Ace of Swords image

Five of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

The ‘Card of conflict’, Five of Swords, represents aggression, loss, tension and betrayal. The card hints at the possibility of manipulation and betrayal, stating someone is manipulating you for their advantage. Getting this tarot card is a reminder that one has to face the consequences of their actions.

Main Features of Five of Swords

Let's explore the Five of Swords card’s key features, associated elements, planets, zodiac signs and much more!

  • Parts of the Five of Swords Tarot: Upright and Reversed
  • Element-Air
  • Planet-Venus
  • Zodiac Signs- Aquarius
  • Yes or No- No
  • Healing Crystals- Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine

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Five of Swords Card Symbol Meaning

The Five of Swords image depicts a figure holding three swords while two others lie on the ground. Let’s break down the symbolism of each element to understand its meaning:

  • Man with two swords: The man holding two swords seems happy to have defeated two men standing behind him. However, this victory might not have been achieved with hard work. Instead, unethical actions, cheating or betrayals are involved.
  • Two Men in the Backdrop: The two men walking away are harmed by the main figure's unethical behaviour. They are the people who deal with the consequences of other people's wrong actions.
  • Two swords on the ground: The two swords lying on the ground show that the battle has been lost. However, they can also represent our flaws or weaknesses that lead us to defeat.
  • Sky: The calm grey-coloured clouds show that even though the war has ended, not everything seems fine. Instead of calm and peace, there is a feeling of conflict after the war.
  • Single sword in the ground: The single sword pointed at the ground indicates that the war or battle is over. The person has won and achieved what he desired. But this win is not celebratory since it involves many wrong actions.

Five of Swords Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The 5 of Swords tarot has different meanings in the upright and reversed positions. Let's explore each interpretation.

Five of Swords Upright Meaning

The Five of Swords meaning when Upright, indicates lies, betrayal, and aggression. Either you or someone else is climbing the ladder of success but at the expense of others. You may even be successful by manipulating others, but at what cost? In this situation, Five of Swords Upright reminds you to be fair in your actions.

Five of Swords Reversed Meaning

The Reversed Five of Swords card is all about guilt, suffering, and sadness. You have won using immoral behaviour, but now the consequences of past actions are sinking in slowly. You hold regrets, feel ashamed of your behaviour, and your reputation suffers. The card hints that your victory is hollow and comes with a price.

Five of Swords AspectsFive of Swords UprightFive of Swords Reversed
CareerCompetition and conflictsTrust and peace
LovePower struggles in love lifeReconciliation
HealthStress-related issuesRelief from past stress
FinancePotential financial disputesLearning from past mistakes
SpiritualityNew spiritual pathReleasing past spiritual doubts

Five of Swords Meaning in Love

Upright: The Five of Swords love card hints that tensions and power struggles may overrule love in your relationship. The desire to always be right and obsession with power struggles could cause arguments. So, this tarot card allows you to examine whether your relationship is worth these unnecessary conflicts.

Reversed: The Five of Swords reversed card reveals reconciliation and ‘peace after a storm’. It means you and your partner will soon take steps towards forgiveness and try letting go of past grudges. But this is only possible if you both mutually keep your ego aside and make your relationship the ultimate priority.

Five of Swords Meaning in Career

Upright: In a career tarot reading, the appearance of the 5 of Swords tarot card means competition and arguments around. You may face an unfair, toxic workplace environment or colleagues playing against you. Instead of defeating them in your game, the tarot card asks you not to lose your integrity.

Reversed: When upside down, the 5 of Swords card hints that everything will come to an end, whether workplace conflicts or tensions. You will notice that your colleagues will appreciate all your work, and there will be more harmony and understanding in the workplace. Using this as an opportunity to build more connections and trust is better.

Five of Swords Meaning in Finance

Upright: Your unethical way of dealing with finances could lead to loss or disputes. Getting the 5 of Swords in a financial reading is a reminder to look for any potential red flags or warning signs and take action to protect your economic well-being. You must also stay away from gambling or unethical behaviour.

Reversed: When reversed, the 5 Swords tarot card advices you to recover from your financial setbacks by learning from your mistakes. You will likely find solutions to your financial problems by making responsible decisions and handling your finances honestly. Moreover, people taking advantage of you will also maintain a distance from you.

Five of Swords Meaning in Health

Upright: In a health reading, this card may indicate stress-related issues due to conflicts or arguments. All of these issues has taken a huge toll on your mental health and drained all your energy. Luckily, the card suggests you can regain control over your physical and emotional health by standing up for yourself and setting healthy boundaries.

Reversed: When upside down, the 5 of Swords paints a positive picture about your health indicating a period of recovery. In the past you have been though a stressful time, but luckily everything will get better. However, you are advised to manage stress, adopt a healthy lifestyle and staw away from allergic things.

Five of Swords Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: The appearance of 5 of Swords indicates a strong possibility of you finding a new spiritual path. The past wasn’t kind to you, and you dealt with lots of challenges. But this rough patch gave you wisdom and inner strength. Now that you have finally overcome the period, you can focus on spiritual desires.

Reversed: The reversed 5 of Swords card here encourages you to let go of past challenges and spiritual doubts. The universe is giving you a chance to find inner peace, forgive others and focus on your spiritual path. You are in a place where you can make decisions about your spirituality.

Five of Swords Yes or No Meaning

In a yes or no tarot reading, the appearance of 5 of Swords indicates conflicts, disputes, and betrayals. Let us look at how this card guides you to find a yes or no answer in an upright and reversed position:

  • Upright: No: The Five of Swords yes or no card suggests a ‘no’ in an upright position. It hints that soon, hollow victory and current conflicts will bring regrets.
  • Reversed: Yes: The appearance of the Reversed Five of Swords, yes or no, means ‘yes’. It indicates that past conflicts and misunderstandings will soon be resolved, and you will find peace.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Five of Swords tarot card often represents conflict, loss, and betrayal. It suggests that the individual may have experienced a difficult situation in which they felt defeated or undermined by others.
When it comes to love relationships, the Five of Swords advice establishing healthy communication and putting aside ego.
The 5 of Swords yes or no is not a positive card in a yes or no tarot reading. It indicates a strong no sating that emotional or outer conflicts are stopping you from moving forward.
The Five of Swords as a person is selfish and can take advantage of anyone for personal gain. Moreover, they are competitive in nature and can go to any lengths to win.
The major Five of Swords tarot card combinations are The Tower, the Lovers and the Eight of Cups. All of these combinations hint at conflicts and a lack of inner peace.
The Five of Swords in health reading indicates mental or emotional battles. It advises taking the necessary steps to deal with the stress and focus on self-care.
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