the world image

The World Tarot Card Meaning

One of the positive tarot cards, The World card, revolves around success, accomplishments and new possibilities. The card hints that you have achieved a big goal and everything is coming together perfectly. The journey of your hard work ends, and now is the time to celebrate your achievements.

Main Features of the World

Before learning its symbolic meaning, let’s look at the main features of the World Tarot. Learn about its elements, planets and zodiac signs below!

  • Parts of the World Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Earth
  • Planet- Saturn
  • Zodiac Signs- Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius
  • Yes or No- Yes
  • Healing Crystals- Turquoise, Lepidolite

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The World Card Symbol Meaning

The World tarot card shows a dancer in the centre surrounded by a wreath. Let us learn the meaning and representation of each symbol of the card in detail:

  • Dancer: The dancer in the centre represents completion and balance. She is in the mood of celebration as she has achieved something big.
  • Wreath: The wreath surrounding the dancer symbolises victory and accomplishment.
  • Two Wands: The two wands in the dancer’s hands represent balance and control over our destiny. It also represents endings and new beginnings.
  • Four images at the corner: The card features four images- a lion, a bull, a man, and an eagle. These aspects refer to the four zodiac signs: Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio.

The World Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

Before we briefly understand the meaning of the World card in different areas, let’s examine its upright and reversed meanings quickly.

The World Upright Meaning

The World tarot card Upright says you are ready to take things to the next level. Soon, everything will go smoothly per your plans, and you will experience success in all aspects of your life. The appearance of the Upright World card gives you a chance to celebrate your efforts, wins, and accomplishments.

The World Reversed Meaning

The World tarot card reversed is about failures, challenges, rejections, and delays. Your wrong attitude or emotional approach is why you are facing problems and not reaching your goals. Getting the reversed card means that you must look at things from a logical angle rather than an emotional one.

The World AspectsThe World UprightThe World Reversed
CareerAchieving career goalsLack of motivation
LoveJoy and growth in love lifeEnding relationship
HealthHealing and recoveryFailed remedies
FinanceFinancial blissFinancial crisis
SpiritualitySpiritual satisfactionDisconnection from journey

The World Meaning in Love

Upright: The appearance of the World tarot card in love reading is all about healing, joy, new possibilities, and growth. You are finally in a relationship where all your needs are met. Moreover, the World tarot card relationship predictions say things are bound to get better between you two.

Reversed: As per the World Tarot love card, your relationship is slowly reaching an end. Maybe you are taking your partner for granted or are not making enough effort to keep the relationship lively. You must give the love, attention and care your partner deserves and rework your relationship.

The World Meaning in Career

Upright: The World in Tarot Card career reveals you will achieve all your professional goals. Your potential, consistent efforts and positive work environment will allow you to build your dream career. When this card appears, it is time to appreciate your efforts and not let external factors affect your aspirations.

Reversed: The World tarot card career reveals your inability to fulfil your professional commitments. You desire to complete all the tasks and gain the recognition of your colleagues, but procrastination and lack of motivation come your way. So, the reversed World tarot card wants you to make the necessary changes and work with determination and full drive.

The World Meaning in Health

Upright: The World tarot card health card revolves around healing and recovery. Your health is bound to improve, and any symptoms disturbing you will fade away. If you are planning to get pregnant, then the World tarot card pregnancy reading says there are high chances for you to have a healthy baby.

Reversed: The World tarot card health reading hints at failed medical remedies and therapies. You are suffering from several health issues, and none of the plans are working out. So now, the Universe urges you to try something new, refer to medical professionals, and do what is best as per medicine.

The World Meaning in Finance

Upright: Regarding your finances, the World tarot card money reading highlights new opportunities and surprises coming your way. You can expect some bonus, financial help from your loved ones, or economic rewards. Not only this, but you will save more and become financially independent.

Reversed: The World Tarot Card Money reading suggests stuck finances, lower income and financial crisis. You are someone who has fallen into the trap of quick money-making schemes. If you wish to save more and make good use of your money, then be smart and make wise financial decisions.

The World Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: The Upright World card's appearance brings you a deep sense of spiritual satisfaction. You have overcome challenges and have gained clarity about your life’s purpose. Soon, you might feel inspired to learn new spiritual activities or explore spiritual paths. The card suggests you share your knowledge with others.

Reversed: The appearance of the World reversed card in a spiritual reading suggests a disconnect from your spiritual journey. To remove this stuckness, the card wants you to try and explore something new and exciting. Also, if you haven’t fully committed to your spiritual journey, now is the time to make true efforts.

The World Yes or No Meaning

Drawing The World tarot card yes or no tarot reading is considered positive and focuses on achievements, success and completion. Let us look at how quickly its meaning changes in the upright and reversed position:

  • Upright: Drawing the World yes or no is a strong yes. It means you have completed a major goal and are ready for the next adventure.
  • Reversed: The Reversed World tarot card yes or no, is a negative sign. It means you need to learn much more before reaching your goal.

Frequently Asked Questions

The World Tarot card has a mix of four zodiac signs- Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio. All these four zodiac signs represent the four elements of the zodiac.
The World tarot card means completion, success and joy. It means you are about to enter a new phase filled with balance, growth and peace. You will achieve your goals and gain success.
The World tarot card as feelings, says that there is balance in your life and that you know how to manage your emotions. In addition, all your relationships prosper.
The World tarot card as a person establishes the idea that you have learnt your lessons. He is someone who is aware of their surroundings and is wise.
The World tarot card of the day says that you are finishing something important in your life. It could be a task, a goal or a major responsibility. Now, you must be ready for the next chapter of your life.
When it comes to yes or no tarot reading, the appearance of the World tarot card is a positive sign. It says that an individual must move forward since opportunities and success await him.
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