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Five of Cups tarot card meaning

The Five of Cups yes or no card symbolises life's losses and tells us of our guilt and regrets. Like the Four of Cups tarot card, the Five of Cups keen tarot card says that we are more focused on the challenges and obstacles of life. In addition, we often fail to understand the situation or appreciate what we already have. For example, you may have gotten a promotion, and your colleague may have gotten a salary hike. You may focus more on your coworker's salary hike than your promotion. While there is no jealousy, there is regret. This tarot card symbolises this feeling and asks us to focus on the better and not the worse.

When we see the image of the Five of Cups tarot guide, we notice a man in a black robe. This person is the symbolic representation of humans and is believed to be our inner self and consciousness. In addition, his attire stands for our inability to remove regret from our inner selves. Furthermore, it highlights how we are prisoners of our inner selves, and to let go of fear and regret truly; we have to work hard on ourselves.

This man is looking forward towards a river. The river stands for our innermost feelings and emotions. Furthermore, there are five cups, three of which are regrets and pain and two of possibilities and opportunities. This highlights that our pains often overpower our ability to think rationally or see the good things right in front of us. The aim of this tarot card is to make us understand that we should push ourselves out of our depressive states. Lastly, the Five of Cups advice asks us to let go of self-limiting beliefs and understand that everyone makes mistakes. According to the Five of Cups keen tarot guide, we must work hard to liberate ourselves from fear, anxiety, and stress.

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Five of Cups tarot card Upright

Much like the Four of Cups tarot card, the Five of Cups keen tarot card represents the negativities of life, the pain, anxieties, and traumas. So, the following is the Five of Cups meaning when it comes to life:

Upright Five of Cups tarot card meaning and interpretation

When it comes to the Upright position of the Five of Cups tarot guide, we are being made aware of our faults and shortcomings. This tarot card says that we're unhappy with our present life and are unable to find a solution. Just like the card the Four of Cups, the Five of Cups keen tarot card tells that we're stuck in the future and are unaccepting of the unknown. For example, you would rather stay focused on the mistakes you've made and not on the things you can do to make things better in the future. This position of the tarot card also says that your fear is stopping you from exploring your true potential and capacity.

More often than not, you let life pass by you and make no effort to do anything worthwhile. Your habit of staying tied to nostalgia makes it challenging for you to step foot into the future. Furthermore, your trauma and fear isolate you from your peers, loved ones, and true potential. The Five of Cups advice is to let go of the past, live in the present, and focus on the future. You cannot keep yourself tied to the past and hurt your prospects. Moreover, the Five of Cups tarot guide asks you to understand that you must do good things for yourself. Once you truly believe that you are deserving of good things, you will be able to build a better and brighter future.

Unhappiness, dissatisfaction, disappointments, guilt, regret, and fear have taken root in your life, and you don't know how to change things. In such instances, it would be wise to connect with people who will be able to help you, make you feel better, and even provide solutions to you. For example, according to the Five of Cups, allow your loved ones to pull you out of your depressive state and give them a chance to heal you. Furthermore, it would be best to ask for help, listen to people's opinions and solutions, and adopt those if it suits you. Lastly, the Five of Cups yes or no card says that nobody is forcing you to do anything, but you should be willing to change your life. According to the Five of Cups yes or no, negativity has surrounded you, and most things are not going your way. So, if you wish to welcome good things, it would be best to harbour positivity and happiness within yourself.

Upright Five of Cups tarot card in love

The Five of Cups love reading says that while there is love and companionship in your relationship, it is still slowly deteriorating. You and your partner are not able to connect to each other, which is causing several problems. You feel an emotional loss and believe your relationship is slowly going downhill. Because of these aspects, you are isolating yourself, and your partner is isolating themselves. As already know, the Five of Cups as feelings denote grief and regret due to lost opportunities; you feel that you have lost the chance to rekindle the flame of your love.

Moreover, your love life is becoming worse by the day, and you feel lonely. So, the Five of Cups advice would be to reconnect with your partner and look for ways to fall in love again. It is necessary for both of you to find paths that will lead you both to each other, and you should look for togetherness everywhere you go. The Five of Cups as feelings asks you and your partner to work on feelings of togetherness, kindness, love, and happiness and allow your relationship to blossom in the best way possible. This position of the tarot card in love asks you to take care of each other and harbour unity between one another.

Upright Five of Cups tarot card in finance

Your monetary situation is bleak at the moment, and you are not finding the right path that leads to prosperity and happiness. The Five of Cups keen tarot card also says there are increased chances of failed investments, loans, loss of money, stress, and anxiety. This is because you are not making the right decisions, and your financial situation is worsening because of that. In addition, you don't even have people to guide you on what to do. All this is taking a huge toll on you, and you feel upset and isolated.

Furthermore, you also feel that you don't have anyone to rely upon, and your life is slowly becoming a mess. The sadness that you feel now is because of your unstable, insecure, and unhappy monetary situation. Moreover, you also feel that there is no way you can get out of this slump. However, that is not true. Have faith in yourself and the Universe, and everything will slowly fall into place. Once you truly believe in yourself and the magic of the Universe, you will realise that things are not as bad and there is room for joy and positivity. The Five of Cups tarot guide asks you to keep hope in your heart and walk with strength and courage.

Upright Five of Cups tarot card in career

When it comes to your career reading, the Five of Wands yes or no tarot card presents a big no. All your career ventures are slowly going down the drain, and you feel nothing is going your way. In addition, because of your weak professional life and unstable career, your financial situation is also suffering. You think nobody is by your side, and everybody has turned their back towards you. All of these elements are making you more and more frustrated.

In addition, all these anxieties, stress, and panic are deteriorating your health and making you feel unstable and dysfunctional. You have several plans you want to try out, but they're not successful, and you feel worse by the minute. Therefore, it is advisable for you to connect to people who will help you through your tough times, find it in your heart to open up to your loved ones, and allow yourself to seek and receive help. The Five of Cups keen tarot card says that once you reconnect with your lost friends and loved ones, you will be able to get back on track with their help and guidance. So, don’t worry about anything and find it in your heart to connect with people who will help you in your journey.

Upright Five of Cups tarot card in health

The Five of Cups tarot guide in health says that your unstable love life, financial situation, and professional ventures are affecting your health adversely. You are letting stress get to you, and your deteriorating mental health also affects your physical health. In addition, due to all of these things, you are unable to focus on your desires and needs. At this point, you have sacrificed everything but still are not happy with what you have. Health issues such as fever, hormonal imbalance, premature ageing, and even body aches are recurring because your mind is not at rest.

Furthermore, you are not finding the time to relax or focus on your health. You have been pushing yourself beyond your limit, and now your health has taken a negative turn. It would be best for you to go on a short trip or spend time with your loved ones to regain your energy. This much-needed break will allow you to feel your best and will help you get back on track. So, per the Five of Cups Upright, make a plan to give yourself a break and enjoy it with your loved ones.

Five of Cups tarot card Reversed

All about healing, independence, and happiness, the Five of Cups Reversed yes or no card stands for bettering yourself, self-love, and peace. Let us learn more about the Five of Cups Reversed as feelings in the different elements of life:

Reversed Five of Cups tarot card meaning and interpretation

What does the Five of Cups mean?" well, when Reversed, the Five of Cups tarot guide indicates a change in your outlook towards life. You have become more comfortable, confident, and happy with yourself. In addition, you are finally at a phase where you trust yourself and the people around you and are open to new opportunities. Life has become easier for you, and you are not afraid of exploring it yourself. Furthermore, the Five of Cups Reversed as feelings say that you are slowly moving on from the things holding you back and are ready to feel better and brighter.

You have a newfound appreciation, understanding, and love for life. You no longer curse yourself or your situation; instead, try to analyse the problem and look for a solution. Your solution-oriented approach to life will lead you to a comfortable position in life. For example, you don't lose your calm at work or don't feel frustrated at home. This position of the tarot card urges you to let go of the past and learn to live in the present.

Furthermore, the Five of Cups Reversed yes or no tarot card focuses on internal healing, understanding, calmness, peace, and happiness. This tarot card says that life has been cruel to you, but times are slowly changing, and you will emerge as a winner no matter what. Lastly, the Five of Cups Reversed as feelings say that you will be able to rekindle love, positivity, joy, hope, and faith within yourself, and this will provide you with the strength to move forward and do good for yourself.

Reversed Five of Cups tarot card in love

The Five of Cups Reversed as feelings are about learning to love yourself, growing up, and maturing. You are slowly moving on from the things which don't serve anything to you and are trying to change yourself for the better. In addition, your journey towards healing has already taken a fast pace, and it is only a while until you become a new and better version of yourself. Furthermore, when it comes to your relationship, this position of the Five of Cups tarot guide says that you have let go of the past and are no longer running after things or people who don't deserve you.

If you often wonder, “What does the Five of Cups mean in love?” here is your answer- The Reversed Five of Cups love reading says that you have gone through a difficult phase, but things are slowly falling into place. In addition, you are reconciling with an old flame or even your partner once again. You have found new ways to fall in love again, and your relationship is brighter than ever. However, if you're single, then there are chances for your ex-partners to knock on your doors again. So, be careful with their intentions and your choices. Don't fall prey to their sweet words. Instead, focus on their actions and then make a decision.

Reversed Five of Cups tarot card in finance

Where there is struggle, there is growth. And you know what they say? "Go big, or go home". You are going big, indeed! In terms of your monetary circumstances, the Five of Cups Reversed yes or no card says that new opportunities are coming your way, and you are doing your best to grab them as they come. In addition, you are not wasting any time in seeking prosperity. The Universe notices your hard work and appreciates your efforts. So, you should keep up with the good work and know that life will soon reward you. The Five of Cups Reversed yes or no in finance paints a positive picture and says that all your present choices will bring a positive impact to your future.

Furthermore, you will experience several accomplishments and receive appreciation from everywhere. You will look for alternative sources of income, make plans to make significant investments, and even find ways to grow your money. All of these plans will help you succeed in life, and ten years down the line, you will notice that your consistency paid off. While it does seem challenging and easier said than done, you have what it takes to fight all adversities and take on life with your head held high. So, believe in yourself, and don’t lose heart. You have a long way to go; this is only the beginning!

Reversed Five of Cups tarot card in career

The Five of Cups Reversed as feelings in a career reading highlight that you are feeling safe, secure, and happy at the present moment. You are healing from your past fears and are finally open to growth and development. Now, this development isn't just on a professional level. You are also experiencing character development and are ready to show the world your magic. You are not letting opportunities pass you by but fighting for what you desire and deserve. For example, if you believe you deserve to head a certain project or task, you are not afraid to ask your seniors for the responsibility.

Moreover, you are getting the recognition you deserve, and your coworkers notice your consistency and hard work. This position of the Five of Cups yes or no tarot card says that you are slowly getting back on your feet, and luck is supporting you. You are regaining your lost footing and are ready to see what life has to offer. These days, you look forward to going to work so that you can fulfil your dreams. This drive will allow you to propel your career forward, and you will be able to do great things for yourself.

Reversed Five of Cups tarot card in health

The Reversed Five of Cups tarot guide in health reading symbolises spiritual healing and rejuvenated energy. You have learnt several things from your past mistakes, your loved ones, and even from fictional characters. You are someone who tries to take a lesson from everything life throws at them and is always ready to understand the deeper meaning behind certain situations. For example, if you feel that a responsibility has been designated to you, you must fulfil it to the fullest. This drive and motivation keep you successful in life, and you don't have to face adverse situations.

In addition, the Five of Cups tarot card also says that you can only heal spiritually if you learn to give up the past. It is high time for you to let bygones be bygones and allow yourself to flourish. Don't stay stuck in the past; instead, focus on what life has to offer to you in the future. Everything goes well when you live in the present and look forward to the future. Finally, you should let go of all sadness and remember that your mental and physical health are connected. You could be physically okay, but if your mental health is not well, then there's no point in you being physically active. So, maintain a balance between your physical and mental stabilities. Per the Reversed Five of Cups yes or no tarot, you should remember to prioritise your health before other factors.

How to read Five of Cups tarot card?

One can read a tarot card in the Upright or Reversed position. For example, here is the Five of Cups yes or no reading, and the outcome you will receive:

Upright: No.

Reversed: Yes.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Five of Cups keen tarot card represents isolation, sadness, and brokenness. This tarot card is similar to the Four of Cups tarot card. However, it says that you will be able to overcome these feelings through hard work and patience.
While the Five of Cups Upright represents a 'no' to your answers, the Five of Cups Reversed symbolises a 'yes'. One cannot determine whether a card is positive or negative without understanding the meaning behind its position.
The Five of Cups Reversed as feelings highlight that you are slowly learning to love yourself, cherish your life, and heal from your past traumas. You are no longer a prisoner of the past.
The Five of Cups zodiac sign is Scorpio, and its element is Water. The connection between these aspects and the Five of Cups tarot card highlights the idea that you have the ability to build your life into something great.
The Five of Cups advice is to move on, learn to heal yourself and grow better. One cannot stay stuck in the past and destroy their future. So, take charge of your life, be better, and remember change is the only constant known to man.
The Five of Cups Reversed stands for growth, opportunities, beginnings, and happiness. This position of the tarot card says that you are changing your life and slowly becoming a better person.
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