Ace of Swords image

Six of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The Six of Swords represents moving from a difficult situation to a more peaceful one. It hints at a period of transition, hope, and positivity based on past experiences. So, this card is a sign of relief in times of personal struggles, relationship problems, or career obstacles.

Main Features of Six of Swords

Let's explore the 6 of Swords card’s key features, associated elements, planets, zodiac signs and much more!

  • Parts of the 6 of Swords Tarot: Upright and Reversed
  • Element-Air
  • Planet-Mercury
  • Zodiac Signs- Aquarius
  • Yes orNo- Yes
  • Healing Crystals- Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli

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Six of Swords Card Symbol Meaning

The 6 of Swords tarot image shows a boat with a rower carrying passengers across the water. Below is the breakdown of illustrations of the 6 of Swords card in the tarot reading:

  • Boat:The boat in the picture represents a journey from hard times to better and positive days. To reach a new path, one has to leave troubles behind.
  • Six Swords: The swords in the card represent the challenges and difficulties that the figure and the two others are leaving behind.
  • Water withwaves: The choppy water or waves show the difficult and tough times being left behind for a brighter future.
  • Calm Water: The calm water represents peace and a calm state of mind that lies ahead. It hints that the passengers will witness healing and new beginnings.
  • Figures:The rower shows a helping hand that one gives us through difficult times. The seated person and a child are the ones moving on and going through a change.
  • Distant Land: The distant land in the background shows a better place with peace, calm, hope and new chances of survival for the passengers.

Six of Swords Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The Six of Swords tarot has different meanings in the upright and reversed positions. Let's explore each interpretation.

Six of Swords Upright Meaning

When upright, the 6 of Swords is a symbol of progress, hope and healing. It hints that soon, you will transition to a much better phase in your life. But as the new beginnings approach, you must also let go of your past hurts and experiences.

Six of Swords Reversed Meaning

The 6 of Swords reversed card indicates a feeling of stuckness or a struggle to let go of past hurts and events. It hints that past pain prevents you from moving forward, healing or finding peace. Getting this card is a sign to leave behind the unresolved emotional baggage and focus on growth.

6 of Swords Aspects6 of Swords Upright6 of Swords Reversed
CareerLeaving job stressCareer obstacles, no growth
LoveHealing, reconciliationUnresolved love issues
HealthImprovement, recoveryDelays in healing
FinanceRegaining financial stabilityMoney problems
SpiritualitySpiritual growth, peaceSpiritual disconnection

Six of Swords Meaning in Love

Upright: When it comes to love and relationships, the appearance of the 6 of Swords is a sign of reconciliation and mutual understanding. It brings good news for the couple dealing with conflicts or tension. Moreover, singles may soon expect healing from their past relationships and being open to love.

Reversed: In the upside position, the 6 of Swords love card hints past unresolved issues taking charge of your relationship. Because of this, neither you nor your partner can move forward. A similar situation appears for singles, making it hard for them to accept new romantic possibilities.

Six of Swords Meaning in Career

Upright: The 6 Swords card points to leaving behind past job-related stress. This could mean that soon, you may switch jobs or careers or take a new role. If not, then soon you might find a positive and healthy workplace environment. All you need to do is accept this change and leave stress behind.

Reversed: The 6 of Swords reversed card showcases the trap or your reluctance to take a step forward in your career. Sometimes, current obstacles or negative workplace environments stop you; sometimes, it is about stress, fights, or troubles. It is time to plan steps to break free from this negative pattern.

Six of Swords Meaning in Health

Upright: When the Six of Swords appears, it often means recovery from physical illness or emotional strain. Soon, you may leave a difficult health situation behind and move towards a more positive and healing state. Planning a small vacation could also be a good option for healing.

Reversed: The reversed Six of Swords hints at delays in your health recovery or past unresolved stress-creating problems. All of this is because you are not interested in finding the root cause of your health issues. So, when this card appears, you must either look for new approaches or find the reason for health issues on your own.

Six of Swords Meaning in Finance

Upright: The appearance of Six of Swords upright signifies that all your stress related to money problems is slowly fading away. To ease the stress, you might focus on finding solutions, such as reviewing your budget or financial strategies. All of these steps will soon lead you to material stability once again.

Reversed: When this card appears reversed, past financial difficulties and struggles continue in the present. It hints that you are not learning from your mistakes and are committing the same mistakes again. If this is not the case, then you do not want to make changes to improve your finances.

Six of Swords Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: The 6 of Swords tarot card hints at a journey of spiritual growth. This will be done with the support of your guardian angels, who will help you find peace within yourself. Thus, you may focus on clearing the past negative energies and connecting with the higher self.

Reversed: The 6 of the Swords card suggests that one cannot let go of old beliefs or is stuck in negative patterns. Maybe all of this is making you disconnected from your desired spiritual goals. So, take this as a sign from your guardian and start exploring new spiritual practices to grow in your spiritual journey.

Six of Swords Yes or No Meaning

Let us look at how this card guides you to find a yes or no answer in an upright and reversed position:

  • Upright: Yes: With a strong yes, the Six of Swords yes or no card indicates you are moving in the right direction.
  • Reversed: No: With a doubtful no, the 6 of Swords yes or no asks you to resolve your past challenges, doubts or fears before making a decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Six of Swords love card means moving on from past hurt and finding peace. Couples may resolve issues, while singles start healing.
The 6 of Swords yes or no card is a positive card indicating a ‘big yes’. It hints that the individual will enjoy positive changes and make progress in his life.
The 6 of Swords zodiac sign is Aquarius. Both the tarot card and zodiac sign are known for their forward-thinking and desire for growth and progress in life.
The Six of Swords as feelings signify hope and moving on from past pain. It hints that a person might soon feel peaceful and relieved after a period of difficulties.
The 6 of Swords as a person is someone ready to move on from a difficult phase and wants peace. He focuses on taking steps to reach a better place to enjoy new opportunities.
The Six of Swords health card hints at recovery from health issues and drastic improvement. It shows that the person is leaving his past health concerns behind and moving to a healthy state.
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