three of wands image

Three of Wands tarot card meaning

The Three of Wands tarot guide shows a man looking forward, standing at the edge of a hill and having an adventurous life. The man is looking forward to the upcoming changes in life and is optimistic about the future. However, he is not fearful of the unknown and is ready to find his true purpose and calling. The Three of Wands are a symbolic representation of plans, actions, and results. He is holding one wand, which symbolises his inclination towards moving forward and acting on his plans and ideas.

The complete image of the Three of Wands yes or no tarot represents the Three of Wands meaning in clarity and says that one should ot be afraid to venture into the dark in search of light. For example, if you feel stuck in your current life and wish to make positive changes, the Three of Wands advice asks you to take matters into your own hands and aim for greatness. According to this tarot card, one cannot keep waiting for good things to happen and must go out of one's way to seek what one desires.

The Three of Wands as how someone sees you, says that you are headstrong, brave, and hardworking, but may lack direction sometimes. It is essential for you to look within yourself, let go of any self-limiting beliefs and doubts, and charge into the future. This tarot card aims to remind people that if you don’t start the journey, you will never reach a destination. So, learn to let go of negativity and take action for the results you desire.

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Three of Wands tarot card Upright

Much like all other tarot cards, the Three of Wands also has three meanings. The Three of Wands Upright indicates foreign travel, confidence, wins, success, and freedom. Here's the meaning behind 3 of Wands Reversed and Upright:

Upright Three of Wands tarot card meaning and interpretation

The Three of Wands' advice is about figuring out the future and making plans to lay a strong foundation. The appearance of this card suggests that you are in a comfortable position in life and things are sailing smoothly for you. New opportunities, changes, and prospects of growth are coming your way, and you are excited about the fruitful results you'll receive through them.

The Three of Wands as a person says that you are in control of your life and are enthusiastic about what's about to happen. The Three of Wands as feelings highlight the rejection of inhibitions and fears. In addition, this card urges you to step out of your comfort zone and seek what you desire. According to the Upright Three of Wands tarot card meaning and interpretation, the Three of Wands tarot guide asks you to make realistic plans and stick to them no matter what. It is rightly said that people must work hard to achieve what they desire and may often have to face several obstacles in their journey.

So, the Upright Three of Wands advice asks you to stick to the journey even if the roads are difficult and challenging. Lastly, don’t take your comfortable position for granted, and keep striving for better things in life. You cannot keep yourself stuck to the present and must keep moving forward.

Upright Three of Wands tarot card in love

The Three of Wands love reading is about making big decisions and stepping into the next phase of your love life. You may have to make some choices, and it's vital for you and your partner to work together. When you and your partner realise the gravity of your relationship and the commitments you have made to each other, your romantic life will flourish. It is time for you both to plan your goals, dreams, and aspirations and work together towards achieving them.

The Upright Three of Wands tarot card in love says that it is time for you and your partner to have a heart-to-heart conversation and determine what you want from your relationship. The Three of Wands love reading says that you and your lover may also have to make some tough choices and act on some difficult decisions. However, this will not affect your equation negatively, and you both will be able to grow closer to each other. The Three of Wands as feelings for single people says that you are now in a position to give love a chance again.

Upright Three of Wands tarot card in finance

In terms of your finances, the Three of Wands yes or no reading says that you will receive success on all your financial fronts. This is the best time to take a much-needed break from worrying and anxiety. You have been consistent in your efforts, and your financial management is at its peak. It would be best if you rewarded yourself with a refreshing vacation. It would be best if you took a leap of faith when it comes to your business and investments around it. Trust the Universe and your spirit guides; good things will flow into your life.

The Three of Wands as a person, is someone who knows how to handle their finances and is very careful with everything they do. You are at a phase in life where everything is good, but that doesn't mean that you should take things for granted. The Upright Three of Wands yes or no in finance, says that you have the opportunity to allow yourself a much-needed break. This period of rest will allow you to relax your mind, body, and soul and help you come back better and stronger.

Upright Three of Wands tarot card in career

The Three of Wands meaning in a career reading suggests that you will experience happiness, stability, and new opportunities in your workplace. While you may be pushed to your limits, the results of these extremes will be good, and you will be able to enjoy some time off from challenges. In addition, your colleagues will help you achieve professional success, and new adventures will help you gain new experiences. The appearance of this tarot card in career and professional ventures says that you will be able to advance your career in the right direction, and everything will go according to plan.

In addition, the Upright Three of Wands tarot card in career is a positive card, and its appearance can suggest that you are going in the right direction to achieve what you want and desire. You may face some obstacles along the way, but these will push you to become better, and you will learn to manage things in the way it requires you to. Don’t allow external factors to weigh you down, and allow yourself to feel good at all times.

Upright Three of Wands tarot card in health

When it comes to health, the Three of Wands tarot guide signifies a period of rest, relaxation, and rejuvenation. You will overcome your long-term diseases, and all physical ailments will leave you. In addition, since this card is the card for travelling, you may have to travel to a new location to find the best course of treatment for your ailments. This period of travelling will also allow you to spend some time with yourself and focus on your needs. The Upright Three of Wands tarot guide in health says that you are doing the best things for yourself, and these actions will allow you to feel better in the future.

Moreover, the Upright Three of Wands tarot card in health further highlights how your bad phase is coming to an end, and it is time for you to allow yourself to relax and enjoy this much-needed break. This tarot card brings positive news in terms of health and wellness, allowing the seeker to know and understand that there is light at the end of the tunnel. You may still feel out of your depth sometimes, but things are taking a turn for the better.

Three of Wands tarot card Reversed

The Three of Wands Reversed refers to low self-confidence, doubts, rejections, and stagnation. Here is its detailed meaning and impact.

Reversed Three of Wands tarot card meaning and interpretation

The 3 of Wands Reversed highlights blockages and failures. You have been working tirelessly in your vision to achieve success, but things are not going as planned. Whatever you desire is close to you but unattainable due to several external and internal factors. Either you doubt yourself too much or lack self-confidence. These reasons stop you from fixing your faults and raise a barrier in your journey toward growth. In addition, you are stressed beyond belief, another reason for stagnation or lack of emotional, professional, and financial growth. However, don't lose heart and keep working hard amidst all this.

The 3 of Wands Reversed says that you need to stop yourself from focusing on the negatives and work hard to instil positivity and growth. According to the Reversed Three of Wands tarot card meaning and interpretation, you are not giving yourself a chance to grow. For example, when something bad happens to you, you tend to keep thinking about it obsessively and miss the good opportunities coming your way. Where the Upright Three of Wands tarot guide asks you to take charge of every situation, the Reversed Three of Wands meaning asks you to wait and let challenging situations pass. Wait for good things to come and grab them immediately.

Reversed Three of Wands tarot card in love

The Three of Wands love affair indicates dishonesty, chaos, conflict, and lack of active communication in the relationship. You and your partner are stifling your emotions because your relationship is suffering. It's time for you both to address every issue in the open and allow time to heal all wounds. You are finding it difficult to adjust to your partner's expectations, and so is your partner. Both of you feel disturbed and conflicted with the presence of each other. On the other hand, if you're single, try to work on yourself before venturing into a relationship. Try to address your internal conflicts and then step foot into a potential dating pool.

In terms of feelings and romance, the Reversed Three of Wands tarot card in love says that you do not understand your partner, and likewise, your partner is not understanding of you and your needs. This position of the Three of Wands love tarot says that it is time for you to understand what is going wrong and act on it accordingly. Regardless of your relationship status, you must look within yourself before making a decision in terms of love.

Reversed Three of Wands tarot card in finance

The Three of Wands as feelings in a financial reading highlights feelings of sadness and insecurity. You may face economic instability, which will deeply affect your mental health. While the situation will not be as bad as you anticipate, it will shake your emotional foundation. So, it is advisable for you to review your investments and be careful about your monetary decisions. You are hasty in your decisions and often end up losing more money than you expected. Therefore, be wise about your money.

The Three of Wands as feelings in finance says that you may go through bouts of anxiety and discomfort due to your financial condition. As we’ve already mentioned, your situation may not be as bad as you deem it to be; you will still feel anxious and stressed. In this situation, the Reversed Three of Wands tarot card in finance asks you to take a break, review your plans and decisions, and then come back in a better way. To regain your lost footing, you will need to take a break and understand what is going on.

Reversed Three of Wands tarot card in career

The 3 of Wands Reversed indicates that you are frustrated, angry, and upset with your professional situation. You are rethinking all your choices and are regretting your past decisions. These regrets and frustrations are the results of failed plans, wrong decisions, and hasty choices. You are at a point where you are doubting yourself and your ability to steer your career in the right direction. The Reversed Three of Wands tarot card in career says that it is necessary for you to let go of the past, allow it to stay in the past, and look forward to the future.

If you do not let go of your yesterday, you will not be able to take care of your today or tomorrow. The Reversed Three of Wands yes or no in career says that you are letting sadness, anxiety, stress, and panic take control of you, and things are slowly falling apart because you are not allowing yourself to stay calm. Give yourself the chance to assess every situation and then make a decision. Don’t rush into making choices; take your time with every decision you make.

Reversed Three of Wands tarot card in health

As we know, this is the card of foreign travel; you may catch some illness on your trip abroad or may have to travel to seek a cure for your ailments. In addition, your health will keep deteriorating for a while, and you will be frustrated with your situation. Your treatments are taking too long to work, and you are slowly losing faith in yourself and your recovery. However, keep up hope, and you will recover soon. The Three of Wands Reversed yes or no in health presents a negative situation but also highlights how things are bound to get better with the passing of time.

The Reversed Three of Wands tarot card in health says that you may have to let this negative phase pass you and then take charge of the situation. Moreover, the Three of Wands tarot guide further says that you will recover if you believe that you will. The minute you start to lose hope, your health will deteriorate, and you will not be able to get better. So, don’t allow negative thoughts to take control of you and your mind and stop you from maintaining your health.

How to read Three of Wands tarot card?

One Card Readings are all about answers in yes or no. So here's the Three of Wands yes or no meaning in Three of Wands Reversed yes or no and Upright yes or no reading:

Upright: Yes, but be clear about your needs and wants.

Reversed: Yes, but you will have to work according to the people around you.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Three of Wands tarot guide represents the anticipation of the future, waiting for good things, optimism, and broadening one's outlook.
The Three of Wands as a person is headstrong, loyal, and determined. You know what you want from life and completely control your actions. In addition, you don't fear change.
The Three of Wands as feelings indicate stability and contentment. As an individual, you are pretty happy with your current situation. You do not desire unrealistic or impractical things; your head isn't in the clouds. You enjoy making plans that will bore you fruits.
In the Upright position, you are seen as a person who's happy, confident, and secure. On the other hand, the 3 of Wands Reversed position shows you as someone who's lost and uncertain about their life.
Aries is the zodiac sign of the Three of Wands. The connection between this zodiac sign and the tarot card highlights the qualities of strength, courage, and determination.
The Three of Wands tarot guide advice is to be practical, creative, and stable. It would be best if you did not make unrealistic plans which will be challenging to fulfil.
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