The High Priestess image

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning

The High Priestess tarot card meaning is patterned into the image of this tarot card. Per the image of the High Priestess tarot guide, a Priestess is sitting in front of a sheet, and there are two pillars with the letters B and J carved on each pillar. The sheet behind her is decorated with pomegranates and is a symbol of the subconscious and conscious mind. The pomegranates stand for femininity, abundance, and feminine strength. The Priestess' expressions highlight her power, divine wisdom, and status.

On the other hand, the pillars represent the dual nature of everything in the Universe. The black pillar with the letter B stands for Boaz or strength, and the letter J of the white pillar stands for Jachin or "he establishes". These symbols are taken from the Bible and have Hebrew origins. The primary message behind the High Priestess tarot card is that people can achieve divine knowledge and wisdom through consistent efforts and a true inclination towards self-discovery and spiritual growth.

This tarot card says that one should work hard to connect oneself to one's inner self, and it is essential for people to engage in spiritual practices that will allow them to understand themselves from a new perspective, realise their needs and wants, and bring changes to their present reality. The High Priestess tarot card is all about intuition, spirituality, listening to the inner self, and unveiling hidden secrets through patience and calmness.

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The High Priestess tarot card Upright

The High Priestess tarot card Upright talks about divine feminine energy, fertility, desire, intuition, and creativity. Here is the High Priestess tarot card meaning when Upright:

Upright The High Priestess tarot card meaning and interpretation

The High Priestess tarot card Upright says that there is mystery, magic, and secrecy to everything. With the High Priestess zodiac as Cancer and the element of Water, the Upright High Priestess tarot card meaning and interpretation says that it is time for you to let go of your fears, move ahead with strength and grace, and start trusting your inner self. Your intuition or gut feeling will never lie to you, and it is advisable for you to open your mind and heart to what your subconscious self is saying to you. For example, if your intuition says that certain people or situations are unfavourable for you, then it would be best for you to avoid these examples.

Moreover, the High Priestess tarot card timing says that everything will unfold and happen when it is meant to be, and you cannot force things to happen before time. This position of the tarot card says that the Universe is giving you signs and opportunities, and it is time for you to pay attention to them. You may receive these signs through dreams and illusions, and it would be best to tap into your spiritual energy and then reveal the meaning behind these signs and symbols.

Upright The High Priestess tarot card in love

When it comes to love, the High Priestess tarot card as feelings highlights a strong connection between you and your partner and a compatibility that is only increasing and becoming better every day. The Upright the High Priestess love tarot reading says that you may be pining for a woman who is far out of your reach. This woman may seem very attractive and aweworthy, but the Universe is telling you that she's not meant for you. On the other hand, if you're a woman, you can expect many different people to crave you, and you will get the opportunity to choose the right partner for yourself.

For individuals in committed relationships, the Upright High Priestess tarot card in love says that your dynamic with your partner is beautiful, loving, passionate, sensual, and exciting. Moreover, single people can expect to come across someone who will sweep them off their feet and give them space for a passionate, whirlwind romance. However, amidst all this, the High Priestess tarot card Upright asks people to be careful with their choices and listen to their inner voice.

Upright The High Priestess tarot card in finance

The Upright High Priestess tarot card meaning in finance, says that you're finally learning to manage your money the right way and have learnt the correct money management skills that will allow you to instil balance and stability in your finances. The Upright High Priestess tarot card in finance advices you to be careful of your money-related decisions and to avoid disclosing all information to the people around you. Yes, sometimes all you want is to discuss your problems with your friends, but it is essential for you to learn the difference between friends and relationships.

It is okay to share minimum information with your friends but avoid oversharing with acquaintances. This position of the tarot card also says that before making any substantial financial decisions, make sure to take some time and think over the situation at hand. If at any point you feel that your intuition is hinting towards some negativity, you should stop in your tracks and avoid going further with the decision. When it comes to money, the High Priestess yes or no tarot presents a positive outcome but stresses introspection and deep thought.

Upright The High Priestess tarot card in career

When it comes to professional ventures, the Upright High Priestess tarot card career reading says that you will soon receive new prospects, opportunities, and chances for professional success. Suppose you have been feeling out of touch with your work and professional responsibilities. In that case, the appearance of the Upright High Priestess tarot card in career says that you will be able to regain your lost energy, creativity, and skills. Furthermore, you'll work hard to acquire more skills, and everything will go according to plan.

The High Priestess tarot card timing says that everything is slowly falling into place, and you may come across a learned person who will help you achieve your dreams and aspirations. When you come across this person, it would be wise to learn from them as much as possible and then apply your skills to your new learnings. The appearance of this tarot card in career says that you have the potential to build something worthwhile, and now is the time to invest in your skills and creativity and let your inner voice guide you on your journey.

Upright The High Priestess tarot card in health

The High Priestess tarot card, meaning in health, says that you are learning to pay attention to your body, mind, and soul, and all these three factors praise and thank you. You are at a phase in life where you have realised that health is wealth, and nothing in the world is more important than good health. So, you're working hard to prioritise yourself and do good for yourself. The Upright High Priestess tarot card in health indicates the need to avoid ignoring your health issues and not letting things grow.

For example, while you're doing the best you can, there's still room for further improvement. You often get late in taking actions surrounding your health, and the High Priestess tarot guide asks you to address health issues as soon as they come up and refer to medical professionals for treatment plans and ideas. Moreover, this position of the tarot card says that your hormones may be finally getting back on track, and if you’re someone who has been suffering from hormonal issues or PCOD, then your ailments are coming to an end.

The High Priestess tarot card Reversed

The High Priestess Reversed meaning relates to fertility issues, blockages, confusion, and a break in your intuitive strength. The following is the meaning of the High Priestess upside down:

Reversed The High Priestess tarot card meaning and interpretation

The High Priestess Reversed meaning highlights a disconnect from the inner self and neglect of intuitive calls and guidance. Your intuition and instincts are alert, active, and desperately trying to make you see the truth behind some people and situations, but you're avoiding these inner calls and are choosing the wrong things for yourself. The High Priestess upside down tarot card says that there are certain factors that are holding you back, and you are not able to make objective decisions or choices.

For example, per the Reversed High Priestess tarot card meaning and interpretation, you may know that some of your friends are toxic and hurtful towards you, but your love for them stops you from discarding them.

This position of the tarot card indicates the need to prioritise self-care, listen to the inner voice, and trust oneself. You're the master of your life, so stop letting external factors control you. You cannot always do good for everyone at the cost of personal peace and stability. So, it is advisable for you to look within yourself, identify your self-limiting habits, and make changes. It is said that the body can often sense negativity before the mind can. So, trust your gut feeling and act accordingly.

Reversed The High Priestess tarot card in love

The High Priestess Reversed love reading says you feel insecure, unhappy, and unstable in your love life. Much like the Upright the High Priestess tarot love reading, the Reversed High Priestess tarot card in love says that you may be loved and desired by many people. However, there will still be doubts and insecurities in your heart, and you will find it difficult to trust the motives of the people around you. The High Priestess Reversed love reading indicates that there will be conflicts and chaos in the relationship, and you will find it challenging to stay calm.

For example, some issues may arise due to sexual incompatibility or tension. In such cases, the High Priestess tarot card as feelings says that you and your partner should engage in meaningful conversations to get to the root of the problem. Similarly, single people can expect to meet new people. Still, if their gut feeling tells them this potential partner is not suitable for them, they should avoid engaging with this individual any further. Don’t discard what your intuition tells you; work towards strengthening your inner self.

Reversed The High Priestess tarot card in finance

The Reversed High Priestess timing in finance says it would be best for you to lay low and avoid making big financial decisions. Moreover, the Reversed High Priestess tarot card in finance reading says that you may be cheated with your money, and someone close to you may be making a fool out of you. This position of the tarot card says that you may incur some financial losses, which will make you feel helpless and unstable. However, there is potential for change and betterment only if you work hard to bring the change you seek.

Per the High Priestess Reversed meaning, you must always look at the pros and cons of any financial decision and then do what your intuition and expertise ask you to. For example, if you plan to take a loan, then the Reversed High Priestess yes or no tarot says that you shouldn't make any decision before you've read the terms and conditions of the loan you're about to take. This tarot card highlights the importance of intuitive actions and believing in gut feeling.

Reversed The High Priestess tarot card in career

The Reversed High Priestess tarot card career reading says that you feel neglected and unimportant at your workplace, and all your plans are failing. The Reversed High Priestess tarot card in career says that your coworkers and bosses are not including you in the delayed functioning of the office, even though you hold a key position at work. For example, you may be a manager who is kept out of the loop of professional commitments and deliverables.

When the Reversed the High Priestess yes or no tarot appears in a career reading, it says that your intuition is right, and you're being kept out of essential decisions, promotions, and opportunities. This tarot card also highlights that there may be a cunning woman around you who is working hard to pull you down. This woman does not want you to succeed and will go to any lengths to stop you from achieving prosperity. Through the High Priestess tarot guide, the Universe advises you to be careful about whom you trust and to focus on self-care without seeking help from people who will not help you.

Reversed The High Priestess tarot card in health

The High Priestess Reversed meaning in health talks about declining health due to loneliness, isolation, and exhaustion. You have been keeping yourself away from your loved ones, and this isolation is taking a blow to your mental and physical health. The Reversed High Priestess tarot card in health indicates that you're delaying seeking help for your health issues, and if you keep up with this, then your health will never improve completely.

According to the High Priestess as feelings in health, you're feeling pretty low and unhappy due to hormonal issues. While the High Priestess tarot card Upright signifies the end to hormonal ailments, the Reversed High Priestess tarot signifies a rise in health issues around the reproductive system. However, much like the Upright meaning, the Reversed meaning and interpretation in health asks people to seek medical help as soon as they sense some problem and to pay attention to the doctors they go to. This position of the tarot card says that one has to fight for one's health and should leave no stone unturned when it comes to vitality and well-being.

How to read The High Priestess tarot card?

The High Priestess yes or no reading talks about the short meaning of the High Priestess tarot card and helps us read it. Similarly, any tarot card can be read in the Upright and Reversed position:

Upright: Yes.

Reversed: No.

Frequently Asked Questions

The High Priestess tarot guide represents intuition, spiritual beliefs, learnings, and feminine energy. When this tarot card appears in a tarot reading, it asks people to look within themselves and understand the subconscious mind and its magic.
The High Priestess tarot card is about trusting yourself, paying attention to the inner voice, focusing on intuitive inclinations, and connecting with the spiritual aspect of the Universe. This tarot card asks people to look deep within themselves and find the answers.
The High Priestess tarot card Upright indicates alertness, high intuitive energy, and deep introspection or understanding of oneself from the inside. This position of the tarot card asks people to be patient in their approach to life and wait for things to unfold.
When Reversed, the High Priestess upside down tarot card highlights impatience, reckless decisions, ignoring intuition or gut feeling, and chaos in terms of spiritual understanding and inclinations. The High Priestess Reversed meaning asks people to make changes and seek guidance to regain balance.
To connect with the energy of the High Priestess tarot card, one has to open oneself completely to the Universe and avoid keeping fear in one's heart. The High Priestess asks people to channel her energy and vibe through meditation, spiritual practices, and aligning their reality with their intuition.
The High Priestess tarot card as a person is someone who knows the secrets and magic of the Universe and isn't afraid to surrender themselves to this magic. Thus, this tarot card teaches people to pay attention to their emotions and wants, dive into their subconscious minds, and uncover the hidden secrets of their existence through self-care and self-awareness.
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