the death image

The Death Tarot Card Meaning

The Death card meaning stands for birth, death, and rebirth. The card’s appearance indicates that one cycle is ending, and a new one is beginning. It also says one must be bold in growing, changing, and accepting new things as they come.

Main Features of the Death Tarot

Before looking at the Death tarot card meaning, let us look at its key features, including associated elements, zodiac signs and more!

  • Parts of the Death Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Water
  • Planet-Pluto
  • Zodiac Signs- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
  • Yes or No- Yes
  • Healing Crystals- Black Tourmaline, Amber

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The Death Card Symbol Meaning

The image of the Death Major Arcana tarot depicts the Grim Reaper riding a white horse. Let us look at the meaning of each symbol in the appearance of the Death tarot card:

  • White Horse: The white horse represents purity, strength, acceptance, and peace. It tells us that a powerful transformation is waiting for us.
  • The Skeleton: The skeleton figure in the picture symbolises the end. It shows that an old phase or situation is ending, making way for the new one to begin.
  • Boat: The boat represents the journey of a dead person. It shows how one travels from one stage of life to the death.
  • White Rose: The white rose on the flag hints at new beginnings, hope, and purity. Even though something is ending, a fresh start is waiting for us.
  • The Armor: The skeleton wearing armour is a sign of protection and strength. It tells us that one has the inner power and strength to overcome obstacles and problems.

The Death Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The tarot card Death has different meanings in the upright and reversed positions. Let us explore each interpretation.

The Death Upright Meaning

The Death Upright tarot card meaning relates to endings, release, letting go, changes, and transformation. The card's appearance indicates that your hard times are ending and better things are coming your way. However, you have to be careful with your decisions and choices.

The Death Reversed Meaning

The Reverse Death tarot card means resistance to change, fear and anxiety. You might block all good things from happening because you hate changes. This card is a reminder to break free from negativity and welcome new opportunities. You have full control, and it is time to use your inner strength.

The Death AspectsThe Death UprightThe Death Reversed
CareerTime of career growthResistance to grow
LoveNew beginnings in loveNegativity and chaos
HealthHealing and improvementIgnoring health
FinanceSmart spending choicesFinancial blockage
SpiritualitySpiritual transformationSpiritual blockage

The Death Meaning in Love

Upright: The Upright Death tarot love card signifies the end of something old and the start of something new. You and your partner may change some aspects of your dynamic, making space for a better equation. This tarot card advises you to focus on your relationship, find its problems, and work on them together.

Reversed: The Death reversed love reading suggests that you and your partner are not accepting the changes coming your way. This may stop your relationship from growing to the next level. Getting this card means establishing a strong emotional connection with your partner and letting go of negativity.

The Death Meaning in Career

Upright: The Upright tarot card Death in career highlights a time of change and transformation in professional life. The appearance of this tarot card suggests that changes may come in the form of a job change or career shift. Soon, you will get several chances to advance your career and get the opportunity to grow and spread your horizons.

Reversed: Regarding your career, the reversed Death tarot card indicates resistance to change and growth. The card reveals that you still hold on to the past negative patterns. This habit is blocking blessings and abundance from the universe. So, it is time for you to explore new career paths and let go of stagnation or pause.

The Death Meaning in Health

Upright: The Upright Death tarot health card talks about cleansing, relaxation, and healing. You will get several opportunities to heal and feel at the top of your game. The appearance of this tarot card suggests that you will also be able to overcome all types of health issues, and your suffering will end soon.

Reversed: The Reversed Death tarot health card indicates that you fear change and cannot take the proper steps regarding your health. You are actively ignoring your health and making unwise choices. This card reminds you to take charge of your life and prioritise your health.

The Death Meaning in Finance

Upright: The tarot card Death card suggests big changes and transformations in your finances. It advises letting go of your unhealthy spending habits and making smart investments. It is the time to pay attention to your money management, budget and savings. Remember, your hard work and discipline will help you through this rough financial patch.

Reversed: The Reversed Death tarot card meaning money points to blockages and challenges. You are stuck in the past, and new possibilities are not coming. The Death Card Reversed is a warning from the Universe that if you don't change your ways now, your finances will be unstable, insecure, and chaotic.

The Death Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: The Death card in tarot hints at spiritual growth and change. It suggests that soon, you may go through a phase of deep transformation and discover how powerful the world of spirituality is. The Death tarot card wants you to accept this transformation as it will help you establish a divine connection with the higher power.

Reversed: The Death reversed tarot meaning in spirituality hints that you resist a big change after a rough patch. You might feel angry or stuck or feel that nothing good will come ahead. The card wants to remind you that it is okay to feel frustrated. Don’t forget that things will improve eventually, as the universe is there to support you.

The Death Yes or No Meaning

The following is the Death tarot yes or no reading, which will allow us to know the energy of this tarot card and its answer to simple questions. This Death card yes or no reading will provide the guidance one looks for:

  • Upright: Yes- If you draw Death for a yes or no question, it means a hopeful yes. It hints that a big change or ending is coming for you.
  • Reversed: No- Drawing a Death reversed yes or no is a ‘no’ sign. To move forward and reach your goals, you must accept the changes that are coming your way.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Death as a Person tarot reading relates to someone experiencing loss and transformation. This individual will have to go through a challenging phase that will transform them entirely and help them understand the true meaning of life.
This tarot card indicates that people must go through different stages to learn new things and expand their horizons. In addition, the Death Tarot meaning highlights that one thing has to end before a new thing can start.
The Death tarot number is thirteen. The connection between number 13 and the Major Arcana 13 Death card highlights change, transformation, and new possibilities.
In a yes or no tarot reading, the Death card is a ‘yes’ card. It indicates a major change or an ending is coming your way. But this big ending will lead you to new opportunities and growth.
The Death tarot zodiac sign is Scorpio. The relationship between the Death Major Arcana tarot card and the zodiac sign Scorpio is one of transformation, rebirth, change, and growth.
The Death tarot advice is that you must accept changes and let go of past traumatic experiences. It reminds you that you need to let go of old things in order to welcome growth and transformation.
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