The Influence of Major Arcana Cards in Tarot

56 Minor Arcana and 22 Major Arcana cards make a tarot deck complete. Together, they read the energies of the Universe and predict the things coming for us. Surprisingly, the Major Arcana cards in tarot deal with a broader perspective, hinting about major life lessons. Let’s explore how the Major Arcana cards help us find clarity.

What Are the Major Arcana Tarot Cards?

The Major Arcana cards, also known as the ‘Trump cards’, are a set of 22 cards in a tarot deck. Each tarot card in the tarot spread has a different meaning and interpretation. Instead of providing solutions to everyday problems related to love, career, etc, the Major Arcana cards focus on the bigger picture, such as life lessons, transformation, or spiritual development. So, getting any tarot card major arcana in a reading is a sign that a period of big transformation awaits you.

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Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings in Order

Indicating the ‘spiritual journey of the soul’, the tarot cards Major Arcana numbered from 0 to 21 offer different messages. Below is the breakdown of each card and how they can transform your life for the better. Take a look:

  • The Fool (0): The first and primary card of the Major Arcana deck, the Fool represents new beginnings, innocence, and a fresh start. This card asks to take a leap of faith and believe that good things will come.
  • The Magician (I): Also known as ‘The Juggler,’ the Magician tarot card focuses on intelligence, wisdom, and intuition. This card highlights the power of manifesting and teaches us to take action and move forward.
  • The High Priestess (II): The High Priestess tarot card symbolises the workings of the Universe and its protective energy. The ‘card of intuition’ urges us to connect more with our inner intuitions and subconscious.
  • The Empress (III): The Empress tarot major arcana card focuses on divine feminine energies, motherly love and protection. It teaches us to create beautiful things with creativity and intelligence.
  • The Emperor (IV): Like a true Emperor, this tarot major arcana card focuses on leadership, strength and power. The card asks us to get in touch with our hidden inner leader and take full charge of life.
  • The Hierophant (V): Also known as ‘The Pope’ or ‘The High Priest,’ the Hierophant tarot card represents spiritual knowledge, commitment, and traditions. It asks us to stick to the rules and gain spiritual wisdom.
  • The Lovers (VI): The Lovers tarot card revolves around commitments, relationships and love. It speaks of balance, happiness and unity shared between two people. It teaches us to pay attention to our relationships and partners.
  • The Chariot (VII): This tarot major arcana card highlights the importance of willpower, determination and ambition. It says that one can witness a journey of transition with its hard work and determination.
  • Strength (VIII): The Strength tarot card represents willpower, passion, kindness, and trust. It reminds us that we have the power to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals.
  • The Hermit (IX): Known as the ‘Seeker of Truth and Justice’, the Hermit tarot card Major Arcana encourages us to find hidden truths. It hints at taking time for yourself, asking for inner guidance and dealing with your problems.
  • Wheel of Fortune (X): The Wheel of Fortune card is a balanced card that represents opportunities, a change in fortune and good luck. Known as the ‘card of karma’, this card urges you to be cautious of your actions.
  • Justice (XI): The Justice card represents justice, balance, and legal cases. It is the card of logic and works on the Law of Attraction. If you have been wronged, you will receive justice, and if you did injustice, you will receive their dues.
  • The Hanged Man (XII): The Hanged Man card implies the opportunity to change your perception and perspective of life. It revolves around the energies of delays, sacrifice, progress and acceptance.
  • Death (XIII): The Death card is the card of Scorpio, and it stands for change, transformation, sudden beginnings, and loss. It teaches us always to welcome new changes with open arms.
  • Temperance (XIV): The Temperance card symbolises patience, self-control, balance, and understanding. It reminds us that a rushed task cannot attain success and may ruin success and growth.
  • Devil (XV): 'The Devil' represents desire, obsession, manipulation, traps, and barriers. Getting this card means one must let go of unhealthy and toxic patterns. Not letting go of negativity means no growth.
  • The Tower (XVI): The 'The Tower' card represents sudden changes, destruction, chaos, and instability. A significant change is coming your way, which might have an adverse impact on your life.
  • The Star (XVII): One of the special tarot cards Major Arcana, the Star deals with peace of mind, healing, hope and optimism. The card hints that happy days are coming and your inner strength will be your greatest asset.
  • The Moon (XVIII): The Moon card represents misunderstandings, fears, and anxiety. It hints at your innermost secrets, issues, and anxieties. It is time to deal with your darkest fears that keep you up at night.
  • The Sun (XIX): The Sun card symbolises happiness, new opportunities, and growth. Its appearance suggests that one can welcome stability in all aspects of life. It is time to be creative and take control of life.
  • Judgement (XX): The Judgement card suggests that you may need to make a substantial change to move forward. Without letting go of the toxic things, you cannot start the journey of happiness.
  • The World (XXI): The last card of the deck, The World tarot card, represents completion, accomplishment and clarity. Getting the card is a sign from the Universe that you are ready for a new journey.

The Major Arcana Cards and their meaning

the fool image
The Fool
the magician image
The Magician
the high pristres image
The High Priestess
the empress image
The Empress
the emperor image
The Emperor
the herophant image
The Hierophant
the lovers image
The Lovers
the chariot image
The Chariot
the strength image
the hermit image
The Hermit
the wheel and fortune image
Wheel of Fortune
the justice image
the hanged man image
The Hanged Man
the death image
the temperance image
the devil image
The Devil
the tower image
The Tower
the star image
The Star
the moon image
The Moon
the sun image
The Sun
the judgement image
the world image
The World

Frequently Asked Questions

Every tarot deck is divided into the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Amongst the seventy-eight cards, twenty-two cards are of the Major Arcana deck, and the remaining fifty-six cards are of the Minor Arcana deck.
One can interpret the Major Arcana cards by understanding their meaning, symbolism and interpretation. Once done, the reader must relate or connect the card’s meaning with his current situation and try to look for solutions.
As per the popular tarot beliefs, the Fool tarot card Major Arcana is considered to be powerful. This is because it talks about the endless possibilities and new beginnings that can happen in the life of an individual.
The last Major Arcana card in a tarot deck is the World card. Numbered as the 21st trump card, this card deals with the energies of fulfilment and completion.
Both the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana cards offer guidance and predict the future but in different ways. The Minor Arcana focuses on smaller perspectives, such as daily life problems related to love, career, finances, etc., whereas the Major Arcana covers the overarching themes of life.
No card in the Major Arcana tarot deck is bad or negative. Each card in the tarot spread has its own meaning and contains certain energies, which could be positive or negative. But this does not make the card evil, bad or negative. It is upto the individual how he takes the tarot card readings.
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