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Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

The Eight of Pentacles is a positive card in tarot that indicates balance, ambition, and commitment. This card suggests that your hard work and dedication will soon be rewarded. The qualities associated with this card include work, success, consistency, and stability.

Main Features of Eight of Pentacles

After exploring the Eight of Pentacles meaning, let us check out what features set apart this tarot card. We will explore its main features, including associated planets and elements:

  • Parts Of 8 of Pentacles Card - Upright and Reversed
  • Element - Earth
  • Planet - Mercury
  • Zodiac Signs - Virgo
  • Crystal - Amethyst & Bloodstone
  • A Yes or a No Card? - No (Upright) & Yes (Reversed)

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Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Symbol Meaning

The Eight of Pentacles as feelings indicate ambition, work, dedication and balance. Let us understand the meaning of the different symbols represented on this card. These are as follows:

  • Figure: This main figure of the card represents craftsmanship. Instead of buying or being given things, he is working on making his own and then using them.
  • Figure’s Red and Blue Tunic: The figure’s red and blue tunic symbolises the mixing energies of fire and water. This results in making the suit element of earth.
  • Pentacles: The Pentacles in the picture represent the past, present, and future. The Pentacles of the Pole symbolise past work, the ones he is working on represent the present, and the pentacles on the ground represent his future.

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card - Upright & Reversed

The meaning of 8 of Pentacles may differ in the upright and reversed positions. So, let us see what the ‘card of balance’ brings in different positions.

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card- Upright

The 8 th of Pentacles card upright indicates hard work, commitment and dedication. It predicts that a bright Eight of Pentacles future awaits you where you will receive the fruits of your deeds. Luckily, your hard work and discipline haven’t gone unnoticed. Soon, the universe will bless you with opportunities and rewards.

Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card- Reversed

The Eight of Pentacles reversed card relates to feelings of failure, boredom, and laziness. It shows that loss of confidence, lack of effort, and lack of ambition are the reasons for your failure. It is a wake-up call to reflect on your ills and solve the issue by working on yourself.

8 of Pentacles Aspects8 of Pentacles Upright8 of Pentacles Reversed
LoveEfforts being rewardedNeed to find balance in life
CareerWelcoming new opportunitiesStuck in the boring cycle
HealthWorking towards fitnessAvoiding important health decision
FinanceFinancial freedom awaitsCareless decisions
SpiritualityOn the way to divineDistracted from the path

Eight of Pentacles Meaning in Love

Upright: If you are in a relationship, 8 of Pentacles love cards bring you the rewards you have been waiting for. It hints that you and your partner are happy and working to secure your future. Singles may seem ready to take their first steps in love as per the 8 of Pentacles as feelings.

Reversed: If you are in a relationship, then this card can mean that you have lost interest and are not putting in the same effort. This can result in the rise of feelings of boredom and irritation. So, the card tells you to work on your relationship and restore love and romance.

Eight of Pentacles Meaning in Career

Upright: The 8th of Pentacles career card reflects new opportunities. Soon, you will receive a better employment opportunity, raise, business change or an important project. Being a card of mastery, the card hints that you have all the knowledge and talent to succeed in these opportunities.

Reversed: The Eight of Pentacles tarot guide shows your boredom or lack of interest at work. Soon, this situation may lead to rejection, overwork and no productivity. The other 8 of Pentacles meaning in career reading is not to overwork yourself only to prove yourself.

Eight of Pentacles Meaning in Health

Upright: In terms of health, the Eight of Pentacles appreciates the efforts you have put towards your health. This means that the healthier choices you have made are appropriate and will help you in the long term. It is finally time for your dieting, gym, exercise, control, and everything else to get rewarded.

Upright: Regarding health, the Eight of Pentacles card represents your extreme nature. This can indicate that you have either taken too much care of yourself or too little. The card tells you that you are burning yourself to the core, which will negatively affect your health in the long term.

Eight of Pentacles Meaning in Finance

Upright: The Eight of Pentacles in Finance represents positive rewards coming into an individual's life. This card brings luck and prosperity to your life and is an indication towards the coming good days. It says that your commitment is one of the major reasons for this financial bliss.

Reversed: The card of wealth revolves around poor finances, management and impulsive decisions in reversed positions. The Eight of Pentacles advice you to stop ignoring your financial needs and start bringing balance to your life. You should try to save some money and control your spending habits.

Eight of Pentacles in Spirituality

Upright: The Eight of Pentacles card in spirituality indicates that you are on the right path. Your efforts in gaining spiritual knowledge and implementing it have helped you build your personality. Moreover, this spiritual journey has helped you strengthen your inner wisdom and confidence.

Reversed: When we talk about the meaning of Eight of Pentacles in terms of spirituality, we can see that this card talks about emotions we have suppressed. This card indicates that you have lost your sense of wisdom and confidence. It also indicates a rise in materialistic and rude nature.

Eight of Pentacles Yes or No Meaning

The Eight of Pentacles, also known as the viii of Pentacles, is a card that can help you determine the answer to a yes or no question. Let's examine this card's yes or no prediction.

Upright: When the Eight of Pentacles are pulled upright, this card tends to indicate ‘No’ as the desired answer to your question.

Reversed: When the Eight of Pentacles reversed yes or no card is pulled, then it tends to indicate a ‘Yes’ as the answer to your question.

Let us understand this better with an example. Suppose you want to know about your relationship, so you ask the cards if you and your partner will get married. You select a card from the deck, which happens to be the Eight of Pentacles.

If the card comes in the upright form, then it probably indicates ‘No’. Many people consider this answer to be a sign from the universe. However, if you pulled the card in reversed form, the answer will be ‘Yes’. Here is how the yes or no predictions of the card are made.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Eight of Pentacles meaning signifies work, dedication, craftsmanship, commitment, effort and ambition in an individual. In upright form, it appreciates the efforts. In reversed form, it seeks the individual to work on these qualities.
When pulled upright, the Eight of Pentacles means ‘No’. However, on the other hand, when pulled reversed, this card means ‘Yes’.
When upright, the Eight of Pentacles card reflects on the coming rewards for your efforts in your relationship. However, when reversed, this card asks you to build your confidence and find balance.
The best Eight of Pentacles combinations would be with the Empress tarot card and the Hierophant. The combination with the Empress card symbolises creativity and hard work. On the other hand, the combination of the 8th of Pentacles with the Hierophant indicates spiritual wisdom and traditions.
The Eight of Pentacles zodiac sign are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Being associated with the Earth element, all these zodiac signs are associated with stability, abundance and security in life.
As per the tarot card reading, Eight of Pentacles as how someone sees you as a person who is hard-working, determined and consistent in efforts. In the reversed position, the same card shows you as a person who is frustrated due to his failed efforts.
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