the herophant image

The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning

Known as the ‘Master of Spirituality,’ the Hierophant meaning revolves around traditions, spirituality, and a quest for higher knowledge. It says that individuals must always desire to improve, and work hard to achieve greatness. Moreover, the Hierophant card highlights the importance of accountability and responsibility.

Main Features of The Hierophant

The Hierophant’s main features, such as associated elements or planets, will help us discover what makes this card special. So, let's take a quick look!

  • Parts of the Hierophant Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Earth
  • Planet- Venus
  • Zodiac Signs- Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
  • Yes or No Card- Maybe
  • Healing Crystals- Celestite and Blue Topaz

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The Hierophant Card Symbol Meaning

Seated on a throne between two pillars, the Hierophant gives a powerful aura indicating that he is better than others. Let us look at the detailed meaning of each symbol in the appearance of the Hierophant card:

  • Two Monks: The monks kneeled before the Hierophant, gaining spiritual knowledge. The monks can be students, and the Hierophant can be a mentor or master of spirituality.
  • Crossed Keys: The symbol of the crossed keys in the picture can represent knowledge and spiritual wisdom. Using these keys, one can unlock a better version of themselves.
  • Pillars: Two pillars on either side of the Hierophant hint towards support, equality and stability. They also stand for law and freedom.
  • Roses/Lillies: The flowers showcased in the pictures suggest the soft side of the tarot card. Both roses and lilies represent love and beauty.
  • Crown: The crown on the Hierophant’s head symbolises spiritual power and authority. He seems to be a respected leader in his society and provides all the spiritual knowledge he has to others.

The Hierophant Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The Hierophant meaning may differ in the upright and reversed position. So, let us look at the different meanings of The Hierophant one by one:

The Hierophant Upright Meaning

The Hierophant Upright card refers to faith, religion, commitment, marriage, and wisdom. It teaches the importance of spirituality, higher knowledge, and social rules. Now is the time to learn spiritual things from a teacher or mentor. Getting the ‘Master of Spirituality’ card in a tarot reading is a sign to connect with someone more experienced than you.

The Hierophant Reversed Meaning

Drawing a Reversed Hierophant in tarot reading is a sign to break free from all the rules that bound you and follow your beliefs. The very thought of following old traditions and rules makes you crave freedom even more. So, instead of following the usual rules, you put all your energy into questioning and challenging them.

The Hierophant AspectsThe Hierophant Upright Card KeywordsThe Hierophant Reversed Card Keywords
CareerCareer stability and peaceDissatisfaction with the job
LoveGoing back to first loveConflicts, lost spark
HealthPrioritising work over healthModern medical practices
FinanceSticking to traditional methodsFinancial challenges
SpiritualityGuidance from the experiencedPeriod of personal growth

The Hierophant Meaning in Love

Upright: The upright position of the Hierophant love card advices you to return to your first or old love. Per this tarot card, no love is as beautiful as the first love. The other Hierophant meaning in love is that you should work on stability in the relationship. This could be done by respecting each other, sharing the same beliefs and prioritising each other’s needs.

Reversed: Internal conflicts and a lost spark in your relationship may make you think of splitting up. The card brings a strong desire for personal freedom and individuality. So, when you draw a Reversed Hierophant card in love reading, you must identify problems and restore love, passion, and stability in your relationship instead of ending things.

The Hierophant Meaning in Career

Upright: The Upright Hierophant tarot card in your career highlights that you are finally able to maintain peace and stability. People around you support you and want you to succeed. A senior or workplace authority figure may become impressed with your skills and potential and may be of great help. Use this time to expand your skill set, such as doing vocational training.

Reversed: The Reversed Hierophant tarot card in your career says that you are pretty unhappy with your current professional choices and job and wish to switch. You think that your skills and talents are not fully utilised at your current workplace. So, instead of challenging your seniors, it is better for you to look for new opportunities for growth and success.

The Hierophant Meaning in Health

Upright: The Upright Hierophant reveals that you are severely compromising your health due to your work or academics. Being a card of traditions and customs, the card says that you should follow traditional ways of treatment. You can build a strong, healthy routine, refer to medical professionals for extra guidance, adopt traditional medicines, and exercise daily.

Reversed: The Hierophant health reading in the Reversed position highlights that the medical world has come a long way, and you shouldn’t have to rely on traditional means of good health. The countless modern medicines are here to do the job perfectly. So, avoid traditional medicines or home remedies, and try to achieve good health through professional help.

The Hierophant Meaning in Finance

Upright: The Hierophant card's appearance in a financial reading reveals that you are very particular about finances and still stick to traditional money-making methods. So, if you maintain your budget and financial plans well, prosperity, stability, and security will be all yours. If needed, then don’t shy away from getting in touch with experienced professionals.

Reversed: You are currently at a stage in life where you may face many financial challenges and obstacles. The Hierophant finances card highlights that these challenges will knock at your door unexpectedly, affecting your personal life. In this case, you must learn proper money management, think twice before investing, and take the advice of financial experts.

The Hierophant Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: Soon, a spiritual guide, teacher, or mentor will make your journey of spiritual learning smoother and easier. With his guidance, you will learn about traditional values and established beliefs and connect with your community on a deeper level. The Hierophant tarot advises you to trust the wisdom of the mentors or teachers who have walked the spiritual path before you.

Reversed: The Reversed Hierophant hints at a period of personal growth and self-discovery. It says that soon, you will find your own spiritual path but in a different way. Instead of following the established rules and customs, you will explore new spiritual paths, ideas or activities. But beware! Doing this may disconnect you from the spiritual community you live in.

The Hierophant Yes or No Meaning

In a yes-or-no tarot reading, the appearance of the Hierophant tarot card teaches the value of traditions, customs, and spirituality. However, the card's upright and reversed positions have different stories. So, let us discover different meanings of Hierophant yes or no:

  • Upright: Yes- The Hierophant card meaning in upright yes or no is positive. It allows you to move forward with your situation. The only condition is by following rules and sticking to old traditions and customs.
  • Reversed: No - The Hierophant meaning in reversed yes or no is an absolute ‘no’. In the pursuit of freedom, you may go against traditions or reject the old established rules. This is why you must take your time and follow the rules.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Hierophant indicates possibilities, spirituality, and belief. The tarot outcome of this card is to highlight the opportunities in your life. One can grow in life by prioritising themselves and the community around them.
Taurus is the Zodiac sign for the Hierophant card. The connection between Taurus and the Hierophant tarot card is that both these elements believe in structure, order, traditions and stability. In addition, they have an appreciation for knowledge and wisdom.
Yes, the Hierophant is the card of marriage and commitment. Getting this card in a tarot card reading means marriage is on the cards, especially for the committed people. The card indicates that people may pay attention to marriage prospects soon.
The Hierophant is the fifth card of the Major Arcana. This tarot card number 5 stands for religious faith, spiritual belief, and wisdom. At the same time, the number 5 teaches the importance of knowledge and wisdom.
The Hierophant tarot card is considered a positive card for love relationships. Its appearance indicates commitment, kindness, and hope. This card can remind one to establish active communication and mutual respect in a relationship.
Hierophants, as people, value their traditions and customs more than anything else. However, in the reversed position, the same person may challenge the current norms and feel attracted to new ideas and rules.
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