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Seven of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Seven of Wands tarot card deals with facing difficulties with courage and determination. Also known as ‘strong stance,’ the 7 of Wands tarot card reminds us that we have the strength and willpower to overcome any obstacle standing in our way.

Main Features of Seven of Wands

Before going into the details, let us look at the main features of the tarot Seven of Wands. This includes associated planets, elements, zodiac signs, etc.

  • Parts of Seven of Wands Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Fire
  • Planet- Mars
  • Zodiac Signs- Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
  • Yes or No Card- Yes
  • Healing Crystals- Emerald

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Seven of Wands Card Symbol Meaning

Taking a closer look at the Seven of Batons tarot card, a person stands on a hill holding a big wand or a stick. Below is the meaning and representation of each element and symbol in the appearance of the Seven of Wands tarot card:

  • Man/Figure: The person in the appearance of the tarot card seems to be surrounded by setbacks and problems. The Seven of Wands as a person, is determined and is not ready to give up.
  • Shoes: The unmatched shoes the person is wearing depict the problematic situation he is currently in. The obstacles have occupied his mind, leaving him unprepared.
  • Seven Wands: The man holding wands represents his opponents or rivals. First, he must deal with all these opponents standing in his way to move ahead.
  • Rocky Ground: The uneven rocky hill represents the man’s obstacles. Standing on the top of the mountain depicts that the issues have come to his head and can no longer be taken for granted.

Seven of Wands Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The 7 of Wands meaning may differ in the upright and reversed positions. So, let us look at the different meanings of the card one by one:

Seven of Wands Upright Meaning

In an upright position, the Seven of Wands tarot card indicates you have achieved all your desires and dreams. But you face problems due to your opposition or rivals. Getting this card in a card reading means that you have a chance to take a stand for all the things you believe in.

Seven of Wands Reversed Meaning

The Reversed 7 of Wands as feelings hints that you are feeling overwhelmed by challenges and obstacles. You doubt yourself and struggle to stand up for what you believe in. So, in this case, the 7 Wands reversed card warns against giving in to pressure or backing down too easily.

7 of Wands Aspects7 of Wands Upright7 of Wands Reversed
CareerFighting with opponentsTaking wrong actions
LoveExternal factors creating problemsDenial and defensiveness in relationships
HealthMajor health issuesInadequate medical healthcare
FinanceLong-term financial successOverconfidence in finances
SpiritualityTaking a stand on spiritual beliefsExploring new spiritual paths

Seven of Wands Meaning in Love

Upright: The Seven of Wands love card revolves around fighting for the person you love, whether in a relationship or single. The card also reveals internal or external problems in the relationship for the committed ones. In this case, the 7 of Wands love card suggests setting boundaries and fighting for your relationship or the person you love.

Reversed: The Seven of Wands reversed love card senses your denial in a relationship. You are trying to fix the relationship that is already broken. Another Seven of Wands tarot card meaning love is that external factors try to separate you and break your relationship.

Seven of Wands Meaning in Career

Upright: The Seven of Wands career card tells you to fight and protect your current status and position in the workplace. As soon, some people will be entering who will try to take away all the things you have earned from extreme hard work and effort. So, it is better to prepare yourself for the situation.

Reversed: The Seven of Wands in reverse position is not a good sign for your career. Someone is trying to take the position or place you built with extreme hard work and willpower. They took advantage of your negligence or lack of stamina. So, instead of feeling threatened, you must get the power back in your hands.

Seven of Wands Meaning in Health

Upright: Consider your health is not in a very good state when the 7 of Wands health card appears. The card senses that the current major health issue has taken a mental toll. The appearance of the 7 of Wands health card is also a ray of hope for you and promises that your health will improve soon.

Reversed: Health-wise, the reversed 7 of Wands as feelings indicate hopelessness, exhaustion, and devastation. It says the current health issue you are suffering from has taken away all your strength and power to fight back. Therefore, the card advises you to explore other effective measures to regain your health.

Seven of Wands Meaning in Finance

Upright: Consider the appearance of 7 of Wands upright in your financial reading as a green signal from the universe. The card can sense you climbing the ladder of financial success only because of your past financial decisions or investments. It advices you to start good financial planning and keep enjoying this blessing.

Reversed: The appearance of the tarot Seven of Wands card is a reminder to build a strong financial future via saving, emergency funds and wise investments. Otherwise, your overconfidence, hasty financial decisions or unnecessary purchases will lead you to financial burdens.

Seven of Wands Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: In a spiritual context, the 7 of Wands tarot card allows you to take a stand for your spiritual beliefs. Someone around you may try to take you down just because you follow certain spiritual practices or beliefs. So, instead of paying heed to such people, try to take a stand for the things that hold value for you.

Reversed: Spiritually, the Seven of Wands reversed card hints at two strong possibilities: scandal, fitting in new things, and losing one’s identity. Soon, the spiritual leader you highly respect will become a part of a huge controversy or scandal. Or you might soon become interested in exploring new religions or spiritual paths.

Seven of Wands Yes or No Meaning

Also known as the ‘strong stance’, the 7 of Wands is all about taking a stand for the right things and facing obstacles with sheer willpower, bravery and confidence. So, let us look at how the 7 of Wands yes or no, guides the reader in approaching a particular issue or challenge!

  • Upright: The appearance of the Seven of Wands yes or no, in an upright position is a clear sign from the universe asking you to move forward. Your calibre, confidence, and courage will get you all the opportunities you deserve and desire.
  • Reversed: Interestingly, when you pull a 7 of Wands reversed yes or no, it is also a positive sign from the universe. But instead of moving forward, the card asks you to take a break and stop momentarily.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Seven of Wands meaning card in a tarot reading is all about facing our problems and difficulties with sheer confidence and determination. Instead of giving up, the 7 Wands tarot card encourages us to fight back and take a stand for everything that matters to us.
In a tarot reading, the Seven of Wands card is associated with the most energetic and active Fire signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. These zodiac signs are known for their bold and courageous personalities.
The meaning of the 7 of Wands future is that you will face obstacles and hurdles, but your willpower and bravery will be your strength all along the way. But in the reversed position, your preference will be peace over challenges.
The Seven of Wands is a positive card in upright and reversed positions. In an upright, the Seven of Wands asks to face the challenge with bravery and confidence. But in the Seven of Wands reversed yes or no, the card asks to take a break for a moment.
The 7 of Wands as a person is someone who does not need others to defend or take a stand for the right. But at the same time, these people can be a voice for the people who are unable to defend themselves.
The appearance of the 7 of Wands health card in a tarot reading is not a positive sign. The card depicts that the individual is suffering from a health disease that is affecting him physically and mentally.
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