four of cups image

Four of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

The 4 of Cups meaning highlights boredom, sadness, and disconnection. You could be ignoring opportunities because you are lost in your own thoughts. So, the card is a reminder not to ignore possibilities and analyse what’s going wrong in life.

Main Features of Four of Cups

Let us understand the impact of the 4 of Cups card on tarot reading by looking at its main features!

  • Parts of 4 of Cups Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Water
  • Planet- Neptune, Moon
  • Zodiac Signs- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
  • Yes or No Card- Maybe
  • Healing Crystals- Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Moonstone

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Four of Cups Card Symbol Meaning

The tarot image of Four of Cups showcases a man whose back is facing a tree, and he is lost in deep thought. Below is the breakdown of the meaning and representation of each element and symbol in the tarot card:

  • The Person: The man is lost in his thoughts. His thoughts have consumed him so much that he does not notice what is happening around him.
  • Three Cups: The three cups represent the person’s past experiences or situations he has been thinking about. They show that the person is not thinking about future possibilities.
  • Hand Holding the Fourth Cup: A hand coming from the sky symbolises a new opportunity from the high power presented to the man. However, he fails to notice it since he is lost in his thoughts.
  • Tree: The tree in the picture showcases stability and a place to rest. However, it also shows that the person has taken a break and is not moving forward.

Four of Cups Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The Four of Cups can have different meanings depending on whether it is upright or reversed. So, let's learn what it conveys in different positions!

Four of Cups Upright Meaning

The Four of Cups Upright stands for regrets, grief, pain, and rejections. You are currently focusing on the bad things that happened to you in the past. This is why you miss out on the positive things around you. Getting this card reminds you to appreciate what you have and be open to new possibilities.

Four of Cups Reversed Meaning

The Four of Cups Reversed talks about being independent. You have broken ties from the past painful memories and decided to move on. Now, you are becoming more aware of the opportunities around you. Moreover, you feel more ready to take a big action than ever before.

4 of Cups Aspects4 of Cups Upright4 of Cups Reversed
CareerLazy career approachPositive workplace, raise
LoveA rough patch in relationshipsCommitment and passion
HealthDepression and anxietyPositive changes in health
FinanceMonetary problemsFinancial security and stability
SpiritualityDisconnect from the inner selfSpiritual renewal

Four of Cups Meaning in Love

Upright: The 4 of Cups love card shows love as a feeling based on past mistakes and experiences. You are still stuck in the past and cannot concentrate on your present. So, the card asks you to love freely and let go of past trauma. The Four of Cups friendship tarot card hints that singles may find a new lover in a friend.

Reversed: The Four of Cups Reversed love reading predicts new excitement, enthusiasm, and commitment in your relationship. You both may learn to spend time together, connect on mutual hobbies and interests, and even plan elaborate dates. Singles, on the other hand, may witness new potential lovers entering their lives.

Four of Cups Meaning in Career

Upright: The Fourth Cups Upright hints that you have a lazy approach towards your career. You find it difficult to get work done, and it will be challenging for you to compete with anyone. So, the Four of Cups tarot guide to pay attention to your goals and work hard to achieve them.

Reversed: The 4 of Cups reversed tarot showcases strong chances of appreciation and a positive environment at the workplace. Soon, you will get multiple opportunities to change or build your career. However, you are advised not to be involved in works against your morals and values.

Four of Cups Meaning in Health

Upright: The Four of Cups as feelings in a health reading says you will be depressed and anxious. You may even fall prone to fevers, body aches, and stomach issues. Most of these problems will arise due to stress. Getting this card means managing your stress through meditative practices or physical activity.

Reversed: The IV of Cups card appears to be a good omen in the reversed position. The card hints that soon, you will see a positive change in your mental and physical health. You will be filled with high energy, enthusiasm, and positivity. Your ongoing health issues will soon be resolved.

Four of Cups Meaning in Finance

Upright: Financially, the 4 of Cups meaning talks about monetary problems, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction. You are unhappy with your circumstances and cannot reach a point of safety. This tarot card sends a message asking you to be more active in your finances and take charge.

Reversed: The 4 of Cups Reversed card hints at financial stability, security, and prosperity in your life. Soon, you will be able to spend more on yourself and your loved ones. But this card also comes as a reminder to keep a check on your expenditures and not go overboard.

Four of Cups Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: In a spiritual context, the 4 Cups upright card hints at disconnection from your inner or spiritual self. Other things are going on inside your mind, distracting you from your spiritual goals. So, the card encourages you to take action toward your spiritual side and accept the opportunities for your spiritual growth.

Reversed: It is time for a spiritual rebirth or renewal when the 4 of Cups reversed card appears in a spiritual reading. The card hints that the universe will soon present you with new opportunities for spiritual growth. So, you must focus on healing and make positive changes.

Four of Cups Yes or No Meaning

The Four of Cups yes or no revolves around the blockages, inner pains, and disappointments. However, its meaning may differ depending on its upright and reversed positions. Let’s check it out!

  • Upright: No- Drawing a 4 of Cups yes or no card means a likely no. You might be feeling stuck or totally uninterested in moving forward. You have become ignorant of the future possibilities and still living in the past.
  • Reversed: Yes - Pulling out a Four of Cups reversed yes or no card is a yes. The card hints that you have started paying attention to new opportunities. Your major focus right now is on growth and making big choices.

Frequently Asked Questions

In terms of relationships and marriage, the Four of Cups tarot card indicates conflicts, problems, and chaos. Unfortunately, you're focusing on the wrong things and are not aware of the implications of your actions on your relationship.
The Four of Cups zodiac sign is Cancer, and its element is Water. The connection between the two makes this tarot card stable, harmonious, and balanced. Moreover, with water as an element, it highlights the ability to change and adapt.
The Four of Cups meaning in tarot reading highlights regret, sadness, and pain. This tarot card symbolises the opportunities we have lost and our roots in the past.
The Four of Cups advice is to take charge of your life, avoid making the same old mistakes, and stop focusing on the past. You cannot go back in time to change things. Instead, you should try to improve your future.
The Four of Cups as feelings says that you are tired of life and are unhappy with your present scenario. You believe that your life is out of your control, and you're too bored even to try and regain your power.
The Four of Cups Reversed love reading tells you that there are chances of love flourishing in your life. You and your partner will grow closer to each other, and life will be peaceful.
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