the sun image

The Sun Tarot Card Meaning

The Sun tarot card relates to happiness, positivity and success in a tarot reading. This tarot card is a sign that you are moving in the right direction, and soon, happiness and success will come your way. So, you stay hopeful for a brighter future and positive things.

Main Features of the Sun

Before looking at the Sun tarot card meaning, let us look at its key features, including associated elements, zodiac signs and more!

  • Parts of the Sun Tarot Card: Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Fire
  • Planet- Sun
  • Zodiac Sign- Leo
  • Yes or No- Yes
  • Healing Crystals- Sunstone, Citrine

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The Sun Card Symbol Meaning

In the Sun tarot card image, a child is seen sitting on a white horse. Below is the breakdown of each symbol in the appearance of the Sun tarot card:

  • The Sun: The sun in the picture represents success and positivity. It shows that things are going pretty well, and happiness is on the way.
  • White Horse: The horse stands for strength and purity. It hints that you are moving towards your goals confidently and freely.
  • Child: The child in the picture symbolises innocence and new beginnings. Even though there are unknown things ahead, the child is carefree and joyful.
  • Red Feather: The red feather represents passion and enthusiasm. It indicates the feelings of excitement and motivation.

The Sun Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The tarot card Sun has different meanings in the upright and reversed positions. Let us explore each interpretation.

The Sun Upright Meaning

The Sun tarot card Upright card is about abundance, prosperity, and joy. It says that your dark days are over, and soon, things will start looking up for you. Moreover, all your expectations will be fulfilled, and your inner power will become the source of all your wins and achievements.

The Sun Reversed Meaning

The Sun tarot card Reversed reveals that failures, rejections and disappointments have become a constant part of your life, and nothing seems to work in your favour. Don’t worry, though. Conflicts and challenges are only temporary; your life will soon change for the better.

The Sun AspectsThe Sun UprightThe Sun Reversed
CareerCareer growth and successCareer issues
LovePassionate relationshipNegativity in love life
HealthStable and positive healthUnhealthy lifestyle
FinanceFinancial prosperityFinancial instability
SpiritualitySpiritual joy and claritySpiritual disconnection

The Sun Meaning in Love

Upright: The appearance of the Sun card in a love reading is a positive omen. The Sun tarot card meaning love, hints that your relationship has purity, comfort, passion and happiness. All these qualities allow your love life to prosper and bring an end to the current issues.

Reversed: The Sun tarot card meaning love says your relationship is not as happy, healthy and passionate as it used to be. The reason could be your unrealistic expectations, jealousy or ego. Getting this card in a love reading is a sign of improving your love life by keeping ego and negativity aside.

The Sun Meaning in Career

Upright: The meaning of the Sun tarot card career reading symbolises success, happiness, and positivity at the workplace. This card is about choosing the right path for ultimate success. So, soon, you will get opportunities to grow in your career and make bold and confident decisions.

Reversed: The Sun tarot card career Reversed talks about unhealthy workplace environments, career blockages, and problematic colleagues. It reveals that you are stuck in an atmosphere where everyone is ready to bring you down. The Sun card reminds you to continue working hard for your professional dreams.

The Sun Meaning in Health

Upright: The Sun tarot card health reading says you know what steps should be taken to achieve good and stable health. Getting this card is a sign that your physical health is perfectly fine, as there are no health issues to be worried about. Moreover, your mental health is at an all-time high due to your positive choices towards health.

Reversed: The Sun tarot card health reveals you are constantly under physical and emotional stress. The reason could be the negative workplace environment or conflicts at home. As a result, you observe extreme diets and unhealthy eating practices. So, referring to a medical professional who can help you improve your health is advisable.

The Sun Meaning in Finance

Upright: The Sun tarot card money is about abundance, prosperity and financial stability. Your current financial condition is good and is only set to get better in the future. Not only this, but you are likely to get good news related to your finances soon. Moreover, investments done now will generate fruitful returns in the future.

Reversed: The appearance of the Reversed Sun tarot card money indicates instability, insecurity and uncertainty. You may feel insecure about your financial resources and are eager to overcome these issues. This card is a warning to avoid lending money or making big investments right now.

The Sun Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: Regarding spirituality, the Sun tarot card represents finding happiness on your spiritual journey. With this newly found happiness, you will seek clarity and overcome challenges if any. Getting this card is a sign from the universe that you are on the right path, and only the right things will come to you.

Reversed: When the Sun tarot card appears reversed in a spiritual reading, it highlights your struggles. You may struggle to find joy and satisfaction in your spiritual journey. The Sun as feelings of disconnection from the spiritual side or cluelessness about how to overcome these negative thoughts.

The Sun Yes or No Meaning

When reading a yes or no tarot, the Sun tarot card demands joy, success, and abundance. Let us look at how this card guides you to find a yes or no answer in an upright and reversed position:

  • Upright: Yes- Drawing the Sun card upright in a yes or no means a ‘strong yes’. The card hints that you will find success, positivity and favourable outcomes your way.
  • Reversed: No- If you draw a Sun reversed yes or no card, it means ‘no’. There might be some obstacles or challenges ahead that disconnect you from your ultimate goal.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Sun tarot card zodiac sign is Leo. Both the tarot card Sun and the zodiac sign Leo are associated with the qualities of confidence, joy and positivity.
In a tarot reading, the Sun tarot card revolves around the energies of peace, happiness, abundance and joy. It hints that soon, the individual will enjoy favourable outcomes, success and achievements.
The Sun tarot card number is 19. In numerology, the number 19 is associated with the energies of new beginnings, motivation and determination.
The Sun tarot card tattoo meaning revolves around knowledge and clarity. A person with this tattoo means that he appreciates mental clarity and wisdom.
The Sun tarot card pregnancy is a positive omen for females trying to conceive or trying fertility treatments. A card of fertility and pregnancy, the Sun card reveals a healthy pregnancy.
In a yes or no tarot reading, the Sun is a ‘yes’ card. It hints to the individual that success, happiness and abundance will soon knock at the door. Therefore, the individual must lead to success with confidence.
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