the lovers image

The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning

The Lovers tarot meaning revolves around relationships, choices, and connections. It shows strong bonds between people and teaches us to make decisions with heart. Additionally, it reminds us to stay true to our values in any relationship. Getting this card is a sign to make choices that feel right in the heart.

Main Features of The Lovers

Before looking at the Lovers Card Symbol's meaning, let us look at its key features, including associated elements, zodiac signs and more!

  • Parts of The Lovers Tarot: Upright and Reversed
  • Element-Air
  • Planet-Venus
  • Zodiac Signs- Libra
  • Yes or No- Yes
  • Healing Crystals- Ruby, Rhodocrosite

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The Lovers Card Symbol Meaning

The Lovers tarot card image shows the Angel Raphael showering his blessings upon two naked individuals. Below is the breakdown of each symbol in the appearance of the Lovers tarot card:

  • Man and Woman: The man and woman in the picture symbolise partnerships, connections and choices we make. These connections could be romantic or personal.
  • Angel Raphael: The angel at the top represents protection and guidance from above. It reminds you that a higher power supports your choices.
  • Sun:The sun and its rays represent happiness, joy, and positivity. They are a clear indication that everything is going well in relationships.
  • Tree of Knowledge: Behind the woman is a tree with a snake. The snake represents knowledge and wisdom. It showcases that learning comes from experiences.
  • Mountain:The mountains in the background show challenges and growth in life. They show that making the choices of love can be a bit challenging but also leads to growth.
  • Clouds:The clouds around the angel represent our inner thoughts and emotions. It shows how sometimes relationships bring confusion and uncertainty.

The Lovers Tarot card- Upright & Reversed

The Lovers tarot has different meanings in the upright and reversed positions. Let us explore each interpretation.

The Lovers Upright Meaning

The Lovers Upright meaning indicates love, passion, harmony, and peace in relationships. It shows that love and balance are present, with both people working together. Getting the Upright Lovers tarot card is a sign to prioritise your relationships and make choices that only feel right deep within you.

The Lovers Reversed Meaning

The Lovers Reversed meaning refers to chaos, tensions and struggles in relationships. It is a sign that you are feeling emotionally disconnected from someone important. So, the appearance of this tarot card comes as a sign to take charge of your life and restore love and balance in your relationship.

The Lovers AspectsThe Lovers UprightThe Lovers Reversed
CareerExciting career opportunitiesNegativity at workplace
LovePeace in relationshipsMiscommunication
HealthMaking the right health choicesPhysical health issues
FinanceMaking the right investmentsInvesting in risky schemes
SpiritualityStrong connection with divineMaterialistic desires

The Lovers Meaning in Love

Upright: The Lovers upright card in a lover reading symbolises deep connections, peace, and stability in relationships. You and your partner have a special connection and enjoy each other's company. Now is an excellent time to consider taking a big step, such as getting married or starting a family.

Reversed: Miscommunication, misunderstandings, and imbalance take charge when the Lovers tarot card appears reversed. You and your partner are not honest with each other and struggle to find common ground. The Lovers reversed card is a sign to prioritise your relationship and let go of anything harming it.

The Lovers Meaning in Career

Upright: The Lovers tarot education and career reading says that you will be presented with several opportunities to advance your career. You must work hard to find a profession that fits your goals and ambitions perfectly. So, the Lovers card wants you to grab the career opportunities as they come.

Reversed: The Reversed the Lovers tarot card hints that things are pretty negative at your workplace, and your colleagues are not supportive. Soon, you may find your coworkers engaged in petty arguments or fights with you. Getting this card is a sign to address all the challenges and difficulties.

The Lovers Meaning in Health

Upright: The Lovers tarot says you all need proper support, care and good medical assistance to overcome any health issue. However, people suffering from heart issues must pay extra attention to their heart’s health. Now is the time to make the right choices for a better and healthier version of yourself.

Reversed: The Reversed the Lovers tarot card hints at health issues that will weaken you physically and emotionally. For females, the Lovers tarot pregnancy card asks to wait and get rid of existing health issues first. You may take it as a reminder to do things to keep yourself healthy and fit.

The Lovers Meaning in Finance

Upright: The Lovers tarot card hints at making tough decisions impacting your financial future. It could mean you must prioritise which big expense you must bear and which to avoid. The Lovers tarot card teaches you that you cannot engage in multiple things regarding financial matters.

Reversed: The Reversed Lovers tarot hints that you have not been paying attention to your finances lately. You might be making choices that are not good for your finances, like investing in risky schemes. With the Lovers card, the Universe wants you to build a happier and more stable financial future.

The Lovers Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: In a spiritual sense, the Lovers tarot card revolves around a deep and strong connection with the divine. Your major focus and priority is gaining as much spiritual knowledge as possible. Moreover, with the help of your spiritual advisor, you are making progress in your spiritual path and making beneficial choices.

Reversed: The Reversed Lovers tarot card in spiritual reading highlights your materialistic desires. It hints that you are so focused on worldly things that paying attention to your spiritual side seems unimportant. The card also points to the romantic relationship between you and your spiritual advisor or guide.

The Lovers Yes or No Meaning

The Lovers tarot yes or no revolves around strong connection, passion and desire. Let us look at how this card guides you to find a yes or no answer in an upright and reversed position:

  • Upright: Yes- Drawing the Lovers tarot yes or no means a ‘yes’. The card hints that your soulmate is out there looking for you. All you need to do is find them.
  • Reversed: No- The Lovers reversed yes or no means a ‘big no’. The card senses imbalances, challenges and hurdles in your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Lovers tarot card meaning in tarot highlights connections, relationships, love and kindness. It also points to the choices we make when it comes to our relationships with others. Moreover, the Lovers tarot outcome is about respect, support and appreciation.
The Lovers tarot card is the sixth number of the Major Arcana. The number 6 and the Lovers tarot card revolve around love, relationships, choices, and commitments. Both of these aspects ask people to act with love and kindness.
The Lovers tarot card meaning love mainly highlights the relationships and choices. It teaches us to maintain peace and balance in relationships and make decisions that align with our heart’s desires.
In a yes or no tarot reading, the Lovers card is a yes card. It hints that all your heart’s desires will be fulfilled soon. All we need to do is go after them and work hard.
The advice of the Lovers card is to make the right choices when it comes to love and relationships. Though making the choices or decisions will be challenging, you need to follow what your heart says.
The place in the Lovers card is considered to be the Garden of Eden. The Lovers tarot card background indicates that love can happen anywhere, and when you are with your lover, every place seems like heaven.
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