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टैरो कार्ड रीडिंग में थ्री ऑफ वैंड्स जीवन में नई और रोमांचक घटनाओं की प्रतीक्षा करने के बारे में है। यह इंगित करता है कि व्यक्ति ने अतीत में कड़ी मेहनत की है, और अब उसके श्रम का फल भोगने का समय है। इसलिए, 3 ऑफ वैंड्स टैरो कार्ड का अर्थ सकारात्मक होना और हमारे रास्ते में आने वाली अच्छी चीजों पर नज़र रखना है।
इससे पहले कि हम थ्री ऑफ वैंड्स के अर्थ को और जानें, आइए इसकी मुख्य विशेषताओं की जांच करें। इससे जुड़े तत्वों, ग्रहों और राशियों से, इस कार्ड के बारे में जानने के लिए बहुत कुछ है।
Looking at the pictorial representation of the Three of Wands tarot card, we see a man standing on the shore, looking at the sea. Below is the detailed meaning and representation of each symbol in the appearance of the Three of Wands tarot card:
The 3 of Wands meaning may differ in the upright and reversed positions. So, let us look at the different meanings of 3 wands tarot card one by one:
In an upright position, the Three of Wands indicates excitement and confidence. It is a positive sign that your future plans or goals will soon take off. Along with future plans, you might be exploring new opportunities or expanding your horizons. Considered a positive card, the 3 wands tell you to keep up the good work and trust that things will improve.
The 3 of Wands tarot card suggests getting stuck or being hesitant about moving forward. It is as if you are unsure about your plans and might feel impatient or frustrated. So, getting the Three of Wands reversed tarot card is a sign to step back and analyse things again. Take your time and trust that everything will work out for you.
3 of Wands Aspects | 3 of Wands Upright | 3 of Wands Reversed |
Career | Career expansion | Stuck career |
Love | Romance and Passion | Lack of effort and romance |
Health | Healing and recovery | Health issues |
Finance | Financial comfort | Failed financial planning |
Spirituality | Spiritual progress | Spiritual blockage |
Upright: The Three of Wands love card brings success, romance, growth and passion to love relationships. For committed people, it hints towards a more happy and blissful period. On the other hand, for singles, it assures a period of peace and joy. However, there might be a tiny possibility of a new romance or long-distance relationship as per 3 of Wands as intentions.
Reversed: The 3 of Wands reversed love indicates that your relationship is going through several problems at the moment. Your lack of effort and poor communication have led to this situation where you and your partner do not trust each other. So, getting the 3 of Wands relationship card means you should try to save your relationship from falling apart.
Upright: On the work front, 3 of Wands career cards bring new opportunities and success. Working-class professionals may soon get a job opportunity based on foreign. Those who own their business might think about going global, i.e. expanding their business in international markets. Now is a perfect time to expand your horizons and think of something bigger than usual.
Reversed: Three of Wands career cards in a reverse position revolve around the energies of stuckness, annoyance, frustration, or disappointment. It seems you are frustrated either due to a wrong career path or no career progress. The only solution to come out of this rough patch is to keep working towards your goals.
Upright: Getting a Three of Wands upright in a health reading is a positive sign for those suffering from health issues. It means you will soon heal or recover from your current health issues. Interestingly, this card sometimes hints at foreign travel due to health issues. It says you will seek help from a foreign medical professional to recover and heal.
Reversed: Getting the 3 of Wands reversed card in a health reading indicates health issues mainly due to travel. Maybe your body could not adapt to the foreign environment, or you were stressed about something that led to your health issues. If this is the case with you, you must take the necessary steps to improve your health and eliminate current health concerns.
Upright: The 3 of Wands upright means the days of your hard work and efforts have long gone; now is just the time to witness financial comfort and stability. Not only this, but the Three of Wands future card advices you to spend your hard-earned money on things you love, such as a small vacation or wise investments.
Reversed: The 3 of Wands tarot card appearing in a financial reading is a sign of danger. It reveals that your current financial situation is not as great as you expected it would be. The foremost reason behind the current chaos is your past failed financial plans or strategies. In this case, the card suggests you contact financial experts as soon as possible.
Upright: In spiritual readings, the 3 of Wands card deals with satisfaction. It says that all your spiritual goals will be fulfilled soon, giving you a sense of relief. So, getting the Three of Wands as feelings card is a green sign that you are making spiritual progress. It could also mean that you seek guidance from a new spiritual teacher or mentor for a better journey of self-discovery.
Reversed: The reversed Three of Wands tarot card revolves around spirituality, annoyance and blockage. Currently, your mind seems to be completely in control of negative thoughts, which are blocking your spiritual progress. Your inability to let go of your dark past and negative thoughts is the primary reason behind the blockage in your spiritual journey.
In a yes or no tarot reading, the appearance of the Three of Wands card is considered positive and focuses on the energies of growth, future, and confidence. So, let us look at the hidden meanings of the 3 of Wands yes or no cards!