the hermit image

The Hermit Tarot Card Meaning

The Hermit tarot card meaning refers to inner realisation and learning. You may soon encounter situations where solitude and self-growth will become your priorities. So, the card encourages you to use this time to move forward, achieve extraordinary things and overcome obstacles.

Main Features of the Hermit

Before looking at the Hermit tarot card meaning, let us look at its key features, including associated elements, zodiac signs and more!

  • Parts of The Hermit Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Earth
  • Planet- Mercury
  • Zodiac Signs- Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
  • Yes or No- No
  • Healing Crystals- Howlite, Kyanite

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The Hermit Card Symbol Meaning

The image of the tarot the Hermit shows a Hermit standing on top of a mountain and holding a lantern. Below is the breakdown of each symbol in the appearance of the Hermit tarot card:

  • Lantern: The lantern stands for wisdom and knowledge. The Hermit uses this lantern as a guiding light to know what’s ahead.
  • Mountains: The mountains symbolise success and spiritual growth. Hermit’s learning and self-discovery helped him reach the top.
  • White Beard: The hermit's white beard shows his experience. It was because of his intellect, knowledge, and learning that he reached enlightenment.
  • Gray Robe: The grey colour of the Hermit’s cloak represents introspection and detachment from worldly possessions.
  • Staff/Stick: The staff or stick the Hermit uses represents strength and support. It is there to help him on his journey.

The Hermit Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

The tarot card Hermit has different meanings in the upright and reversed positions. Let us explore each interpretation.

The Hermit Upright Meaning

The Hermit tarot card upright meaning represents being alone, finding inner peace and spiritual growth. It suggests that soon you will achieve spiritual enlightenment and the fruits of your labour. But all of this is possible only if you let go of external distractions.

The Hermit Reversed Meaning

The Hermit in Reverse meaning, revolves around rejection, fear, and staying away from people. The card hints that you are still stuck in the past and are experiencing mental blockages and challenges. It is time to get in touch with your inner energy and connect with your higher self.

The Hermit AspectsThe Hermit UprightThe Hermit Reversed
CareerExploring new career pathsLack of efforts
LoveGrowth phase in the relationshipLoneliness
HealthFocusing on healthIgnoring health issues
FinanceNew financial investmentsOverspending
SpiritualitySpiritual GrowthIsolation

The Hermit Meaning in Love

Upright: The Hermit love tarot card hints that you and your partner may need to go through a phase of growth and change. For singles, the Upright the Hermit tarot love card says you must stop searching for a relationship and focus on your growth and happiness.

Reversed: The Hermit reversed love card says that you are lonely in your life. You no longer feel connected with your partner; several new conflicts and issues arise. Singles, on the other hand, may face low self-confidence and fear of getting rejected.

The Hermit Meaning in Career

Upright: The Hermit tarot card career says that your current profession is not providing you with the stability you need. You may need to explore new ways to achieve professional stability and success. It would be best for you to seek advice from career counsellors to move out of this phase.

Reversed: The Hermit tarot card career reversed says you are not doing enough to grow your career. You may have the resources, but you're not using them due to laziness or lack of motivation. Getting this card means expanding your network and learning from experienced people.

The Hermit Meaning in Health

Upright: You have been overworking and avoiding caring for your health for quite some time. As a result, you suffer from health issues related to the stomach or gall bladder. So, when the Upright Hermit card appears in your health reading, you must rest and focus on your health.

Reversed: The Hermit upside down tarot card is not positive for your health and well-being. It hints that you have been ignoring the needs of your body. As a result, your mental health suffers, and you deal with fear, anxiety, stress and panic. It is time to take care of yourself and prioritise your physical and mental well-being.

The Hermit Meaning in Finance

Upright: The upright tarot Hermit in finance reading hints now is a good time to start investing in new income and financial growth areas. Someone new will help you explore these new income and earnings. All you have to do is avoid dishonest paths and be wiser when spending money.

Reversed: The Hermit tarot card in reverse advises you to avoid overspending and be smarter with your money. The card hints that you are not doing enough to reach your financial goals. Therefore, you must consult advisors who can show you how to handle finances.

The Hermit Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: In a spiritual sense, the Hermit tarot card upright suggests an excellent time to engage in spiritual activities. However, at the same time, you must focus on spending some time alone. With the Hermit tarot guide, you can use this quiet time to work on your spiritual side and make growth.

Reversed: When the Hermit card appears reversed in a spiritual reading, it reveals that you might be isolating yourself. This isolation causes spiritual disconnection. It is time for you to connect with others to boost your spiritual growth by joining activities like meditation or yoga groups.

The Hermit Yes or No Meaning

Drawing The Hermit yes or no tarot reading is considered positive and focuses on introspection and solitude. Let us look at how quickly its meaning changes in the upright and reversed position:

  • Upright: Yes - Pulling out a Hermit yes or no card means a yes. The card senses that you are on a journey of growth, wisdom and discovery.
  • Reversed: No- If you draw the Hermit Reversed yes or no card, it means no. The card reveals that you are being too hard on yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Hermit tarot card as a person who is intuitive, focuses on his self-growth and loves solitude. They feel detached from the worldly pleasures of life and consider wisdom and knowledge their greatest assets.
The Hermit tarot card meaning relates to deep thought, discovery, and fear. One can learn from everything and no experience is a waste. Moreover, people should always thirst for knowledge, growth, and spirituality.
The Hermit yes or no card is a positive card indicating that you are keen to make growth and progress. It reveals that your hunger for gaining wisdom and knowledge will help you move ahead.
The advice of the Hermit tarot card is to take time for yourself and introspect. It encourages you to use this time of introspection to gain spiritual wisdom.
The Hermit tarot card timing means that whatever the card has predicted may likely occur or take place in the next 25 to 30 days.
The Hermit tarot card as feelings often talk about introspection and self-growth. It suggests that one must avoid getting too emotionally attached to things and focus on gaining clarity and growth.
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