Before jumping straight into what we have to read, let's have answers to a few questions. Do you wish to be a leader or take a back seat? Do you mind if you have to be a follower? Does it make you restless when you don't have any work assigned? Are you on the winning side or the losing side? These are some of the questions that an Aries might have. You could wonder if this question is specifically directed at you. Well, if you are mostly on the leading side, it is likely that you are an Aries-born. As you read through, you will come across various aries facts that might surprise you.

Well, Aries is the first zodiac sign which was ever documented. This first zodiac sign lies in the first house. That is why their natives also try to be the winners of every race in life. Hence, it won't be wrong to call Aries - the master or the leader. Humans were shortlisted for this category of the zodiac sign types for the first time. That's quite a revelation! Right?

So, looking at the Aries birth chart, there are certain important information signo Aries must know. So, if you want to know what are the dates of Aries, the positions of the planets, significant features of Aries zodiac sign, then read below.

  • Sanskrit Name: Mesh
  • Meaning of Name: Ram
  • Type: Fire-courageous-ambitious
  • Sign Date: 21 March to 19 April
  • Symbol: Ram
  • Ruling Planet: Mars
  • Element: Fire
  • Lucky Color: Red, White
  • Lucky Number: 1,9
  • Lucky Gemstone: Garnet
  • Lucky Day: Tuesday, Saturday, and Friday
  • Compatible Zodiac Sign: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

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About Aries Zodiac Sign

Aries are action-seeking individuals. Their brains and bodies need activities to think and execute every second because they can’t sit still. They are so habitual of constantly working that they almost feel uneasy if they have to sit idle. That is why you would always find them leading a team, rally, or discussion, which is why they are named as born leaders. Even as kids, they are usually the ones who are selected as class monitors or class representatives. Moreover, the majority of the Aries-borns have stories of them being the school head of their schools. These attributes can be pulled from the information provided by the Aries Sun sign.

Moreover, Aries are also academically inclined and are naturally the most proficient students in their class. Needless to say, they are among the favourite kids of their class teachers. From the time they are born to the time they pursue their careers, they maintain their legacy of being at the top or at least putting out the best work performance in front of their office colleagues. Therefore, most of them are observed receiving the Most Promising Employee of the Year award. They are always appreciated for their work; thus, their strong desire to always be on the top keeps them motivated and enthusiastic. They are always working towards their goals and objectives and are always serious and determined about what they want in life.

But wait! Just because they are studious and have technical and creative smarts does not mean they are always serious or intense; they are free-spirited and do not like burdens. They are also very kind and polite and would be seen running campaigns for stranded animals and needy people. This is a prominent trait of Aries Moon sign. They would always lend a helping hand to people who are in need of it. Their warm-hearted and welcoming nature always makes them everyone’s favourite among the friends group. Moreover, they are social animals, making them open up to people quickly. They don’t hesitate to talk to people and would rather take the initiative to make the first move.

Moreover, they would always prefer to work on their own rules unless they are required to follow a colleague professionally. But once they learn a skill, they will rule the department in no time. Moreover, people do not just remember them for their skills and intellect but also their humanitarian inclinations. They work smart, and thus, they have the capability to lead a team efficiently. They don’t shy away from asking questions if they are unaware of it. However, even if they know, they do not mind sharing their knowledge and helping their friends and colleagues.

Aries Strengths And Weaknesses

No wonder their Aries zodiac symbol is Ram, as it represents Aries's strength to take bold steps in life. When we talk about strength, they are mentally strong and physically strong. You can locate them in sports and adventures if they do not have scholarly preferences. If they are athletes or involved in any other form of sports, it is infrequent that you defeat an Aries. It is difficult to defeat Aries because they would never allow anyone to win and would give their best to get the trophy home.

At the same time, they do not fear facing problems and challenges and are brave enough to speak their minds when needed. No one can stop them from sharing their opinions. Also, they love taking challenges and delight when they prove someone wrong. They love to have group discussions where they can speak out their ideas and opinions. Moreover, Aries are strong personalities and never shy away from taking a stand. Therefore, they are usually judged negatively for being too bold and rude. But people aware of them know they are as sweet as sugar but are strict only for work. When working together, they want all to function at the same pace. They do not like to mess up or play around while working. They are serious when it comes to professionalism.

Furthermore, when their work doesn’t go as per their wish, they get angry and sometimes go overboard with their emotions. This is something to be taken care of as their rivals may put them in a bad light even if they are loud on someone for the right reasons. Otherwise, Aries is adored for the smooth execution of tasks and their way of convincing people. They need to learn to calm down a bit because once they get angry, they become rude, which can hurt people around them. Moreover, you can find a great friend and lover in Aries because if you have made a place in their hearts, they will go off-limits to support you. If you are an Aries or have someone who is an Aries in your life, be proud of yourself for being rightly brutal, brave, responsible and friendly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Signo Aries must avoid more interaction with a Pisces and a Cancerian. Pisces and Cancerians are over-sensitive natives and would not be able to handle Aries's frank nature and may get upset with their straightforward statements. Also, in terms of health, they must avoid excess intake of liquor and completely stop smoking as they might fall into the trap of a chronic illness in future.
Aries are born with strong leadership qualities and are very strict with work matters. They often get impulsive and angry when it comes to delays. Moreover, as Mars rules them, their fiery nature can sometimes come out too loud. But that just goes in seconds, and then, they are jolly and polite most of the time.
Aries are passionate and strongly determined in terms of careers. They know how to talk and convince people; hence, being a salesperson and a spokesperson comes naturally to them. Therefore, their dream job can be in sales and administration.
Aries will probably fall in love with a Libra, Sagittarius or Leo. A libra may be the opposite of Aries, but they will have intense chemistry when they interact. And with Sagittarius and Leo, Aries would share similar energy being the fire signs.
Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. Mars is considered an intense planet, so that Aries may be aggressive and domineering. Moreover, Mars has contributed to their leadership and highly charged-up zest or enthusiasm.
Aries are free birds. They do not like restrictions. Hence, they can't work under someone for long. Also, they face a hard time tolerating criticism. It's not their cup of tea. At the same time, they do not like people talking behind their backs. They also dislike someone dominating them for long periods.
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