The Empress image

The Empress Tarot Card Meaning

Known as the “Mother of all cards’’, the Empress card represents security, protection and motherly love. When this major arcana card appears in a tarot reading, it indicates the arrival of good times and urges people to be joyful. In addition, it conveys that abundance and prosperity are meant for those who are at peace with themselves and their surroundings.

Main Features of The Empress Card

After exploring the Empress tarot meaning, let us go through some key features of this tarot card!

  • Parts of The Empress Card: Upright and Reversed
  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Venus
  • Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
  • Yes or No Card: Yes
  • Healing Crystals: Green Jade, Emerald

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The Empress Card Symbol Meaning

The image of this Major Arcana card showcases a queen sitting on a royal throne, symbolising peace and stability. Below is a detailed explanation of each symbol in the appearance of the tarot card:

  • Crown with Stars: The Empress or Queen wears a crown with 12 stars or jewels representing her relationship with Divine energies and twelve months of the year.
  • Field of Wheat: Around the Empress, there is a field of ripe wheat. It symbolises abundance, fertility and growth.
  • Pomegranate Dress: The dress or flowing gown the Empress wears is decorated with pomegranate. Pomegranates are considered a symbol of fertility and highlight the queen’s role as a mother figure.
  • Venus Symbol: Near the Empress, we can notice the sign of the planet Venus, which is associated with love, beauty, and creativity. It hints that the queen is connected to all these three qualities.
  • Green Cushion: The Major Arcana card, the Empress, is associated with the green colour. The use of the colour green here symbolises growth and connection to nature.
  • Throne: The queen or Empress sits on a lavish and decorated throne. It indicates her power and authority in society and her ability to rule with grace and wisdom.

The Empress Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

Before we briefly understand what the Empress card means in different areas of life, let us examine its upright and reversed meanings quickly.

The Empress Tarot Card- Upright

The Upright Empress meaning relates to abundance, security, femininity, peace, and harmony. This tarot card indicates the comforts and benefits of life and that all your plans will fall into place and you will receive favourable outcomes. In addition, the Empress Arcana card asks people to fight for their creativity and not fall prey to the pressures of the world.

The Empress Tarot Card- Reversed

The Empress Reversed meaning talks about blockages in creative liberty and the lack of feminine security and balance in life. The card reveals that you are not wise with your boundaries and are not exploring your needs and requirements. This is why you may encounter others trying to control you and your choices. In this situation, it would be best to handle things with grace.

The Empress AspectsThe Empress UprightThe Empress Reversed
CareerAppreciation at workLoss of faith and belief
LovePassion and RomanceControlling partner
HealthStable health, recoveryHealth issues
FinanceFinancial comfortMoney problems
SpiritualityExploring spiritual sideIgnoring intuitions

The Empress Meaning in Love

Upright: The Upright The Empress love tarot says your relationship is flourishing in the best way possible. Soon, active communication, affection and emotions will make a permanent home in your love life. The Empress tarot love reading also reveals that the more love you give, the more affection you will get from your partner.

Reversed: The Empress reversed love tarot card hints soon, things may not remain as calm as they are now in your relationship. A partner’s controlling behaviour, communication issues, and conflicts may turn your relationship chaotic. You could probably consider ending it soon. But if you wish to stay, the Empress tarot guide you to solve your problems with an honest talk.

The Empress Meaning in Career

Upright: When the Empress tarot card career appears, it becomes the bearer of good news. It says that you will receive all the appreciation, confidence boost, and support that is your due. Moreover, creativity and innovation will become your superpower and help you grab more opportunities for growth at your workplace.

Reversed: The Reversed tarot Empress card points towards instability, imbalance, disharmony, and stress. Getting this card in a career reading is a sign that soon you will lose the support, faith and belief of the people around you. What happens next is that you may have to deal with a negative working environment and unnecessary conflicts with your colleagues.

The Empress Meaning in Health

Upright: Health-wise, the tarot the Empress card suggests a period of happiness, stability, joy and high energy. People battling with health issues will get relief and proper treatment. Also known as the ‘card of fertility’, the Empress card hints that soon you may receive a chance to enjoy motherhood or parenthood. So, consider now a good time to start your own family.

Reversed: Your work has become your utmost priority, and your health has taken a back seat. Getting the Reversed Empress card in health reading suggests that your physical, mental and emotional health will soon suffer. So, the advice is to seek medical help and guidance as soon as you know of any health ailment and not let things grow out of your control.

The Empress Meaning in Finances

Upright: The Upright the Empress tarot card says you will receive several opportunities to advance your financial situation. Your creative and innovative ideas may help you maximise financial comfort and abundance. Soon, you will notice that all your financial plans are working out in your favour. At last, don't forget to save more than what you spend!

Reversed: The Mother tarot card finance card reveals that your negative qualities will soon attract money problems. You can sometimes be a spendthrift, overspending much more than you should or failing to save money. However, if you change yourself, you can welcome prosperity. So, prioritise saving money, and don’t give way to every materialistic desire.

The Empress Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: Your gut feelings and intuitions take the lead when tarot the Empress tarot card upright appears in a spiritual tarot reading. The universe wants you to listen to your intuition and follow it. Getting this card is also a sign to start paying attention to your spiritual side. The Empress tarot guide you to explore other spiritual practices or religions.

Reversed: The Empress upside down card hints that your gut feelings and intuitions want to convey something important to you. But instead of paying attention to your intuition, you are focused on something else. This situation must be changed when the Mother tarot card or Empress card appears. You can try calming and relaxing exercises to get in tune with your intuitions.

The Empress Yes or No Meaning

A yes or no reading can help people understand the message of the tarot card with respect to simple questions. Here is the Empress yes or no reading:

  • Upright: Yes: Drawing an upright Empress yes or no card is a definite yes. A card of abundance and growth, the Empress card will turn every outcome in your favour. So, trust the energies of the card and use your creativity to lead towards success.
  • Reversed: No: Pulling out a Reversed Empress, yes or no, means conditional no. The card says that success will be yours, but some unexpected challenges may stop you from reaching your goal. However, your determination and creativity will sort everything out.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Empress card meaning is about making your life beautiful and handling things through grace, faith, and stability. You can only achieve great things if you keep up the trust in yourself and the Universe.
Known as the ‘Mother tarot card,’ the Empress tarot advises on self-growth and development. Rather than focusing on unnecessary things, it is better to connect with the spiritual and feminine sides.
The Empress tarot card zodiac signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Moreover, the element associated with this card is the most balanced and stable element Earth. Being an Earth element, all these zodiac signs believe in stability and security.
As per popular belief, the Empress tarot card timing is thirty days. So, all the incidents or events predicted by this card in a tarot reading tends to show results in thirty days.
In an upright position, the Empress tarot card as a person is creative and caring and embodies feminine qualities. In the reversed position, he is overly dependent on others and often feels left out.
The Empress tarot card as feelings indicates care, understanding, and protection. When you get this card, it means that you crave love, care and affection from the people around you.
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