six of cups image

सिक्स ऑफ कप्स टैरो कार्ड का अर्थ

In a tarot reading, the Six of Cups card revolves around happy memories and nostalgia. Also known as the ‘happy memories' card, this Minor Arcana card reminds you to find happiness in the present moments and never let go of your inner child. However, sometimes, its appearance can also indicate a reconnection with someone from the past.

Main Features of Six of Cups

Let's explore the Six of Cups more in tarot reading! But first, let's look at its main features: elements, planets, zodiac signs, and much more!

  • Parts of Six of Cups Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Water
  • Planet- Sun
  • Zodiac Signs- Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
  • Yes or No Card - Yes
  • Crystal- Emerald

सटीक भविष्यवाणी के लिए कॉल या चैट के माध्यम से ज्योतिषी से जुड़ें

Six of Cups Card Symbol Meaning

In the pictorial representation of the Six of Cups tarot card, the major spotlight of the image is the six chalices or cups filled with white lilies. Below is the detailed meaning and representation of each symbol used in the Six of Cups tarot image:

  • Two Children: The scene of two children offering a cup of flowers to one another seems peaceful and calm. It shows their strong friendship bond, love and care for each other. The card teaches us the value of sharing and charity.
  • Six Cups: The major element of the Six of Cups picture, the six cups hint at growth and development. Sometimes, the cups in tarot card readings tell us about the individual's current emotional state.
  • White Flowers/ Lilies: The white flowers or lilies shown in the Six of Cups tarot picture represent purity, innocence, childishness, and immaturity. In some places, the white flower is also used as a symbol of the first and innocent love.
  • The Castle/ Manor House: The castle or manor house shown in the picture revolves around the warmth, security, and affection our home provides. It also showcases the familial wealth a person enjoys.
  • Guard/Soldier: The guard or soldier standing in the back represents safety and security. The two children playing with flowers are safe and secure, away from any harm.

Six of Cups Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The 6 of Cups meaning may differ in the upright and reversed position. So, let us look at the different meanings of 6 of Cups one by one:

Six of Cups Upright Meaning

Also known as the ‘Nostalgia card’ or ‘Childhood Card’, the Six of Cups upright revolves around the energies of childhood, happy memories, healing and comfort. Getting this card in a tarot reading is a sign of reconnection with someone from your past. It could be an old friend of yours or even a past lover.

Six of Cups Reversed Meaning

The appearance of Six of Cups in reverse position senses that you are still stuck in your past. Maybe you enjoy the comfort and warmth of the good old times and do not want to return to reality. In this case, the 6 Cups reversed card asks you to move on from your past, even if it provides happiness and relief.

Six of Cups Aspects6 of Cups Upright6 of Cups Reversed
LoveHealing and Happy MemoriesStruggle with moving on
CareerA Fulfilled JobLack of creativity at work
HealthAttention to lifestyle choicesHealth issues
FinanceReceiving financial giftsFinancial independence
SpiritualityForgiveness and reconnectionAffected spiritual journey

Six of Cups Meaning in Love

Upright: The appearance of the Six of Cups upright card in a love reading suggests that someone from your part may reenter your life very soon. This could be a relationship that ended abruptly or an old friend you lost touch with. Reconnecting with them may bring back old and happy memories. For couples, the 6 of Cups card suggests open and honest communication.

Reversed: The Six of Cups reversed love suggests a lot is happening in your love life right now. It may indicate that a once passionate relationship has become boring, dull, and dead due to unresolved past issues. The past pain may be preventing you from being open to love again. So, 6 of Cups advice is to open your heart and step out of your comfort zone.

Six of Cups Meaning in Career

Upright: The Six of Cups career card hints at a stable and fulfilling career but with a little twist. For working-class professionals, it may indicate returning to an old job, profile or company. However, it is important to remember the reasons that lead you to move on to other things. For business owners, the Six of Cups upright career career card signifies a turning point.

Reversed: The Six of Cups career suggests feelings of boredom and dissatisfaction in your professional life. This may be due to repetitive work or work without creativity or passion. Another Six of Cups tarot card meaning in career is that your work or job is associated with the people who have dealt with past emotional trauma and are underprivileged.

Six of Cups Meaning in Health

Upright: The Six of Cups in Tarot indicates a focus on health and well-being. This card reminds you to pay attention to your lifestyle choices and take care of your health. If someone around you has not been well, it is important to look after them. Furthermore, the other 6 of Cups tarot card meaning is a positive sign of pregnancy.

Reversed: Health-wise, the 6 of Cups highlights the unresolved traumatic incidents you may have gone through in the past. Due to these unresolved issues, your health seems to suffer. In addition, the 6 of Cups in reverse position is a bad sign for females trying to conceive. It tells that maybe their current health issues are causing problems in pregnancy or conceiving.

Six of Cups Meaning in Finance

Upright: One of the strongest and most positive cards in tarot, the Six of Cups is all about receiving monetary gains, support, and gifts. Soon you may experience financial abundance through family inheritance or support from parents. Getting this card means seizing financial opportunities while being careful of becoming overly dependent on others.

Reversed: In financial matters, the Six of Cups reversed brings financial freedom and independence. You are no longer rely on your parents for financial support, instead have learnt how to handle finances. The appearance of 6 of Cups reversed reveals that now you are ready to take risks and move out of your comfort zone.

Six of Cups Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: Spiritually, the 6 of Cups meaning is to avoid complexity in spiritual practices. It reveals that maybe you are using way too complicated or complex spiritual practices that are not even required right now. Basically, the Six of Cups tarot card tells you to go back to basics and find out the ways through which you can establish a strong connection with your inner soul.

Reversed: The 6 of Cups reversed meaning is to let go of the spiritual beliefs. The card senses that you may be still holding onto past memories and spiritual practices and are not ready to let them go. The 6 Chalices tarot card wants to make you remind that the longer you hold onto the old spiritual beliefs, the farther away you will be pushing your spiritual destination.

Six of Cups Yes or No Meaning

In a yes or no tarot reading, the Six of Cups solely focuses on the energies of comfort, childhood, and happy memories. So, let us take a look at the hidden meanings of the Six of Cups yes or no reading and see how quickly it solves your query!

  • Upright: Yes: Pulling a 6 of cups yes or no upright in a yes or no tarot reading means a green sign or ‘yes’. This card encourages you to let go of the things that are stopping you from going after your passion and goals.
  • Reversed: No: If you pull the 6 of Cups reversed yes or no card, the answer is a ‘big no’. The card senses that you are currently dealing with unresolved past issues. This is why you are not acting upon the opportunities right before you and choose to let them go.

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले सवाल-

टैरो कार्ड में सिक्स ऑफ कप्स अतीत की खुशनुमा यादों और पुरानी यादों के बारे में है। यह कार्ड हमें वर्तमान का आनंद लेने और मासूमियत को संजोने की याद दिलाता है। यह कार्ड अतीत के किसी व्यक्ति, जैसे कि किसी पुराने दोस्त या प्रेमी से फिर से जुड़ने का संकेत भी देता है।
कप के 6 का मतलब है कि पाठक को उन पिछली घटनाओं को भूल जाना चाहिए जो उन्हें आगे बढ़ने से रोक रही हैं। यह पाठक को वर्तमान पलों का आनंद लेने और वर्तमान में जीने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करता है।
सिक्स ऑफ कप्स के भविष्य में प्रेम संबंधों के लिए एक सुखद और शांतिपूर्ण चरण का पता चलता है। कार्ड संकेत देता है कि जल्द ही पाठक तनाव और चिंताओं को पीछे छोड़ देगा और लापरवाह हो जाएगा। यह रवैया उसके व्यक्तिगत और प्रेम संबंधों को लाभ पहुंचाएगा, जिससे उसे आनंद की अवधि मिलेगी।
कप्स सूट का छठा कार्ड, सिक्स ऑफ़ कप्स टैरो कार्ड, पुरानी यादों, खुशनुमा यादों और बचपन की ऊर्जाओं से संबंधित है। टैरो कार्ड रीडिंग में, सिक्स ऑफ़ कप्स का दिखना आम तौर पर सकारात्मक होता है और अपने अंदर छिपे बच्चे को संजोने और उसकी देखभाल करने और उसके नेतृत्व का करने का संकेत देता है।
सबसे सकारात्मक कार्डों में से एक, सिक्स ऑफ कप्स हां या ना एक 'हां कार्ड' है। यह पाठक को अपने अतीत की यादों को संजोने और अपने भीतर के बच्चे का ख्याल रखने के लिए कहता है। 6 ऑफ कप्स हां या ना का दिखना एक संकेत है कि किसी व्यक्ति को अपने सपनों और जुनून का पूरे दिल से पीछा करना चाहिए।
सिक्स ऑफ कप्स वाले व्यक्ति को बचपन की खुशनुमा यादों में जीना पसंद होता है। ऐसा करने से उसे राहत, गर्मजोशी और आराम मिलता है और यह उसके छिपे हुए बचपन के व्यक्तित्व को जीवित रखता है।
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