see them tired or exhausted. The natives are also known to believe in living life to the fullest and thus will always surprise people with their ideas of thrill and entertainment. When we talk about Mayan sign compatibility, the natives of the KAT day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to K'at, I'x, Kawoq, and Toj day signs.

  • KAAN/ Kan

The KAAN is also known as the serpent sign. It is known to represent intuition and attractiveness. The natives of this day sign are most commonly known for their beauty. Moreover, they also are known to be excellent leaders. Also, they are not social at all and would prefer their company to anyone else's. Their great leadership skills give them success, but the natives believe in being behind the scene and promoting their fellows towards the spotlight. The natives are also very fearful of making mistakes. This makes them very cautious while making any and every decision. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the KAAN day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Kan, Ajpu, Tz'ikin, and Tz'i day signs.

  • KEME/ Kame

The KEME is also known as the death sign. It is known to represent a strong connection with the spiritual world. It does not always mean to have a connection with God but also sometimes includes the Devil. Moreover, they also are known to possess great importance to their intuition. Also, they come around to be very charismatic. The natives are also born leaders and will possess some sense of authority and dominance. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the KEME day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Kame, Ajmaq, B'atz, and Imox day signs.

  • KIEJ/ Keij

The KIEJ is also known as the Deer Sign. It is known to represent strength and protectiveness. Moreover, they also are known to be the best advisors in their circle. Anyone and everyone they know will always see them as the first person to go to take advice in any matter of concern. Also, they are very diplomatic in nature. The natives are also dominated by analytical and logical thinking. They will always choose their mind before their heart. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the KIEJ day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Keij, E, Iq', and No'j day signs.

  • Q'ANIL

The Q'ANIL is also known as the rabbit sign. It is known to represent extreme playfulness and high energy. Moreover, they also are known to be protective and responsible for their near and dear ones. Also, they possess a deep love for travelling and exploring new places. The natives are also cheerful in nature and have a happy-go-lucky outlook in life. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the Q'ANIL day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Q'anil, Aj, Aq'ab'al, and Tijax day signs.

  • TOOJ/ Toj

The TOOJ is also known as the Water sign. It is known to represent kindness and altruism. Moreover, they also are known to be justice-loving individuals. They will stand up for the things they feel are right, even if it means standing against their loved ones. Also, they are very dominating and authoritative in nature. The natives are also very, very well balanced and come around to be quite mentally and emotionally strong as well. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the TOOJ day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Toj, I'x, K'at, and Kawoq day signs.

  • T'ZI/Tz'i'

The T'ZI is also known as the dog sign. It is known to represent curiosity and adventure. Moreover, they also are known to be very faithful and kind in nature. Also, the natives come around to be humanitarian and philanthropic, which means they love giving to the community. The natives are also very materialistic in nature. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the T'ZI day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Tz'i', Ajpu, Kan, and Tz'ikin day signs.

  • B'AATZ/B'atz

The B'AATZ is also known as the Monkey sign. It is known to represent artistic and creative abilities. The natives will endure success if they take up their creative abilities as a profession. Moreover, they also are known to be quite organised. They will not like others' intrusion in their life and even in their items and things. Also, the natives come around to be human magnets as they possess such a great personality that attracts anyone and everyone towards them. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the B'AATZ day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to B'atz, Ajmaq, Imox, and Kame day signs.

  • EE

The EE is also known as the grass sign. It is known to represent deep sensitivity and emotion. Moreover, they also are known to be quite diplomatic in nature. They have the desire to please everyone around them, and thus, their diplomatic behaviour becomes a necessity for them. Also, they are known to be born leaders. The people under them are known to grow and nurture their future. The natives have a natural inclination towards the subjects of politics and also reading. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the EE day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to EE, No'j, Iq, and Kej day signs.

  • AAJ

The AAJ is also known as the Reed sign. It is known to represent great confidence and even better problem-solving skills. Moreover, the natives also possess a great desire to learn new things in the fields of their interests. Also, they are not social at all and would prefer their company to anyone else's. The natives are also very stubborn in nature, and also this quality of theirs helps them get the job done. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the AAJ day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Tijax, Aq'ab'al, and Q'anil day signs.

  • I'X

The I'X is also known as the Jaguar sign. It is known to represent charm and friendliness but also a mystery. Moreover, they also are known to be very passionate and courageous in nature. Also, the natives come around to be very energetic and are quite attractive as well. The natives also possess a great desire for sexual pleasure and also have great bonding with the natives of the opposite sex. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the I'X day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to I'x, Kawoq, K'at, and Tooj day signs.


The TZ'IKIN is also known as the Eagle sign. It is known to represent freedom and new experiences. Moreover, the natives also come around to be very generous and friendly in nature. These qualities possessed by the natives help them build relationships with people quite easily and quickly. Also, they are very social and would love spending a lot of time with their friends and peers. The natives are also very lucky in matters of money. There are high chances of the native getting a huge inheritance from their maternal or paternal families. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the TZ'IKIN day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Tz'ikin, Ajpu, Kan, and Tz'i' day signs.

  • AJMAC/ Ajmaq

The AJMAC is also known as the Vulture sign. It is known to represent great seriousness and patience. Moreover, they also are known to be very short-tempered and quiet. The natives are prone to get angry quickly but will almost never have an outburst. Also, the natives come around to be very analytical in nature and have a logical and practical approach towards life. The natives will always focus on the future and will bury the past. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the AJMAC day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Ajmaq, B'atz', Imox, and Kame day signs.

  • NOJ/No'j

The NOJ is also known as the Earth sign. It is known to represent Innovation and leadership. Moreover, the natives are also known to be very wise and intelligent. Also, they are not social at all and would prefer their company to anyone else's. The natives also come around to be very trustworthy and loyal. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the NOJ day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to No'j, E, Iq', and Kej day signs.

  • TIJAAX/ Tijax

The TIJAAX is also known as the Flint sign. It is known to represent courage and strength. Moreover, the natives also come around to be very artistic and focused in nature. The natives are also very materialistic in nature and thus have a fine eye for luxurious items. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the TIJAAX day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Tijax, Q'anil, Aq'ab'al, and Aj day signs.

  • KAWOQ/ Kawoq

The KAWOQ is also known as the Rain sign. It is known to represent youth and friendliness. Moreover, the natives also are known to put their comfort before anything. Also, they come around to be quite motivated, caring and also highly spiritually inclined. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the KAWOQ day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Kawoq, K'at, I'x, and Toj day signs.

  • AJPUU/ Ajpu

The AJPUU is also known as the Flower Sign. It is known to represent romance and dreaminess. Moreover, the natives also come around to be very confident in nature. Also, they possess an optimistic approach towards life. When we talk about compatibility, the natives of the AJPUU day sign are known to be highly compatible with fellow natives belonging to Ajpu, E, Ajmaq, K'at, and Q'anil day signs.


There you have it, folks! This was all about the Mayan matches and their importance. If you want to check your compatibility with your partner, then do use the MAAYAN match calculator. The calculator will present you with accurate results. Moreover, if you want to use more such amazing compatibility tools, then do visit InstaAstro’s website or download the app for the same.

Frequently Asked Questions

Just like the sun signs or Chinese zodiac signs Mayans too have their zodiac signs. Although, unlike other astrology systems, the Mayan zodiac signs majorly depend on a person’s Birthplace, time and date.
The Mayan and Aztec civilisations are deeply connected. Despite their deep-rooted similarities, the astrology systems of both cultures differ. So, there are differences in the zodiac signs also.
Mayans had 20-day signs, which now have been interpreted to mean animals, nature and important objects.
Mayan astrology is known to be the most complex form of astrology, but it is also the most accurate one.
Yes, the Aztecs had zodiac signs. Specialists have found two forms of zodiacs, one with 12 divisions and another with 20 divisions.
Babylonian astrology possesses the oldest known form of zodiac signs.