
About Virgo (August 24 – September 22)

The sixth sign in the zodiac cycle, Virgo, is also known as Kanya in Sanskrit. These natives are also outstanding communicators because Mercury rules them. Although both Gemini and Mercury are Mutable signs, Mercury also rules the people born under the sign of Gemini. Their personalities and ways of thinking, however, are different from one another. Virgos are extremely pragmatic and reasonable in both their words and deeds. The Virgo sign is also known as the Virgin, which does not necessarily allude to sexual virginity but rather to purity and serenity. Virgos are also very observant and aware of things happening around them. They are mindful of each and every action. Moreover, these individuals are very well organised and planned about each and every aspect of life. Also, they make sure that they do not leave anything behind undone. Moreover, they do not like to be unpredictable in their life. Moreover, being a Mutable sign, they are very adaptable and always seek changes so that they can explore more in life. Also, these natives can adapt quickly and can be comfortable in any situation. Moreover, most of the time, Virgos are lost in their own self.


Virgo Nature and traits

Virgos are very well-organised individuals with a strong purpose for everything. They are known to be perfectionists because they are highly excellent at critical thinking. Also, the personality of Virgo natives defines their ethics and morals. Furthermore, Virgos are very conscientious and make every action purposeful. Also, they are not impulsive in their actions; they make proper planning before doing anything. However, these individuals do not crave attention and stay away from being in the spotlight. Instead, they would like to work behind the scenes. Also, Virgos are picky and choosy in nature, which makes them think and analyse a lot before they take up anything or make any choice. Furthermore, Virgos are extremely professional, making them act very well-disciplined and organised. Also, these natives have a strong professional appearance because they are always well-dressed and groomed. Also, these natives have a reliable nature, making them true to their words and actions. Moreover, they have a very positive attitude towards life, making them follow the slogan "I can do it". Also, their positive attitude and professionalism reflect their behaviour and work performance.


Virgo Health

The digestive system is quite delicate in Virgos. They frequently experience problems with their bowel, and dehydration may be one of the main causes. This causes persistent bloating and firm stools as a result. Also, most of the time, they tend to avoid their health due to excess work and stress, which can also have an impact on digestion. It's recommended that Virgo natives should avoid dairy products. Also, due to such issues, they might face loss of appetite. Moreover, talking about their mental health, Virgos are ruled by planet Mercury and thus are blessed with good communication skills and the ability to be very outgoing. However, these might also lead to stress and anxiety. Moreover, Virgos are prone to food hypersensitivity, also known as food intolerance, because of food allergies. However, due to this issue, they frequently face abdominal pain, runny nose, rashes etc. Also, Virgos' health concerns include being infected by Ulcer, where they feel a burning sensation in the stomach. However, taking care of food habits is one of the best ways to get rid of intestinal issues. Also, some of the good food for a sensitive stomach are yoghurt, avocados, papaya, bananas, whole grains etc.


Virgo Man

Virgo men are excellent thinkers and smart. They are great at problem-solving and always find ways to get through it. Also, they tend to find the right solution to the issue rather than always proving themselves to be correct. Moreover, Virgo men are critical thinkers and always have a tight attitude and approach towards their life. Also, they are very observant, and this trait is one of the first things Virgos accumulate while being critical thinkers. Also, Virgos are extremely adventurous in nature. They seek comfort wherever they go because they are not individuals who only find comfort in one place. Also, there isn't any excuse from their end when it comes to travelling. Additionally, Virgo men are extremely brilliant and inquisitive people who never stop learning. Furthermore, rather than appearing to be experts in all areas, they do not hesitate to declare when they have no comprehension of something. They are also open-minded people who do not close themselves up to potential opportunities and life experiences. They are always eager to seize new chances and challenges in life.


Virgo Woman

Virgo women are very adorable and smart. They are the perfect example of "Beauty with brains". They are good-looking and attractive women. They are sharp-minded and intuitive individuals. Virgo women are the ones who sprinkle charm and happiness wherever they go. Also, they have a kind of introverted and independent personalities who always seek to live on their own. This personality encourages them to take their own decisions, go on a solo trips and indulge in solo projects. Also, they tend to have a logical and sensible conversation rather than just sitting and chit-chatting about unnecessary things. Furthermore, they are very introspective, which makes them deeply analyse their thoughts and behaviour. Also, they do not involve themselves in the unwanted situation and mess around with people because they know their boundaries. Also, Virgo women do not like things to be messy. Thus this personality makes them well-organised individuals. Moreover, they have the ability to grab things quickly. Also, Virgo women do not leave a tiny room for mistakes. In fact, they are the first ones to go and make it look perfect.


Virgo Relationship

Virgo does not tend to make relationships quickly. They analyse people and always find a reason or a purpose to maintain a relationship with someone. Also, they get driven towards people who correspond with their insatiable personalities. Moreover, most of the time, it takes a lot of time for them to realise their adoration for people. Also, as a lover, Virgos tends to nurture their relationship by supporting and helping their partners succeed. If we talk about Virgos as a friend, they are extremely kind towards their friends, who they truly consider to be their closest friends. Also, Virgos can never think of backing off when their friends really need them. Moreover, as parents, Virgos nurture their relationship with their kids with love and affection. Also, they are very overprotective of their kids. Moreover, as a mother, Virgos tries to schedule a good routine and behaviour for her children to become well-organised and disciplined. Last but not least, Virgos strive to be an absolute perfectionist in the workplace and endorse fellow employees in doing their best work. Additionally, you push to make the most of every opportunity and project so that no one gets the chance to point out your work.


Virgo Love

Virgos do not have the tendency to fall in love without knowing the person thoroughly. Also, they are very confident about what they want in a relationship. They do not like just to have a fling; instead, they would want to be committed to just one person. Moreover, Virgos do not appreciate and tolerate dishonesty in a relationship. They will expect their partner to be pure with their feelings and emotions. Also, Virgo does not pour their feelings verbally. In fact, they would show their feelings through their actions. They will always hold their lover in high regard, and if their partner is having a difficult day, they will make every effort to cheer them up. Furthermore, when Virgos are in love, they will remember every special moment and never forget to plan something special for their loved ones. Also, Virgos would avoid dating a person who is impractical and unorganised. They would want their partners to be well organised in their lifestyle as well as by their behaviour. However, sometimes when Virgos falls in love deliberately, they start having unrealistic expectations and dreams about their love life.


Virgo Career

Virgos are extremely driven towards their Career. They are always focused towards their personal goals and growth. Moreover, Virgo does not like to waste their time on unnecessary things. Rather, they would indulge themselves in doing something productive. They always like to plan their daily schedule and to-do list in advance so that they do not miss out on anything important task of the day. Also, they do not like staying stable with one occupation; they would explore every field unless they do not find the right choice. Also, Virgos always seek excellence in everything you do, whether it's a group project or an individual project. Moreover, these natives have the zeal and determination to be a leader. Moreover, you do like to work in an environment where there isn't proper planning and coordination among the group. Moreover, Virgos would rather give their best in one project rather putting their hands on several tasks. Although, Virgo does not prefer to multitask. Also, they have the ability to solve the issue within the group rather than taking it too far.


Virgo Decans

Decans are also known as "faces" in horary astrology or vedic astrology. The ruling planet varies for each sign since each zodiac sign is divided into segments of 10 degrees. Additionally, beginning with Decan 1, which runs from August 23 to September 2. Mercury is hence Decan 1's governing planet. People who fall within the Decan 1 category tend to be very commanded and disciplined. They lead a structured lifestyle and take a very analytical perspective. Moving on to Decan 2, you must note that these individuals are born between September 3 to September 12. Saturn, however, is the planet that rules Virgos who are in the decan 2. Virgo ascendants in Decan 2 will have the independence to figure out their own challenges. These inhabitants will also be exceptionally bright and sophisticated. Additionally, Virgos will be driven towards cleanliness and sanitation. Lastly comes the Decan 3 who, which Planet Venus rules. Natives born between September 13 to September 22 are very compassionate and warm-hearted people. "I can do it" will be their life's mantra and keep them moving uphill. Additionally, they’ll be incredibly upbeat and always see life's bigger, better, and more positive aspects.


Virgo Facts

Hey Virgos! Let's find out some interesting facts about you. Virgos are extremely confident about their work. Thus, they do not require anyone's approval. Also, they do not shy away from accepting their mistakes. In fact, they will own up to themselves. Moreover, Virgos like to stay private and does not seek attention. Moreover, they are not the ones who like to socialise a lot. Instead, they like to keep their surroundings and lives private. However, finding them on social media can be like chasing for some engulfed treasure. Also, they do not like to be defensive about themselves when they are wrong. Moreover, Virgo natives do not like to indulge in an argument or conflict because they believe it's more like asking for attention. Furthermore, Virgo ascendants dislike when someone tries to tell them what to do or what not to do. Moreover, Virgos are health-conscious individuals, so they prefer gifting someone or would also expect someone to gift them something that is correlated with health. Also, Virgos always like to surround themselves with knowledgeable people who pass on good energy and a vibe.


Moon in Virgo

Natives with Moon in Virgo are incredibly kind and helpful towards people. They are always willing to lend a helping hand to someone, making them kind and gracious individuals. Moreover, they do not rely on their memory every time, so they jott down everything so they can always be organised and their tasks are well structured. Moreover, when Moon is placed in Virgo, they become more smart and talented and thus like to put in their talents and skills in whatever they do. Also, these natives do not have impulsive minds who take quick decisions. In fact, they would take time to make decisions so that they do regret their decisions later on. Also, Virgos are extremely emotional when it comes to their loved ones. So, they try to do everything possible so that their loved ones are always happy and healthy. Now that we've discussed the positive traits, let's also see some of the negative traits of Virgos. They are emotional individuals; thus, they get downhearted when someone tries to overlook their efforts. Moreover, in a way to not hurt someone, they just try to detach themselves rather than confronting them directly.

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