the temperance image

Temperance Tarot Card Meaning

The Temperance tarot meaning is all about balance, waiting, progress, healing, and discipline. This tarot card asks people to sync with the Universe and stay in touch with Mother Nature. It also hints that one should not disrupt the flow and balance of Mother Nature’s rules.

Main Features of the Temperance

Let us explore the main features of the Temperance card, including its elements, planets and zodiac signs!

  • Parts of the Temperance Card- Upright and Reversed
  • Element- Fire
  • Planet- Jupiter
  • Zodiac Signs- Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
  • Yes or No- Yes
  • Healing Crystals-- Malachite

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Temperance Card Symbol Meaning

The image of the Temperance tarot card showcases an Angel holding two cups of water. Let us learn the meaning and representation of each symbol of the card in detail:

  • Yellow Triangle: The yellow triangle in the Temperance image shows how perfectly the spiritual and material worlds are synced or balanced.
  • The Sun: The bright rays of the sun coming behind the angel hint that a period of growth, positivity and happiness is near.
  • Grey colour robe: Grey is a mixture of black and white. In the picture, the grey colour represents the balance between the world's black and white.
  • The Angel: The Angel’s position indicates balance and stability and the role of the higher power (universe) in our lives.
  • Water in Cups: The angel pouring water from one cup to the other showcases the flow of our inner emotions.
  • Foot in Water and Land: The angel’s one foot on the ground showcases a connection to the spiritual world, and the foot in the water showcases the emotions.

Temperance Tarot Card- Upright & Reversed

Before we briefly understand the meaning of the Temperance card areas, let’s examine its upright and reversed meanings quickly.

Temperance Upright Meaning

The Upright Temperance tarot meaning highlights balance, peace and moderation. The card hints that you possess the key to success and happiness. All you have to do is unlock the doors and bring positive changes in your life. So, be patient, maintain a balanced approach and grow.

Temperance Reversed Meaning

The Reversed Temperance points towards imbalance, lack of moderation and spiritual growth. The tarot card hints that you have lost touch with your inner self, and everything is falling apart. Getting this card is a sign to push yourself out of chaos and make big changes in your life.

Temperance AspectsTemperance UprightTemperance Reversed
CareerReaching desired goalsCareer imbalance, conflicts
LoveSafety and security in love lifeLack of communication
HealthGood health and well-beingIgnoring health issues
FinanceFinancial stability and securityPoor finance management
SpiritualitySpiritual progressLost connection from the universe

Temperance Meaning in Love

Upright: The Temperance tarot love feelings indicate happiness, security, safety, and togetherness. It indicates that you and your partner are truly soulmates, and nothing can part you two. The Temperance tarot love single card hints they may soon meet a highly compatible person who will bring joy and bliss to their lives.

Reversed: The Reversed Temperance tarot love card indicates increased misunderstandings, chaos and lack of communication in your relationship. Both of you feel disrespected by the other and are not happy in each other’s company. So, the tarot guides you to solve these issues through collective efforts, open communication and consistency.

Temperance Meaning in Career

Upright: In a career reading, Upright Temperance tarot combinations reveal that your patience and hard work will lead you to your desired goals. The progress might be slow, but your colleagues and superiors will appreciate your devotion and dedication. If you receive a promotion opportunity, the Temperance tarot guides you to think twice before accepting the offer.

Reversed: In an upside down, the appearance of the Temperance card highlights career imbalance, conflicts at the workplace and wrong career decisions. The card advises you not to let external factors affect your career growth. You must use this time to grow, learn new things and release negative energies.

Temperance Meaning in Health

Upright: Per the Upright Temperance tarot card, you will have good health and well-being. But for that, you need to make efforts by yourself. The first step would be to address any underlying health issues or identify areas that have exhausted you. Next, you can change your healthcare regime or lifestyle to enjoy better and more stable health.

Reversed: You have been avoiding health issues for quite some time now. Getting the Temperance card in health reading reminds you to take your health issues seriously. For this, you must make necessary changes in your lifestyle and seek medical help or better treatment if needed.

Temperance Meaning in Finance

Upright: When the Temperance upright appears in a money reading, it says that your current financial position is safe, secure, and stable. You have worked hard to master the art of money management. However, you need to go over your plans occasionally to enjoy the financial bliss.

Reversed: Per the Reversed Temperance tarot card in finance, you lack discipline, moderation, and stability. You go all in when you are spending and don't think twice before making transactions. So, you must review and change your outlook towards money and seek financial advice if needed.

Temperance Meaning in Spirituality

Upright: When the Temperance tarot upright appears in a tarot reading, it hints that the universe and your guardian angels are there to support you. Your focus is to maintain a perfect balance between your mind, body and soul. Soon, this balance will lead you to your desired spiritual path.

Reversed: Getting the Reversed Temperance tarot spiritual card hints at spiritual imbalance and chaos in your life. You are busy dealing with current problems in your life. This is why you have lost connection with the universe. So, it is a reminder from the universe to bring back the balance through spiritual practices.

Temperance Yes or No Meaning

The Temperance tarot yes or no card revolves around balance, harmony and healing. Here is the detailed meaning of the Temperance card in upright and reversed position:

  • Upright: Yes- Getting an Upright Temperance tarot yes or no is a positive sign. The card hints that maintaining balance and being patient will make you successful.
  • Reversed: No - Drawing out a Temperance tarot card in the reversed position is a no. The card wants you to avoid making big decisions at the moment.

Frequently Asked Questions

As a person, the Temperance trusted tarot is someone calm, composed, and balanced. This individual knows how to handle things with practicality, logic, and intelligence. In addition, they are stable, secure, level-headed, and wise.
The Temperance tarot advice says that the individual or seeker should protect their energy and stay away from toxicity. In addition, they should channel their energy in the right place and focus on doing better for themselves.
The Temperance card, also known as the Temperance tarot pregnancy card, represents pregnancy and childbirth. If this tarot card appears for an expectant mother, it indicates that her pregnancy journey will be smooth and she will have a healthy birth.
The Temperance tarot card stands for patience, balance, and knowing your limits. People should know when to stop catering to things and reject aspects that don't serve their purpose.
The Temperance tarot love reading says that good things are coming your way. You can expect to receive several blessings and positivity in your life. In addition, your relationship will also teach you several things that will allow you to grow in life.
In a yes or no tarot reading, the Temperance tarot card is a yes card. It hints that your patience, peace and harmony will help you attract good things in life.
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