Nails In Astrology

What does nail shape predict? Many people may have this question. Well, the types of nails in astrology indicate numerous things about an individual. According to nail astrology, the original shape and colour indicate a lot about your personality. From behavioural characteristics to personality traits, an individual’s nails can tell a lot about their lives.

So, let’s dig into the world of Nail Astrology and learn what the different types of nails have to tell about an individual’s personality.

Types of Fingernails in Palmistry

Not all individuals have the same types or colours of their nails. So, all individuals differentiate according to the types and shapes of their nails. However, to learn about your characteristics and what nail shape predicts, you can read about all the nail shape types and what the nail shape chart reveals about your personality traits mentioned below.

Vertical Long fingernails

People with long vertical nails have very pleasing and attractive personalities. Their minds are always filled with innovative ideas, and so their personality makes them more confident. These people are the ones who are very insecure about how they look and present themselves before anyone.

Moreover, these people are very loyal in relationships and always prefer behaviour rather than wealth and appearance. These are some of the positive traits of these people. One of the negative traits of these people is that they trust people very easily and expect a lot from their partners, which causes them to end up getting hurt. So, they must be very cautious when it comes to trusting and believing in someone.

Wide Fingernails

Natives who have very wide nail shape meaning, according to Palmistry, indicate that they are open-minded and don't choose to keep their feelings to themselves. They aren't afraid to speak out their heart and mind, which means they are very expressive about their thoughts and feelings. When it comes to relationships, these people can let their feelings flow like water in the river without hesitation.

Also, people with wide fingernails use their left brain more than their right brain. However, if these people have to communicate with people using their right brain, they will face issues because they will be speaking out of their brains and not out of their hearts.

Rounded or Oval Fingernails

The natives with Oval or round-shaped nails are very adaptable and are conditioned to adjust to any situation. This is one of the best qualities these natives have, which can help them make great life decisions and adapt to any situation. Moreover, they are people whom you can trust blindly, which is why they are the ones everyone looks up to.

However, due to these adaptable characteristics, you will encounter greater opportunities in life. Therefore, it will empower you to do better in life. Also, you have to work really hard and put in all your efforts to make things work in your favour because luck will not always be your best friend.

Squarish Fingernails

People with square nails usually appear to be males who are very brave and straightforward. They have sharp and sober minds but aren't very flexible, which means they aren't more expressive. However, these people are focused on their ambitions and goals in life. According to astrologers, they will have a smooth relationship, but due to their stiff nature, they aren't able to open up with their partners and are hesitant to pour out their feelings.

Furthermore, they have the tendency to become a leader because they are brave enough to lead a team. Moreover, they want things to be perfect, and thus, even the slightest mistake in the task makes them anxious and nervous, which leads them to be under pressure. Also, the best remedy for this is you must focus and give your best without thinking much about the outcome and results.

Triangular Fingernails

Natives with Triangular Fingernails are very elegant and good-looking. However, they are always noticed by people, but on the other hand, they are also very smart and attentive. They have very intellectual minds because nothing can go unnoticed. Moreover, they are able to pick up the slightest mistake that others may ignore.

Furthermore, these people are susceptible and stubborn. If these people are considering getting into a relationship, they must be very cautious because of their sensitivity. Also, they are very communicative, and no one can beat them in having logical conversations or debates. Also, you must be very aware when you start a conversation with them because they can be very defensive when it comes to something personal.

Almond Shaped

Last but not least, the natives with almond-shaped nails are very reliable, faithful, and sincere. You can trust these people without any doubt because they won't ever disappoint you in any situation. But what nail color says about your health? Well, these people are always working under pressure and take a lot of stress with whatever task they do, which can hamper their health. This is one of the negative traits of these people.

Additionally, they are knowledgeable and find a way to use their brains to keep them engaged. They have solutions to all the difficult tasks, and they always come up with a new and innovative nature, which gets a lot of attention from their colleagues or friend groups.

Features Of Nails In Palmistry

According to Vedic astrology and the Hindu religion, every part of your body indicates something or the other. Likewise, the shape and colours of the nails have a vast influence on predicting the health and future of an individual.

However, the term Samudrika Shastra also, when translated to English, means the Knowledge of Body features. It helps indicate what an individual's future holds. Furthermore, the white or black lines on nails in astrology predict an individual's characteristics, traits, and habits and also reveal the illness or diseases of the human being.

  • White Curved Mark:

This mark on the tip of the finger looks more like a half-moon. The person who have such marks on their fingers tends to hear good news from their friends and families. Moreover, it also brings luck and good fortune, which can have an optimistic impact on their life.

  • Several white marks on their nails:

People with tiny but several white dots in their nails indicate that there will be a delay in their marriage. However, if the person is already married, they will have several reasons for conflicts and arguments in their married life. Also, these people tend to catch the habit of lying, which is one of the negative traits of such people.

  • Black patches or lines:

A person may encounter unwanted circumstances in life that could make a great mess if there are any black patches or black lines on nails astrology. Also, they need to be very mindful of spending because they can easily escape your grasp.

Also, they frequently receive unpleasant insults, which can ruin their social circle and become a hot social topic. They must also exercise extreme caution when it comes to anger because it can spark the strongest arguments and conflicts, which can severely impact your reputation.

  • White mark on the thumb

These people have the tendency to receive some materialistic surprises or gifts that can be very luxurious, and it will be a present that they have wanted for a long time. Also, they will come across some pleasant news that can have a huge change in their life. Moreover, they will be able to fulfil all their long-term desires.

  • A white dot on the small finger:

People with white patches on their little fingers will have several opportunities to travel and take frequent trips. Moreover, they will feel refreshed and stress-free due to vacations, and they prefer to take solo trips most of the time. Also, they can make profits and expenses while travelling, which can bring happiness and joy.

  • A white dot on the ring finger:

These people are more inclined toward hard work and goal-oriented behaviour. They are able to take on critical jobs and responsibilities in life since luck and good fortune are always on their side. Also, they possess the ability to do every activity independently and maintain the desire to stand on their own.

  • A white dot on the middle finger:

People with white dots or patches on their middle fingers are surrounded by enemies who tend to block their path to success and try to spoil their reputation among their friends.

  • A white dot on the index finger:

People with such marks on their index fingers tend to find new, loyal, and trustworthy friends. They also tend to have a pleasant feeling for someone, which can later turn into a relationship.


Worried about your marriage?


Frequently Asked Questions

According to astrology, nails indicate ego, so one must cut down one's ego when it grows, or else it can be harmful to one's health as well as one's personal life. Moreover, cutting nails has a different significance every day.
The planet Rahu is very significant for your nails. However, if you are facing frequent issues with your nails or you're habituated to biting nails, you must consult astrologers who can guide you to get through such problems.
Nails are crucial for your career and future. If your nails do not have an area at the base, you are at high risk of misfortune, and your luck will not favour you. However, if you have a lunula in your thumb, you will often receive good news, and your health will always favour you.
If you have ever noticed, you start getting severe hair fall if you do not sleep properly due to extreme stress. Likewise, it also affects your nails, where your cuticles start turning dark brown, and you'll notice fine lines in your nails.
Monday, also known as Somwar, can be the best day to cut your nails because this day is associated with our minds. Thus, cutting your nails on Monday can positively affect your state of mind and health.
According to Hinduism and Vedic astrology, Mangalwar is auspicious as it is a day dedicated to Lord Hanuman. People fast and offer prayers to Goddess Laxmi and Lord Hanuman for prosperity and good fortune.
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