seven of wands image

Seven of Wands tarot card meaning

The Seven of Wands meaning highlights bravery, courage, and fight. The image of the Seven of Wands yes or no card shows a man on a hill who is challenging his opponents and enemies. In addition, he is seen standing tall and brave. He is not fearful of the enemies surrounding him or backing away from them. The Seven of Wands card relates to power and is a message of victory to everyone struggling and fighting. Moreover, the man is unstable but has the courage to face uncertainty and wild winds. He is not scared of what's about to come and meets all adversities with strength and power.

Moreover, the Seven of Wands meaning says that you have the power to turn your life around and make positive changes to it. For example, if you want to achieve success and your dreams, then you will have to fight for it. The Seven of Wands as a person is someone who is not afraid to fight for what they believe in and knows what they want out of every action they take. This individual handles every situation with bravery and courage and believes that good things come to those who venture into the unknown in search of gold.

When this tarot card appears in a tarot reading, it says that people should not be afraid of challenges and should face every adversity with a brave face. According to the Seven of Wands yes or no tarot card image, one should never back away from problems and should make plans to navigate through the blockages. One can only achieve greatness if they truly work for it.

Seven of Wands tarot card Upright

In a tarot reading, every card is known to have two implications and meanings. The Seven of Wands Upright symbolises territorial behaviour, determination, protectiveness, dominance, and passion. Here are the meanings of the Seven of Wands Reversed yes or no and Upright yes or no card:

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Upright Seven of Wands tarot card meaning and interpretation

The Upright Seven of Wands card showcases struggles and challenges. However, you will be able to overcome all your challenges if you keep up with your hard work, consistent efforts, and hope. The Seven of Wands Upright comes as a message and as a warning, too. This card asks you to be prepared to fight rivals who will do their best to pull you down. In addition, you should be aware of your position in life. You will face several barriers which will make you struggle. For example, you may be at a point where you will have to fight to keep your position or struggle due to rivals and enemies. People aim to push you out of your comfort zone, and you must keep them at bay.

The Upright Seven of Wands tarot card meaning and interpretation says that one must be careful with one's choices and remember that every action has a consequence. Through consistency, determination, and hard work, people can achieve all their desires and become a better and stronger version of themselves. Furthermore, the Upright 7 of Wands as feelings suggests emotions of drive, motivation, and fierceness. People will always be faced with challenges, and it is up to them how they choose to act on these problems and make the best of the situation.

Upright Seven of Wands tarot card in love

The Seven of Wands love reading says that it's time to protect your energy and set strong boundaries for yourself. Some external factors and aspects will try to ruin your relationship, and you will find it hard to maintain stability in your love life. According to the Seven of Wands tarot card meaning love reading, you and your partner are feeling particularly upset, challenged, and unhappy because of opposition from family members. However, amidst all this, it is essential for you to keep up hope and faith. Know that your relationship will not drown, and you can conquer all battles through sheer determination and love.

The Seven of Wands tarot card meaning love edition, further highlights that only you and your partner can heal your relationship if you want to. For single people, this tarot card brings a mixed bag of interpretations and says that if you wish to meet someone new, you will have to go out of your way to find this person. In addition, when you meet this new individual, you will have to do your best to make your equation successful, happy, and positive.

Upright Seven of Wands tarot card in finance

The Seven of Wands as a person in financial reading says that you are smart with your money, and things are looking up for you. So this card is a card of success in terms of your money and finances. In addition, your spirit guides are saying that you will receive all positive results from your investments and plans. In addition, money will come quickly to you, and you can spend it on your dreams and aspirations. You might even be able to buy a house or property and even invest in long-term plans.

The Seven of Wands yes or no tarot in finance, paints a positive picture and says that you will be able to plant positivity and financial security only if you are wise with your monetary decisions and avoid making reckless choices. For example, if you are ever tempted to invest in quick money-making schemes or pyramid schemes, it would be best to remember that these ways of earning money may cause long-term instability and harm to your financial future. The Seven of Wands meaning comes as a reminder that you must protect your finances from external factors and make smart choices.

Upright Seven of Wands tarot card in career

The Seven of Wands meaning in a career reading highlights persistence and hard work. It is advisable for you not to lose sight of your goals. Whether long-term or short-term goals, you should keep up with your consistency and efforts. Furthermore, you will have to fight every challenge with dedication and motivation. There will be moments when you will face betrayal and attack from your loved ones, but you will realise they weren't loyal to you. These individuals will be quick to show their real colours to you, and you will understand that not everyone wants the best for you.

Moreover, you will understand that these people were jealous of you and your position. However, you are in your place due to hard work and dedication. So, don't let these people pull you down. The message of this tarot card is to remind people that one should always face the sun and avoid engaging with people who do not aid in their progress and growth. For example, the Seven of Wands yes or no tarot says that you must avoid surrounding yourself with people who only talk to you when they want something.

Upright Seven of Wands tarot card in health

The health reading of Seven of Wands says that you might face several health issues and physical ailments. You will struggle with your health, but perseverance will lead you to a better future. Once you overcome your health issues, you will be able to lead a better life. In addition, don't stop fighting and don't lose hope. For example, you will go through a period of instability and unhappiness where your health will deteriorate, and you will feel out of control of your situation. In such cases, the Seven of Wands as a person is someone who knows to keep their cool and manage things with a level-headed and logical approach.

When this tarot card appears in a tarot reading surrounding health, it reminds people to prioritise their well-being and let go of aspects that don’t serve their purpose in a positive manner. In addition, you may also need to rethink and review your current treatment plans. According to the message of this tarot card, it would be best to consult experienced medical professionals for a detailed diagnosis. Consulting good medical professionals can allow you to feel better sooner than you expected.

Seven of Wands tarot card Reversed

The Seven of Wands Reversed represents weakness, fear, disbelief, lack of control or power, and exhaustion. Read more to find out its detailed interpretation and meaning:

Reversed Seven of Wands tarot card meaning and interpretation

The Seven of Wands Reversed is an indication that you are struggling and are feeling quite overwhelmed with everything going on in your life. More often than not, new responsibilities come upon you due to your current situation and position. Sometimes, these responsibilities and duties overwhelm you, and you feel trapped. However, you should know that you have earned your position and shouldn't let some tiny obstacles disrupt your rhythm or drag you down. The appearance of this tarot card says that you have earned your place fairly and squarely and that you shouldn't allow external factors to weigh you down. Sometimes, you may feel that nothing is going your way, but the Seven of Wands Reversed yes or no paints a positive picture and says that better things are waiting for you. The near future is waiting for you to take charge of your life and do good things for yourself.

This card also says that your loved ones may criticise you. For example, per the Seven of Wands tarot card meaning love, your partner does not like your professional and personal decisions. It is becoming quite challenging for you to keep your head up, face the sun, and stay positive. Although it seems impossible right now, things will change soon. So, keep hope.

Reversed Seven of Wands tarot card in love

The Seven of Wands love reading comes as a message for you to let go of the past. You are cultivating toxic patterns that are affecting your relationship negatively. Moreover, your loved ones are seeing through you and are noticing this. They are urging you to introspect and understand your relationship from a neutral perspective. However, you are not doing that. You should consider that not everything is as perfect as you think. Perhaps your relationship is not as strong as you believe it to be. So, it's time for you and your partner to sit down and understand each other. Much like the Seven of Wands tarot card meaning love in the Upright position, external factors are affecting your relationship.

The Seven of Wands love reading says that you and your partner are allowing your relationship to be weighed down by external aspects. When this tarot card appears in a love tarot reading, it says that you are not prioritising your love life as you should, and it is time for you to understand where you are going wrong. If you are single, it is time for you to take a step back, review your priorities and then make a choice regarding your love life.

Reversed Seven of Wands tarot card in finance

The finance reading for Seven of Wands urges you to be careful regarding your money and refrain from investing in anything that seems unimportant. Furthermore, you should not take your financial situation for granted. This card comes as a warning and advises you to avoid unnecessary spending. You will neglect your finances to the point where your future is threatened. When this tarot card comes up in a finance reading, it says that you are not taking care of your finances as you should, and the Universe is advising you to take charge of your life before your situation worsens.

It would be best if you weren't an overspender and should know when to save and when to spend. While it is okay to spoil yourself and your loved ones, once in a while, it would be unwise to do it every day. So, be wise about your spending habits. Make sure to protect your finances because you may face some tough days in the future, and you will need financial stability to face those negative days. So, change your ways before it's too late.

Reversed Seven of Wands tarot card in career

The 7 of Wands as feelings in a career reading says that you are finding it difficult to stay afloat in your career, making you think you're not cut out for this life. However, you should know that this self-doubt is arising due to external aspects and other people criticising you and your decisions. As a result, you often procrastinate on essential tasks, stopping you from attaining success and stability. It's time to rewire your brain, focus on yourself, and allow hard work to take over. Don't let other people decide what you're supposed to do and be, and be careful of others' intentions around you.

When you keep procrastinating and avoiding essential tasks, you also keep pushing success away. The Seven of Wands Reversed meaning says that you are at an age where you must work hard and strive for success through continuous hard work and determination. It is essential to remember that the efforts you put in today will reflect on your tomorrow. So, make sure to make your past and future self proud by strengthening and bettering your today.

Reversed Seven of Wands tarot card in health

The Seven of Wands Reversed yes or no reading for health says your health situation does not immediately conjure a yes. Most things are working against you, and you are slowly losing hope. Furthermore, it is challenging for you to keep up with your fight. You feel that you're slowly losing, and your health is deteriorating. You don’t believe that things can improve for you, and due to these self-limiting beliefs and ideas, your mental health is also suffering. You face severe bouts of anxiety attacks, which drain you of energy and make you feel terrible.

Similar to the Upright position of the card, you should consult some medical experts who will be able to suggest alternative treatments to you. These treatments may work better than your present one. So, go to a doctor as soon as possible. The appearance of this tarot card says that you will have to advocate for yourself and your well-being and may even have to let go of situations or people who don’t make you feel good and positive. Remember that your health should always be your priority, and you shouldn’t do anything to harm it.

How to read the Seven of Wands tarot card?

One Card Pull Readings are ideal for short questions and answers in yes or no. So, here's the meaning behind the Seven of Wands yes or no reading:

Upright: Yes, but you should avoid getting influenced by people.

Reversed: Yes, but you must protect your vibe and energy.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Seven of Wands meaning is about grabbing opportunities and using your headstrong personality to seek what you desire. This card stands for standing up for yourself. Moreover, it says people should always prioritise themselves.
The Seven of Wands as a person is loyal, fierce, and headstrong. You are someone who fights for what you believe in and is not afraid to stand your ground regarding what you want and deserve.
The 7 of Wands as feelings urges people to fight for their beliefs and not let external factors ruin their relationship or mental peace. In addition, one has always to make a choice and choose what they want to prioritise in life.
The Seven of Wands zodiac sign is Leo. The connection between this tarot card and Leo highlights bravery, headstrongness, drive, determination, and courage. Much like this zodiac, this tarot card is about fighting for the right thing.
The Seven of Wands Reversed yes or no reading says you should preserve energy before fighting for your goals. Moreover, you should not make way for external factors to drain you of your energy or make you feel low.
The 7 of Wands planet is the Sun or Mars. The relationship between Mars and the Seven of Wands meaning emphasises factors such as strength, determination, fight, motivation, courage, and bravery.
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