two of wands image

Two of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

The Two of Wands is about planning for the future and exploring new options. It represents having a goal or idea and planning to achieve it. Getting this card in a tarot reading indicates travelling, starting new ventures or exploring future possibilities. It also hints that as long as a person is confident and determined, nothing can stop him from achieving goals.

Main Features of Two of Wands

Before going into the details, let's look at Tarot 2 of Wands main features, such as elements or linked planets. This will help us discover what makes this card special!

  • Parts of 2 of Wands Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Fire
  • Planet- Mars
  • Zodiac Signs- Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
  • Yes or No Card- Maybe
  • Healing Crystals- Carnelian, Citrine and Sunstone

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Two of Wands Card Symbol Meaning

Looking closely at the pictorial representation of the 2 of Wands, we see a man standing on a castle, the central character of the card. Below is the detailed meaning and representation of each symbol in the appearance of the Two of Wands tarot card:

  • Main Figure/ Man: The man standing on the castle is the main character of the Two Wands card, thinking about his future goals, plans and adventure.
  • Globe: The man's holding of a globe represents his inside and outside worlds. The inside world is the world he lives in, and the outside world is the world that is out of his reach.
  • Clothing: The man’s red and orange coloured clothing is associated with the Root chakra (chakra of foundation and inspiration). Another meaning of red and orange clothing could be its association with the energies of passion and willpower.
  • Two Wands: The two wands in the picture showcase the duality of a person’s thoughts. The left wand he holds freely represents creativity and inspiration. On the contrary, the right wand bolted to the wall reminds him of his worldly responsibilities.
  • Mountains: The mountains in the background symbolise the challenges and obstacles a person may encounter on the journey to achieving their goals. They represent the need to surpass these obstacles to reach the desired destination.

Two of Wands Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The 2 of Wands meaning may differ in the upright and reversed position. So, let us look at the different meanings of 2 wands one by one:

Two of Wands Upright Meaning

In an upright position, the Two Wands tarot card revolves around planning, decision-making and preparation. It is when you must think about your future possibilities and take suitable actions. The card also senses that you are filled with extreme confidence and ambition and seem ready to achieve your goals.

Two of Wands Reversed Meaning

The 2 Wands reversed card suggests hesitation or feeling stuck. Something about your future goals is preventing you from moving forward or taking action. So, getting the Two Wands reversed card is a sign of encouragement to overcome whatever doubts or fears you may have and move forward with confidence.

2 of Wands Aspects2 of Wands Upright2 of Wands Reversed
CareerChoosing between two optionsLimited career options
LoveFuture plans, cheatingBoring relationship
HealthSecond advice for treatmentFinding root cause of illness
FinanceFinancial stabilityFinancial instability
SpiritualityExpanding sphere of spiritual knowledgeFear of new spiritual paths

Two of Wands Meaning in Love

Upright: Beware of the Two of Wands love card in a tarot reading! This card can bring exciting opportunities and potential challenges to your love life. It may indicate that things are not going well in your relationship, and passion and romance have faded. However, on the positive side, the card suggests that you or your partner might soon start prioritising building your future together.

Reversed: The reversed Two of Wands love hints that you may be feeling dull and ordinary, but change may be coming. The love card suggests a foreign travel opportunity for you or your partner, which could ultimately end the relationship. For singles, there may be a choice between staying single for healing or returning to an ex for chaos.

Two of Wands Meaning in Career

Upright: The appearance of the 2 Wands career card indicates that you may encounter confusion and doubts regarding career choices. This could involve deciding between job opportunities or choosing the right specialisation course as a student. It is important to carefully analyse the options and weigh the pros and cons before deciding.

Reversed: The 2 of Wands reversed card carries a dual message on the professional front. The first message hints at your restricted or limited chances of career growth. The following message from the Two Wands reversed card in career reading indicates disappointment and unexpected career obstacles due to failed planning.

Two of Wands Meaning in Health

Upright: The Two of Wands meaning indicates what’s best for your overall health and well-being. There might be a situation where you would feel totally disappointed with the treatment of your existing treatment. This would encourage you to go for second advice. If this is not the case, then you would have to decide what treatment would provide you healing and recovery soon out of the two.

Reversed: The reversed 2 of Wands card indicates that you will soon uncover something important about your health issue that was previously hidden. This discovery will help you find the root cause of your illness. Additionally, the Two Wands suggests seeking a second opinion or advice to strengthen your recovery process without ignoring the opinions of current medical professionals.

Two of Wands Meaning in Finance

Upright: 2 Wands tarot means that all your financial losses, burdens or unnecessary spending may halt for a while, bringing financial stability. However, financial stability won’t bring sudden money. To turn this temporary perk into a permanent one, you need to make wise and smart investments, future plans and savings right now.

Reversed: The 2 Wands reversed card in finances does not promise abundance, growth and prosperity. Instead, it hints towards unstable finances, such as increased financial burdens or financial emergencies. This is when you must focus on maintaining your budget and expenses. Also, avoid making any big investments or purchases during this period.

Two of Wands Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: In a spiritual context, the 2 Wands tarot card indicates your interest in gaining spiritual knowledge, specifically about a new religion. However, at the same time, you may feel conflicted about exploring different beliefs. The 2 Wands card advises you that there is nothing wrong with expanding your sphere of knowledge.

Reversed: The 2 of Wands reversed showcases your stuckness to the current spiritual practices. Though at the back of the mind, you would want to explore the other religions, once the fear and anxiety kick in, every urge vanishes. Instead of letting your fears and anxieties soak you up, the Two Wands reversed card urges you to be confident and courageous.

Two of Wands Yes or No Meaning

In a yes or no tarot reading, the 2 of Wands tarot card is a card that teaches us to plan for the future and focus on making smart and wise decisions. So, let us take a look at how the Two of Wands card helps you to find a yes or no answer to your question.

  • Upright: Maybe: Pulling out the 2 of Wands yes or no cards in an upright position gives you a ‘hopeful yes. It senses that all your dreams and goals are within reach but under only one condition: taking risks. It is high time to put in effort, make bold and risky decisions, and turn every opportunity in your favour.
  • Reversed: Yes: The appearance of the Two Wands reversed is a clear hint that you can work on your fears, doubts, and anxieties to achieve what you desire. The reason? Your fears and anxieties are holding you back. So, to bring major changes and reach your desired goals, address the current issues and find a solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

In a tarot reading, the Two of Wands meaning is to explore and grab all the opportunities that will lead us to future goals and ambitions. Additionally, it motivates us to move out of our comfort zone and take risks.
In an upright position, the 2 of Wands advises analysing what future plans suit you best and moving forward with extreme confidence and ambition. However, in the reversed position, the card asks you to reanalyse all your plans to avoid unnecessary delays.
In a yes or no tarot reading, the Two Wands is seen as a positive card with a ‘hopeful yes’ answer. But in the reversed position, the Two of Wands yes or no card, gives a ‘doubtful yes’.
The 2 Wands tarot card is associated with the most energetic and lively Fire zodiac signs in a tarot reading: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Due to its element, all these zodiac signs are passionate about exploring their adventurous and creative side.
One of the most positive cards, the Two of Wands as feelings revolves around decision-making, planning, and exploring future possibilities. These feelings encourage the individual to move forward towards his goals with confidence and determination.
In an upright position, the 2 of Wands love card revolves around feelings of detachment and withdrawal. In the reversed position, the same card highlights the energies of boredom and boring love life.
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