Finding the Right Vehicle Purchase Muhurat in 2024

Suppose you’re someone who has looked through every possible newspaper, magazine, or website looking for the right Muhurat or the best day to buy a car, bike purchase Muhurat or car delivery Muhurat. In that case, you will understand that finding the right Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024 or any other year, is a tiring process. One has to devote several hours to finding the right Muhurat for oneself, and one may still not find it after serious research.

Scroll down to read more about Vehicle Purchase Muhurat, its significance, and how to find the best Muhurat for you!

Vehicle Purchase Muhurat in January 2024

Date and DayAuspicious TimingsNakshatraTithi
03rd January 2024, Wednesday07:47 PM to Next Day 06:50 AMHastaAshtami
04th January 2024, Thursday06:50 AM to 10:04 PMHasta, ChitraAshtami
17th January 2024, Wednesday11:06 PM to 03:33 AM, 19 JanuaryRevatiAshtami
21st January 2024, Sunday06:53 AM to 07:26 PMRohiniEkadashi
22nd January 2024, Monday07:51 PM to Next Day 04:58 AMMrigashirshaTrayodashi
24th January 2024, Wednesday09:49 PM to Next Day 06:53 AMPunarvasuPurnima
25th January 2024, Thursday06:53 AM to Next Day 06:53 AMPunarvasu, PushyaPurnima, Pratipada
31st January 2024, Wednesday06:52 AM to Next Day 06:51 AMHasta, ChitraPanchami, Shashthi

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Vehicle Purchase Muhurat in February 2024

Date and DayAuspicious TimingsNakshatraTithi
01st February 2024, Thursday06:51 AM to 02:03 PMChitraShashthi
02nd February 2024, Friday04:02 PM to Next Day 05:56 AMSwatiAshtami
04th February 2024, Sunday05:49 PM to Next Day06:50AMAnuradhaDashami
18th February 2024, Sunday08:14 AM to Next Day 06:44 AMRohini, MrigashirshaDashami
21st February 2024, Wednesday11:26 AM to Next Day 06:42 AMPunarvasu, PushyaTrayodashi
22nd February 2024, Thursday06:42 AM to 01:21 PMPushyaTrayodashi
29th February 2024, Thursday06:38 AM to Next Day 06:37 AMChitra, SwatiShashthi

Vehicle Purchase Muhurat in March 2024

Date and DayAuspicious TimingsNakshatraTithi
01st March 2024, Friday06:37 AM to 12:48 PMSwatiShashthi
03rd March 2024, Sunday08:44 AM to 03:54 PMAnuradhaAshtami
08th March 2024, Friday06:32 AM to 09:57 PMShravana, DhanishtaTrayodashi
15th March 2024, Friday04:08 PM to 10:08 PMRohiniShashthi
17th March 2024, Sunday06:25 AM to 04:47 PMMrigashirshaAshtami
20th March 2024, Wednesday06:23 AM to 10:38 PMPushyaEkadashi
25th March 2024, Monday10:37 AM to Next Day 06:18 AMHastaPurnima, Pratipada
27th March 2024, Wednesday05:05 PM to Next Day 06:17 AMSwatiTritiya
28th March 2024, Thursday06:17 AM to 06:38 PMSwatiTritiya
29th March 2024, Friday08:35 PM to Next Day 06:15 AMAnuradhaPanchami

Vehicle Purchase Muhurat in April 2024

Date and DayAuspicious TimingsNakshatraTithi
04th April 2024, Thursday06:11 AM to Next Day 06:10 AMShravana, DhanishtaDashami, Ekadashi
05th April 2024, Friday06:10 AM to 01:28 PMDhanishtaEkadashi
12th April 2024, Friday01:11 PM to Next Day 06:04 AMRohini, MrigashirshaPanchami
15th April 2024, Monday12:10 PM to Next Day 06:02 AMPunarvasu, PushyaAshtami
21st April 2024, Sunday05:08 PM to Next Day 01:10 AMHastaTrayodashi
24th April 2024, Wednesday05:57 AM to Next Day 00:40 AMSwatiPratipada
26th April 2024, Friday07:45 AM to Next Day 03:39 AMAnuradhaTritiya

Vehicle Purchase Muhurat in May 2024

Date and DayAuspicious TimingsNakshatraTithi
01st May 2024, Wednesday05:53 AM to Next Day 04:00 AMShravanaAshtami
03rd May 2024, Friday05:52 AM to Next Day 00:06 AMShatabhishaDashami
05th May 2024, Sunday07:57 PM to Next Day 05:51 AMRevatiTrayodashi
06th May 2024, Monday05:51 AM to 02:39 PMRevatiTrayodashi
10th May 2024, Friday05:49 AM to Next Day 02:49 AMRohini, MrigashirshaTritiya
12th May 2024, Sunday10:26 AM to Next Day 05:48 AMPunarvasuPanchami, Shashthi
13th May 2024, Monday05:48 AM to Next Day 02:49 AMPunarvasu, PushyaShashthi
19th May 2024, Sunday05:46 AM to 01:49 PMHastaEkadashi
20th May 2024, Monday03:58 PM to Next Day 05:46 AMChitraTrayodashi
23rd May 2024, Thursday09:14 AM to Next Day 05:45 AMAnuradhaPurnima, Pratipada
24th May 2024, Friday05:45 AM to 10:10 PMAnuradhaPratipada
29th May 2024, Wednesday05:45 AM to 01:39 PMShravana, DhanishtaShashthi
30th May 2024, Thursday11:43 AM to Next Day 05:44 AMShatabhishaAshtami

Vehicle Purchase Muhurat in June 2024

Date and DayAuspicious TimingsNakshatraTithi
02nd June 2024, Sunday05:44 AM to Next Day 01:40 AMRevatiEkadashi
09th June 2024, Sunday05:44 AM to 03:43 PMPunarvasuTritiya
10th June 2024, Monday04:14 PM to 09:39 PMPushyaPanchami
16th June 2024, Sunday05:45 AM to Next Day 05:45 AMHasta, ChitraDashami, Ekadashi
17th June 2024, Monday05:45 AM to Next Day 05:46 AMChitra, SwatiEkadashi
19th June 2024, Wednesday05:23 PM to Next Day 05:46 AMAnuradhaTrayodashi
24th June 2024, Monday03:53 PM to Next Day 01:22 AMShravanaTritiya
26th June 2024, Wednesday05:47 AM to Next Day 05:48 AMDhanishta, ShatabhishaPanchami, Shashthi
27th June 2024, Thursday05:48 AM to 11:36 AMShatabhishaShashthi

Vehicle Purchase Muhurat in July 2024

Date and DayAuspicious TimingsNakshatraTithi
03rd July 2024, Wednesday07:09 AM to Next Day 05:50 AMRohini, MrigashirshaTrayodashi
14th July 2024, Sunday05:53 AM to 05:25 PMChitraAshtami
15th July 2024, Monday07:18 PM to Next Day 00:29 AMSwatiDashami
17th July 2024, Wednesday05:54 AM to 09:02 PM AnuradhaAnuradhaEkadashi
22nd July 2024, Monday05:56 AM to 01:11 PMShravanaPratipada
26th July 2024, Friday02:29 PM to 11:29 PMRevatiShashthi
31st July 2024, Wednesday05:58 AM to 03:54 PMRohini, MrigashirshaEkadashi

Vehicle Purchase Muhurat in August 2024

Date and DayAuspicious TimingsNakshatraTithi
02nd August 2024, Friday10:58 AM to 03:26 PMPunarvasuTrayodashi
09th August 2024, Friday06:01 AM to Next Day 06:01 AMHasta, ChitraPanchami, Shashthi
19th August 2024, Monday06:03 AM to Next Day 05:45 AMShravana, DhanishtaPurnima, Pratipada
23rd August 2024, Friday10:38 AM to 07:53 PMRevatiPanchami
26th August 2024, Monday03:55 PM to Next Day 02:19 AMRohiniAshtami
28th August 2024, Wednesday06:05 AM to 03:52 PMMrigashirshaDashami
29th August 2024, Thursday04:39 PM to Next Day 01:36 AMPunarvasuEkadashi

Vehicle Purchase Muhurat in September 2024

Date and DayAuspicious TimingsNakshatraTithi
05th September 2024, Thursday12:20 PM to Next Day 06:06 AMHastaTritiya
06th September 2024, Friday06:06 AM to 03:00 PMHasta, ChitraTritiya
08th September 2024, Sunday06:06 AM to 03:30 PMSwatiPanchami
15th September 2024, Sunday06:11 PM to Next Day 06:07 AMDhanishtaTrayodashi
16th September 2024, Monday06:07 AM to 03:09 PMDhanishtaTrayodashi

Vehicle Purchase Muhurat in October 2024

Date and DayAuspicious TimingsNakshatraTithi
07th October 2024, Monday09:46 AM to Next Day 02:24 AMAnuradhaPanchami
13th October 2024, Sunday06:12 AM to Next Day 06:12 AMDhanishta, ShatabhishaDashami, Ekadashi
16th October 2024, Wednesday20:40 AM to Next Day 06:13 AMRevatiPurnima
17th October 2024, Thursday06:13 AM to 04:20 PMRevatiPurnima
21st October 2024, Monday06:14 AM to Next Day 05:50 AMMrigashirshaPanchami, Shashthi
24th October 2024, Thursday06:15 AM to Next Day 01:57 AMPushyaAshtami
30th October 2024, Wednesday06:17 AM to 01:14 PMHastaTrayodashi

Vehicle Purchase Muhurat in November 2024

Date and DayAuspicious TimingsNakshatraTithi
10th November 2024, Sunday09:00 PM to Next Day 06:22 AMShatabhishaDashami
13th November 2024, Wednesday01:00 PM to Next Day 03:10 AMRevatiTrayodashi
17th November 2024, Sunday09:05 PM to Next Day 06:26 AMMrigashirshaTritiya
18th November 2024 Monday06:26 AM to 03:48 PMMrigashirshaTritiya
20th November 2024, Wednesday06:27 AM to Next Day 06:28 AMPunarvasu, PushyaPanchami, Shashthi
21st November 2024, Thursday06:28 AM to 03:35 PMPushyaShashthi
28th November 2024, Thursday06:32 AM to Next Day 06:32 AMChitra, SwatiTrayodashi

Vehicle Purchase Muhurat in December 2024

Date and DayAuspicious TimingsNakshatraTithi
05th December 2024, Thursday05:26 PM to Next Day 06:37 AMShravanaPanchami
06th December 2024, Friday06:37 AM to Next Day 06:37 AMShravana, DhanishtaPanchami, Shashthi
08th December 2024, Sunday09:43 AM to 04:02 PMShatabhishaAshtami
11th December 2024, Wednesday06:40 AM to 11:47 AMRevatiEkadashi
15th December 2024, Sunday06:42 AM to Next Day 02:19 AMMrigashirshaPurnima, Pratipada
23rd December 2024, Monday09:08 AM to 05:07 PMHastaAshtami
25th December 2024, Wednesday06:47 AM to Next Day 06:47 AMChitra, SwatiDashami, Ekadashi
26th December 2024, Thursday06:47 AM to 06:09 PMSwatiEkadashi

Shubh Vehicle Purchase Muhurat

Buying a vehicle is a dream that most of us hold in our lives. Many of us wish to purchase our dream vehicles and see the world on it. But did you know that purchasing a vehicle on the right Muhurat is just as important as thinking about the aspects of the vehicle? A vehicle purchase Muhurat is a special Muhurat or auspicious timing which allows us to buy our favourite vehicle at the right moment so that it receives the blessings of the Gods and stays in the best possible condition.

The list of Vehicle Purchase Muhurat has been created to make things easier after thorough research and analysis by experienced astrologers and Pandits. It is also essential to note that this Vehicle Buying Muhurat 2024 list will allow people to understand the importance of Vehicle Purchase Muhurat and how Shubh Kaaj or auspicious work should be done on auspicious Muhurats.

Muhurats Are Based on Nakshatras!

As we are already aware, Muhurats are usually based on Nakshatras. They are highly promising because while they account for Nakshatras and their positions, they also pay attention to the other celestial bodies. This ensures more accuracy and positivity, and one can choose the right Muhurat for themselves after careful analysis of their desired days, dates, and timings. Read more to find out the auspicious dates of vehicle purchase in 2024!

If you often wonder, “Which day is good for vehicle purchase?”, “Which is the best day to buy a car as per astrology?” “Which is an auspicious day to buy car?” or “Which is the best bike purchase Muhurat?”, then this page will help you know about all the auspicious days of 2024 when you can purchase your ideal vehicle. A vehicle purchase Muhurat is an essential part of buying a vehicle, and people often consult astrologers or Pandits before making a decision.

Here are the essential things one should consider while purchasing a vehicle in terms of astrological Muhurats. In addition, people should also go through the Vehicle Purchase Muhurat 2024 list, which will give them an idea of all the auspicious dates of each month when they can buy a vehicle based on nakshatras. These Muhurats are for people aiming to buy a vehicle in 2024.

Meaning and Significance of Vehicle Purchase Muhurat

While Muhurat are special timings which are ruled over by Nakshatras and are an essential part of any celebration, Vehicle Purchase Muhurat provides the best day to buy a car as per astrology or the right time to get your bike or two-wheeler. In short, Car Purchase Muhurat and Bike Purchase Muhurat are some of the branches of Vehicle Purchase Muhurat.

However, this particular area of Muhurats is not just limited to cars or bikes. Individuals can buy any vehicle on the auspicious days under Vehicle Purchase Muhurat astrology. The meaning and significance of Vehicle Purchase Muhurat relates to the idea behind this branch of Muhurat and how it impacts people's lives.

Muhurats hold a special place and importance in our daily lives, and are an essential aspect of Hinduism. Individuals often find themselves in touch with several astrologers in search of the best Muhurat for certain events. Similarly, people also refer to Pandits and astrologers while buying a vehicle. An astrologer studies the planetary positions of a month and proposes with a right Muhurat, but this process can be long.

However, Muhurats are essential because of their power to make way for the blessings of Gods and Goddesses and remind people that tasks undertaken and completed under certain auspicious Muhurats have high chances for success and will always receive the grace and blessings of the deities. Also, Vehicle Purchase Muhurats, in particular, are important because they will ensure that your vehicle stays protected from harmful energies and is at its best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Vehicle astrology is a particular branch of astrology that deals with buying vehicles, choosing the right vehicle, and the timings of buying vehicles according to astrological calculations and predictions.
While one should always consider Vehicle Purchase Muhurat while buying their vehicles. When choosing the day for vehicle purchase, Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays are considered lucky.
The planets Saturn and Venus are responsible for vehicle purchases. As we know, Saturn governs people’s efforts and hard work, and Venus rules over material comforts and dreams. Thus, Venus is responsible for acquiring a vehicle, and Saturn will help speed up the process of buying the vehicle.
The Nakshatras Swati, Punarvasu, Dhanishta, and Shatabisha are highly promising for buying a vehicle, and individuals should consider these Nakshatras while choosing a day for their bike or car delivery.
While there are Muhurats for every month when it comes to Vehicle Purchases, buying a vehicle in February and March is considered lucky. Moreover, one can also choose to buy their vehicle around Diwali.
There are several factors in play when considering when to buy a vehicle as per astrology. One should consider the Nakshatras, the days, the special timings, the Tithis, get in touch with astrologers, and then make an informed decision before buying the vehicle.
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