
About Libra (September 23 – October 23)

Libra, the air sign, is symbolised as the scale, and thus it's referred to as the inanimate object because it does not represent any living object, but it signifies an object Scale. Libran, also called Tula Rashi in Sanskrit, means appropriately balancing everything in life. Moreover, it speaks about the traits of Libra individuals who can see their strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, Libra is ruled by the Planet Venus; thus, it governs love, wealth, beauty and intelligence. Moreover, as Venus rules it, it evokes the tendency to show more love and affection. Also, it always seeks to build its relationship with respect and harmony. Moreover, if we talk about the mode of Libra, it's the cardinal sign; thus, it always shines brighter because the Libra season starts during the spring month. Furthermore, Libra are Air elements; thus, they are free-spirited, analytical, communicative and warm. Moreover, Libran always wants things to be eye-catching and adorable. They are infused with magnificence and love. Also, to foster a balanced lifestyle, they keep things lively and cheerful. Moreover, these natives can quickly get along with people, making a long-lasting bonds. Hence, people would always cherish the moments spent with Libra natives because they tend to make those moments more compelling and unforgetful.


Libra Nature and Trait

Libras are infused with calm and pleasant personalities. These natives are very polite and respectful towards other people. Also, they value relationships and friendship wholeheartedly. Moreover, Libran does not appreciate dishonesty in work; thus, they like to keep things crystal clear. Also, the ascendants of Libra are non-judgemental and therefore respects the opinion and choices of their close ones. Moreover, because of Libras' intellectual personalities, they are always mindful of what's right and wrong. Also, these natives get provoked and annoyed when someone tries to trigger their insecurities. Also, they are often conscious about their appearance and always try to look presentable. Furthermore, the ascendants of Libra are great at listening to people's opinions and would always try to relate to them. Furthermore, Librans are diplomatic and known to be called peacemakers. This is because they try to find the best ways to find a common solution to make the situation fair and at peace. Also, Libra natives avoid confronting others; thus, the frustration and anger get bottled up with time. Moreover, it takes a lot for them to confront people because they feel that they will lose the bond with people if they ever do so.


Libra Health

Libras prefer to maintain equilibrium and balance in all aspects of life. Therefore, they try to take the best care of their health. However, Libra rules the urinary bladder, kidneys, reproductive organs and lower back. Also, Libras are usually jumping around and overly active, thus exhausting their mind and body. Also, you often overload yourself with excessive work, leading to a lack of rest and sleep. Therefore, it can also lead to many chronic problems. Moreover, as Libra rules the lower back, you might face frequent pain, leading to discomfort in sleep also caused by sitting in one position for a long time. Also, you might face issues with holding onto urine for longer due to urinary tract infections. Moreover, drinking a lot of water can relieve fatigue. Also, it helps to flush out toxins. Furthermore, avoid eating oily food instead; consume food with high protein, which can keep your body healthy and stable. Moreover, you must avoid drinks with high sugar and alcohol because it can affect your kidney and urinary bladder leading to severe chronic health issues. Also, controlling urine for a longer period of time is something that Libra natives should avoid.


Libra Man

Libra men are excellent communicators. Thus, they choose their words wisely when they are communicating with someone. Also, Libra men are great at calming down the heated-up situations. Moreover, Libra men always see the good in people. However, even if someone makes mistakes, they give a second chance rather than judge them immediately. They are very flirty and romantic. Moreover, you like to keep every aspect of their life balanced and well structured. Also, they are very soft and kind with their words, and anyone can get flattered when they start a conversation. Furthermore, Libra men are stabilised with their thoughts and emotions. However, you rarely see Libra men getting heated up and losing their temper. Moreover, Libra men dislike bragging about their efforts and achievements. It's evident in front of everyone. Furthermore, Libra men do not leave anyone ignored if they notice someone upset and sad. On the contrary, they would try to help or cheer them by any means. Moreover, if they value or choose to live with someone, they will put all their efforts into making them feel valued and appreciated.


Libra Woman

Alluring and enchanting are what define Libra women. They have a very pleasing personality, and thus they are confident individuals. Also, they are playful in nature, so people would always love to be around them. Moreover, Libra women are always well-groomed and well-dressed because their fashion and beauty redefine them. Moreover, they are intoxicated by love and romance. Also, when it comes to making a long-term relationship with someone, they avoid taking prompt decisions. Also, they have the ability to answer any questions quickly, along with a clever response. They do not come up with stupid responses. Instead, people will nod their heads to their choices and opinions. Furthermore, Libra women impact the lives of people in many ways. Also, their outer appearance doesn't make Libra women mentally strong, but they prepare their mindsets to tackle the fear instead of sidestepping or running away from them. Also, they are always open to opportunities and walk with a growth mindset. Furthermore, they do not take work as a burden; instead, they would take them as a part of their achievements which strives them to do their best.


Libra Relationship

Libra always seeks to keep long-term relationships rather than making temporary relationships with people. Moreover, they value very few people in life but would not disregard other people who already exist in their life. Moreover, Libra natives always strive to maintain their relationship with great harmony and peace. If Libra gets along with anyone, they will make sure that they appreciate and feast on them with tenderness and faithfulness. Also, Libra natives give them all the moral support so that they do not feel discomfiting. Moreover, they are incredibly amiable and helpful towards their teammates in the workplace. Also, they are great communicators, which makes them good team leaders. They try to keep their relationship with their colleagues counterbalanced. Also, Libras try to be cordial with their colleagues so that they can get their work done as per their proposal. Furthermore, as chums, Libras are very courteous and honourable, making the best bond ever. They always try to keep their circle filled with chuckles and humour. Also, as Libras are known to be social butterflies, it is obvious that they are enclosed by people all the time.


Libra Love

Libra believes in a 'give and take' relationship where they expect their partners to repay the same amount of effort, love and pleasure. Moreover, they adore when they are complimented on their choices and beauty. Moreover, they would always prefer to go on romantic dinner dates where they can experience a cosy feeling, thus, making the moment more unforgettable. Moreover, they would prefer to stay indoors, have a lovely candlelight dinner, and dance to romantic songs rather than go out. Moreover, Libra natives are not impulsive in love. They take time and patiently make decisions before getting into a relationship. Furthermore, Libras try to give their loved ones all their attention and care. For Libras being in love means spending most of the time together and getting a desire to know one another better. Also, Libras do not mind sacrificing for their lovers, whether for huge or tiny things. Also, they try to idealise their partners' likes and dislikes. Moreover, they do not feel the need to suppress their sentiments and opinions for their loved ones. However, sometimes Librans might get ruffled and fierce when they do not get the expected attention.


Libra Career

Libras are successful in their career because they try to accomplish what they have always desired and coveted. Also, they choose a career path which allows them to be more resourceful and analytical. Moreover, you take up projects and work on them wholeheartedly. Moreover, Librans do not shrink away from taking up responsibilities. Looking at their zeal and determination, they have a high chance of always getting hired quickly. Moreover, they are very quick to relate with people who are more knowledgeable and higher in position. Also, Libra individuals are honest with their work because they believe in submitting fair work. Moreover, these natives have strong tolerance, which can be perceived as a great asset for the company they work for. Also, their active listening skills make them great leaders, and thus it helps to deliver more satisfactory outcomes. Furthermore, talking about some of the best career choices could be fashion, beauty and design industries because of their creative mindset. Moreover, as Planet Venus rules them, they are more inclined towards beauty and fashion. Also, their communication skills make them good motivational speakers, anchors, advocates etc. Also, Libras believe in spending and investing money in a good domain to make more finances out of it.


Libra Decans

The Decans are divided into three segments, each of 10 days. However, the Decans have diverged into decan 1,2 and 3, where different planets rule each of the ten days. Let's start with Decan 1, Natives who fall under Decan 1 in Libra start from September 23 to October 3 and are ruled by Planet Venus. However, these natives have attractive and charming personalities. They are always complimented for their beauty and fashion. Also, as Planet Venus rules it, romance plays an essential role in their love life. Moreover, these natives do not judge anyone without knowing them appropriately. Nevertheless, moving on with Decan 2, these people are born between October 4 to October 13. Thus, Libras in Decan 2 is ruled by Saturn and are very unfeigned and grounded individuals. Also, these individuals are very hooked on their close ones. They always seek adventures in life. All in all, now coming to Decan 3, the season of Libra Decan 3 starts from October 14 to October 23. Hence, Mercury is the planet that rules the Decan 3. However, their great communication skills have an exceptional edge in their professional life. Also, these natives are good listeners and communicators, reflecting their gratitude and admiration towards others.


Libra Facts

How well do you know yourself, Libra? It's time to unveil exciting facts about this balanced zodiac sign. Libras can easily interpret what's going on around them. Also, Librans do not like beating around the bush. Instead, they expect someone to come to the point directly. Moreover, they are diplomatic and thus don’t let anyone in an argument feel that the other one is favoured. Also, they do not get manipulated easily and don't come under the influence of anything without analysing the person or a situation. Moreover, sometimes they are stuck with a lot of thoughts, making it very difficult for them to make the right decision. Also, they do not like when people around them try to flaunt their pricey items unnecessarily. Moreover, the ascendants of Libra always find it difficult to deny any proposal presented to them. Also, they like to keep their feelings and emotions to themselves unless they are too comfortable. Also, Libra natives struggle to move on with their past or after a breakup because they always hold on to the hope that they might again reconcile.


Moon in Libra

Natives of the Moon in Libra always desire a person with whom they can freely exhibit their inner self more often without any hesitation. Also, when placed a Libra in Moon, they look for a partner or a companion who would try to make them feel pleased and protected. Also, these natives will have excellent negotiation skills because they can clearly communicate to achieve something from the bargaining table. Moreover, the ascendants of Libra in Moon are emotionally intelligent as they have an assertive sense of self-awareness. Also, they always expose themselves to a wide range of perspectives. Also, because they always seek a balanced lifestyle, they focus on the various aspects of life and do not get stuck with a piece of limited knowledge. Also, they do not always run after perfection, but they believe in progressing gradually and comprehending their refined journey. Moreover, along with self-progress, they also try to help their friends and family to bring out the best in them. Also, Libras with Moon are the natives who are excellent at planning and coordinating to execute the best work. Also, they plan well because of logical thinking, communication skills, negotiation skills and problem-solving skills.

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