
About Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

According to Indian or Vedic Astrology, Scorpio is referred to as Vrischika, the eighth sign in the zodiac wheel. Also, Scorpios are fixed water signs and are ruled by the Planet Mars. The birth date of Scorpio falls between October 24 to November 22, around mid-Autumn. Also, as its modality is fixed, they are very slow to adapt to changes. Also, these natives are great at problem-solving and dealing with their own problems. Moreover, they have a hidden desire to be successful in life. Also, being a water sign, they are artistic and creative souls who always seek security and a shield; thus, they are not afraid to acknowledge fear. Also, these natives are bold because this sign embraces life and death. Furthermore, these natives endeavour to fetch out all their desires and dreams into action. Also, Scorpio natives indicate transformation and thus, the choices of these natives have a strong power. Moreover, they are thoughtful about the outcomes before they put their hands on something. Also, sometimes Scorpio individuals tend to go with the flow, which can be a not-so-good idea. Also, as the planet Mars rules it, it alludes to their readiness to fight for what they want.


Scorpio Nature and Trait

Scorpio natives have enough passion for their life. Thus, they strive to achieve it. Along with being spirited and vibrant individuals, they are also very self-obsessed natives. Also, the Scorpion falls under the 8th house, also known as the Ayu Bhava. Moreover, Scorpions are the ones who are very ambitious, and thus they need to work on sharing their goals and objectives. Moreover, they do not fear taking risks and hence keep room to discover and experiment with things in life. Furthermore, Scorpions are ruthless, loyal, mysterious, energetic and secretive. They are infused with a lot of characteristics and traits that most people can't interpret their traits. Moreover, they are very intimidating, and people often get threatened by them. Also, these natives are brutally honest, which people might take as rude and disrespectful. Also, Scorpions are very impatient and always want things to be quick. They do not like waiting for too long; if they have to, they get agitated and aggressive. Moreover, this is one of the most appreciated traits of Scorpio, which is loyalty. Also, if they intend to value and respect someone, they can go the extra mile to shield and make them feel protected.


Scorpio Health

Scorpios tend to have good physical and mental health. They are infused with good resistance and thus are able to recover from any unwanted health issues quickly. Also, as water governs this zodiac sign, they usually like spending their time in the pool or on beaches. Also, places with water bodies make them feel relaxed and happy. Also, Scorpions are prone to be infected by diseases in their genitals and bladder. Moreover, they keep a lot of thoughts secretive because of this; they start overthinking, which can cause them with stress problems. Moreover, they must also be aware of sexually transmitted diseases because they can cause pregnancy complications, pelvic pain and many more. Also, Scorpios are usually infected with excretory systems, which can be diagnosed if that is treated at the earliest. Also, these can lead to kidney stones or kidney infections if not treated well. All in all, the natives of Scorpio should mostly take good care of their food habits and spend most of their time in the open air. Talking about some of the right nutrition routines, these natives must eat food which can boost their adequate cholesterol levels. These natives must use olive oil in their food, beans and legumes, whole grains and berries.


Scorpio Man

Scorpio men born between October 23 to November 21 are the natives that are energetic, determined, brave, ambitious and resentful. Moreover, the quiet nature of Scorpio men makes them good listeners who observe more and talk less. Also, asking a Scorpio man to be dependent on someone is like asking the time to stop. They do not like to be burdened by someone. Moreover, Scorpio always wants to earn a high position and never settle for less in life. Furthermore, these natives aren't afraid of solitude and thus would prefer to stay alone. Also, they enjoy getting into a conversation where they get to learn something out of it or something that makes sense to them. They like exchanging opinions and ideas. Also, the sensitive nature of these individuals makes them take revenge if they get hurt and would never forgive if they happen to get hurt. Thus, don't ever think of hurting their sentiments; they become furious. Also, these natives have a strong self-belief which makes them accomplish, and thus, they do not require anyone's opinion and choices. Moreover, the stubborn nature of Scorpio makes them stand strong with their opinions and ideas if they are sure about them.


Scorpio Woman

Scorpio women are very picky in nature. Thus, it always takes time for them to get along with someone. Also, these natives are calm and agreeable in nature. They do not like to disclose a lot about themselves. Moreover, it is very difficult to win her trust. Moreover, women of this zodiac take all the matters in their life very seriously, but they also have the ability to differentiate what's more important to them. Also, Scorpio women always live in reality and are always clear about any matters or situations that come their way. Furthermore, Scorpio women are known to be independent-minded women. They never need to be with or depend on anyone for their happiness. They are very strong inside and are ready to deal with any situation. Also, if they get any opportunity, they can take advantage of it and clinch how to capitalise on this opportunity. Also, They do not articulate or stay with someone without any purpose. Scorpio women have an amazing power of thinking and understanding, which helps them to take the right decision at the right time. They avoid making quick decisions on any issue. Scorpio women always want to avoid situations that would get them into trouble. It is because of this quality that they always excel.


Scorpio Relationship

Scorpios are very devoted and faithful in preserving their relationship with people. They keep their zone very restricted and thus do not allow unwanted people to put their beaks in it. They do not abide by a huge group of people because they would rather prefer to have small but genuine people in their life. Moreover, they do not run away from being a parent to someone if they ever need them. However, it takes a lot for Scorpio natives to make a close relationship with you, but once they do so, they will never back off. Also, don't ever think of going against their back; otherwise, it will end up risking your relationship with them. Furthermore, Scorpions, as parents, are inflexible and try to keep their children very well-mannered and disciplined. Moreover, as parents, Scorpions fail to show their love and affection through words, but their actions speak louder. Also, Scorpions are very overprotective parents because of which they fear sending their children away from them. Talking about Scorpio children, they are reticent and reserved. They do not jump around as other kids do. Moreover, these natives seek a lot of attention and coddling from their parents.


Scorpio Love

Usually, we find it difficult to talk about a lot of things with our partners, which creates miscommunication in our relationships. However, Scorpions are mature and understanding individuals. They have proficiency in discussing everything that they do not appreciate about their partner. Also, these natives respect their partners' boundaries and space. Also, Scorpio individuals become very impassioned about their partners, which makes them know every detail about their companions. They always keep a check on their partners' preferences and dislikings. Furthermore, Scorpions always look upto having a long-term relationship, and thus they tend to move forward towards their future together. Additionally, Loyalty is one of the pillars that makes their relationship strong and long-lasting. Also, they value honesty and faithfulness above all; thus, they will always want the best for their partners. They will always stand by their partner, and if you ever have to withstand any problematic situations in life, Scorpio partners will always shield you. Furthermore, when Scorpios run deep in love, they get anxious at the thought of losing their lovers. As a result, they tend to get highly insecure.


Scorpio Career

Scorpions are self-driven towards their career path and enthusiastic about comprehending all their dreams and desires. These individuals always set extraordinary goals in their life and strive to be on the top. Moreover, these natives do not fear stepping out of their comfort zone and taking a risk to bring out new adventures and ideas. These natives always want to do something different from other people. Also, Scorpions have a high level of determination and concentration level that enable them to focus and prioritise the most important things in life. Moreover, these individuals are always willing to learn and stay consistent with their work. Also, if you have a Scorpion in your team, there's no way that your campaign or project will not turn out to be the most eye-catching and attractive. Also, they are well disciplined in their working space, and thus they try to interact with every individual in the group so that they can learn or gain from each other. Also, they do not try to complete their work just for the sake of meeting the deadline; they work tirelessly to give the best work. Therefore, Scorpions are admired for their dedication and commitment towards their work.


Scorpio Decans

According to Decans in Indian astrology, each sun sign is segregated into three different segments. However, each zodiac is segregated into ten days. Also, every ten days are ruled by different planets. Scorpions whose birthday falls between October 23 to November 1 are placed under Decan 1. Also, Pluto rules over Decan 1; thus, these natives are usually emotional and susceptible individuals. Also, there is a high chance that these natives have to face sorrow, defeat, knocks and challenges in life. Moreover, Scorpions under this component will not be able to take denials and betrayals. Hence, these can lead to an emotional breakdown. Moving forward to the next, Neptune rules over the people who fall under the Decan 2. Also, people born between November 2 to November 11 are very open-minded individuals who always ingest different viewpoints and statements. Moreover, they usually prefer to work alone but also take the opinion and ideas of their teammates. Lastly, November 12 to November 21 are the natives who fall under Decan 3. Hence, Moon rules over this Decan. These natives are family-oriented individuals and thus ensure that their loved ones are valued and appreciated.


Scorpio Facts

Scorpions are incredibly dynamic and reserved individuals. They do not usually open up easily and tend to be shy and reclusive. Scorpio natives usually do not overshare a lot about them. Instead, they are very observant individuals. These natives have the power to figure out what other people might be presuming by looking at their body language and ambience. Also, if these natives truly find your aura comfortable and secure, they will never back off or abandon you. Furthermore, people might misunderstand them at the beginning, but once they get to know them, their perspective about Scorpions will alter exponentially. As already mentioned, these natives are family oriented and thus would never let them down. They will always try to go to any length to make them feel delighted. Also, these natives have the ability to break the stereotypes of society. Additionally, they do not like to make their life tedious and uninteresting; rather, they would prefer to make their life more entertaining and adventurous. Furthermore, they do not like to hang around with people who are dependent on others and unethical. Also, once you break their trust, they will never look upto you even if you genuinely need their help.


Moon in Scorpio

Are you someone who always questions your emotional state of mind and the purpose of your existence? Then, you are no other than a Scorpio Moon. Scorpions who are placed under the influence of the Moon venture deep thoughts and feelings that affect their activities. Well, these natives are highly inventive and thoughtful individuals. Also, their intense desire for knowledge leads them to achieve a lot in their career. Also, they will have a hard time making decisions, but once they do, they will not waver from what they choose. Also, they try to achieve everything in life so they do not have to be dangling upon anyone for anything. Also, let's find out how the Moon in Scorpio influences the mind of an individual. It affects the mind of Scorpio natives, thinking about their past experiences and failures. Also, most of the time, Scorpions will have a hard time dealing with their thoughts and mood swings. Also, these individuals are so strong that they can get overboard from their negative thought and set up an optimistic path for themselves. Also, if these natives are in a relationship, there's a high chance that they will have to deal with treachery and detachments.

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